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27543119 No.27543119 [Reply] [Original]

Rubic Exchange is the future. Gas fees aren't the lowest (yet) but you still get more on Rubic compared to other DEX's

>> No.27543380


>> No.27543404
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why yes indeed

>> No.27543417
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sir, it's a coin you HAVE to bet on, it is just, the next BTC, not even joking

>> No.27543652

whats the point of owning the coin though

>> No.27543732

It's to make millions for the Moons!

>> No.27543795

Same as any other exchange that mints it’s own token. Only in this case the exchange actually has unique and useful features

>> No.27544671

>24 cents
It's fucking over

>> No.27544710

I re allocated all of my other shitcoins and some of my ETH to get more cubic rubic. It's my second largest bag now. Gonna be a millionaire in one year.

>> No.27544871

>Gas fee's is our selling point
Almost like these shitcoins of the week pick the latest hot topic and shill the fuck out of their scam like it is the solution when anyone with half a brain knows a real solution is on the way. And it won't be this fucking inorganically spammed memecoin.

>> No.27544923

Thinking about throwing 1k on some DEX. Shill me this shit (actual fundamentals, articles, partnerships, white team?)

>> No.27545654

Way to prove you know absolutely nothing about the project dumb nigger.

>> No.27545760

Spoonfeeding #1

Rubic will solve one of the biggest problems of crypto, the gas fee problem, once the L2 solution like Hermez (mainnet this Feb) is utilized:
"Jordi Baylina (tech lead of Hermez) said Hermez will help process 2,000 transactions per second at "one-tenth" of current fees. Ethereum's current capacity is about 15 transactions per second, and thecurrent average feeis about $11 per transaction."

So what it means is that not only the gas for transactions will get about 10 times cheaper but also the throughput of transacting will increase to 2000 / 15 = 133 times faster when you use rubic.exchange. In other words instead of an ordinary road with 1 lane and pay booth every kilometer you will get a super highway with 133 lanes and a pay booth every 10 kilometers.

If Rubic implements it successfully, and there is no doubt about that, it will be huge FOR PEOPLE, and bad for front running and sniping bots!


>> No.27545863

Spoonfeeding #2

Whats going to happen

to give you a privacy feature, burgers will love it
another Rubic exchange integration for an already massively popular chain
>Advanced DEX aggregator
to give you best exchange price from the joined liquidity pools of multiple DEX exchanges
>and the mentioned Layer 2 integration
to increase the throughput and decrease the cost of transacting

Ambitious? Hell yes! But Rubic is not a 1-man shop or a team of free-lancers quickly put together - they are a block chain dev team of 20+ devs working together for at least 4 years now. Well funded too btw. To say that Rubic has a bright feature is to say nothing at all.


>> No.27545924
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For fucks sake just post the png

>> No.27545994
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Spoonfeeding #3

About the CEO of MyWish and Rubic:

Vladimir Tikhomirov
CEO / Founder
Crypto enthusiast and serial entrepreneur, Vladimir has over 10 years of experience leading IT businesses. Former Product Manager in Motorola Soluitons (for 7 years). Vladimir is a founder of DDG - software development center with 50 employees. Ph.D in Computer Science
https://ddgcorp.ru/en/ - his software company

MyWish team - https://mywish.io/team
Rubic's team - https://rubic.exchange/team

MyWish was the first platform who offered Binance Smart Chain contracts
https://cryptomywish.medium.com/mywish-the-first-platform-offers-smart-contracts-on-binance-smart-chain-a5c7c6062c14 (they partnered with Binance already in 2019 to develop BSC and test it)

Rubic is run by MyWish team and is implementing Binance Smart Chain anonymous cross-chain swaps.

Binance posted this https://www.binance.org/en/blog/binance-smart-chain-2021-roadmap-vision-and-trends/ some days ago stating that cross-chain swaps are in top priority list. Binance already knows MyWish team and also what they are capable of.MyWish did 6000+ Smart contracts on Binance Smart Chain during 2020.


