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File: 14 KB, 500x500, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27575428 No.27575428 [Reply] [Original]

Just realized my 10k from back in November because every fiber in my being is telling me to expect a correction in the next two months. Anyone else getting that vibe based on the graph and on recent events drawing casual trader interest to securities or am I just a schizo?

Not FUD btw, I expect to see it at 100k by EOY, I'll just hate myself if I ignore this and lose out on a flip.

>> No.27575466


>> No.27575539

>a correction in the next two months
>BTC goes to $60k
>Corrects to $50k
>See, I told you guise!

>> No.27575594

For risking a loss when I could let it sit and ride the wave to the moon?

>> No.27575633

I'm expecting somewhat of a correction soon too.
Its hard, but I'm holding off for a few weeks at least before I buy.

>> No.27575691

>correction has been going on for weeks, now turning around
>waiting for correction
never change, /biz

>> No.27575704

Set stop losses at places where BTC would have momentum to go down
ez switch

>> No.27575763


Just hold for 10 years stop trading like a faggot

>> No.27575779

Just buy more when it corrects

>> No.27575860

"hey guys my bitcoin stock graph looks wobbly and i invested more money than i can afford to lose"

>> No.27575923

march is historically a good time to buy

>> No.27576008

Yeah. The correction won't be what you're expecting. You won't get BTC for $15k or less for minimum the next 4 years.

>> No.27576270

That is bullshit and you know it, sorry. There will be massive correction in in the following days/weeks.

>> No.27576421

the chart looks exactly as 2019 and 2017. In a matter of days or weeks the market is crashing hard

>> No.27576469

Farthest I see it dropping is maybe 22k

>> No.27576488


>> No.27576865

I didn't say I expect 15k, I'm expecting more like 25k.

>> No.27577350

It doesn't matter. If you care, sell and wait for it to dip then buy back in again
Bitcoin is an investment that you simply forget about until the next big pump, not something you look at every week

>> No.27577632



>> No.27578676

>news is cringe

>> No.27579235

>plebbitors and normies just got burned by joos
>$1400 stimmies in the mail
what do you think they are going to buy?
probably btc, eth and doge
or the usual btc, eth and a top 10 pick
normans like the xrp

>> No.27579270
File: 8 KB, 250x196, 49C89159-54A8-4D1F-A843-2396089BA1FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a 25% pullback after it reached 2x its ATH after 2 years. If that was the bull-run, it was gay - probably the gayest in its history. Considering it’s lining up with one of the biggest normie fag fiascos in a centralized marketplace that fucked them, anyone who had any hope in crypto who is selling is either a momentum trader or has no fucking idea what they’re doing.

>> No.27579299
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>> No.27580202

>Bitcoin is an investment that you simply forget about until the next big pump, not something you look at every week
That really sad and a much different answer to what people would have answered in 2014.
It's supposed to be almost instant trustless peer-to-peer cash with lower fees than bank transfer.
Now it's HODL digital gold that we can't actually use day to day.

>> No.27580329

BTC would have to drop through the massive buy wall at $29k. I feel like there are too many whales now

>> No.27580358

It was never instant; even Satoshi himself said bitcoin is digital gold that you can send over a phone line.

>> No.27580414

could also happen

>> No.27580436

Did you somehow miss that we already had a - 25% correction? Stop trying to be smarter than the market, you'll just lose out on sats

>> No.27580449

>It's supposed to be almost instant trustless peer-to-peer cash with lower fees than bank transfer
and it is, but bank transfers actually improved a lot since bitcoin got released. so the competition was healthy and a wake up call for banksters.

>> No.27580458
File: 49 KB, 716x543, Bitcoin Whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please show me where he said that

>> No.27580488

>not something you look at every week
i look at it like 50 times a day hah, and i still miss out on buying/selling at the right times

>> No.27580491

you cashie faggots never got past the first paragraph did you?

>> No.27580545

It's not at all.
Bitcoin in 2018 had +$100 fees and sometimes took 24hours to get 1 confirmation.
We were supposed to be able to use Bitcoin with a coke machine instantly.

