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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 302 KB, 1666x1034, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27563947 No.27563947 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27564049

Maybe he just wants to retire and fuck his tranny and blow his cash

>> No.27564150

what are the chances of him pumping bitcoin?

>> No.27564152

What's he gonna put the money into?

>> No.27564203

unironically Gamestop

>> No.27564258
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>> No.27564301

he sold off a lot of shit last year right before the crash as well

>> No.27564317

Is his stepping down gonna cripple Amazon stock or what?

>> No.27564343

What do you mean the big one?

>> No.27564383 [DELETED] 

yes, that's the first picture for those not remembering.

>> No.27564397

whores and yachts

>> No.27564404

With a market cap of $600+ billion I’m not sure he could even make dent in it could he?

>> No.27564434

No he's going all into his Mars mission dick measuring contest with Elon

>> No.27564447
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What is your prediction /biz/? Another stock-market crash? An all-out financial collapse?

This could be the big one.

>> No.27564457

yes, that's the first picture for those not remembering.

>> No.27564502

Living the dream.

>> No.27564503


If he went all in he would trigger an incredible bull run, mcap =/= absolute amount of capital invested

>> No.27564544

Prediction: Biden admin is going to keep pumping endless money into economy until it collapses, then US Great Leap Forward

>> No.27564601

he wants to do space shit
he already looks like picard

>> No.27564660
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I hope I don't end up as his serf

>> No.27564769


>> No.27564872
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>waggies aren't already neo serfs
anon i have some bad news.

>> No.27564884

okay everybody just chill the fuck out for a second

m-maybe its just all a coincidence?

>> No.27564969
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This is worrying.

>> No.27565025

This was a year ago mongoloid.

>> No.27565145

microchipping us.

>> No.27565160

Supposedly it’s all going to Vina Sky.

>> No.27565319
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So anyone wanna do some $SPY puts?

>> No.27565404

>you’ll need to be vaccinated and chipped before eating GatesFood products goy

>> No.27565430

What's a waggie?

>> No.27565536

Go back to reditt nigger

>> No.27565576

yea no thanks, not with the short squeeze cult

>> No.27565687


>> No.27565829

So what do I short? Should I buy foreign stock?

>> No.27566108

Seriously though. The ship is sinking. Trump was doing everything he could to keep the ship afloat. Covid bio weapon destroyed the economy and we haven't even felt an inch of the full affect. Biden's dumbass just shot a boozakoo into the hull the other day.

>> No.27566169

Yea I'm not loving the idea either. If I had a lot of wealth to gamble I'd test my hands. Haven't found many stocks to actually invest in currently, they are all overpriced imo. Have a lot of cash sitting waiting for a crash desu. I am going to unload some into crypto though.

>> No.27566192

No, but it's gong to turn it into a ruderless turd like Apple after Jobs died. As it turns out, having business people run tech companies is not such a hot idea, because MBAs with no STEM background are morons across the board who don't understand bold and intelligent product development and the path to long-term growth.

Amazon is probably going to be looking a lot like Microsoft during the Ballmer years for the foreseeable future, which I actually think is a good thing, given that the company was on its way to strangling the economy.

>> No.27566271

Hey retards...he literally has tens kf billions in cash. He isnt going to be a faggot like buffet ..eating hot dogs and macaroni cheese at age 85.

Enjoy life

Enjoy life

>> No.27566306

Hey biz, newbie here. I just got into crypto and I'm trying to understand where I should put my investments. Sure thing BTC and eth is non-tradable for me now
i know enough to not participate into alts but I'm just not sure about new platforms and pools with NFT

Found Poolz shilling on Twitter, seems legit but wanna know your opinion, is it good?
what should I do?

>> No.27567487
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Guys, I'm almost financially illiterate, but I was wondering what would happen to stablecoins if the global economy collapsed on a massive scale? Because I have a bad feeling for the next few months...
What are the solutions to avoid losing our capital in a case like this?
(I don't want to start a new thread for this.)

>> No.27567625



>> No.27567786

Meds. Take them.

>> No.27567869

Buy treasury bonds, you'll thank me in your retirement

>> No.27567872

>blow his tranny and fuck his cash

>> No.27567877

Did everyone forget how a bunch of CEOs at giant companies all resigned in February 2020?

>> No.27567880


>> No.27567947

Is he actually getting that tranny D?

>> No.27568016

Omg you so fucking rich guys in paypi I am key bi bi ar two you know thanks for the support


>> No.27568030


>> No.27568055

I hate him so much

>> No.27568134

flush your meds

>> No.27568171

All the money in the world won't make you Chinese

>> No.27568249

The big one already came last year.