>> No.27546036


>> No.27546055

The very next post kek >>27545654
What is sharding? ETH 2.0? This useless shitcoin is a useless shitcoin.

>> No.27546099


>> No.27546171

You'll be able to stake and help bring value to the exchange.

>> No.27546210

What does Rubic do that Uniswap doesnt?

>> No.27546217

Rubic telegram AMA recap from January 20:

Q1. How cross chain swaps would work from one chain to another because you'd need 2 different wallets. And what is the status about the Panama Binance Bridge test?

If we talk about Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum (we are starting from it) - then you need just one address (the same will work in both chains). Among cross-chain solutions Panama bridge (by Binance) will be the first used in Rubic. It’s not fully decentralized yet, but balances are guaranteed by Binance. No KYC, AML needed - just Rubic & Metamask.
Planned release date: 28th of January.

Q2: Regarding Layer2, why have we decided to focus on it and are there some challenges (minor/major) the team is facing at the moment in terms of development, especially building Layer 2 solutions? I assume it's a complex process. (If it's not, why haven't others built it yet? What's stopped others?

Currently Rubic uses 1inch aggregator for some trades, and sometimes fees are more than $20 for simple swap. It’s not acceptable. That’s why we integrated Matic and will continue to add more solutions, Loopring can be the next big integration in Layer2 direction. Also, we are considering own L2 solution development based on zk-snarks approach - in research now. Regarding others - understanding the math for zk - it’s quite challenging, fortunately we have devs with math background.


>> No.27546325

Q3: When is the release for Instant Trades on BSC?

We plan to release it in February 2021 and it will be a complete solution for Ethereum users also (use bridges and then make instant trades on BSC for low fees). We are in touch with BurgerSwap and plan to make a mutual AMA very soon to announce the integration. Stay tuned!

Q4: A major selling point of Rubic is cross-chain swaps. How do you plan on promoting that feature? And how do you plan on competing with UniSwap/Sushiswap or an aggregator like 1inch since they are already major players?

1Inch and other big players are not considering cross-chain as main priority and we feel that it’s the niche where we can beat them. Rubic in 2021: one-stop solution for all popular blockchains and Layer2 solution: no matter what token in what blockchain you want to exchange - you will be able to do it on Rubic.

Q5: Is there any specific reason why mobile support was not given as much priority as what was given to desktop? Do you think that probably is a reason for not having as much traffic or volume as expected (based on Vladimir's answer on Facemeltets AMA)?

Mobile version is medium priority for us. Let us finish the main integration on the web (bridge + BSC instant trades) and we will port it to mobile after it. Otherwise it will take double resources for QA and fixes.


>> No.27546455

Q: When more wallets support? Right now is only metamask.

Yes, we plan to add more wallets (walletconnect) after we release bridges and BSC instant trades.

Q:Have you considered being listed on any larger exchanges ( Binance, Coinbase, etc) to increase adoption rates of Rubic?

Yes, RBC shall be listed on top exchanges, in accordance with our experience we should be well-known before listing submission. Plan to submit listing requests/contact exchanges in Feb/March.

Q: Hi and thanks, The UI is a little confusing so will you be focusing on a better UI, possibly using a simple bootstrap like people are accustomed to etc?

appreciate if you can share UI problems with our support. Simple UI is top priority for us - crypto is not easy for 99% of people. and we need to make it as simple as possible


>> No.27546560

Q: Will Rubic have a dark theme?

Yes, however it is not a priority

Q: "STAKING" is one of the STRATEGIES to ATTRACT USERS and ACHIEVE MASS ADOPTION Does your GREAT PROJECT have plan about Staking?

Regarding Staking - we are considering several options for implementation (thanks to our Marketing board). Until the final decision we will convert revenue to RBC and add it to Liquidity.

Q: can you implement a 25/50/75/max % option at the exchange?
how do you want to get more tokens listed on rubic.exchange?
do you consider to expand the team?
and one more: hows the team doing, everyone feeling well?

