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27582353 No.27582353 [Reply] [Original]

>Link pumps over $24
>BTC instantly shits the bed

>Link recovers over $24
>BTC shits the bed harder

>> No.27582387
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hold link
hold btc
long eth

>> No.27582386

classic king shitcoin

>> No.27582412

>being correlated to BTC in altszn

>> No.27582428

If it wasn't such a shit project $1 dollar move up or down wouldn't be a huge resistance for it

I mean come on: Ethereum has pumped fucking $1000 dollars since link august 2020 ath.

It goes up and down like $100 a day, it's just business as usual

With link you are staring at fucking 20 cent "resistance" moves oh wow, it's a fucking total shitcoin that fucking 15 cent downtrend literally decides its fate.

>> No.27582473


Unfortunately this will continue for a long time. ((Market makers))) have decided on specific price points where Link is not allowed to pump and will spend money to keep it there. The same happened around 0,60$, 1$, $4,50 and $12,65. Imo this is probably because they know the value of Link will skyrocket after staking is announced, so why worry about spending money to keep the price low now, when you earn 100x of your money back in the future?

>> No.27582530

ETH put all of its cards on the table years ago.
Link on the other hand has barely gotten started yet.

Everyone from us anons to major financial companies are waiting for staking, mixicles, threshold signatures, enclaves, ...

>> No.27582556
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>what are market caps

>> No.27582758

Link is literally outperforming eth you fucking idiot

>> No.27583273

>muh muh muh muh

It's not you fucking retard

Ethereum has gained 1000 dollars since august 2020

Link has gained 4 dollars

You would be a fucking multi millionaire if literally sold all your link august 2020 and bought ETH with that money you idiot shit kys

>> No.27583422

You're cherry picking the time frame, and you're counting in absolute $ instead of percentages.

>> No.27583506

Based BTC doesn't care what chainstink has to say.

>> No.27583617

fucking retard go stare at your percentages, satoshis or whatever, the truth is that all you fucking bagholding Chainlink retards would have made it x20 if sold all your shit token to Bitcoin or Ethereum in august 2020

Have fun bagholding literal SHIT: a project with no pumpamentals and fucking 10 cent resistances

>> No.27583679


>> No.27583718

this, writing has been on the wall for a long time
blind stinkers just don't see it

>> No.27583724
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>> No.27583811

>go stare at your percentages
Percentages are all that matters.

If BTC goes up $1, that's only a 0.003% gain.
If Link goes up $1, that's a 4% gain.

>you would have made x20 if sold all your shit token to Bitcoin or Ethereum in august 2020
x2.5 if you sold Link for BTC and x2.9 if you sold Link for ETH.

You're really bad at numbers.

>> No.27583913
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cheer up faggot

>> No.27583995

Kek you're just as unsufferable as he is.

>> No.27584091

but I bought link at 40 cents

>> No.27584275

oh look a retarded reddit newfag

>> No.27584718

Good post, anon. You're really getting the hang of this 4channel thing.