>pic related
Article didn't say he's selling anything, not in the 3/2/21 article.

>> No.27568256

>US Great Leap Forward
More on this?

>> No.27568340

Potential happenings:
Buy the land before people flee cities
Water rights
Monsanto goyfeed production
or turn it into "nature reserves" that you can't raise cattle on and make everyone eat mealworms

>> No.27568465


>> No.27568487


>> No.27568539

His rocket company

>> No.27568540

he probably already owns some

>> No.27568543

I’m wondering what this truly means. We’ve seen tons of CEOs step down over the past few years. It wouldn’t really make sense for Bezos to step down from one of the largest company in the world if he knew a crash was coming in my opinion.

>> No.27568610
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Now is the perfect time to get me some more of that sweet AMAZON stock! BUY BUY BUY. HOLY SHIT I AM SO RICH!

>> No.27568651


fucking putssssss

>> No.27568706
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Yeah, just a coincidence.

>> No.27568715

Already there bitch

>> No.27568778


>> No.27568784

hopefully more than the pussy 25% dip we saw last year.

my bro texted me about a $1.4k (((stimulus check))) soon.

add 5 trillion for kikes to that 42 billion for gentiles and imagine your shock

>> No.27568820

Short squeeze... the Sp500? Isn't that permanently what happens regardless?

>> No.27568827

I'm sure his motives are good

>> No.27568846

Blue Origins to fuck off and leave Earth dead

>> No.27569172
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>Cant even pretend to fit into an autistic Bhutanese mountain biking form
>Cant even google

Absolutely fuck off newfag

>> No.27569296

Your vaccine will be grown into the gmo food so you can eat it goy
>what are pharmacological crops

>> No.27570254

we are going to inherit the land
we just need to kill these fucks before they nuke it all

>> No.27570286

Bump for this

>> No.27570321
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He's a pussy lol

>> No.27570437

Immortality Research.

>> No.27570453


>> No.27570461

Bump, anon. Very surprised no one is really talking about this, though it has already been stained as “Q” material from what I can tell.

>> No.27570667

think it's susurveilled? I need new hunting spots.

>> No.27570756

>Should I buy foreign stock?
Unironically yes, Ray Dalio is heavy into Chinese and gold ETFs. CQQQ and FNI are worth a look.

>> No.27570917

Please return to reddit.
Stablecoins are just pegged to something, usually the USD. If you're concerned about that, you should be in safer assets (metals, blue chips like utilities, maybe some established crypto).

>> No.27571085

I have no words to describe how much I hate him.

>> No.27571138

The Great Leap Forward was essentially the Red Army purges and de-Stalinization mixed with the razing of Luoyang. Essentially China was restructured by force on every level to encourage collectivization of all industries(of which China had few at the time) which led to immense famine and widespread disorder to the extent Mao actually reversed many of its policies midway. That's how bad it was: Maoist China considered the deathtoll too high.

I guess if anon wanted to apply it to the US it would be:
>massive redistribution of wealth
>allocation of all workers and resources from "surplus" sectors to grow industry
>massive purge of enemies both real and perceived
>cultural genocide to strip the country of its "identity" to foster communism

>> No.27571176

This is perfectly congruent with Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development by the World Economic Forum.
These people need to be executed, in minecraft.

>> No.27571336

>covid bioweapon destroyed the economy
WRONG. The globohomo kabal destroyed the economy, under the guise of the fake scam virus you speak of. The 'virus' didn't do shit because it's a reskin of the flu.
The GOVERNMENT is what threw the west into a tailspin, and they did it deliberately, and that's the way it is.

>> No.27571349
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amc obviously

>> No.27571443

Wtf is he saying with those books
>the spy and the traitor
>new jim crow
>range by david "epstein"
>breath from salt [could mean the creation of life]
>splendid and vile

We need to kill this nigga

>> No.27571510

Do you think it is possible for the dollar to reach a level of overinflation that makes it as valuable as toilet paper in the near future?
Or could a black swan event suddenly drop its value?

>> No.27571544

Bill Gates is a batshit insane nerd with a messiah complex

>> No.27571575

Before covid scam was revealed publicly lots of ceos cashed out over period of a few months, suicides too.

>> No.27571580

>erosion of property rights
Don't forget this one. Look at the demonization of land lords since covid started. The seeds are definitely sown.

>> No.27571659

paying people to pee on him

>> No.27571700

well, of course, the remaining US middle class, still a powerful influence bloc, consists almost entirely of landlords lol.

