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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 212x238, Reef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27543104 No.27543104 [Reply] [Original]

I'm holding 369,000 at the moment. I'm seriously balls deep in this. If they actually implement this into a working project the potential is out of this dimension.

Reef is a DeFi platform built on Polkadot that aims to deliver cross-chain trading. A yield engine and a smart liquidity aggregator are among the project’s offerings.

Reef is geared towards newcomers, as well as current DeFi users who find it difficult to keep up with the best investment strategies. The company also wants to tackle the high gas fees that are seen on the Ethereum blockchain, which some claim renders DeFi protocols “unusable.”


UI demo:

>> No.27543632 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 233x261, 0b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with 50,000 REEF and yesterday I increased it to 69,000.

This better moon, I need to cover my losses from (((stocks))).

>> No.27543718
File: 12 KB, 807x151, reef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfags try harder please or you are ngmi.

>> No.27543790

I have 115k and I am HODLing. Ride it out with me, frens.

>> No.27543798

p-please don't dump until $0.1 senpai

>> No.27543937

I need to surpress the price for a bit longer so I can accuuumulate mpre.

>> No.27544170

wheree do i get my bags of reeeeeeef?

>> No.27544221

Binance or Uniswap

>> No.27544309 [DELETED] 

i'm literally fucking 16 dude. if i could i'd also go in on reef coin but cant

>> No.27544452

Just remember this young lad. You lived in a time of giants, a time of Achilles when he invested in REEF and made millions (next 4 years).

>> No.27544468

price has steadily gone up over a week so it does look promising

>> No.27544564

I don't give a fuck if the price goes down sub 1.5c I will accumulate more. The potential is absurd. Right now it's just hype and hype can drive the price up by another 2-3 cents but it will fall back down and that's when you buy. Buy when the streets are red not when the trees are green.

>> No.27544565

Get out of here scamp! Haha! You shouldn't be in here!

>> No.27544648


>> No.27544661

if reef pumps to 0.70 you'll have $257267 nice 6 digit net

>> No.27544731

Imagine the dude that owns 20m of this shit LOL. He's gonna be on mars doing blow off a martians asshole.

>> No.27544787

i'll go now but later when i'm working in retail with only a high school diploma to my name i'll remember reef chads

>> No.27544836

Reef Lord*

>> No.27544875

this thread makes this coin seem VERY bearish

>> No.27544882

Yeah, perhaps I will or there is a possiblity that I will hang myself if it wont deliver.

>> No.27544970

I'm gonna buy 10 bucks of this shit

>> No.27545016

700K stack reporting for duty

>> No.27545015

Bro, you're fucked. How much did that cost you? That's insane.

>> No.27545025

how does $20 EOY sound?

>> No.27545091

cant buy in us on binance. fuck uniswap

>> No.27545128

Stay poor.

>> No.27545310

I bought at around $0.022 so it cost me around $460k. Yep, I need to get out of this 6 figure hell right now. YOLO.

>> No.27545408

underageb& - don't underestimate the opportunities of that diploma, though. You'd hate to be one of the people without one.

>> No.27545452

100k stack ready to fucking go

>> No.27545465

It's going to 5x easily on hype alone, so you're good.

>> No.27545507

when it reaches $5 it will come to coinbase and you can buy then

>> No.27545588
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, 1610531264229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total supply is 20 billion

>> No.27545640

Currently in six figure hell with a similar amount of USD. I'm stuck in link until the end of the month so I can save $ on taxes, but goddamn I wish I could be you right now.

>> No.27545669

I've bought 5k and won't see it's price on a year, my bet is that it will go into the 0.3$ but maybe it will do a link

>> No.27545702

OP Here.

Here's a breakdown:

Under 25K = REEF Peasant
Under 50K = REEF Squire
Over 100K = REEF Marine
Over 300K = REEF Lord
Over 700K = REEF Grandmaster
Over 1m = REEF Hero
Over 5m = REEF Legend
Over 20m = REEF Autist
Over 50m = REEF GOD.

>> No.27545807

peasants are people too

>> No.27545856

Reef grandmaster reporting.. glad I am not an autist

>> No.27545876

I'd say you have a 1% chance of being worth 46million. Most people are never have that good of odds at decamillion status.
Probably a 50/50at hitting 4.6mill on hype alone.

