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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27549997
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>> No.27550064

>why did the pump and dump tank

>> No.27550070

stockmoe is unironically based and his picks show up here more often than not.. I think at least 1 person who browses pays for his discord or something

>> No.27550079
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Is it weird for a snack bar to be one of my dreams?

>> No.27550081

my friend just sold all his TSM to buy UMC
wonder if I should bandwagon now that TSM's pretty much saturated/maxed out now and having spillover effect since they have *too much* demand

>> No.27550092
File: 8 KB, 224x225, 1596196983433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gme is over.

>> No.27550107 [DELETED] 

going to have to not touch my account for up to 20 days while my broker transfers it, what should I change?

right now I have orders set to double my NOC position and buy 100 GME at $40, which would use most of my cash

>> No.27550112

Is wealthsimple good for a leaf playing with $1K trying to learn?

>> No.27550133

What should I buy tomorrow to not make me poor?

>> No.27550156

Will $F go below $10 tomorrow or should I cancel and change my order?

>> No.27550161
File: 178 KB, 800x1071, Average American on Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARKX when?

>> No.27550180

Is now a bad time to start investing or is the stock market just a shakey house of cards right now?

I recently got a raise and can comfortably invest $200/mo. Should I wait until the next 2008 or what. What you'd you put $200 in today?

>> No.27550191

PSYK when?

>> No.27550199

haha wtf is this retard leafshit

>> No.27550212
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going to have to not touch my account for up to 20 days while my broker transfers it, what should I change?

right now I have orders set to double my NOC position and buy 100 GME at $40, which would use most of my cash

>> No.27550220
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Based and Taiwan semi-pilled

>> No.27550228

I have been investing for a year and still have no idea what I’m doing. Am I ever going to make it?

>> No.27550254
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Dream big anon and no dreams are never weird

>> No.27550256

Prove it.

>> No.27550263
File: 77 KB, 597x597, U.S.Svive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dooo do do do
do do do
bum bum bum bum
beow beow beow beow beow beow boewwwwwww

>> No.27550269

Reminder that your portfolio probably underperforms TQQQ
Reminder that the Fed basically is required BY LAW to backstop it

>> No.27550270
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>Fuck you poor people :)

>> No.27550272
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>> No.27550279

I personally went all cash today. You might want to wait. Market was up a lot the past couple of days.

>> No.27550301

10 shares of AMC @ 13. LLEETSS GOO

>> No.27550310


>> No.27550313

For $1K, sure. Above $10K switch to Questrade.

>> No.27550324

any good plays to make tomorrow?

i might drop 10k on tesla when it dips tomorrow, or maybe 5k on dupont but im pretty sure its getting shorted

>> No.27550337
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Heh. Reddit power users convinced everyone to pump a shorted stock and then left us all holding the bag, huh? All the twitter normies are panic selling. NOK and BB? Just decoys. AMC? They'll liquidate before the summer. DOGE? Maybe it'll spike in a few years.
Guess that's just the market for you.

>> No.27550344

Hardly. It's serviceable for buy and hold and completely useless for anything else. It doesn't do shorts, options, margin, has limited available tickers, has useless line-only graphs so you can't even learn to read price action, and it charges insane fees on us stocks.

>> No.27550372

Oh shit. There's gonna be a lot of suicides soon.

>> No.27550380

silver miners unironically
no bully pls

>> No.27550382

Some guy who lost his life savings posted this song with diamond hand emojis


It's actually pretty good theme music for reading the GME suicide posts

>> No.27550401
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On this site if an absolute mong like LCI Guy tries to shill GME, you can't bury it. You have to skim it just to know if you should scroll on. All posts are seen in sequence, what really matters is the arguments. If they are reasonable, they will persuade other anons to take up the arguments and this causes the most reasonable ideas to spread. Ideas that are shocking but true rise to the surface through sheer resistance to refutation, ideas like longing SOXL and buying GME at a lower basis than Ryan Cohen's second 13D.