>> No.27580571

Not an argument and not a cashie. I own zero BCH

>> No.27580586

it will drop by like 28-32 percent then bounce back

>> No.27580736

weird you throw around the same retarded arguments they do. you should talk to them you have so much in common.
>We were supposed to be able to use Bitcoin with a coke machine instantly.
is that the most important thing you were missing from your life? really that is what would help with the discrepancy between real inflation and cpi which is the basis of interest? coke machines? coffee? you have problems buying yourself coffee with cash cards or chunk-e-cheese tokens?

fucking hell... just think for a second! it's true that the congestions are inconvenient af. but every time they happen the network becomes more efficient.

>> No.27580809

i've seen this said here a bunch lately. Where is this from ? There's a bunch of new articles around saying it's just about the start of another bull run

>> No.27580856

also if you really want to use vending machines with bitcoin then lightning is just perfect for the job. it is what it was made for. not serious payments not store of wealth vending machines and retail stores. it has good enough transaction finality in seconds (practically instant). it has low fees, and works in times of congestion too.

but it's true too high congestion inconvenience lightning too because the uncooperative close fees.

>> No.27580864






>> No.27580882

>is that the most important thing you were missing from your life?
Look the third world is using Crypto TODAY for purchases. If you goto Zimbabwe, people beat inflation with Waves. They buy their groceries with it. That was the purpose of bitcoin. It was not to be digital gold. There was already DigitalGold when Bitcoin was created. it is what it says it is per-to-peer cash. It's not a hard concept.

It was a way to gain back freedom from Fiat in everyday life. It was NEVER about hodling because you can't use it. It was a commodity and now it's a security.

>it's true that the congestions are inconvenient af. but every time they happen the network becomes more efficient.
How so ? It's not any faster now than when they introduced Segwit

>> No.27580887

"Bitcoin regulation is coming in 6 to 8 weeks"
-Brian Brooks, December 4

google: Janet Yellen BTC or Christine Lagarde BTC or Andrew Bailey BTC

you did the right thing OP. now maybe consider putting some money in XRP

>> No.27580931

It already had a 30% correction and it's been going sideways for weeks.

>> No.27580942

Watch this video if you want to know why Bitcoin corrected.

It's not opinion, he shows exactly on chain who was selling. it's not who you think.

>> No.27580953
File: 718 KB, 968x1090, 3n7j0k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, you do know this is happening tomorrow, right?

You are going to be priced out forever fren

>> No.27581001

the boomers think if they slap *REGULATED* label on something they own it then.
let them... they will be dead in 5 years anyhow.

>> No.27581003

This is just part of the semi annual boomer bull run. Crypto is the future but it'll get there when you'll have a rocksolid rise over a couple of years. This is just bullish sentiment that'll fade in a month just like in 2018 and you'll be left holding bags. Sell now, buy 10x the coins in 2 months and wait for crypto to really take off.

>> No.27581049

next cycle will be 40k bottom.

>> No.27581063
File: 261 KB, 796x1107, Screenshot_20210203-014536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To drive the point home a bit, pic related.

>> No.27581076

i'm happy for them but serious wealth requires serious security. satoshi made sure that bitcoin will never gonna be actual cash when he set the hard cap limit. economically unsound to spend btc willy nilly. would be cool as fuck if i could pay with it in a store tho not gonna lie. but no stores accept it. that's the biggest issue. if i want a store that accepts bitcoin i have to open one.

>> No.27581129

I don't see it happening. Where would people put their money? Stocks are overpriced. Banks don't give any interest.

>> No.27581146

a correction to the correct price of $0
based tho

>> No.27581152

Read the room. We’re about to see a giant explosion of crypto in general, especially when this GME thing concludes. Normies are pissed and looking to rage against the system that’s rigged against them. You’re psychotic if you’re trying to swing the market right now. There is massive momentum shifting, and if someone made a Coinbase account last night out of disgust/defeat, most won’t be approved with KYC until Friday.

>> No.27581169

What's wrong with a hard cap?

>> No.27581202

Yeah yeah everyone is a fucking seer. People were saying this months ago.