>> No.27571779

If he died, every virus would simply stop existing and we'd never have another pandemic... just saying.

>> No.27571940

What has this country become, holy shit

>> No.27572156
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 506B9A2A-F8F5-4C0A-A045-CD75FBB3EA1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger newfaggot larpers don’t even realize he was pointing out the misspelling of “WAGIE” as “WA GG IE”
No, you fucking go back.

>> No.27572273

Gates is preparing for when all the cattle are herded into their containments.

>> No.27572349
File: 125 KB, 827x464, 5486506F-C999-4B2C-8285-09DDBA0428E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLD YOUR HORSES, /BIZ/! Don’t just go off headlines like I did.

>> No.27572789

oy vey

>> No.27572831

checked. he needs to go.

>> No.27572866

bazooka? fucking smooth brain.

>> No.27573006

pretty sure gobohomo called in a favor from him for the final push

>> No.27573103

F2pool was dumping about 10k BTC a day and having an effect so if he went all in he could def move the market

>> No.27573278

Wagie, wagie, get in cagie,
Boss needs help! Don't be lazy!
Zero breaks will make you crazy?
I'll tell the guards to get their tazie.

Need to get those new iPhones,
Gotta pay those student loans.
Work your fingers to the bone,
Bosses need vacation homes.

Don't trust unions, vote in pairs,
By all of boss's consumer wares.
We'll stay seated in our chairs,
And make our bosses millionaires.

Love your work! Love the pain!
Feel the life drain from your brain.
Think of all you have to gain,
As your dreams go down the drain.

Come on wagie, join the crew,
Don't you want your wages too?
And if the bossman makes you blue,
You deserve it. You're a tool.

Weekend comes round after ages,
You can come collect your wages.
Throw your parties! Have your rages!
Then get back into your cages.

>> No.27573328

Do you even know who Jassy is? Fucking dumbass

>> No.27573450

This and the other old boomer Buffet waiting for something to happen and is all in on cash.

>> No.27573722

>fed about to print another massive gibs
I hope you also buy some rope with that.

>> No.27574012

If Ame's milkers were traded in the stock, calcium would replace gold as the standard.

>> No.27574060

t. The FED
Stablecoins are pegged to the dollar, if they didn’t collapse in March 2020, they won’t in the future. Just the assets you can purchase with either stablecoins or the real USD will keep going higher.

>> No.27574126


>> No.27574167


>> No.27574219


>> No.27574243

if he moves to nz I'll start getting worried.

>> No.27574270

>bezos puts all of his wealth into RBC
>$100B market cap
>rest of the world follows suit
>$10T market cap
>each RBC is worth $100k
Imagine all of the goats we will buy my Indian friend.

>> No.27574370

This was his plan he set out publicly since like fucking 2017

fuck outta here.

>> No.27574379
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>> No.27574527
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IS YOU SAYIN THE KIKES GET more money than us as usual. i can't even try to be funny about it. it just is

>> No.27574840

Not sure about this since it‘s the newest hobby of the government to keep stock market artificially alive under the guise of corona. They just make brrrrrr and prices go up again.

The market is literally fucked already but we write new ATH daily. this is an absolute Clown Market.

>> No.27575221

It’s either inflation or the debt based economy collapses, they chose the former,

>> No.27575382

This 100%

>> No.27575475

Bitbean faggot

>> No.27575505


>> No.27575593
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since like the capitalist system is law wouldn't it be reasonable to state that assets are the base unit of currency and not fiat?

>> No.27575714

They need to fake it until FedCoin is ready. 2023 is the digital dollar roll out. Screencap it and if I'm wrong I will drink a glass of my morning piss.

>> No.27575781
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I heard he is putting it in Zenon

>> No.27576209

What I am most concerned about is India making a precedent to ban all competing digital currency except the government issued one. And that move is being forced by the FED equivalent in India. I expect when other governments are ready this will be the precedent too. There is no way for us goys to win is there anon?

>> No.27576239

Buy the Amazon dip

>> No.27576498

Nah bro what does bezos know about the market, dont you see every single market at ATH and everyone and their mothers throwing their paychecks into stocks without even looking at the price every single month? This is totally sustainable bro we all gonna make it we bull forever bro we live in fairy land and we all gonna be rich

>> No.27576587

Chinese yuan

>> No.27576621

Literally impossible and counter-productive. The FedCoin system will be a private-public partnership. Certain coins will be integral to the system and others will exist outside of it. Not sure if you'll be able to freely move in and out of the system. I imagine there will be both decentralized and centralized networks, and there might possibly be another cold war fought over which system is superior similar to the last cold war.

