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27564321 No.27564321 [Reply] [Original]


One sorry I fell asleep, I haven't felt well but through your generosity I was able to get to the doctor today and get antibiotics, my jaw was infected.

(Amongest other problems)

I might have confused a few people I was having a very bad fever, I didn't lose my father a year ago I lost him in 2008 to liver cancer diagnosed on Father's day, and died a month later, following his death I was sent into probate, my mortage refused to talk with me as they only dealt with my father, refused to take the payments until I got the AG Involved, it was a drawn out year but they ultimately kicked the can over to another bank who did the dirty deed and foreclosed while I was still trying to get money out of probate to setting the year left on my house.

I lost my house and father the same year, since then I have struggled but In 2011 I obtained a duplex and have lived here since, It's been nice but since then my health has slowly deteriorated.

I'm 33 now I've been struggling with cancer like symptoms, Multiple sclerosis like symptoms ontop of infections and abscesses that revealed precancerous cells.

I haven't been "diagnosed" yet as last year I finally got on insurance and we have been looking, my insurance lapsed so I have to wait till it kicks in, but I don't have a vehicle and my money goes to bills.

Because I don't have proper diagnoses yet I cannot apply for disability.

Meanwhile I've lost severe weight, the ability to move my right leg or feel anything below the knee, Nystagmus happens if I stare at the screen too long and I'll vomit, I don't eat I have zero appetite.

My Lymph nodes are swollen from my neck to my cock, I had a precancerous pilonidal abscess that I had 11 operations on before finally removing all the infected flesh around my spine and abdomen.

It's returned now, They are very hard pressed to say cancer because the blood tests came back but they have to run more.

>> No.27564440
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>> No.27564468
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Ran out of space, hopefully this doesn't get banned.

This is mostly for the people who don't believe me and say the person who donated got scammed, you didn't you actually helped my suffering tremendously today in multiple ways.

But I need more tests ran, I don't have a vehicle which makes me miss a lot of doctor's appointments.

Here are some medical records I can show over these last few years and that I can find, I was so sick last night I wasn't gonna bother explaining all of this, it's hard even now just because I'm also fighting off another infection.

>> No.27564547
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"First encounter with my precancerous absess" Sorry

>> No.27564635
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Had an MRI done 2019 was assaulted and that's when they saw the mass of swollen lymphnodes although I felt them, doctor's hoped that would go down after surgery but they just got larger.

>> No.27564717
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Don't have many pictures of when I was larger but here is one, I was 320 lbs and rapidly dropped to 175 I'm 6'4 if that matters.

>> No.27564812
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Recent visit showing white bloodcells abnormally high in my urine still not sure why that is, no UTI never have had one.

>> No.27564891
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2019 one of the operations one of many.

>> No.27565010

This is mostly to prove I'm not bullshitting and to clarify because I wasn't speaking very well last night.

To the two gentlemen, I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart and hope you see this to know you touched my soul.

>> No.27565134
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sorry you're dealing with health issues anon
i dont have much to add but maybe check out pic rel & the author's other books :-/