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27576097 No.27576097 [Reply] [Original]

This is obviously what is going on right now:

1) WSB was a genuinely grassroots movement which found out how to crowd-short-squeeze hedge-funds and banks. They did this with GME.

2) Then the silver squeeze, as being the ultimate short-squeeze, was a logical progression of this. GME was short 150%, but silver is short 50,000%. It gained traction.

3) The original WSB silver thread said to buy PSLV and AG and physical and avoid SLV, but the mods censored it. (https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l68ill/the_biggest_short_squeeze_in_the_world_slv_silver/))

4) A new thread was then created shilling SLV and attacking PSLV and AG; mods left it up. (https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l6novm/the_real_dd_on_slv_the_worlds_biggest_short/))

5) "Citadel fud" begins when people show that Citadel is long SLV, which is completely irrelevant, because we always said that SLV is a scam.

6) Whole of WSB starts attacking silver, nothing but anti-silver threads on the front page.

The plan:

7) GME falls apart, short-squeeze community is bitterly divided, silver is given the blame, kills momentum in the silver short squeeze as well.

Don't let the bankers win. Keep buying silver.

>> No.27577563
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>> No.27577771

Sorry but silver in its entirety is a psyop. Stick to GME ffs it’s very simple.

>> No.27577807
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>Stick to GME ffs it’s very simple.
>t. BrainStopper

>> No.27577922
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Go FUD back wherever the fuck it is you came from this has been a silver board for years now.

>> No.27577943

>Keep buying silver.

no idea with gme but with silver you cant go wrong, thats a lifetime investment!
>inb4 boomer rock
yes and thats good. its there forever.

>> No.27577959
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Ohh okay lemme give you guys some MidBoomer advice, in 2011 I was selling silver I inherited cause Im a poorfag who needed money.

It was selling for $45 and ounce, and we are entering Obama 2.0.

Expect silver to rise.

If you want to tip this poorfag for his boomer wisdom feel free.
BTC> 3DucakAPUvkMcQRe1YLAQRw18wat3wPJtz

ETH> 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478DBa1Fbe

>> No.27577971
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>Stick to GME

>> No.27578052
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I maybe a retard when it comes to finances but I know a sure thing and a trend.

Solar panels are coming back and if that was the reason for silver spikes, it's time to Buy.

>> No.27578095
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Hi, highly gilded /r/wsb regular here. I understand that /biz/ is an off-shoot of our sub so I come here in peace.
I just want to tell you that you're all being manipulated by Citadel, JP Morgan and other silver shills.
Banks literally hold all the silver in the world and they can make more of it whenever they want using mines.
You're literally trading dirt in the ground.
GME on the other hand is a real business with tangible assets and a long term future.
You and your boomer rocks have made me lose over $20k in profit but I'm still holding strong. I'm not fucking going away.

Please join us, sell your boomer rocks and come out of the stone age. No one cares about silver anymore, it's price is crashing as people realize how worthless it is. Buy and hold GME with us.

Thank you.

>> No.27578148

Shorts doubled down on GME and AMC short positions. FINRA just published today’s data http://regsho.finra.org/regsho-Index.html

AMC short interest on 2/1: 76,933,491

AMC short interest on 2/2: 129,244,517

An increase of: 52,311,026

GME short 2/1: 6,982,444

GME short 2/2: 16,358,444

An increase of: 9,375,692

So, if we can bring GME and AMC above yesterday’s price levels, then the new shorts will start feeling the pressure. The squeeze opportunity is still here.

They are doubling down on their positions.

>> No.27578193

GME didn't fall apart. The short squeeze happened and it was an astronomical increase in stock value.

People just moved the goalpost from $420 and got greedy. While anyone with an exit strategy cashed out, diamond hand investors missed their stop.

>> No.27578200

Yeah I'm not a richfag or a WSG, I'm an older sick faggot with "most likely" cancer I've got zero skin in this game.

Silver will rise under Biden if they go alternative energy and they will because he's just continuing Obamas admin.

Not a shill just a guy who can say this is a buy don't let anyone fool you.

>> No.27578259
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As proof here are my awards from the latest post I had the moderators tag on there.
I'm here to talk, respectfully. We need to work together to bring down Citadel. We aren't your enemies, but for you to join our ranks you have to sell your boomer rocks.

>> No.27578317

High chance of crypto regulation under Yellen, check.

Yellen bought out by Citidel, Check.

Pulling the plug on the internet makes the coins worthless, check.

Silver has multiple uses and is only getting rarer, Check.

Silver can't be brought offline, Check.

Silver is a means to back currency throughout the world still today, Check.

>> No.27578363

As a sickman again, Reddit has zero say here they are an echo chamber that hasn't allowed freedom of though in over half a decade.

>> No.27578408

they broke the momentum with their propaganda campaign and bot armys. YOu wont get new retailers to buy it. It literally was SO CLOSE to turn into something systemic ..

>> No.27578455
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Brain.exe has stopped

>> No.27578466

>WSB was a genuinely grassroots movement
Stopped reading

>> No.27578490
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Sadly this. Even if it pumps now, people won't jump in until too late.

I got fucked by my broker when I tried to transfer my account from RH into fidelity and now I'm stuck with 10 GME shares that I sold ATH but the transfer reverted the sales. You just can't win with them.

>> No.27578739

Momentum is gone and won't return everyone knows that.
Gamma squeeze failed.

>> No.27578754

This is why people like you never make any money.
Buy high and sell low, am I rite?