On R*ddit you don't have to separate gold from shit. Your hivemind puts the most POPULAR content right at the top, and in each thread it puts the most POPULAR arguments at the top. If a discussion is longer than two replies it gets hidden. You see very little in the way of reasonable debate and discussion.

On 4channel I learned to trust up to date short data from a researcher known as IhorS3. I knew when shorts covered and at what prices. I knew that this had nothing to do with retail, because retail can't block buy 300k shares. I knew when Hestia, Permit, and Scion trimmed.

R*ddit deprives you of information and makes your critical thinking skills atrophy. It is an engine that runs on bias and ignorance. Where was the wisdom IhorS3 on your threads yesterday morning? Oh, it was there. Sort by controversial and you will find the information that would have saved you.

Did the hivemind at least allow u/DeepFuckingValue's research to rise to the top? No, it got buried in downvotes and you missed out. I wager that a higher proportion of people HERE had seen DFV's post by November, than on R*ddit.

Why would you choose this? By all means keep having your stupid fights about which community is better. I care about which community is more useful. I will still be here when you return to your cesspool, weighed down by realized losses. Good riddance. You're not frens and you have no idea what the fuck you're doing.

>> No.27550402


>> No.27550408
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POWW bros, we did good today.

>> No.27550418

there are like 5 lawsuits against the company

>> No.27550422

I'm buying AMC at $2.23.

>> No.27550433

well fuck, im using wealth simple. But just playing with 300 to start.

>> No.27550438

Some of us aren't retarded

It's a good teaching tool because newfags shouldn't be daytrading or fucking with options anyways.

>> No.27550466

Since you literally know nothing, buy and hold VLXVX, read the Boomer Investing link in the OP, and go from there.

>> No.27550475

For 1k sure, when you get 5k-10k, move over to questrade the commissions will be cheaper vs the 1.5% conversion fee in and out of trades.

>> No.27550494

there will be a 5-10% market correction before the end of this week, invest after that

>> No.27550503
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>Energy Fuels
>the leading U.S. producer of uranium and vanadium, and an emerging player in the commercial rare earth business.
>owns The White Mesa Mill
>the only fully-licensed and operating conventional uranium mill in the United States.
You are a big guy, you own UUUU stock, right, anon?

>> No.27550515

I fell for the silver meme>>27549997

>> No.27550517

Anon.... I....


>> No.27550526
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>> No.27550546

based. I love my mini

>> No.27550575

I mean imagine your own snack bar. I don't drink alcohol, but you could put an ice cream machine, a snow cone maker, popcorn machine I think is obvious. I saw they sell slurpee machines!

>> No.27550576

unironically oil right now
Crude oil is trying to hold over $55 already, basically pre-corona prices already while shit like Suncor is still at rockbottom valuations (still trading under book value last i checked)

earnings coming out tomorrow for Suncor. People will be reminded they can be profitable even with lower crude oil prices

>> No.27550592

how could anyone think that not selling a stock that passed 500 when it was trading at under 20 for most of last year wasnt the top?

greed fucked you if you realised even $1.00 loss. and maybe stupidity for thinking you could outplay the people running the casino

>> No.27550621

>not a Sprott Physical Potassium Trust

>> No.27550632

>reddit is literally holding gme while down 70% because the VW short squeeze chart shows a dip before the squeeze
>they think they are burry from the big short

>> No.27550640

This picture is retarded. The author knows wooden rifles looking like hunting rifles fools normalniggers. Rather than trying to convince normalfags the difference, he should be trying ton convince gunsmiths to take on the appearance of hunting rifles.

>> No.27550653


>> No.27550692

I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing but I'm willing to take my beating and move on, can we still be frens?

>> No.27550698
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No but its on my watch list. Every time I throw money in on something I always go into the red so I don't know what a good buy price would be

>> No.27550715

It's honestly just super fucking sad at this point. I'm not even in the mood to bully, it's just sad.

>> No.27550720

Have one. Fucking love that gun use it to hunt hogs with my dad.

