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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27578442 No.27578442 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state.
What the fuck are these retards doing on a fucking investing sub? Why are retards praising loss when the only fucking purpose of these pages are to make fucking money.

In this thread we laugh at these retards.

>> No.27578644


>> No.27578711

I don't know how much money that guy has outside of that, but man you gotta be fucking delusional to baghold a $1m loss like that lmao. For anyone still bagholding, shorts have already covered or opened up new shorts at the top and have absolutely no reason to cover now. This shit won't go above $150 again

>> No.27578714

WSB is not an investing sub. It's barely even a trading sub. It's just a bunch of retards gambling and laughing about it when it goes tits up.

>> No.27578723

Its a psyop by the chinese you fucking retard. The ccp are trying to crash the economy through wsb

>> No.27578728

Good morning, hedgie.

>> No.27578805
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>> No.27578844

honestly based af if chinks pulled this off

>> No.27579558

Is honestly probably this.

>> No.27579647

>Making your users homeless
>Posting "the n-word"

What a joke of a website lmfao

>> No.27579680

they call it loss porn and its meant to demoralize you

>> No.27579765
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I knew it was CCP involvement before DOGE mooned. But you're a fool, you don't understand. The CCP are not trying to crash the economy through WSB, they are using WSB as a smokescreen so that nobody will notice they are crashing the economy. 1RMB will be worth 100,000 USD by EOY

>> No.27579797

This, reddit is going to drive a lot of people into killing themselves because they lost everything.
4chan at most managed to get a few people fired from their job for calling others niggers

>> No.27579916

Whats the 5D big brain move here ? Invest in cryptocurrency?
Bitcoin or xrp ?

>> No.27579957


>> No.27580030

These have to be LARPs and edits.

>> No.27580090

Imo they are actively using wsb to try and crash the economy via short squeezes. But you may as well be right, it doesnt matter who is right because the result will be the same

>> No.27580143

No imo the ccp are using these posts so people dont sell. They are trying to manipulate public opinion in tbemmhe sense: look that guy lost 1 million and isnt selling, so i wont selk as well

>> No.27580166

what so you think how many anons left us due to the crypto bubble?

>> No.27580165

>retard lost 1 million chasing speculative gains
>I gained $800 from my ETFs in the last 2 days doing fuck all

Thanks for playing reddit.

>> No.27580183

Actively trying to make money
God damn you are retarded if you think the purpose of the board was to make profit. It's either a MASSIVE win or a MASSIVE loss.

>> No.27580225

>crash the economy through wsb
Anon I...I know it gained A LOT of traction, but crash the economy of US? Really? Not possible.

>> No.27580253
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This. I’m scared that one day I will say it at work. Sometimes I say based in meetings lately as a response..

>> No.27580272

At least /biz/ wasn’t a schizo echo chamber, when BTC dumped even 10% the board was full of pink wojaks. GME dropped 80% this week and all you see on wsb are posts encouraging people to buy more and claiming the squeeze will happen, this is worse than Q

>> No.27580291

Funnily enough it's just a huge grift to part zoomers with their government gibs.

Who here shorted gamestop at $350?

>> No.27580759

If you didn't get in at or very near the 52-week low on stocks with a higher than 50% SI, then what the fuck are people even doing?

AMC is going back to $2 this week. GME is going to $25. Hedgies will then open new short calls and continue their train wreck while WSB are crying into their box of dragon dildos.

>> No.27580781

should I sell at market tomorrow? honest answers only plz frens

>> No.27580938

Hold what you have and average down. As soon as you sell, you literally lose.

>> No.27581059

Yeah then put it all on rbc and wait. Not kidding. Then go into link if it still hasn't mooned.

>> No.27581111

Its a psyop.

>> No.27581149

Yes. Sell for 80% link and 20% dip www.etherisc.com

>> No.27581197

Checked AF

>> No.27581226
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I honestly was rooting for them past week, but I can't imagine how you can stay this delusional now. It's mind-blowing.

>> No.27581354
File: 110 KB, 771x482, klerosisthefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Kleros board sir.

>> No.27581408

bunch of attention whores

>> No.27581455

>-1m past week

christ almighty

>> No.27581535

Sell and buy CFIIW if you actually like making $

>> No.27581584

Hurr im a retard durr I'm sticking it the suits lul. I lost a million but I got my reddit karma and diamond hands woooo.

>> No.27581630
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>> No.27581632

These retards will make us rich.
Once they lose their savings and finally realize how rigged the financial markets are they will move to crypto.
The GME event is a blessing to us all.

>> No.27581661

truly a reflection of the entitled generation. money means shit all to you if you think that's normal. wtf

>> No.27581737

>Bought at $50
>Held through first rally +$400
>Shares started being restricted, panic sold at $270
>Bought one more share just to ride the rest out
>Still holding that one little share, because fuck it, why not, it's a teeny tiny % of my portfolio, whatever.
Would have been nice to cash out $400+ but I'll take a quick 5x.

>> No.27581898

Already doing a fine job of that itself. Completely artificial and unsustainable, along with the genetic makeup of the country.

>> No.27581963

Kys pls

>> No.27582067

>/biz/ is not an investing sub. It's barely even a trading sub. It's just a bunch of retards gambling and shilling it when it goes tits up.

>> No.27582265

T. Chink with little peepee

>> No.27582427

WSB was originally a loss porn page
where people post their losses to cope
>now all normies are going to lose all their money
checks out

>> No.27582617

I heard someones grandmother put half her life savings on gme stock after seeing all the hype pmsl God fucking damn

>> No.27582776
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How does someone this fucking dumb have that much money to begin with?

>> No.27583144

>le hedgie
The pit of cringe has been biz lately

>> No.27583215


>> No.27583220

Imagine being this much of an autist

>> No.27584170

terrible idea. this thing is a dog, you take it out back and you kill it.

>> No.27584523

based schizo