>> No.27545956
File: 3.28 MB, 4032x3024, 20210202_165935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this order ever go through?
Reef @ .023 USDT

>> No.27545960

63k stacklet, feeling good, I think if we were gonna dump, we would have by now.
Sell walls will go away eventually

>> No.27546028

If REEF goes up to $1.00 USD my man just made a cool $20m so idk wtf you're talking about.

>> No.27546076
File: 113 KB, 991x695, 1612310037189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna need a REEF version of this for the rollercoaster ride

>> No.27546117

Thanks anons, but well, it is not so easy, right? If you would be really certain, then you can borrow money in the bank for this What I would like to say with this - yeah, I really hopes it will go well, but it is not really certain and it can absolutely sink to the bottom without any real recovery. So it is not quite nerve wrecking.

>> No.27546130

go big or go home, make it $15

>> No.27546219

>tfw 750 REEF
I'm ngmi anons.

>> No.27546229


>> No.27546293

diamond balls brother
stay strong

>> No.27546343

Equivalent to GRT being $10

>> No.27546346

bought a small 50k bag cmon boys!!!

>> No.27546432

kek unironically terrible idea, should've kept it in eth/link/btc

>> No.27546449

I wouldn't worry. I bought holo when it first listed on binance and I had over 100m of it. I ended up making money on that shit during a bear market. We are in the cusp of the golden bull so you'll do fine.

>> No.27546504

Shit... I made squire. Didn't expect to be ranked so highly.

>> No.27546543

Realistic price predictions?

>> No.27546549

Will you fucking regards stop with the reef threads? I’m not done accumulating and don’t want the retards on this board assing it up with their pump and dumps. For fucks sake! What’s wrong with you idiots don’t you understand what we’re on to here??

>> No.27546557

I'd love to forget about reef and only remember to look at my bags 3 weeks from now

checking every 2 minutes if it's up or down can't be healthy

>> No.27546583
File: 137 KB, 1068x590, Reefbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn sell walls, someone really wants to keep the price down

>> No.27546678
File: 465 KB, 750x752, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't the ranks

>> No.27546708

This. Bro i’d 25% out 2x then 25% out 5x then ride the rest.

>> No.27546730
File: 12 KB, 1801x91, binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEF GOD checking in

>> No.27546746

no it will be REEFUSDT


>> No.27546752

I'm a marine.

Nautical themed version:

Under 25K = REEF Star Fish
Under 50K = REEF Sea Horse
Over 100K = REEF Nemo
Over 300K = REEF Tuna
Over 700K = REEF Dolphin
Over 1m = REEF Shark
Over 5m = REEF Whale
Over 20m = REEF Kraken
Over 50m = REEF Moby

>> No.27546754

You’re a fucking reeftard
t . m e / reeftardsbiz

>> No.27546758

no shit thats like $20

>> No.27546785

Smart people do god dammit! This isn’t a pump and dump shit coin, you assholes that think it is need to get out and stay out

>> No.27546808


>> No.27546820

Also ignore the 162 kek

>> No.27546885

Unpredictable, it all depends if they make a nice product, and if no-one beats them to it, and if normies want to use it

>> No.27546935

Nice LARP, post address

>> No.27546944
File: 346 KB, 640x875, ezgif-3-73900aba8edd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7k stacklet peasant here bros

>> No.27546974

I was trying to figure that out

>> No.27547001
File: 64 KB, 220x220, 1611959781948.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but it's all I h-had pls no bully

>> No.27547060


>> No.27547150

that's the binance UI lol

>> No.27547161
File: 541 KB, 1920x1080, ATLANTIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you boys in Atlantis, WAGMI

>> No.27547461

You'll make a bunch of money from this

>> No.27547529

I agree with you, its obviously a serious project with awesome potential. I just pointed out the large sell walls in place, whats wrong with that?

>> No.27547550

Dont pee your pants I wont dump on you.

>> No.27547597
File: 68 KB, 1050x659, EtOhBjnXAAAJC7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting room

>> No.27547620

i got 1.7k reef

i just want some change to buy chicken nuggies

>> No.27547751

remember you're buying on limit anon, it won't place until it falls.