>> No.27581224
File: 71 KB, 828x612, 354E038F-8243-4530-8512-A35C7C6F3880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m expecting OP to miss out entirely the bullrun
Imagine waiting for a correction that might never happen and losing a +50% on some major news
Chad market buy, DCA, hold for a decade, that’s the only way to make it

>> No.27581250

There's nothing new that's giving crypto value now that wasn't there in 2018. There wasn't a paradigm shift. Nobody switched to crypto, yet. There is 0 reason this'll play out any differently. We're getting there but it's still years away

>> No.27581303

They don't accept it because of 4-6 confirmations taking hours. My wife sells tons of stuff with Crypto. She recently stopped accepting Bitcoin because it caused her many headaches with people who paid with bitcoin and would have to wait for confirmations. Now she uses Cryptos that are near instant with very low fees. Her customer base was happy to switch over.

Anyway, have to go. Thanks for the mini debate. Have a great day/night

>> No.27581323

>How so ? It's not any faster now than when they introduced Segwit
well it's not true for one. situation compared to 2017 already greatly improved. the mempool is only congested for the lowest fees but works through normal fees fairly quickly.
second lightning allows for exponential scaling with block size. and that's barely getting adopted. i will be honest i never tried lightning, just studied it and fascinated with it, because i have no use case for it in my life. i can't pay anywhere with lightning i can't use it at my exchanges yet... so i'm waiting for that. but each time bitcoin fees go up there is more pressure to transact more efficiently and it pushes micro transactions off-chain.

it's painful but necessary.

>> No.27581343

>There's nothing new that's giving crypto value now that wasn't there in 2018.
Pension funds
Hedge funds
Nasdaq companies

>> No.27581347

10 minutes is instant? Do you live in fuckin africa?

>> No.27581373

>There's nothing new that's giving crypto value now that wasn't there in 2018.
Wrong. The difference is MicroStrategy. See
If you don't think this is a huge deal, you are not paying attention

>> No.27581382

>They don't accept it because of 4-6 confirmations taking hours.
not with lightning. good job ignoring that.
also you don't have to wait for confirmations for an online business just a slight delay in shipping until tx clears.

it's a literal non-issue.

>> No.27581403

He never did. They just like changing the narrative because BTC has no utility apart from being shiny to mongs.
>email or snail mail?
Which do you prefer motherfucker?

>> No.27581430

ah yes looking for more bagholders before the mark down

>> No.27581431

we're correcting to $500k

>> No.27581438

bitcoin on-chain has no 10 minute finality but lightning has few seconds decent finality.

>> No.27581496

There was already a massive correction, you fucking retard.

>> No.27581497

You mean more people buying it? What I mean is a fundamental problem being solved bringing us closer to a decentralized world. Bitcoin was 1. Ethereum was 2. You need 2 more jumps solving TPS and real world data for things to take off. I'm talking about fundamentals being solved. Some boomers in suits buying bitcoin doesn't mean fucking shit.

>> No.27581495

Proof of work is fuckin retarded and slow. It doesn't work on at scale and everyone fuckin knows this.
BTC is a relic and prototype from glowniggers who wanted to kick start the 4th leg of the industrial revolution. These fuckin ideologues thinking they will take down banks. Literally worse than fuckin antifa. Delusional and soon rekt.

>> No.27581518

i prefer beating inflation and central bank fuckery.
that's what was missing from my life. i have two dozen ways to buy coffee. and i don't care about africans and their weird brickphone sms-pay banking.

africa can use nano or whatever shitcoin for their $2 net worth. for millions of dollars you want bitcoin.

>> No.27581588

Are you willfully blind or just retarded?
>muh lightning
kys brainlet

>> No.27581595

tell your wife: "don't be a bitch and set up a lightning node!" the world needs more merchants that accept bitcoin. that is where bitcoin is the weakest.

>> No.27581631

Yeah I expect a correction, in the stock market. That'll bring us to the moon

>> No.27581652

man when people are whining about bitcoin being slow and expensive it's mandatory to throw lightning in their face. because their retarded use case of micropayments is basically what it was made for. and it's better at it than any shitcoin backed by bitcoin layer-1 security.

>> No.27581699

You’d hate yourself far more if you sold before the pump. Decide if you want to gamble.

>> No.27581710

Do you think that TPTB would leave their hegemony up to fuckin chance?
You should listen to how fuckin dumb you sound when you speak out loud.
Beating inflation?
>my sides reaching orbit
Tech is deflationary and in terms of magnitude might as well be the only variable.
You can't actually believe that you have an effect on CBs. You can't be this deluded.