>> No.27550723

I still love tech stocks myself. AMD, NVDA, and Aapl are my faves

>> No.27550740


>> No.27550746

>they think they are burry from the big short
Unfortunately, they're actually just the entire US economy.

>> No.27550771
File: 42 KB, 460x456, 120625466_655537745165534_6462884566231110965_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much flak are OG coomers gonna take when we buy back in?

>> No.27550777

>talks (valid) shit about redd*t
>uses redd*t spacing

>> No.27550779

See the other post about suicide

>> No.27550787

just wait till stagflation hits friend. buy some silver it's comfy

t. longtime stacker

>> No.27550799


What? I dont get that part of the meme

>> No.27550800
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Yes let's discuss, what could be the potential price?

>> No.27550812
File: 1.81 MB, 176x144, Laughing Burns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Those fuckers manipulating the potassium market! I'll show them!"
>Buys PSYK
>[Demands physical delivery of potassium contracts]

>> No.27550819

Not listed in the US.

>> No.27550822

GNOG tomorrow?

>> No.27550830

>shakey house of cards
Kind of. The main problem right now for me is the dollar moving up along with the market. That is not optimal as normally market would be flat-ish or bearish when the dollar does a rally. It means the market has decided to disregard outside influencing forces temporarily. What mean? Don't know. More unpredictable.

>> No.27550834
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>implying pistol grip, magazine, scope capable rail, adjustable stock doesn't increase the platform's usability therefore lethality by 100000000%
It's not superficial and I hate arguments like those.

>> No.27550838

What's a coomcat?

>> No.27550855

need some long call recommendations

>> No.27550858

meanwhile the actual Michael Burry sold last Wednesday in the $300s and even told them he did and they're still in denial

>> No.27550870
File: 859 KB, 1280x800, Screen_Shot_20210202_at_1.32.03_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>truck full of physical potassium falls off a bridge into a river

>> No.27550906

I’m not weak minded.

>> No.27550918

Great, thank you!

>> No.27550932

One of the most successful hedge funds out there right now.

>> No.27550946

KTOS for 2022, the Loyal Wingman contract enters competitive flight trials in July this year

>> No.27550949

yeah. i still dont care that much because everyone still has a better life than me but holy shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. fucking 100s of millions of bleeding out of that entire place while not a single fucking person knows what theyre talking about but putting 5 figures into a dying stock.

im glad im a /biz/bro

>> No.27550982

I was thinking about this today too, and concluded that stagflation is upon us. Bad news for everything except commodities, metals, energy and healthcare

>> No.27550987
File: 379 KB, 1080x846, Screenshot_20210126-000727_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss tinny.
>RIP you glorious schizo bastard

>> No.27550994


Ty anons

>> No.27551004


>> No.27551039


>> No.27551064
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Buy VXX puts.

>> No.27551069
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it's just getting sad at this point tbhwy...

>> No.27551076
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fuck off idiot

>> No.27551074


>> No.27551089

It's been eating shit too, which is disappointing, but I'm still very bullish on the sector. No date for a US listing.

>While the original listing will be in CAD, Horizons may also list on a U.S. exchange under the ticker symbol PSYK.U

>> No.27551095

Pltr bros...

>> No.27551115

Inflation has been nearly MIA through two presidential administrations. State your evidence.

>> No.27551132
File: 34 KB, 1174x406, Feb 2nd 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my real life autistic friends that berate me everytime they see my stock dip down and telling me its "crashing" bunch of retards with paper hands

>> No.27551145
File: 95 KB, 852x675, 1605115110207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, just lurk for a while and train your information filter.

>> No.27551159

What is holding RYCEY’s price down? They have nothing but positive news right now and a lot of projects in the works.

>> No.27551165
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>> No.27551174
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>Chinese fortune cookie

>> No.27551177

Itll go down even more soon-ish
Just hold

>> No.27551227
File: 191 KB, 365x448, 1588385083128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pennystock EOY

>> No.27551235

based schizoid

>> No.27551240
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I love Jews.