>> No.27548019

Sorry wasn’t trying to attack you. But the people that keep making these threads are like the fucking Mayans leading the Spanish straight to their gold. Biztards are going to shit this up with their pump and dump nonsense we need to at least wait till after the staking event starts. Reef chads WILL get rich and we need to keep the riffraff OUT

>> No.27548057

We'll make it bro, if it giga pumps cash out 50% and buy the dip, that's my plan anyway

>> No.27548102
File: 1.81 MB, 314x314, reef pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe me, I'm trying by making quality memes.
Even if I can only afford 10k and have a piece of shit PC that takes 10hrs to render basic stuff.

Also, join the discord. We're chill.

>> No.27548177

should I ape into this now or wait for the dip bros?

>> No.27548239

Give it a minute

>> No.27548289

I was a graphic designer for ten years and soon will start making some quality reef graphics. I’m not a meme maker but we can at least shit post with some nice looking graphics

>> No.27548299

Link to discord?

>> No.27548327

2.3k here, poorfags unite! I'm saving for a new skate deck.

>> No.27548383

Refute this and I'll buy some:
>total supply is 20 billion
total supply is 20 billion
>total supply is 20 billion
total supply is 20 billion
>total supply is 20 billion
total supply is 20 billion
>total supply is 20 billion
total supply is 20 billion
>total supply is 20 billion
total supply is 20 billion
>total supply is 20 billion
total supply is 20 billion
>total supply is 20 billion
total supply is 20 billion

>> No.27548388

Stay the fuck out if you’re looking for a pump and dump we don’t want you

>> No.27548479

Don’t buy fuck off

>> No.27548528
File: 1.11 MB, 4000x3000, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go REEF gang I'm sending big GREEN waves your way

>> No.27548557

I'm looking for long-term growth my man, I'm over the /biz/ pump and dump of the week business
just trying to get a good entry point

>> No.27548879
File: 128 KB, 620x683, 37252E01-AE77-44C3-A27B-41EE21F4EEB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard here. Watching Reef threads pop up for awhile. How do I buy and where do I do it? I made an Etherscan account, but I don’t know shit.

>> No.27548950

go back

>> No.27548972

poorfags unite!

let's be a little less poor together

>> No.27548984

Then buy soon friend. Good things ahead for us. Just keep the chatter down for a little while longer

>> No.27548987
File: 823 KB, 3280x2329, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already took my 30% gains and left. This shit aint gonna go anywhere.

>> No.27549004

I bought on Binance

>> No.27549124

Thanks bro it just went up

>> No.27549136


You already sold?

Wow. Get the rope ready for the end of the week.

>> No.27549189

>Tfw reef peasant
20k of them should be enough for a nice car right?

>> No.27549227

Ok. I saw that one as well. I was trying to figure out how to buy in and it got more confusing the more I kept looking. I will look at that tonight. Thanks.

>> No.27549233

bullshit larp. There is no wallet with that amount on etherscan, and the only ones around that amount are the exchanges.

biggest actual wallet is 11m

>> No.27549268

Binance.com is the best exchange IMO. If you're in the US you probably need to use a VPN to access it.

>> No.27549378

Binance is the best for sure. Anyone know if Binance will allow staking for REEF in the future? That will reduce these sell walls asap

>> No.27549433


>> No.27549450

Thats the binance exchange UI newfag

>> No.27549503

When will this shit hit 0.1?

>> No.27549536

LMFAO I'm actually dying. So many newfags on here acting like they know their shit

>> No.27549543

Good stay the fuck out
I’m in Texas and can’t use binance. Had to buy ethereum on coinbase, transfer to coinbase wallet and convert via uniswap. It’s gay as fuck and your gonna get burned on gas so buy in large enough amounts. And then keep your mouth shut and don’t make any more god damn reef threads

>> No.27549557
File: 70 KB, 490x720, 397244_144871715628610_1921615285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+30% is good. This project has nothing to show for itself. Went in just because of the obvious pump and because it reminded me of surfer butts. Left a small stack as a lottery ticket for long hold.

>> No.27549610
File: 22 KB, 368x402, keep him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will, fellow pesantbro

>> No.27549623

Its a Q1 target I believe, and likely to happen with Binance being an investor and partner. Hope its soon!

