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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27582260 No.27582260 [Reply] [Original]

> ez
> affilate
> crypto
> money


>> No.27582455

Google analytics

>> No.27582543
File: 13 KB, 200x200, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CryptoKEK is a community governed analytics tool with API+Ethereum Node services. The app is similar to dextools but without all the bloat and in my opinion the product looks much cleaner. The team who are fully public (The owner does a weekly livestream on youtube under the channel "Cryptokek") and liquidity is locked for 2 years and team tokens are also locked on a vesting schedule.

CryptoKEK intends to have a free version of the app as well as premium features that will include premium analytics + community perks, bots, api access and also access to ETH archive data. You could pay hundreds of dollars a month for access to these features on other platforms.

CryptoKEK is governed by DAO and the direction of the project is literally in the hands of the holders, if you dont like something or you want something implemented you can start a vote and if it gains enough votes the devs will implement it - Possibly they will just implement it either way if its a good idea!

The project only launched a month ago and the beta app has been completely overhauled in less than a month and looks way better than dextools already with more polish to come before the full product is released 1 week into February. You do not want to miss out on this, not only will buying the token bring you profit but the premium features that will be available to you will also help you make even more profits.




LIQUIDITY IS LOCKED 2 YEARS: PROOF (https://etherscan.io/tx/0xbc6fd28e4426917472e3546f840632b0ec117fc519469792637cd8a4d529eede).).

UNISWAP POOL REWARDS ARE AUTO ADDED BACK AS LOCKED LIQUIDITY: PROOF (https://info.uniswap.org/account/0xe269D07aCE139330f0832456aC641f2062Aa19B5).).

LATEST STREAM FROM DEVS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5-QwCXhAMU

>> No.27582564

STC launchap offers 20% of collected ETH
U can encourage some pajeets = stonks

>> No.27582745


This sheet vs stc kek

>> No.27582938

I love crypto for free money like that

>> No.27583007


>> No.27583173
File: 73 KB, 1062x865, 10EB3326-E5FC-4614-8F36-66C647CF71D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27583382

BAO is dead kek

>> No.27583623

Agreed, they links are workin well, check it anons

>> No.27583731

What the fuck? Are you high?

>> No.27583770

Their website says that anons earned over 5k dollars on their link, what the heck is that shit

>> No.27584103

> Student Coin
> best marketing

Non more to say

>> No.27584321
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>> No.27584640


>> No.27584993

Or -90%

STC give u stable profit in 3 months, why taking so much risk and staying poor instead kek

>> No.27585354


>> No.27585952

Imo affiliate marketing is so undervalued in crypto right now. According to the previous bubble, tons of newbies will arrive soon, so this kind of advertisement should push Student Coin very well

>> No.27586521

U re probably right, but fundamentals need to be strong to push the project

>> No.27586819

STC is the most legit project on the market right now

>> No.27587294

They legal team and documentation are truly impressive

>> No.27587722

CargoX (CXO), a real business with real clients and a real working product

>> No.27587788

This aged well

>> No.27588315

Shill STC and get 20%-30% of ETH/STC for every investor from your reflink

Bonus code: Sxabwxs86q

>> No.27589462
File: 51 KB, 683x683, bao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]