>> No.27578820
File: 332 KB, 1125x1620, C58E281D-9E50-42CB-A4D6-305D753B9B13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, dividing and conquering is what jews do. You’re either one yourself, or fell for their tricks.
Yes, I know. I’ve been on /biz/ in particular for at least 3-4 years. But in the context of the “reddit rally” or whatever the MSM is calling it, it was not theirs to pump. All that happened was the beehive of faggots turned their attention away from the thing with actual momentum. Feels awfully contrived.
Pic related

>> No.27578869

Don’t give up, spread the word to normies. They’re behind this by default. Anti-big money NPC sentiment and all.

>> No.27578922

>You’re either one yourself, or fell for their tricks.
>Y-You can't make fun of reddit
>Y-You're JEWISH, that's it! Jewish.
Yep, I'm Jewish, you got me!
I'm a Jew who wants people to buy silver because usury is evil.

>> No.27578982

Reddit post in OP literally told people to buy physical silver and PSLV and was removed by the pozzed mods.
The entire GME thing has been subverted. It's now a bag holding virtue signaling contest.

>> No.27579064

>silver is short 50,000%
no it isn't
a bunch of prepper retards saw the comex silver futures volume and somehow concluded they can stick it to the man by driving up the price
the people trading silver futures are momentum-chasing hedge funds
all you're doing when you buy physical silver is giving hedgies your money
just like gme, actually

>> No.27579120

i remember you from yesterday thread, i feel sorry for you senpai. hopefully RH can get that sorted for you

>> No.27579312
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It's only like 3k but I'm still fucking seething about it. I PLAYED THE GAME RIGHT AND SOLD ATH GODDAMNIT.

>> No.27579355

When they mine silver off asteroids in the next few years, you're all fucked

>> No.27579364

>no it isn't
Yeah let me guess you believe that JP Morgan "found" 3000 tons of silver today and added it to its vault right? LOL. Fuck off.

>> No.27579366

and in case you're wondering how this works
you buy eagles from apmex
apmex calls up the mint and orders more eagles for next month
the mint opens their bloomberg terminal and buys more SI\H21 for delivery
the hedgies' algos detect the momentum and pile in
the miners see the price spike, sell short extra SI\H21 contracts and go dig extra silver out of the ground to deliver to the mint
and everybody except the bagholder (you) laughs all the way to the bank

>> No.27579413
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>mine silver off asteroids
>muh space mining
>mining silver in space at $27/ounce

>> No.27579438

Why did you transfer your account and not just withdraw the money and rebuy the shares on fidelity?

>> No.27579503

none of us will see that happen...

>> No.27579535
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Because the RH jews wanted to hold my money for 60 days before letting me transfer out, the account was new. I figured I can transfer all my holdings quicker.

In hindsight, I should've stayed until the account statement was ready for the month that was it was all settled before transferring.

I'm gonna give myself an aneurism thinking about this.

>> No.27579579
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Nah you're a fucking moron. Here's how it actually works:
Producers always create two futures, a short and a long, spaced apart to hedge their own production. Once their product is ready to ship, they close out their short and get assigned a long future.
Most of the time, no one takes delivery so the producers keep the silver and profit off writing the contracts.
When there is a surge of demand, APMEX taps the banks who then tap the futures markets to make deliveries from the miners.
As a last measure, COMEX has its own supplies and can fulfill unpredictable demand but has failed to delivery many times last year and was said to completely fold this year on excess demand.

Meanwhile, somehow without producing ANY demand on COMEX, JP Morgan keeps adding to the SLV reserve of paper silver. Somehow these guys keep addings thousands of tons of silver to their imaginary vault without putting pressure on the market. And the SEC doesn't go after them for downgrading the rating of miners they allegedly got their metal from.

Because fuck logic.

We are at the threshold of a massive silver default. You sir are a FUCKING MORON and you have no idea how the futures market works. You are either a shill or a midwit, either way go fuck yourself.

>> No.27579751

It’s not that you want them to buy silver, it’s hat you don’t want them to buy GME.
>It's now a bag holding virtue signaling contest.
I took a look over there and you’re not wrong, but the silver thing was always a psyop.

>> No.27579799

>buy a stock
>it gives money directly to a hedgefund
>the hedgefund bet against it
Why do you do this

>> No.27579855

Speak for yourself

>> No.27579859

>the silver thing was always a psyop.
Read OP, jesus christ dude.

>> No.27579880

>the RH jews wanted to hold my money for 60 days before letting me transfer out
They what? What the fuck, why is anyone even using them then?

>> No.27579979

I did. It confirms it. What’s your point? /biz / was talking about silver for like a year and a half before all this.

Silver in its current context (the reddit rally) was a psyop.

>> No.27580089

I am long Silver anyway. Inflation incoming. Digital Money with negative interests for private people incoming. Electric cars need double amount of Silver then common cars....

>> No.27580104

the way you describe it, the silver miners are either a. sitting on mountains of unsold silver which would obviously be very easy for jpmorgan to acquire or b. barely mining silver at all, mostly just trading futures, which doesn't fit at all with their reported annual silver output

>> No.27580125

>Sorry but silver in its entirety is a psyop

>Stick to GME ffs it’s very simple.

>> No.27580160

>Banks literally hold all the silver in the world
Not if they keep selling physical to us at such heavily subsidised rates they won't.

>they can make more of it whenever they want using mines
They can't. The silver in the ground has already been mapped out, scheduled, and sold. It's already priced in, the market is trading on the promise it'll all be dug up at some point.

>> No.27580209

>let me tell you how things are

Eat shit, babby zoomers first tulip fever.

>> No.27580745

25 different hedge funds were long gme and 100 others piled in short at $300

>> No.27580764

All that matters to me is what Kleros does this month.

>> No.27581485

>the market is trading on the promise it'll all be dug up at some point.

>> No.27581615

Why the fuck would you keep buying silver if GME isn't popping up and you're basing the decision on the same fundamentals?