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File: 653 KB, 989x4160, JN6S6TA (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2757867 No.2757867 [Reply] [Original]

Now you all know why the Wageslave will always come out on top. The Wageslave contributes to society; even if its for purely a profit enterprise, he is working towards the success of the team, the company, and thus himself.

The Wageslave heads home to his girlfriend, content with a days work. Since he trades crypto in his spare time, he doesn't care that much about the crash; he is confident in himself and thus confident in his investment. He proceeds to make love to his girlfriend, and then falls asleep as a reasonable time so he may get up early and be productive once again.

Meanwhile the NEET cries himself to sleep. He is losing hair worrying about his crypto gains. Since the NEET has nothing else going in life besides his League of Legends clan, he goes online and harasses others and makes post after post on /biz/ and other 4chan boards. The NEET masturbates furiously before falling asleep at 3am.

The Wageslave will always be superior to the NEET. Remember that my biz friends. While the NEET gains experience in his MMORPG and League, the Wageslave gains experience in the real world.

>> No.2757889

lol fag

>> No.2757900

nice meme bro

>> No.2757905
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>> No.2757911

where's the version where wageslave can't stop his self loathing and drowns it in, alcohol until back pain acts up forcing a trip to legit doc who starts him off slow on vics. a year later he's begging his dealer for some sweet sweet black tar heroine.

the pain is real.

>> No.2757914

I was going to argue against you, but that's literally me on the left, only I'm in good shape

>> No.2757919
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>> No.2757935

Post the original

>> No.2757957

Wageslaves don't make enough to fit this picture. The wife has to work as well...

>> No.2757976

That is not the life of a wage slave. Maybe 1 in a million who actually have a job they enjoy or are in management where the people below them do the real work. And the meme doesn't consider kids either.

Real wageslaves:
>get up and wake up your kid screaming they don't want to go to school
>try to get everyone ready without looking like a mess yourself
>take a bus to work in the dark
>call kids school during lunch because they are niggers and acting up and getting in trouble already at 5 years old
>leave work early sacrificing half a day's pay to tend to kids
>take bus to daycare, take bus home with kids, take bus to second job
>make too much to qualify for welfare but too little for anything else

This was the negress who sat next to me at time warner until she eventually got fired for having to leave early for her kids too much. Super glorified life.

>> No.2757991

Meh, I'm a literal (hourly ) wageslave, but I also make usually between 105-115k a year, so that puts me in the top 5% earning category in Canada. Ain't even mad. As long as you have enough money to invest, enjoy your hobbies, free time, and don't have to check your bank account before you buy things, you've got it better than most people, especially if you're younger.

>> No.2757993
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maybe if you're working at mcdonald and are a dropout ,
then u should anhero urself
not worth living

>> No.2758017

Yeah maybe if you are literally a nigger working minimum wage.

Maybe actually parenting children instead of setting them down in front of the TV could work and they wont chimp out.

>> No.2758021
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Time Warner fired black mom
>that pending litigation

>> No.2758036

Haha you cock! This. The wageslave goes to work in a hollowed-out, low wage service sector economy (UK) Inccurs many costs to have the 'privilage' to work (petrol, lunches, work clothes, travel time). Earns jack shit and spend half of it on rent in a scummy houseshare. Plus job is mindless, no prospects and you have to pretend to be 'happy' serving customers. Meanwhile, doley is slinging some drugs, partying and fucking the local trash on long-term benefits with house paid... Who wins?

>> No.2758050

Always wondering who wrote this, It must be afunny cool guy

>> No.2758066
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>> No.2758073
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>> No.2758075

Do people actually share houses beyond college age ?

>> No.2758087

lol, the images on the right is only applicable if you are the business owner or the CEO.

>> No.2758092
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No, that's a richfag with richer parents.

<THIS is a wageslave

>> No.2758097

No wageslave life is pretty shitty. It does make you money to not be a degenerate waste of life but you always feel like crap.

>wakeup just early enough to throw some clothes on and run to work
>start the morning slightly anxious and sweaty from rushing to work
>work work work
>get home, feel too drained to do anything but lie down.
>plan to have a 20 minute nap but end up sleeping for 3 hours
>now youll never get to bed on time tonight
>pick up some pizza because you're too tired to cook and you're starving because you didnt have time to pack a lunch
>surf the web instead of doing anything productive with your off time
>go to bed way too late


>> No.2758106

Not everyone is like you, faggot

>> No.2758114

>be financially unstable and/or black
>Have kids you can't afford

>> No.2758118
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Wageslave here, OP's image isn't really accurate. I wish I was NEET, if I didn't have to pay my bills.