>> No.27549681

Ok. Thanks. I have a huge knowledge gap when it comes to bit and block. It’s such a fluid market and I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to get in on something new that I can grow financially with. Not sure if reef is being larped or if it’s legit, but it gets a lot of positive swing around here.

>> No.27549713

Binance trades show up on etherscan you absolute fucking retard

>> No.27549720

It's been posted in this thread fren

>> No.27549747
File: 35 KB, 275x1054, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has more buzzwords than any other coin rn
$0.5 EOM

>> No.27549816


>> No.27549902
File: 71 KB, 828x612, 1611969835723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27550038

Yes, but hold for two years don’t be a fucking pussy

>> No.27550173

Yes I’m not doubting that 30% is good but this looked primed for way more gains in the next few days.

Just my opinion, always has the chance to fall, but everything is sliding into place.

>> No.27550588

Would a card like this allow the irs to see our accounts? Or would it only be able to see purchases to vendors?

>> No.27550848

>100k here
will reef have public staking? I don't want to spam 20 BILLION fud, but I also don't want my 100k just sitting here while ICOs dump on me

>> No.27550910

Check the blog on the website staking event starts tomorrow

>> No.27550947

please stop shilling this, this is the first time i want to accumulate

>> No.27551005

It's a Q1 roadmap goal, stay comfy m8

>> No.27551033

On Binance?

>> No.27551121

Binance will take a little longer

>> No.27551232

Binance is not even confirmed you god damn retard.

>> No.27551395

can an ameriburger stake on unifarm?
I can't use binance so if unifarm isn't for burgers my 100k is stranded

>> No.27551601

lol its been on binance for two weeks now

>> No.27551648

Alright Reefers, I fell for the meme and just uniswapped some GRT for about 80k REEF. Predictions for eoy from my basket?

>> No.27551651

I think anon is talking about Binance Staking.

>> No.27551773

5-10x minimum, 20x or more if REEF delivers.

>> No.27551792
File: 21 KB, 397x439, 8ED146ED-940B-4054-9476-A20F2EB4C01E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so angry I bought this piece of shit on launch like a fucking idiot... only -70% PL KEEP PUMPING

>> No.27552069
File: 96 KB, 720x720, reefmusume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does staking on Unifarm tomorrow entail, what are the steps I need to follow?

>> No.27552074

Novice investor.

>> No.27552097

Why isn't Polkadot on Coinbase? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.27552218

It was my first coin launch, newfag to crypto. Luckily got my make it stack of Rubic.

>> No.27552336

at what time staking will be introduced?

>> No.27552424

Hey REEFER's, I just got an email about staking on Unifarm, things are looking on schedule

>> No.27552509

heaps of shit isn't on there

>> No.27552550

sameeee my body is ready

>> No.27552604

diamond hands tho

>> No.27552634

post a mail here

>> No.27552874

can't be fucked doing a scrolling screenshot, here is some info

We all know staking is the highest ROI investment for holders.

But what if Staking got a whole lot better?

We bring to you the best place to farm.
Stake your holdings with UniFarm and get up to 250% APY


You stake one token and farm FIVE.

Matic, Frontier, OpenDeFi, Centaur and Reef. 5 of the most trusted projects in the space.

One Place To Farm Them All.
Staking goes live February 03, 2021 @ 07:00 PM IST | 1:30 PM GMT
Powered by OroPocket

>> No.27552886

I thought exiting from RBC from a 5x was retarded of me you're just bottom of the barrel retard

>> No.27552973
File: 324 KB, 764x492, 1606567434963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$0.5 EOM

>> No.27553327

someone redpill me on this, should I dump half my prq bags into it?

>> No.27553334
File: 154 KB, 1249x1457, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to special.

>> No.27553354

Nah, it will be between at 0.025-0.03 until it dips to 0.01 then will slowly crab up.

>> No.27553434

How do I buy?
Graphlet and Rubeface here.

>> No.27553601

Lol no, everyone is trying to fill their bags before Binance announces staking and we 5x in a week

>> No.27553629

Uniswap + coinwallet
Fuddish bobo

>> No.27553665

If you bought that and put it into RBC, you’d be guaranteed out of 6 digit hell anon...it’s been mooning and bound for $1 EOM easy. And prolly $10 EOY.