Sven, thanks for questions. We are pretty busy and good. Will answer on your 2 and 3 question.
2. At the moment we are checking all new legit projects and contacting them, soon we will add an option to contact us and be listed on Rubic.
3. Yes, we are already in process of expanding our team.

Q: Can we get a more in-depth explanation on how the rubic tokens will be used regarding the exchange? Ex. How we will pay for using the exchange with rbc

Hi nil, thanks for the question. Currently we get comission from external exchanges if making trades. Comission is converted (buy back) to RBC. There are more options to get revenue for the Platform (charge % from every trade in order book as the example). Will add more sources for generation of revenue soon, part of them can be paid by RBC with the discount (main one - own L2 AMM in Q4)

>> No.27546673

So Rubic is an ETH fee killing, chainlink killing, L2 killing, Uniswap killing, Binance killing 2 Mil market cap god coin according to these shills.

>> No.27546739
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Competitor comparison.
Rubic is exteremely low cap at the moment. There is room for more than 5x to get Pancakeswap levels. Short/mid term very bullish.

>2Inch and other big players are not considering cross-chain as main priority and we feel that it’s the niche where we can beat them.

Rubic CEO knows they will beat 1inch that is currently at $491mil. market cap. Thats more than 20x from here for Rubic.

>> No.27546815

>ETH fee killing, chainlink killing, L2 killing, Uniswap killing, Binance killing 2 Mil market cap god coin
based, couldnt have put it better myself.

>> No.27546877

sharding hahahaha see ya next decade

>> No.27546903


stop spamming us you pajeet, i can smell your shit from antarctica

>> No.27547094

Sounds too good to be true!

>> No.27547143

the shit you smell is the penguings shit and hitlers rotten dick that almost were able to go arghata

>> No.27547207

Uniswap is only erc20 tokens. A lot of defi is moving to polka and other chains. With Rubic you can swap anything. Plus anon and also L2 will make it cheap.

>> No.27547209

Literally see 4posts above you you demented retarded ape

>> No.27547306

4k is too little for this herculean effort
>You can put that in your testimonials

>> No.27547362
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Darn it. All the bullish info on rubic has been debunked with this post. Cancel the project!

>> No.27547413

You know how I know you're a faggot?
>red ID
>shitty attitude
>jealous little bitch
Sit this one out. You don't deserve gains you dumb fag.

>> No.27547528

Is it worth buying now considering I only have .2eth to invest?

>> No.27547554
File: 214 KB, 320x423, RUBIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it IS true, anon.
whats the matter?
don't you want to be... Financially Cubed?

>> No.27547568


>> No.27547651

>have to pay money to move digital coins around
LOL 'gas' is fucking retarded and a scam.

>> No.27547715


>> No.27547898

You had 3 years. To buy link and now missing out Rubic?

>put that in your testofuckingmemory muh cope

>> No.27547954

Some retards never learn.

>> No.27548137

Worth mentioning that 1inch is not 500m mc but is actually 7 billion!!! Market cap undiluted. That’s why Rubic is so damn cheap is cause with all the dex tokens they have massive amounts of unreleased tokens.

>> No.27548848
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bumb for retards and norbics

>> No.27549789

how can i buy if im a coinbase pro normie

>> No.27549890
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>> No.27550862
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My Rubic stays Cubic

>> No.27552024
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green cube make me coom

>> No.27552856

I bought LCX instead of RBC when it was bellow 1 cent , I fucking hate this Green shitty coin . I hope it rugpulls and dumps into oblivion RHEEEEEEEE

>> No.27553103

okay but like where is are the candlessticks for this shit. i wanna check it myself

>> No.27553438
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>where are the candlesticks
we're changing the crypto world faggot, not swing trading

>> No.27553828

Serious question, why doesn't rubic have bitcoin? Or am I missing that?
When you go to the rubic.exchange it doesn't have a option for Bitcoin?
Or am I missing that?