>> No.27576696 [DELETED] 

Somebody needs to kill this guy ASAP

>> No.27576714

It's called hyperinflation you fucks

>> No.27576775

Engineered feed for the cattle, err, the plebs. He's shaping the population to his liking.

>> No.27576815

But my point is they are planning to shove an inferior digital currency down everyone’s throats, and in order to do that they will have to ban all objectively better forms of digital currency like Bitcoin.

>> No.27576844


As much as I dislike the man, he's no fool. Yes, he knows.

>> No.27576876

Crazy how fucking dumb this board has gotten

>> No.27576911

Mexican big boobie bitches

>> No.27577060

he is the closest thing to Satan on this planet

>> No.27577279

I had a good kek at his comment too

>> No.27577332

No, they don't have to ban it. They just have to make you do a swap to enter the system. The problem is if you can swap back out. So, you might be able to swap BTC for FedCoin but not be able to swap back out (legally). There will be ways to circumvent this and that is what will cause conflict. If decentralized finance truly is the better system, then the centralized system will lose to it and become the global standard.

>> No.27577494

1,400 for those under a certain income threshold. Generally $75k for individuals and $150,000 married couples. So 300 million? Maybe half.

>> No.27577641

>still believing in coincidence

>> No.27577645

I don't think governments will let global finance be decentralized. Even Facebook's cryptocurrency has had to give up decentralization.

>> No.27577734
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pink id, checks out

>> No.27577872
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I want out bros, I really do.

>> No.27577895

There will be some that don't want to be centralized. We will fight over this, anon. Proxy wars and shit.

>> No.27577942

What does he think, he's gonna be a feudal lord or something? Someone with actual charisma and willpower will take his land if shit gets real and he will be powerless to stop it.

>> No.27578140

>Trump was doing everything he could to keep the ship afloat
you must be legitimately retarded if you think Trump had any idea what was going on. he is literally the clueless boomer you idiots meme Biden to be, he's just openly racist so you faggots look up to him

>> No.27578401

when people start killing you again, please remember that it has happened all throughout history for a reason.

>> No.27578417

They are going to herd everyone into 11 megacities in North America as part of Agenda 2030. The best way to force people into cities is by destroying the economy as we saw in the 30s. Biden's anti-oil policies will raise the price of oil to $20 a gallon making it impossible to live as a Rural chad. People will abandon their homes in search of some work and head into the cities. Once in the cities you can't leave and it will be impossible to avoid the chip.
I saw a headline just the other day "Most of America may need to be turned into nature preserves to avoid Climate Change"

>> No.27578542

he is gonna spend it all on cartons of ciggies as bartaring power in the coming financial crash.

>> No.27579289

>please remember that it has happened all throughout history for a reason
yeah because dumbass hick losers like you get tricked by authoritarians into subserviency
should've just gone to college trevor

>> No.27579619
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>> No.27579666

Bullish for crypto.

>> No.27579764

>Biden's anti-oil policies will raise the price of oil to $20 a gallon making it impossible to live as a Rural chad.
EV + solar, what now?

>> No.27579886

I agree. Government will never ease on control.

>> No.27581658

you mean a big crash is imminent?

>> No.27582180

they don't want white people building their own cities away from negros

>> No.27582402


because reasons uuuh idk

>> No.27582548

holy based and truepilled wew

ay who got dat picture where their faces are switched on their bodies and they suddenly look like the correct gender

>> No.27582677

What are the tax/fees associated with selling assets in a roth ira and 401k? I want to pull a dianne fienstein and sell everything before shit hits the fan and rebuy at bargain prices.

>> No.27583140

Bill Gates is the largest *private* farmland owner. He actually owns very little, but all the other farmland is owned by corporations and cooperatives etc and they don't count that.

>> No.27583861

he's going to fill it with bugfarms
eat up goy

>> No.27584018

Next crash will be massive, but not convinced it will be anytime soon

>> No.27584410

Prove me wrong if the tesla bubble will be so huge it will take down the rest of the economy

>> No.27584529

Hodl stonks

>> No.27584602
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Underrated kek

>> No.27584769

If market is crashing, he wouldn't hold usd. Where is he investing? What is he buying?

>> No.27584814

June 19 $SPY 310

>> No.27584826

>If market is crashing, he wouldn't hold usd.

>> No.27584873

>stocks are the only financial instrument

>> No.27584885

Amazon gift cards, obviously

>> No.27584915



>> No.27584933

newfags falling for obvious bait

>> No.27585009

Someone needs to Leo Frank him

>> No.27585034
File: 26 KB, 340x244, chaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predict the people running the show will once again fuck everything up past repairing, and past caring.