>> No.27553671

Wasn't there already reef staking on binance or am I just retarded

>> No.27553708

its first and biggest polkadot starter, working with visa and chainlink, working product, white team, binance launchpad and today staking is starting.
go all in now

>> No.27553740
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, degenerate_hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're gonna make it bro

>> No.27553772

it was a launchpool where you can GET reef, not stake

>> No.27553804

binance if you can.
If you like GRT, RBC and REEF, you'll probably like FTM too

>> No.27553829

Thanks, so same way I bought my Rubes and bao? Metamask on uniswap and pay the ridiculous gas fee? Only putting $2000 in though. Reef seems off.

>> No.27553896

literally on binance with your mum credit card

>> No.27553912

yeah seems about right, ty

>> No.27553935

try 1inch instead of uniswap, cheaper gas and never use metamask swap, stupid high prices

>> No.27553942

My gas fee was $25...

>> No.27553976

I wish friend, using my wage slave tokens to buy.

>> No.27554075

it's been a pleb filter for redditors new to crypto

seen a lot try to use metamask quotes instead of uni or 1inch, checked it out and yeah, they're asking for 100$+ in gas fees lmao probably making a small fortune off the side of it

>> No.27554124

i dont see the link, why not just link it faggot ?

>> No.27554380

is staking this shit going to cost eth gas/transaction fees? if so I'm out...

>> No.27554436
File: 278 KB, 1920x1080, FC2-PPV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought some more

>> No.27554470

If you want to stake it you have to move your REEF to to their platform so yes it will cost GAS fees.

>> No.27554551
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 2qwz6G73_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'am part of a Reef whale group and we have been supressing Reef for the last weeks as much as possible. It's getting harder and harder because demand is and always was extremely high.
We had to supress Reef not only to fill our bags as much as possible for the upcoming bullrun but also to get rid of all the impatient weakhands. They have to get flushed as much as possible to make sure only ironhands are holding. This will drive the price up a lot higher. The boring price action of the last years will soon be forgotten. Reef is setting up for a 2017 Ethereum kind of run as soon as we let it run.

Denko is not selling his tokens on the market. We know this because Binance offers a service for well paying whales which makes it possible to see the entire orderbook and trade behaviour of users. There are no repeating 500k sells. The only little bit of liquidity for Reef is coming from us and impatient sellers.

>> No.27554646

Cool pasta m8

>> No.27554678


>> No.27554686

$45 on uniswap

>> No.27554722

Stacklet here, just bought more. Im not selling till EOY. How high do you think REEF will be?

>> No.27554738

To all the newfags this is another shitcoin pump and dump. Please ignore this shitcoin and save your money

>> No.27554767

This reeks of Pajeet but I’m still intrigued. Put another 4K in I better make six figures from this bitch

>> No.27554779
File: 239 KB, 480x480, 20210202_205402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you only knew how bad it really is

>> No.27554780

Why not buy on binance so there's no gas fee?

>> No.27554888

Cucked residents of the land of the free can't buy shitcoins on binance

>> No.27554974

How long would it take to setup? I don’t want to miss this moon mission. I cannot stand my job currently.

>> No.27555044

If you're from EU it's like 10 minutes.

>> No.27555085

Yo, staking goes live tomorrow. This might be going to 0.03 :O

>> No.27555123

It took me an hour to get verified on that site (if you wanna deposit more than 250 you need to verify)

>> No.27555130


>> No.27555168

How long would it take to setup? I don’t want to miss this moon mission. I cannot stand my job currently, college is a meme.

>> No.27555188
File: 212 KB, 811x848, reef_team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sounds promising overall, but checking there linkedin it looks very suspicious.

>> No.27555217

Stale pasta

>> No.27555291

Why bother asking this newfag anon? He obviously is just fudding because he didn't buy while it was low. Eventually when REEF does a dip you'll see 20 posts like that to scare people into selling. Welcome to /biz Every 30 posts there's some decent information. The others are all FUD and nonsense.

>> No.27555294


>> No.27555399
File: 485 KB, 600x664, 1611601566942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't into corporateism and Linkedin. What's suspicious about it?

>> No.27555419

Why because they don't have DSLR High Rez Model Tier Pictures those faggot real estate agents put up? Instead I see a young group of aspiring professionals that are going to change the DeFi spectrum and overall Crypro world. They're all gonna make. Are you?