>> No.27553871

Why does project feel amateur. Site is weird, amateur style tg responses, not much depth.

I want to invest but something seems off...

>> No.27554174

Holding RBC and REEF. We going to MARS boys.

>> No.27554580

Same. But I dumped LCX and bought RBC in a heartbeat. I could have bought 1M RBC at $0.005, but instead I had to buy 1M at a cost average of $0.12. idgaf, it is what it is.

>> No.27554715

Tards. Gonna shift some rubic gainz into zero for the smaller mc and potential for good competition after they fix bugs. Can’t be so heavily in rubic anymore. Feel like I’m retarded for not prepping the inevitable dump around 1$

>> No.27554744

look the shitcoins top 100... now look Rubic... we are crypto bull run now, everything goes up. Make gains from this and buy link for stable growth long term hold and to survive next bear market cos then all shit coins go down

>> No.27554791

Just get Stakenet (xsn) instead. Seriously, check it up.

>> No.27554880
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>> No.27554977

Ask some people who got air dropped 400 UNI. Like 99% of them sold at $2 to go buy a PS5 like a bunch of fucking idiot children. It is now $18. Do you think they'd rather have their PS5, or an extra $6,400 so they could buy 10 PS5's if they wanted. There's your answer.

>> No.27555093

Can someone tell me how I can get this instantly...I want to purchase a lot. I just got MetaMask today and Coinbase today, and it says my ETH funds won't be available for 3 days. I've never gotten a Crypto before not on robinhood. I genuinely want to purchase rubic right now, tonight. is there any way

>> No.27555326

go to your local curry shop and do the secret handshake

theyll let you in the back and you can find the rare golden rubic

also 500 pajeets mass flooding biz

>> No.27555356

You should be able to buy Ethereum directly through MetaMask Wyre although there’s like a $5 fee

>> No.27555434

there was like a 13 dollar fee total, also a "handling" fee. Do you promise it'll be available instantly?

>> No.27555552

pick one. its like you dont know why crypto is popular

>> No.27555777
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>Shill me this shit (actual fundamentals, articles, partnerships, white team?)
>mfw the pajeets used https://www.thispersondoesnotexist.com/ for every picture on the team section of the Rubic website (why they have plain white backgrounds and stupid fake names KEK)

>> No.27555786

Okay, so then am I out of luck with being able to buy any Rubic tonight? Should I wait 3 days for the ETH to be verified and be in my account?

>> No.27555787

I haven’t had any problems with it. You’ll receive your ETH in 2 minutes tops.

>> No.27556237




>> No.27556339


>> No.27556499

*27 cents

>> No.27556732

Linkedin is banned in Russia, how new are you?
I think your shit out of luck. My fiat onramp is instant, but thats only after the bullshit of getting KYC'd. Get your hands on ETH as quick as you can and then swap to Rubic using MM, Uniswap or rubic.exchange. While your waiting for ETH your basically pissing in the wind

>> No.27556858

If your SUPER desperate and you have no other way, then 'local bitcoins' could be an option. Just wear a bulletproof vest and be on alert

>> No.27556901

The FUD is becoming less believable I'm buying more

>> No.27557036 [DELETED] 

>didn't buy more during the $180 dip
Fuck guys. I feel like this is the next Chainlink but my stack isn't big enough for the moon. what do I do

>> No.27557086

I'm just going to pray it doesn't moon these next 3 days. I can use this time to learn more about what the fuck I'm doing anyway, since I literally am chucking money into this without really understanding.

>> No.27557443

I aped in yesterday after about 10 mins of research, and Im slowly catching up to what its about. Its gone from 23-->28 cents since then so pretty comfy

>> No.27557700


>> No.27557787

Spend the next 3 days learning as much as you can.

>> No.27558300

ill give you a clue and it starts with pajeet scam

>> No.27558321
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good run down here


>> No.27558973
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based, new ath