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27577900 No.27577900 [Reply] [Original]

This is cult-like behavior. Don’t get me wrong, I think we should stop in-fighting over petty shit and just focus on GME. But this, reddit, this is the shit that makes us troll you.

You look like a histrionic woman this way.

>> No.27577940

drink my cum negro

>> No.27577987


Basedboy manchildren throwing a tantrum

>> No.27577994

These idiots have been rallied into a troop of kamikaze lemming suicide bombers.

I was shitting bullets Tuesday thinking noone would catch my 20@88 but PHEWW Jewwed my way out at ~150

>> No.27578031

just lmao he didn't give a fuck about hedge funds he thought he could 10x on some dumb af shit

>> No.27578036

Never seen people take so much pride in losing all their savings.

>> No.27578105

this reminds me of occupy, started by intellectuals, a select group of people rallied the movement, eventually it became popular and the masses came in (uneducated, low IQ), movement died

>> No.27578164

They wanted to get rich. This is cope. Reminds me of "nice guys" who act like they don't clearly just want pussy.

>> No.27578257

It’s a little scary. Don’t get me wrong, I’m down 800 on almost 2k of GME, but I will take whatever I can at whatever the best point is at this point.

It’s not that I don’t support the “cause” or whatever, the cause has shifted from this particular stock being squeezed to time to redpill normies on kikes.

But the guy in my OP, he’s just insane. They’re actually EXCITED about the prospect of losing it, and they think somehow they win by doing so. Very dangerous to get uninformed people like this into this.

>> No.27578299

I don’t want to be an authoritarian but nature keeps pushing my libertarian ass right into Hobbes’ path, machiavelli if I’m not careful

>> No.27578424

The cope is incredible.
I joined way too late, made like 1k out of a quick AMC trade and put 500 into gme at $100 for fun, which was very likely dumb but holy shit it's an asset that did a 100x in a week or so, I'm not betting my house on it wtf.

>> No.27578472

>just focus on GME
You have to go back

>> No.27578501

Agreed here, I think it was a legit movement until they shut it down on Friday. The corporations responsible for that deserve to pay, but people are too busy clinging onto false hope. Rather than get angry they'll simply be proud of holding to zero. It's sad.

>> No.27578525

AMC is an easier market to move than GME.

I'm holding AMC. These things don't tend to die easy.

>> No.27578535

To where, here? I’m an oldfag you idiot.

>> No.27578608

>Some people legitimately tried to make gains
>Some people legitimately tried to stick it to the man

Both scenarios are completely logical. IDGAF what people say because the facts are that there are those since gambling was a thing have done stupid shit like bet their rent or mortgage or whatever the fuck they have only to lose all of their nest egg and end up wrecked. This will never change. The internet simply allows you to see an idiot born in real-time, but the concept is nothing new. People lost their fucking asses, some people are now planning on buying houses or other investments.

Some of the people with 'diamond hands' really don't care if they are down $1k, 2k, 10k because they are ok and financially fine with taking the loss. What is irrefutable is that in the stocks that were suppressed from trading amongst the plebs on Thursday are the very stocks that hedgies have lost tens of billions- some MSM sources stating around 80 billion. On Friday alone, hedgies lost 8 Billion on GME alone. The message is being sent by the people who wanted to send the message.

Why you're so ass-mad about what someone does with their money is beyond the pale, because that money isn't yours you fucking retard. Post your portfolio.

>> No.27578617

leaf holding AMC and CGX, been holding cineplex stock for months now and I don't plan on selling before theaters are open again.

>> No.27578677

What should they do? Ask the the government to act in their stead?

>> No.27578864


They're both a scam

>> No.27578995

Ffs they’re stocks not a scam. Market principles still apply here. More people buy stock go up, more people sell it goes down. So simple a caveman could do it.
But when (((hedgies))) halt trading on it, limit the quantities, and use after hours jewry to drive the price down, it’s enough to convince midwits like you that you’re ahead of the curb

>> No.27579104


The stock market is a scam

>> No.27579131
File: 23 KB, 622x486, 1611824773739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME diamond hands baby! I'm hodling even after the squeeze. Ride the roller coaster baby, all the way back to 1$!

>> No.27579241

I'm not playing this stupid game anymore. Sell at open or maybe it will peak a small amount again?

>> No.27579283
File: 3 KB, 126x120, getting pissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cult-like behavior
reddit spacing

>> No.27579300

The crazy diamond hands is truly impressive nonetheless, we have much to learn from their communal ways.

>> No.27579327

You cannot fight the elite, 1%, jews, MSM and SEC without a cult.

>> No.27579362

well after the blatant market manipulation at robinhood what the fuck do you think they're gonna do? At least some people can stick to what they say despite on what side of the trade their on.

>> No.27579538

Well yes, now you’re onto a big think.

>> No.27579578

Wait for the next bounce, at least recoup some of your losses. If it floors at like 40 use some of the profits or previous capital to try and make a gain on a 5-10$ increase. This shit will hold value at its new floor because of bag holders.

>> No.27579623

Because I added a sentence at the end? You fag. I’m making fun of reddit.
Why a cult? Why not an army?
I get it but at this point they’re cutting off their nose to spit their face by playing in the arena of the crooked. What they ought to do is 1) go after new stocks 2) show normies what happened here, redpill as many people as possible

>> No.27579732

I'm an idiot who firs bought at 120 then 290. I doubt we're hitting triple digits again but wtf do I know. If it hits 40 I've really lost out

>> No.27579937

If you bought at 120 and then 290 your average cost is roughly 190 or 200 or so. Wait for the bounce (there will be one, there has been every day for four days straight now) around midday and sell then. You’ll be closest to your original investment.

I’d keep one share if I were you for memes. I have like 20, I’m selling 19 and keeping one for memes since I got half of mine at 6$

>> No.27580066

I see what you're saying now. Makes sense. I was just worried about it freefalling down to 30 then not bouncing at all

>> No.27580255

Its funny he doesn't realise he Basically makes hedgies even richer by losing the rest of his money lmao

>> No.27580683

I don’t think it directly does that, but it makes them win more in principle.