>> No.27555425

u wot

>> No.27555531

Third worlder with a binance account.

Some of my saves (which is like 20% of my salary) is 10USD should I go for it? New Apex expansion looks like shit.

>> No.27555546


>> No.27555569

Some new Pajeet site is doing staking, I'm not touching it.

>> No.27555581

dont care. I sell on top and then buy the dip (if only happens), otherwise you're a nigger and suck dicks

>> No.27555655

Depending where you're from that doesn't even cover the minimum deposit

>> No.27555666

You can't deposit or swap less than 15 to BTC, and there's a fee, so it's 17 min

>> No.27555760

I'm not staking this on a weird ass site. Unless it's proven to be legit. If staking ever comes available on Binance for REEF then you bet your ass I'll be balls deep in that too

>> No.27555814

You can use p2p on binance and limit starts at 10$ or even less in shithole countries.

>> No.27555821

It's a pasta.

>> No.27555848

Please be bait

>> No.27555923

Understand, yes you are right.

Maybe after day 5 I can buy, hope I don't lost the big pump.

And I can't pick back my links from my>>27555655>>27555666


>> No.27555960

we up boys

>> No.27556000
File: 15 KB, 453x336, B7C31D66-81AF-4119-9C16-FA54CF18DA8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just shy of a Lord
Why even live

>> No.27556029

1$ when?

>> No.27556073

People are expecting this to be a year long investment. It's not a weekend pnd animal or food coin.

>> No.27556143

Try using p2p trading on binance, in poland you can start buying bitcoin from 10$ and for some payment option there is a very low commission

>> No.27556150

literally never

>> No.27556174

can set we avoid shilling this too much for a while so that i can buy more next week?

>> No.27556195

I bought 4 dollar shares earlier with my 10 dollars in btc dont know what these dudes are talking about

>> No.27556225

> 10USD = 20% of salary
> Muh apex expansion


>> No.27556270

$1 seems a long shot but something like $0.3 would be fucking great

>> No.27556332

This is nice, it's hard to find serious coins.

Is the Visa Card true? This coin seems to have a real use.

The best option is 15USD, seems like a good investment to get me out of my shit hole .

Thanks ou guys.

>> No.27556383

Reef twitter just posted Visa Card with no context

>> No.27556400


>> No.27556454

You're not gonna become a millionaire after depositing $15 but you might be up $100 by EOY. Remember to deposit $16-17 so you don't get fucked by the fees.

>> No.27556517

Threw in 5 grand just so I can call myself a marine

>> No.27556548

Eom/eoy predictions, realistically expecting Visa to partner with them?

>> No.27556562


better start selling some of my bag at 0.2 then

>> No.27556611


>> No.27556649

Use some IQ 1$ eoy if they really keep delivering but my guess is around 0.05 - 0.10$ eom

>> No.27556721

>You're not gonna become a millionaire
At least i can pay for a better security camera and new material for university.

>> No.27556726

Don't come to Canada

T. Nat Soc

>> No.27556796

middle of the march

>> No.27556857



>> No.27556863

I don't think they'd tweet a visa card and pin it on their page for no reason. Also some of the other tokens launching on unifarm tomorrow are partnered with visa so it might be an indicator for reef too

>> No.27556906

visa card is in their roadmap iirc (q3 2021 or something like that)

this could rocket to 0.1 pretty fast if binance hypes this / makes staking possible

>> No.27556908

fuck you scammers, I trust Anatoly alot more than these randos.

>> No.27556962
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that's like 1k usd. i was gonna invest $150 with my minim wage job

>> No.27556965
File: 222 KB, 1125x1392, EkQK7REUcAAnRfQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 10% in last hour. Nice

>> No.27557121

Didn’t GRT shoot from .13 to now because Coinbase and binance hyped it?

>> No.27557195
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>> No.27557255


>> No.27557349
File: 67 KB, 1606x444, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me kek. Check my stack.

>> No.27557372

>REEF Peasant
squire soon, when it dips...

>> No.27557388

broke 5k euros first time on my poor poor portfolio

lets go bitches

>> No.27557395

How do I stake on binance?

>> No.27557413

Is Reef marine make it?