>> No.27581730
File: 98 KB, 996x720, 1562169353244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like one half thinks btc will drop to 20k-30k, other half thinks it will climb to 50k-60k.
What now huh?

>> No.27581782

People that espouse the virtues of BTC and lightning don't understand the concept of scale.
They are literal fuckin NPCs doing chinas bidding and it frustrates me to no end.

>> No.27581821

Just like the last stock market correction...

>> No.27581884

i think you don't understand the concept of scale.
i'm an engineer and software dev. i know what scaling means.
what can i say i made this decision a few years back and i haven't had any regrets so far. bitcoin has been banned two dozen times since that and had millions of obituaries and i can still use it and made a shitload on it.

you are speculating on bitcoins demise because you are a salty nocoiner and this is how you cope.

>> No.27582287

Either you're a retard or just intentionally lying. In December 2017, BTC reached $20,000, by Feb 2, the price was already below $9000. It's bottom of that crash was $7000, then going down to $3000 a full year later. Which may sound bad, but its average price before that bull run $700.

Fast forward to today
Peak: $42,000
Low: $3500
Current: $35,000

>> No.27582385

>Correction incoming?

>> No.27582569

i'm new but it does seem to me that when Jack from twitter and Elon Musk put btc in their bios that it is actually time to find something new for the long term because the dream behind bitcoin was to divorce civilized society from the pathocracy. what do you oldfags think?

>> No.27582668

i spend half my dollars every day buying bitcoin and i save the other half waiting to buy bitcoin
what now?

>> No.27582732

>You won't get BTC for $15k or less for minimum the next 4 years.
In the next 4 years? Are you fucking retarded? It's never going anywhere near that ever again.

>> No.27582798
File: 38 KB, 720x697, 1606329126577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once btc has comfortably cleared the ATH of the previous cycle (now 20k), it NEVER goes below it again. Saying it will is complete cope. You're expecting BTC to do something it's never done before.

>> No.27583045

We just had first sell off. Shits gonna moon now. The crash will then be huge - 80k to 50k.

>> No.27583062

This just hold the line op

>> No.27583315

Silly little brainlets.

We are already past the "crash" on the memechart.
In the past BTC had a periodical market overreaction at the end of the bullrun which resulted in a 10x ATH and ended in a 85% panic crash.
Since most investors are preparing for this pattern to repeat it won't happen.
There won't be a overreaction and there won't be a 85% drop.

>> No.27583454

every cycle bitcoin does less X bottom-to-top than the previous one. we came down 85% down last time and 90% the cycle before.
assuming just a 7x this time at 140k, we could see 21k at a 85% down.
that is assuming a 7x.
don't get drunk on euphoria.

>> No.27583584


dont have money left, but will put 1000euro every month into bitcoin

>> No.27584204

And someone else is withdrawing your 1000 euros, until the music stops.

BTC is like the bullshit XRP pump and dump, but in slow motion.

>> No.27584316

Went 3.3x on my btc, link and eth since September. Sold of the 1.3x a couple of days ago, it may go higher but I could not justify not taking profit after such an increase. If it dips to 22k, I will buy in again, otherwise I will be happy with my gains and hold the 2x for many years. I remember when many frens were in huge unrealised profits in early 2018 and got rekt hard on shitcoins.

>> No.27584457

this is what i've noticed.
bears, cool calm and collected. logical. sitting comfy on realized gains.
bulls - very emotional, edgy, distraught. lot of insults. high off 2x to 5x spot gains, probably not getting a lot of sleep. most didn't catch the ten bagger from march. delusional enough to think it keeps going but also scared of rug.

>> No.27585216

>until the music stops
When will it stop? It should have stopped after the meme pump of 2017, if it was worthless pnd it shouldnt cycle consistently

>> No.27585291

he doesn’t understand the global army in infrastructure requiring mineral resources and draining at maximum capacity growing at a measurable accelerating rate by the second
stock to flow is fucked up and absolutely happening

>> No.27585444


i dont understand it why you are so negative about it. I will cash my invested money out at round about 70K probably 80K +20% and the let the rest gain just more.

>> No.27585586

Everybody expected that, hence why it didn't happen and 29k was the bottom. Next bullrun you will know better.