>> No.2758119

Nice meme, but it doesn't account for cases where someone holds a job that they actively despise, a job that contributes nothing but misery and stress and makes them commit suicide or just quit with no backup plan. Many such cases.

>> No.2758122

I can relate to that. Nigger you need to lift and eat right. I work highrise construction and I'm never tired after work, except when I do what you do and eat a pizza.

>> No.2758123
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That sounds a lot like me.

It's not that bad.

>> No.2758126

>take a bus to work
What are you, some kind of europoor? Everyone in my country has a car except for the niggers.

>> No.2758137

>going for drinks at 5am with coworkers
I thought he had a good sleep schedule?
>going to Ibiza and Vegas
>classy and educated
pick one.
Anyway, Wageslave's life sounds boring as fuck. He never reads or uses his brain in any real way. How is he supposed to talk politics and philosophy?

>> No.2758150

I'm a NEET, I'm desperately poor and being trapped in this poverty is terrible, but I'm not sure being a wagecuck would be much better, I know I was if anything MORE depressed as a wagecuck, and had practically no free time. I mostly dropped out of wagecucking back in 2007 because I was consistently so tired after work that I didn't even have time to read, which was my main reason for living. I also had to watch as roasties were given jobs and promoted over me just because they're female (it was actually a moment of NEET vindication for me a month back seeing that my former employer is now 'white ribbon' approved - in other words the employer now complies with the values of an organisation that promotes the lie that domestic violence is basically one-sided enough to exclude males and boys as classes of victims worthy as recognition as victims).

>The Wageslave contributes to society; even if its for purely a profit enterprise, he is working towards the success of the team, the company, and thus himself.

This is simply a lie. Huge sections of the economy are destructive to society and destructive to wealth. Being 'for profit' doesn't necessarily make something bad, but there are plenty of 'for profit' organisations that are doing terrible things. I also worked as a wagecuck in government doing terrible things to people. It would be vastly more beneficial and productive for society to offer a minimum basic universal income and allow people to remain basically as NEETs or to then earn money ontop of this basic income - the amount of brain power and resources destroyed by having a human being turned over to repetitive, soul-destroying, shitty work is amounts to criminal waste.

There's a good video on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddaSYKhXBdM

>> No.2758188

The problem with ubi is that it will never be universal. Lefties hate when people have nicer things than them. So when I start getting UBI, I'll use it for say, another boat, while others are using it just to stay alive, and that's no good. Also if you rely on the government to keep you alive, you're not worth it in the long run. They have no need for you. Cattle-tier.

>> No.2758202


>> No.2758220
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>This is simply a lie

No its not you fedora tipping NEET. What he's saying is that even if the enterprise itself is for profit, the wageslave is still part of a team, internally, and that he contributes to the success of that team. Which is true.

Plenty of people work fufilling wagecuck jobs that contribute to the production of society. Thats how society functions. You know your games on Steam, Steam needs to be maintained right? Who maintains Steam? Wagecucks. Who keeps the lights on? Who keeps your computer on so you can masturbate to Blacked porn? Wagecucks.

>It would be vastly more beneficial and productive for society to offer a minimum basic universal income


*deep breath*


Btw I found a pic of you

>> No.2758237
File: 1.27 MB, 3672x4896, 1499782416764-1838550984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who keeps the lights on?

Pic related

>> No.2758247


>> No.2758262
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both have their benefits although i live at home with my mom and dad but so does everyone in their 20s so who gives a fuck.

pros for working

>money every week
>never have to be tempted to dip into cryptos
>stability of knowing that im skilled in my job, a skill which i can always fall back on
>the satisfaction of finishing hard week at work and opening a refreshing cold beer
>the friends, potential business partners, and future employers you can meet at work.

the pros for being neet

> you can spend your time doing whatever you please, you can learn an artform, write, read play music, exercise, learn a language and have all the time in the world to better yourself as a human. (lol as if neets do this)
>you dont get that dread of knowing youre another rat tomorrow
>you dont answer to anyone

I guess thats it, being a wage slave is better, if youre only stuck with poverty as a NEET

pic related im going to try and read all this fuckers this year, has anyone read any of them and got anything to say about it?