>> No.27557417

pyramid scheme tier

>> No.27557475

you dont, yet

i hope they implement it fast, reef would fucking skyrocket

>> No.27557482
File: 50 KB, 2467x193, biz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of the trades. Wish it was a round number, 4 millions. But perhaps I will add more later.

>> No.27557501

you call yourself poor? got 800$ portfolio here mate.

>> No.27557516
File: 31 KB, 600x314, 1_7Jjym-tmX7ycg6RVmjVk3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is unifarm a legit project? no info on internet

>> No.27557546

Why does it look like the GrubHub ad?

>> No.27557559

between squire and marine retard

>> No.27557577

Breaking 0.03 in 5mins boys

>> No.27557580

I wanna figure out how to do it with 1inch before it gets added to reef

>> No.27557621

dont know got it from reef twitter

>> No.27557671

jokes aside
0.1 / 1-1.5

>> No.27557686

I c u fellow squiremarine

>> No.27557690


>> No.27557693

Staking is on unfarms.co and starts Feb 3

>> No.27557711

heh nothing personal kiddos but I got 14 whole dollars in mine

>> No.27557726

So what makes this special?

>> No.27557735

what's reefs marketcap if 1-1.5?
seems out of this world

>> No.27557831


>> No.27557859

I'm personally just hoping for a .5

>> No.27557864
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>> No.27557868

If you retards were paying attention and not blabbing on/biz/ you would have gotten the email with the staking info, and have gotten the info in the telegram group currently going over all the details

>> No.27557893

I did some average calculation and the marketcap has to sit around 600m this year that's a x10

>> No.27558067

Based responsible anon, I'm too toked up on this reefer maaan

>> No.27558078

so we can still 4x from that and be below eos at 15-20 something

man we are so early, load up

>> No.27558090

How long does it take to show up in my metamask?

>> No.27558151
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>> No.27558165
File: 60 KB, 699x485, 1554172854327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.028 and bounces back?

>> No.27558225

Draw the snorkel instead

>> No.27558235

You dont have to do really some hard calculations heh. Just look at current price and current market cap. If the price will do a x10 so will the market cap.

>> No.27558301


thats your CEO?

>> No.27558328

What's the difference in trading volume and market cap pic related

>> No.27558329

no, read this>>27545588 and this>>27546343
so 1 is only 4 bill

>> No.27558382
File: 55 KB, 268x263, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any chance to screenshot it for us please?

>> No.27558390

Very tiny wall at 28, if no big whales dump now we could get to 29 and maybe even full 3c very fast

>> No.27558422

What’s the telegram group, link?

>> No.27558457

top 15 coin out of a ~ 2500 is a moonshot

i'll take it

diamond balls

>> No.27558480

Is there a discord for REEFers?

>> No.27558565


>> No.27558567
File: 118 KB, 1022x740, 0f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god i dumped PNK for this. i might not miss the bullrun after all.

>> No.27558586

If it dumps a bit then I will add one more million to my stack.

>> No.27558625

from what i've read reef works really closely with binance

imagine staking

>> No.27558626

Telegram for /biz/fags


>> No.27558629

I’m doing 50. Not sure if I should dip on my BTC or ETH.

>> No.27558645

based reefking

>> No.27558651

64k binance reefer here, would transferring it to another exchange so I can stake it even be worth it?

>> No.27558682

10 mins later and it’s still not went through on uniswap? Did I fuck up or is it just slow?

>> No.27558698

Isn't binance coming out with native staking in Q1?

>> No.27558705
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Same but just another 50k stack because not a larper just a wagie trying to retire to south east asia

>> No.27558745

binance already has a staking feature. I'm sure they'll add reef there

>> No.27558751

Hehe, but for that I will have to liquidate my 1inch stash, hmm, priorities. And yeah, I will be 100% in reef by that point. Uh.

>> No.27558769

how would staking for let's say 150k reef would work

how worth is it?

>> No.27558829

Staking coming Q1, that's when you want to have your bags packed.

>> No.27558840

Thank me you bastards. Good luck

>> No.27558861

gas probably wasn't set high enough. just cancel the order and right before you swap again, check gas price on etherscan. set it to 10-20 gwei above whatever it currently is.