>> No.27551268

>made in Wuhan

>> No.27551278

rofl is this you kevin, what the fuck are you dong here

>> No.27551306

Be careful man. Think of investing as shredding your money, with a CHANCE that after the paper goes through it has somehow disappeared, stayed the same, or if your smart or lucky, multiplied.

>> No.27551309

You mean since the term hedge fund was invented?

The ceo is a lib fag the guy that did the actual work to design the quant system funded trump in 16. They split when trump won kek

>> No.27551317

Does anyone here have about 5 stocks they know well, and buy and sell them again and again?

>> No.27551319

based, but why the fuck would you argue so convincingly to have them stay? fucks sake

>> No.27551330

>Pistol grip
Pure ergonomics. Straight wrist good.
>Scope rail
All this does is make it easier to install the scope at home without paying a gunsmith. Every hunting rifle needs a scope, and fuck "gunsmiths".
>Adjustable stock
Purely ergnomics unless it's a folding stock
It's fucking nothing, just different flavors of larper aesthetic.

The ideal murder/mass shooting weapon is actually the handgun and if they gave a single shit about cutting down on gun deaths, every single pistol would have been confiscated and destroyed 30 years ago and illegal handguns would be as common as illegal machine guns. They don't, they onlt give a shit about re-elections so they left the guns you actually "need" (to shoot other people) alone to minimize blacklash while pleasing dems.

>> No.27551351
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x800, 1600275252400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally write essays here, I guess my paragraphs are just social distancing.

>> No.27551369

I got lots of silver stocks

>> No.27551383

wsb should be unironically be controlled now. they tricked fucking 80000 people to put their life savings into gamestop during a death free for all

its one thing if it was another stock but come on...gme hitting 180-450 again...come on

>> No.27551390

is manganese stock gonna rise again?

>> No.27551407

the uranium reserve essentially passed https://world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Congress-approves-nuclear-energy-funding-for-FY202
we are now waiting on a global price spike which probably will not be seen for another 2-3 years
i am researching paladin (PALAF)

>> No.27551417

>pennystock EOY
>with contracts in both government and private sector

Ok kid

>> No.27551420

But it changes my stats in cowadooty

>> No.27551462


>> No.27551463

>watching CCIV moon while normies lose everything on Gamestop

Its a good feeling

>> No.27551474

No not Kevin. I'm Mike

>> No.27551490

what time does it come out? isnt crude from oil sands hard to be profitable in the first place, let alone during the pandemic?

it is likely there will be more lockdown scares with the second uk mutation, I'm in if theres a good chance of 10% yield over the course of a month

>> No.27551496

Just start painting guns wood brown.

>> No.27551510

It means you are going to lose your money.

>> No.27551519

I'm still holding but these people have gone insane. It's like a suicide cult.

>> No.27551525

>Trusting a subreddit know to be full of retards that lose money even in a bullish market

>> No.27551526
File: 196 KB, 2040x1130, 2020-01_Corp_Presentation_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm checking it out, it looks promising.
They expect to enter REE market this quarter.

>> No.27551532

Cool story, fren

>> No.27551536

GME might hit 180 again by EOY

>> No.27551538

The original paladin management is working at Deep Yellow. Denison, NextGen, Iso Energy are decent juniors to look into

>> No.27551542

thoughts on cannabis stocks?

>> No.27551540

People who do pic related should be put in front of a wall

>> No.27551551
File: 406 KB, 1106x639, 63D8DDEE-4634-4684-8984-52C1167235B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 100 shares of AMC at 11 then sold at 15. Today I bought 100 more near 7.

I think this whole thing is hilarious to be honest. When GME/AMC mooned you get a word in between everyone jerking themselves off. Now everyone else wants to jerk themselves off and say they told you so because they were FUD’ing so hard earlier.

Either GME and AMC tank this week and we see more of this, or the retards were right and the shit actually squeezes, I’ll be entertained. I’m going to enjoy the pink wojaks from all of you smug faggots saying “WHY DIDNT I BUY TUESDAY ON THE DIP WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME AAAAAAAA” or the meme stock retards killing themselves. You’re all worse than normie investors with 20-20 hindsight pretending like they knew what was going to happen all along. Never change smg.