>> No.2758263
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>be jobless while still in school
>want sales job to earn sales experience
>apply to furniture stores
>drive to automall
>"Hi, is your sales manager available?"
>"I'm not expecting a job from yourself or any dealership on this street, I'm looking to get into autosales what do I need to do get started?"
>get car sales license
>get job
>30,000 salary plus commission on every car I sell.
>do shit at selling cars
>dipshit younger manager gives me shit since day one. Brush it off. Threatens to fire me for poor performance a month in.
>dipshit gets fired abruptly the next day by the owner due to him hiding his poor performance in fake deals.
>Continue to under-perform while taking copies of sales training material that will soon be repackaged and sold online next to all the other online bullshit programs.
>Start funneling money into social media stuffs
>Find out that idiots will pay $2,500 a month to manage their social media
>Get three clients through referrals through my co-workers. Co-workers get 10% as long as clients remain signed up.
>Outsource the work to fiverr slaves.
>mfw $2,000 in debt to six figures in 5 months.

>> No.2758268


>The problem with ubi is that it will never be universal...

The main reason I mention UBI is to point out the ridiculousness of how money is spent and invested. Vast amounts of money already ARE transferred. The government for example wants to get me as an unemployed male onto the student rolls, they massively subsidise student fees, loans, etc to keep churning people through this system which then employs people selling trashy qualifications that won't even get used. There are massive amounts of wealth being destroyed. The left will always be able to argue that economic redistribution on some level is necessary... a UBI in theory should satisfy all moral based claims on boths sides of politics... it puts the control in the hands of the individual of how their wealth gets spent, it cuts down on the need for various government programs, etc.


>Plenty of people work fufilling wagecuck jobs that contribute to the production of society...

I never denied this. I said that MANY jobs are not beneficial or productive to society. You mention Blacked porn for example - now I quite enjoy it, and I'm pro porn, but does Blacked add value to society in the way an electrical engineer does??? Does someone who takes a job working for Blacked contribute positively to society to the same degree? Obviously not.

>> No.2758280

Thank you for your service.

>> No.2758288
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>You mention Blacked porn for example - now I quite enjoy it

Stopped reading after that

>> No.2758306

wageslave checking in

>wakup at 11AM
>start working at noon (dat home office)
>make about 1k a week
>employer flies me out to conferences and pays for extra training
>two days a week travel to clients headquarters, they pay for my airbnb and transportation
>coworkers are really nice and respect my contributions

feels comfy af anons
you just gotta find the right field that suits your talents and has high income potential
then you fucking kill it and normies will bow down to kiss the ring

I could literally take my shit and move to thailand next week and keep working form there (in fact spent three years living/working in SEA). eomployer doesnt give a fuck as long as I make him money.

>> No.2758331

What if you're a wageslave with no gf and plays mmorpgs when he gets home? I have .5 Eth so I'm fully prepared to Lambo race on the Moon.

>> No.2758332


wageslave side on ur pic has unrealistic expectations

here's what wagies actually do:

>The wageslave starts his day at 5 AM, waking up just in time to nearly collapse from lack of energy. He stumbles through his closet and washes quickly, knowing that he will be fired if he comes to work late one more time.

>The wageslave's girlfriend hasn't made a meal for him in years, ever since she became more strong and independent. Their relationship is on the brink of collapse, as wagie is in debt and owes 100s of thousands in loans.

>The wagie gets into his 2004 Camry which he has taken a loan out for, much like all his other possessions that cost more than $5000. He accidentally runs over at least 10 traffic cones and the neighbor's cat. Great, another thing to pay off. He makes a stop at the local McDonalds and gets a big mac, large fries, and medium coffee, because he doesn't have the time or energy to cook for himself. The employees are all familiar with him, but don't know him past his order.

>He gets to work, sits in his cubicle, and boots up the computer. He tried to make small talk with his co-workers, but they either ignored him, gave the usual mundane responses, and today a female co-worker reported him to HR for "verbal rape".

>The wagie's meager paycheck is just enough to pay off the minimum amount for his loans every month, and take his girl out every other month.

>After his 9-5 job, he goes back home and immediately passes out. In his sleep, he doesn't realize that his girlfriend is being slammed by Tyrell's 17 inch dick which is subsidized through welfare earned by taxpayers.

>He wakes up tomorrow at 3 because he is starting to suffer from insomnia, and he can't fall back asleep so he wakes up even more tired the next day.

Meanwhile, the neet:

>wake up

>> No.2758341

>about 1000/w
>kiss the ring
nigga you're making 30k a year after tax if you're lucky. You gotta expand homie. Take your employer as a client.

>> No.2758360

>Tyrells 17 inch dick

Literally lol.

>> No.2758381

ur all fags

>> No.2758417

Why is this abhorrent faggot not wearing socks?

>> No.2758435

Listen, some of us are just built for subservience, we can't all be free and independent.

Some of us just have minds that are built to serve, we need superiors to serve, we need to be told what to do and we are happy this way.