>> No.27585111
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>> No.27585244

2 weeks.

>> No.27585349

His putting it all to crypto most likely

>> No.27585571

>when stocks crash, the dollar is not a safe investment

>> No.27585832

lmao imagine thinking they won't pull a walmart

>> No.27586019

Redpill me on why wealthy, powerful men like Bezos, Gates, Obama, Schumer, etc. are in romantic relationships with obvious trannies.

>> No.27586187

endgame content, nothing you'd have to worry about

>> No.27586276

didnt S9 crash that day?

>> No.27586328
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>> No.27586419

he is jewish, wow what a coincidence. quick jewgle search shows he was married to his wife by a rabbi...

>> No.27586448

Can I be Elon's trannie, p-please?

>> No.27586526

They are controlled by glow Nigerians who have a time machine

>> No.27586604

He wants to become US president, it's so obvious.

>> No.27586657

Hard assets like land and gold.

>> No.27586736

Land is finite unlike anything else including your crypto illusions

>> No.27586861

Men are better at everything

>> No.27587014

you need a high-IQ woman that slaps you if you go retard.

>> No.27587053

>should've just gone to college
Yes, a $100k 4 year certificate of participation in music history would solve all of our problems

>> No.27587130

green energy bullshit

>> No.27587174

Theyll always need people to live in the rural areas to maintain them. Be that guy

>> No.27587317

He is putting it into fusion energy, therefore eternally buttfucking musk
>t. just believe in me if you dont

>> No.27587633

YAY i know what it means I kno I kno haha

>> No.27587719


>> No.27588387

It appears the AI has become sentient

>> No.27588599

Did they?

>> No.27589047

look at 2018 flash crash and 2020 COVID crash
notice anything?
BTC dumped harder than anything else (over 50% crash) and it only recovered to pre-crash highs AFTER stimulus came out
all markets have two layers - savers and gamblers
almost everyone who owns BTC is a gambler
now look at gold, it didn’t even drop 1% during 2018 flash crash and during Covid it only dropped 15%
but more importantly, it recovered above pre-crash highs long before there was even talk about stimulus
Gold = savings = good in crash
BTC = online casino for gambling addicts = literally going to zero in a real crash

>> No.27589062
File: 327 KB, 951x1280, 121008130_1797421450406171_2606128849311264526_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a danger of market collapse in next weeks? What you think? I'm afraid of this and I stopped buying stocks to increase my cash

>> No.27589129

good move
“first by inflation, then by deflation”
they’re dumping on retail per usual

>> No.27589249

You're comparing posts you see today to the posts you remember from years ago and you tend to only remember posts that were useful to you (usually not the retarded ones).

>> No.27589337

If they hadn't been suppressing goy cattle's breeding and expansion, you'd be eating worms since the 90s.

>> No.27589347

>ay who got dat picture where their faces are switched on their bodies and they suddenly look like the correct gender
bump for interest

>> No.27590409

holy shit based

>> No.27590437

trannies are loyal women, give better head, more sex, conversaion than non tranny women is fast becoming my conclusion. either that or women with more testosterone in them.

lets the unshackle their man to suck sneed

>> No.27590540

owning btc = gambler FUCKIN WOT M8

btc can [not] disappear. Every other thing can

>> No.27590680

boomers forget their password
BTC can be lost

>> No.27590850

My prediction is that nothing will happen because nothing ever happens.

>> No.27590892

as a real chad would

>> No.27591123

Jeff Bezos has so much money, he could just create his own Amazon Coin and shill it to his customers.

>> No.27591138

you need a safe network
gold is literally eternal

>> No.27591373

How exactly do you steal from yourself?

>> No.27591394

Vix volatility was high last week. Every time it’s been that high there was no connection that month, and in most cases no correction for 6 months.

>> No.27591699

kind of the same when charlie sold all his litecoins. then bear market.

>> No.27591952
File: 249 KB, 900x1092, AMC WAAAGH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis one Get da CHOPPA!!

>> No.27591984

From Joe Biden? What are you talking about lmao

>> No.27592052

Useless chart lmao

>> No.27592617

this, there's got to be whales looking into setting off a squeeze

>> No.27592692


>> No.27592733

they are the witches who are actually controlling the world
every powerful man is a pawn to be led by a witch in hiding
their true agenda is to eradicate every female who doesn't have kinblood off the influence chain

>> No.27592762

Why? He's a white male, what is there to hate? Retard

>> No.27593255