>> No.27551553

We have a black problem now a gun problem

I like in nh bought my guns off books and it’s legal to conceal carry here with no license.

We have the lowest gun crime in the us

>96% white

>> No.27551558
File: 20 KB, 1600x1730, 1601994623318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were all newfags once
A beloved friend of mine, may he never be forgotten.

>> No.27551567
File: 2.81 MB, 640x800, 1611932705005.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone day trade here? what stocks do you like to frequent, what strategies do you use? i'd love to get into scalping if anyone has a good strategy i could copy.

>> No.27551589

what if BB pumps before my funds clear

>> No.27551602

Buy more?

>> No.27551605

Only time I ever did it was this gamestop autism

>> No.27551607

Probably some Pakis.

>> No.27551620
File: 15 KB, 469x323, cling on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27551622

i sold gme at 350 but this is just sad

>> No.27551644

Yah they are literally making it look like Melvin saved their asses by not letting them buy.

>> No.27551653

Most of the WSB posters (not newfags) I know sold between $400 and $300.

Not becoming a bagholder is an individual responsibility.

>> No.27551661

I've been here years and I have no clue who tinny is and I don't care if they killed themselves.

>> No.27551681

Just did some DD on QS
not that impressed. gonna sit this one out

>> No.27551684
File: 48 KB, 500x548, thank_you_kind_anon_by_duvete_d5o21k3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much

>> No.27551699

Still buy as much as you can

>> No.27551711
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>> No.27551725
File: 23 KB, 1200x861, 1612036908420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAK: just found this possible hidden gem (no pun intended)

Northern Dynasty (NAK) has roughly as much gold, silver, copper, production capacity, as all of Newmont Mining. Newmont is the largest miner in the world. Newmont market cap = 100x larger than that of NAK, and Newmont will probably double or triple + give dividends over the course of this PM bull market, so NAK has 300x potential at least. The management deeply believe in the company, and didn't sell a single share even when the price went to $20. Trump recently gave open support for the mine, and ran an ad which all but said that he would do everything he could to facilitate its approval.

>> No.27551727

Buy in the rumor sell on the news dummy.

>> No.27551745


>> No.27551749

heh. that sounds pretty fun man

>> No.27551774


>> No.27551775

Pray for me bros. Could have taken a 4k profit from GME, but held and ended up losing a grand. Threw what I salvaged into FUBO. I AM VERY BAD AT THIS.

>> No.27551796

>Northern Dynasty (NAK) has roughly as much gold, silver, copper, production capacity, as all of Newmont Mining.
I don't believe you

>> No.27551803
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>> No.27551805

Any opinions on GRWG?

>> No.27551806

checked and will do

>> No.27551809

I bought 4900 shares average of $6 and sold at $15. Will wait until $2 to buy.

>> No.27551822

I was getting annoyed at this guy was constantly popping up on my youtube with 3 videos a day about CCIV but it looks like he was right so now I kneel to MOEchads

>> No.27551840

>buy TQQQ when big tech does earnings
>sell after
Is it really that easy bros

>> No.27551841

How hight will CRBP go soon?

>> No.27551848

im gonna be honest: i pushed the hodl and buy and to the moon and whatever positive memes i could while i was in the trade long. as soon as i sold i incessantly talked about how it was gonna crash, that it was over, etc.

i think most anons are like that. im not even short (idk if you even can be what with HTB and crazy high IV), but it's funny to FUD after you exited your position profitably since you have no stake in it anyways anymore.

>> No.27551857

There is no way you could be here for years and not have ever encountered the kpop faggot tinny. Go back.

>> No.27551872

Already sold puts.
The flak just makes the APOLOGIZE posting sweeter.