If you make money independently and travel the world, living in cheap countries doing what you want when you want with nobody to answer to then good for you, but most of us are built for subservience, and enjoy serving our superiors, we enjoy contributing to something bigger than ourselves. I'm happy when I see my boss has bought a new car with the profits from my hard work.

>> No.2758615

Debt keeps the wageslave in check.

>> No.2758748

>the pros for being neet

>you can spend your time doing whatever you please

for most people that means doing nothing. The reality is most people are not organized/conscientious enough to make good use of their free time.

>you dont answer to anyone
who is providing the NEET with food and shelter?

>> No.2758820

Universal basic income. I wet my pants when you went there.

>> No.2758830

Maybe economically unviable people should be euthanised.

>> No.2759275

And even the worst of it for a wagie is better than the post-30s is for a NEET.

Once those parents are heading toward kicking the bucket age, the NEET is confronted with suicide or homelessness. Finding a job at that point is nigh impossible, more so once you throw in all of the accumulated mental problems from being isolated for years and years.

>> No.2759333

does anyone have the version of this image where they're both miserable, the neet hates his life and his family hates him, and the wageslave hates his job and has no time to do anything

>> No.2759351

150k/year wage slave here. I have all those things except the hot girl. Pussy is so overpriced in the West you need to go overseas to buy it now.

>> No.2759396

>pros of being a neet
>you don't answer to anyone
absolutely false, a neet is always a slave to whoever is providing for them be it family or the government. If you don't do what they tell you then you're out on the street. The only real way to be a neet is if you're already independently wealthy and can provide for yourself. People usually call that retirement though, not neet.

>> No.2759427

Cause major blackout or it didn't happen

>> No.2759429

Tfw wagecuck but live like a NEET whenever I'm not at wot work

>> No.2759449
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>> No.2759597

That's blue collar brainlets.

Hahaha he's talking about the average white male here. And I can tell you're a NEET who doesn't understand how apt that summary is.

This is so accurate it's ridiculous. Only I live in a loft and my girlfriend goes to graduate school. I'm only 23 so don't have the car yet - but honestly life is so effortless and fun that I often feel like I'm cheating. I haven't had a stressful thought since middle school.

>> No.2759915

Fuck contributing to society. I want an easy life.

>> No.2760497

Fuck. This thread is making me want to stop being a NEET...

>> No.2760540

>has a job
>unironically call others normies
>"you just gotta be a normie like me bro"
Technically you're right, but come the fuck on. If you're able to socialise like a normal person and have a brain life is easy mode, telling people to do what you do is meaningless because if they're not you it's because they can't socialize or don't have a brain.

>> No.2760574
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Agreed mid 30s NEET here

already have helium tank + cpap mask added to amazon favorites

>> No.2760583

Nice LARP.

We both know this isn't true.

>> No.2760584

Yuropoor neet in a 2yr relationship with an American girl who travels to come see me. The memes are real.

>> No.2760750
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>I'm only 23 so don't have the car yet - but honestly life is so effortless and fun that I often feel like I'm cheating. I haven't had a stressful thought since middle school.

I pity your rude awakening you poor innocent person

>> No.2760845

>mention my job
>obviously a neet

You are amongst the wisest of young sirs ;)

>> No.2760856


Both of these suck massive dick.

The true master race is the carefree wagecuck.

>live with parents
>get a job
>make cash
>do not have to worry about food, cleaning the place, laundry or any other boring house shit
>do what you want in your spare time without feeling you're not going anywhere because you're saving mad dosh
>can even afford the time for tuition in order to get an even better job and retire earlier

NEETS are digging their own grave and wagecucks living miserable lives are just glorified teenagers who felt like they had to prove something to their parents and social circle by being edgy and living under many struggles.

People who fall for the western propaganda telling you that you should abandon your parents as early as possible and glorifying people whose daily lives are a struggle are idiots who don't know how to maximize what's been handed out to them.

>> No.2760857

>tfw studentslave
>extremely flexible schedule
>but still lots of hours
>sub-minimum wage pay
>but I get to live with mummy so no food or rent
>no control over my life because if I quit it's 9 years down the drain
>but my employment odds go way up once I finish and migt be able to get some cushy low-stress government job
Both some of the best and some of the worst of both worlds.

>> No.2760876

We're similar, but you can't even clean your own semen-encrusted undies so mummy doesn't have to? I'm totally for living at home, but unless you're paying them rent you should at least clean up after yourself.