>> No.27558865

I have a remaining 3k in GRT should I convert it and just go all in

>> No.27558887

smol hodling 10k reef, 0.10 by the weekend lads?

>> No.27558911

Fuck that's a healthy chart this things gonna explode

>> No.27558965

no idea but what's life without a bit of excitement
could be ur greatest move but also worst
go with the flow

>> No.27558983
File: 455 KB, 1284x2240, 1612320427044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows why I got this warning when opening the REEF/BTC pair?

>> No.27558995
File: 458 KB, 1536x2048, D33urkDU8AEy15K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see a fellow 1inch/reef bro

>> No.27559011

It says I can’t cancel the button isn’t there...lol did I break it?

>> No.27559037

It's a simple disclaimer, nothing to worry about.
I believe that it's time based on when the asset was launched on Binance.

>> No.27559041

I got about $500 in grt I just put in at the lowest dip im thinking about transferring. Gonna wait for this to dump a bit tho

>> No.27559060

GRT is good long term

>> No.27559079
File: 102 KB, 1080x1920, reef2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna make it biz?

>> No.27559081
File: 516 KB, 4500x4500, 1612249377883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes the green staircase chart also known as the you're gonna make it chart or aka the lambo chart

>> No.27559087

Oropocket on telegram. Piece of shit 4chan won’t let me post the link

>> No.27559115

i'm a visitor from europe so idk if u can post links here but here i go


it's a goldmine

>> No.27559169

Think it pops up when you open a market pair that has the "Innovation" tag

>> No.27559185

Bro you already did

>> No.27559187

I'm assuming I need to add more eth for gas fees?

>> No.27559192

El Mejor

>> No.27559313

no cancel button in metamask? in that case idk.
you probably didnt break anything, ethereum is just a shitshow.

>> No.27559324

God I wish that were me

>> No.27559333

Not really, no. To be able to make it for me means at least 400-500k. The absolute best case would be 1 million of course and above.

>> No.27559351

MetaMask is going to be the only way to stake at first

>> No.27559376
File: 6 KB, 107x413, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metamask is a joke with no support they lost my eth the other day. I would never use it again.

>> No.27559418

Imagine my pain if this will dump hard and I will be wiped out.

>> No.27559467

I mean you bought relatively low you wouldn’t lose all of your money

>> No.27559471

loving the meme game already right out the gate for this project. lots of oc. bullish

>> No.27559480

>they lost my eth the other day.
Sorry, what? How?

>> No.27559501

im scared of all the good vibes /biz/. all this excitement reminds me of those fucking x.finance/foodcoins of yesteryear

>> No.27559533

New thread

>> No.27559544

Gentleman, prepare your moon boots - we're about to be astronauts.

>> No.27559717

Eth transactions can fail and take your gas

>> No.27559771

fuck i paid the gas cancellation fee. Did I just lose my $380 in Ethereum?

>> No.27559854

Don't stress I'm sure you can get it back. In my case I lost gas fee and my eth was stuck somehow. I tried following a basic guide to get it back but had no luck. Pajeet software.

>> No.27559880
File: 130 KB, 1602x900, AEC9D5F7-4433-4662-AF86-5A93813206BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely trust reef. dont trust unifarm tho. smells like curry and instant noodles

>> No.27559972

No you usually just lose the gas fee, if the eth is stuck in the void you can get it back by sending yourself 0 eth or something

>> No.27560010

shit man you serious lol? So I really just lost $380 on metamask?

>> No.27560127

i dont trust them either but the unifarm site says the tokens stay in your wallet and you can unstake at any time. what are the potential downsides of staking at that point?

>> No.27560148

Thanks frens. Hope this pays out :^)

>> No.27560206

I wish I was half as brave. but I'd rather diversify

>> No.27560371
File: 643 KB, 1047x735, I6WdDH7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, freshly made

>> No.27560438

Can someone post a tutorial for unifarm. havent received an email and could find it on tg

>> No.27560541

Thanks m8

>> No.27560563

Went through...this crypto thing is stressful. Why does my Reef logo look fake lol did I buy the wrong Reef?

>> No.27560667
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>> No.27560819

post etherscan tx link and i'll tell you if it's fake

>> No.27560909

that's the right one, mine looks the same. it's just the unique placeholder image that metamask assigns to it.