>> No.27551876
File: 5 KB, 970x41, 5759f0e2f7b0ec11c6b390ef12bd0324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else should i have in my portfolio

>> No.27551900

Next you’ll tell me the Warren Buffett quote about patience like I’ve never heard it before.

>> No.27551917

Nak was shilled few months ago. People said it was a very long hold maybe you will see it pop eventually but not now.

>> No.27551924

Anon, I think there's a typo in your post.

>> No.27551944

>Trump recently gave open support for the mine, and ran an ad which all but said that he would do everything he could to facilitate its approval.
So, you're saying we should short it?

>> No.27551958

what was your strategy? you sound like you dont know shit though so i probably shouldn't bother asking, but still.

>> No.27551961

>Shilling NAK in 2021
You retard, we already did this and everyone that feel for it got burned

>> No.27551992

The GME loss was $4k tuition for me. I'm up 15-1800% gains thanks to autist ledditors sperging out with DDs on their picks and why they are gonna outperform GME the past 3 weeks. Plus raiding Melvin Capital's FISV dumps to keep afloat was fucking hilarious. I dont even know what FISV is I just know they liked it and unloaded 4M shares and are now trying to get it back.

>> No.27551998

>larping aesthetics
better ergonomics = higher hit probability = increased lethality
this is a FACT. I don't care about your political fudd. I'm talking about that picture specifically.

>> No.27552016

You'll learn. Don't get greedy, and don't put money you don't want to lose into meme stocks.

>> No.27552023

Why did the price fall so much in the last year?

>> No.27552030


>> No.27552040
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>Bought at the height

>> No.27552056

little high little low

>> No.27552068

Caring about Reddit spacing or your fucking trips is another effect of letting hive mind mentalities control you and make you no better then a redditor. Fuck 4chan culture

>> No.27552082

That’s a surprisingly genuine observation from someone on here and a true one nonetheless. I do the same shit. Maybe not the shilling, but definitely shitting on stocks after I exit my position.

>> No.27552086

Oy vey! Don't bring that up here! They deserve reparations and your money!

>> No.27552088
File: 64 KB, 600x334, EF50C52D-E9CA-44B3-B309-63F1039E7D78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you people yesterday that AMD was heading to a bull trap. I sold all my shares today. But the stock is going up in the after hours. Tell me what is going on?

>> No.27552093

Dude, he all-in'd fucking fubo.

>> No.27552095

normie tier terrible taste

>> No.27552096
File: 3.09 MB, 401x498, shamiko_cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought PLTR at the all time high AGAIN
>put so much in I averaged up to $38

I-I'm not going to make it am I? I'm going to have to live in a dumpster....

>> No.27552114

While everyone had their buy button disabled and jews shorted the stock to 100 my brokerage account was left on by mistake and I bought 6 shares when it bounced off the bottom at $141. Then held into friday and sold at $350 when buying on meme brokerages resumed

>> No.27552130

>could have easily had 100 gme shares and almost bought a call the day before the pump


>> No.27552143

based NAK bagholder

>> No.27552182

wait until this guy discovers the air fryer lol

>> No.27552187

Buts it true though. Many anons including myself would have been rich ass fuck if we held any stock like FGNU TQQQ (well some did). It’s a better strategy then chasing stupid shit like GME and AMC.

>> No.27552194

you will be beating yourself up in several years when their solid state lithium batteries will be in nearly every vehicle / partnerships with every automaker
>imagine not investing in eveready/energizer 100 years ago
solid lithium batteries are going to change the world, with or without your investment

>> No.27552207

Hasn't their permit thing gotten torpedoed?

>> No.27552222

'ate jews
Luv khazar milkers
Simple as.

>> No.27552232
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Can a poorfag get some stock prospects?

>> No.27552242

CCIV will go up right? Merger? I bought at discount $33

>> No.27552250

I really want to sleep with a cute Asian woman.

>> No.27552259


>> No.27552271

I wouldn't bet on a technology that is perpetually X-number of years away.

>> No.27552276

lower hit probability = animal cruelty. you might as well say accurate guns should be banned.