>> No.2760922

>not having a maid

bitch pls

>> No.2761006

Very accurate
I don't even have a gf and I'm already incredibly drained

It doesn't look TOO BAD on paper, 8:30 hours out of 24
But then: Sleep, 8 hours if you're lucky (I'd have to go to bed an hour earlier just to sleep that long, so -9 hours)
Already at 17:30 hours from 24
Transit, 3 hours total daily <--- This kills me so much
20:30 hours that you can't do shit with
Let's be nice and assume showering/doing chores/making lunch only takes 1 hr (lol)
2:30 to do your thing every day oh BABY now we're talking.

Can't even fucking relax properly, so I end up shaving 2 hours of sleep and ending up with less than 5 every day...still not enough time or sleep

>> No.2761023

both sides are bad, yeah.

>> No.2761038

I was just thinking this. Being a wage slave and NEET both have their ups and downs, and it looks like living at home with a part time job is the best way to go.

>> No.2761244

>The wageslaves gf is happy to please her breadwinner

Oh please. That might have flown back pre 2008 but not that feminism is in full swing women don't need no breadwinner anymore. If you want to wake up next to a pretty girl cooking you food you better be Chad or a millionaire.

>> No.2761834

Must be sad to be Americant.

Euroderp living in the US here making bank and soon to be engaged to a religious girl. Come from a community of other Euroderps who have less than 5% divorce rate in church because raised with morals.

Gf going to be a doctor, am going to be programmer and live good life indebted to God for teh goodness.

Life's looking swell anon.

>> No.2761843

going to be making bank*

Once done with school. Also gf hot af because white European ofc.

>> No.2761846

Women don't actually believe this after they leave college.

>> No.2761927

Here is a hot tip for all you NEETs that don't think they have any options.

Make money for yourself online. There a absurdly large amount of ways to make AT WORST minimum wage with the upper limit being endless.

"But if I do that then i'll just be a different kind of wagecuck!"

I can tell you from experience this isn't true.

Here is how to stop being a NEET 101 in 1 month or less:

Spend 3-5 hours a day 5 days a week (this barely cuts into all your NEET hours) learning, researching and implementing the 10000s of different online models. There is a tonne of resources out there. Dropship, social media advertising, selling shit on ebay or amazon, website shit, SEO.... there is so many options. If you put in 3-5 hours a day you will learn what works and what doesn't and will easily attain, through trial and error, a way to make at worst minimum wage without the restraints of being a wagecuck.

>> No.2761971

Feminism is a fad that doesn't change how women are ultimately hardwired. Plenty of girls would love to be a stay at home mom or at least be able to get by with their shitty psych job. You just have to pretend to not be a beta sometimes.

>> No.2761990


>wageslave wasting money on crypto

No thanks. Not buying that stuff until it's actually backed by a government.

>> No.2762011

I just don't get how people can invest 100k+ in something that is so easy to steal.

Sure you can use all the security measures imaginable but it still by definition is risky to own.

>> No.2762042


If you are a man you should be living on your own. Independence is a large part of masculinity. Its not attractive to have mommy wash your undies and provide a roof over your head.

That's not propaganda, that's life. Women are perfectly justified asking what a man does for a living and figuring how much he makes. The man is the main breadwinner. Women arent attracted to men still dependent on their parents, in fact they are revolted by them.

>> No.2762050

>tfw NEET with healthy social life
The only real tangible difference between me and a wageslave is obviously wageslaves have stable incomes, I have no animosity towards them in fact I sort of admire their drive to stick to schedules. I dropped out of my bachelor's for engineering because I realised that shit is NOT what I want to do with my live, while it's liberating to change such a course in life it's also daunting and frightening, my calling WILL come, I'm sure of it. Until then I'm relishing in this state of limbo.

>> No.2762095

>wake up at 6am
>get breakfast ready and a shower if needed, sometimes skipped
>despair over traffic jams with all the other slaves and parents just to get to work
>spend all these hours just to find out you're only halfway there
>sometimes treat yourself to expensive food to not have everything shit that day
>after finally going through all of that, you sometimes need to stay overtime, true despair seeps in
>on the usual case, get out of work at 5pm for more traffic jams
>at home by 6pm if lucky
>exercise a bit to not die, at least an hour is spent there
>either order more food or spend an hour cooking for dinner and tomorrow
>shower if needed
>you realize it's 9pm and you haven't done anything worthwhile the entire day
>browse 4chan for a bit until you realize you have to go to bed so you don't' feel like absolute trash the next day
>goto this post

>> No.2762131


Anon I'm NEET about to drop out the bottom of society too. I'll be checking back into this thread within the next 12 hours if it's still up. Perhaps we could combine our NEET powers and start an online venture, a 'NEET mutual assistance society' if you will. How motivated are you to find a solution and work with someone else to generate enough income to survive on?