>> No.27552283

There are rumers that they will partner with Samsung to produce their chips since TSMC can't keep up with AMD's demand.

>> No.27552290
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>> No.27552304

Why keep buying above $30 when it has dumped below that how many times?

>> No.27552315

PLTR is fine. Just chill. Get used to the dips.

>> No.27552329

>up 7k on wednesday
>down 4k today
LMAO thanks AMC. Call it tuition I suppose, I've learned not to get too greedy and sell for profit when I have a chance.

>> No.27552353

If you're well up at least put a stop loss at break even.

>> No.27552360

honestly this is the first "big one" i've been in on with you guys and as soon as i noticed the feeling when i did that after exiting i was like "yeah... i can see how other anons might feel like doing this, it's fun". all the more reason to be cautious about anything you hear on here of course. but also good to know because red days on /smg/ can be terrifying if you're in anything, but most anons are just having fun posting pink wojaks and AAAA posting. if you don't take them seriously it's not a big deal though but there was a time when i was younger and /smg/ would really stress me out on red days.

>> No.27552361
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>they're still fooling themselves

>> No.27552362

It’s true in the same sense that astrology is true. You can apply it in certain contexts and it works. Otherwise it’s just a vague saying some old faggot people worship said.

>> No.27552379
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those digits anon, they are quite nice

>> No.27552404
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>> No.27552414

Also does anyone knows whatever happened to that namefag baggy or bagfag that used to shitpost here? Did he an-hero?

>> No.27552450

I have 3k what to put all in to 2x or at least 1.5x soon

>> No.27552456
File: 89 KB, 2048x1366, EtLBdJHVQAAc4xU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get wealthy enough you can sleep with anyone you want, anon

>> No.27552461
File: 120 KB, 1465x471, stonks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started trading two days ago, this is the absolute state of my portfolio. How badly did I do? Am I going to have to hang onto AMC for months to even break even?

>> No.27552471
File: 136 KB, 710x823, wdneqwds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying PLTR every dip

>> No.27552473


Own everything.

>> No.27552488

>hates 4chin but stays on anyway

>> No.27552494

>mfw if I sold SPCE this morning and bought back now my stack would be at least 10% bigger
hindsight is a bitch

>> No.27552498

Me too anon. Me too.

>> No.27552502

there are plenty of companies that are further ahead then QS when it comes to SS battery tech.

>> No.27552513

maybe its getting shorted? you might be overlooking something

>> No.27552517

he's quasar now, saw him posting today

>> No.27552541

changed his name to Gaysar or some shit

>> No.27552551

Everyones fabs are at max. The people that supply new equipment have years of orders.

>> No.27552549

i don't care much for them specifically. what interests me is china buying up industrial-tier infrastructure all over the goddamn world, the number of uranium reactors they're bringing online in the next 10 years, and any uranium mine that's in australia -- nice and close and governed by quasi-westerners pozzed up by jews, ready to sell it hand over fist. money for power.

>> No.27552556

usually with run ups there'll be cooldown time afterwards, wait it out and dont let your emotions buy asap bud

>> No.27552560

i bought the drop from 160 to 70, got stopped out at 84 and bought back in at 90, and sold at 440 when the RH delisting news broke, in the premarket. the high was unreal once i realized what i had accomplished, calling the top of one of the biggest and most publicized bubbles in recent history.

>> No.27552591

He cut his dick off like we told him to do this summer

>> No.27552593

>tfw homeless
>In debt
>Almost 30

Is it possible to get my CompTIA than security+ and get some kind of basic job eventually? Do they have IT jobs at temp agencies? I failed my CompTIA years ago but I wanna at least try to push it forward

>> No.27552613

anon, people have been trying to find a solution to dendrites in solid lithium batteries for 25+ years
the data was just made public in december
it's not just a 'pie in the sky' dream that one day we'll have solid state lithium batteries anymore
this is not like nuclear fission, where the timeline just keeps getting stretched back
the solid state lithium batteries now exist - now it is just scaling the technology, and based upon their investments from VW / Gates, they have >$1 billion with which to do so
will they face challenges along the way?
yes of course, any revolutionary tech company is going to face challenges

>> No.27552646

I wonder if shorting SPCE is just the obvious strategy before every SpaceX launch

>> No.27552652

>uranium stockpile
>strategic 75 mil US nuclear supply bill
>stockpiling yellow cake because Chalmers is based and doesn't want to sell below spot uranium (kike prices)
>rare earth element supplying monazite partnership with Chemours (DuPont)
>other rare earth elements they already have been mining such as vanadium
>debt free and issued some warrants to get some cash on hand
checkity check
$42. same marketcap as CCJ (assuming they don't dilute further).

>> No.27552654

If I notice a happening forming and the market hasn't reacted yet i will get UVXY calls. For example capitol riot was free money for a quick flip if you had Twitter open. Other than that I don't mess with day trading.

>> No.27552661
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>> No.27552671
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it's pretty good
would recommend

>> No.27552684


>> No.27552717
File: 306 KB, 1242x1412, F2D4B55E-D6DB-4F60-AF4C-A98E82CF2255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after hours a cute. CUTE!

any good after hour dips?
I’m eyeing CCIV if it’s not too late

>> No.27552720

Baggy had a lot of money on the pipeline. Biden popped his bag.

>> No.27552745

official thread theme


>> No.27552748

why are you even on /smg/ lmao.

>> No.27552749

>most anons are just having fun posting pink wojaks and AAAA posting.
Oh no. Aaaaaaaaaa posting is entirely sincere and corresponds to real losses in progress.

>> No.27552754

If I'm not interested in swing trading should I just convert my TQQQ to QQQ

>> No.27552756

Stop picking so many stocks and focus on just a few of them that you've researched and understand well. It's even worse because you're paying commission on all that shit despite your account being worth peanuts, some of them need to pump 10%+ just so you can breakeven when you sell.

>> No.27552774
File: 367 KB, 1079x1067, Screenshot_20210202-173018_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this aftermarket close

>> No.27552782

is it bad to invest in things you like because you like them? i like the idea of owning shitty food stocks like UTZ and DENN for no reason. it's like a caveman food hoarding impulse or something

>> No.27552784

idk about it but you might want to try construction or the trades. dont think it firms hire ex felons

>> No.27552825
File: 45 KB, 200x150, bobo-in-office-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bring up uuuu chart

What the fuck happened in December of last year? This smells of ponzi scheme.

>> No.27552828

Wait didn't you buy at $30 and spend weeks crying about how you were fucked? How many times are you gonna buy the top?

At least you held I guess.....

>> No.27552829

Technical Analysis in action:
12:11 if it didn't skip

Skip to 22:14 to see how it worked out. Memelines were a mistake.

>> No.27552845

>there are plenty of companies that are further ahead then QS when it comes to SS battery tech
there is *one* other company in colorado (sila), but they have not solved the dendrite issue, and their timeline is for 2030
QS is going to beat them to the market by 5+ years
toyota = dendrites
hyundai = dendrites
QS is the only to have solved dendrites.
You are insane if you think that other companies, that haven't solved dendrite issues, are further ahead than QS.

>> No.27552851

apply to be a garbage man or something

>> No.27552855
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>> No.27552858

I honestly do the opposite, I FUD everything I hold. I think it might be a form of self hate. Also I like to see people get pissed off and tell me why I’m wrong for affirmation I am making the correct decisions in my holds

>> No.27552875

You have too many stocks. Can't possibly keep track of everything going on. Cut it to 2 or 3 as quick as you can while profitable.

>> No.27552881
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. . .

>> No.27552899
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>> No.27552905
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>> No.27552915
File: 137 KB, 1300x941, 79755878-5A82-4661-B7EF-2FB81C4A7049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all of Josh’s internet friends,
I am Josh’s mother. Earlier today we found that he had taken his own life. My husband Bruce read his note that “the hedgies had won I’ve lost everything”. Does anyone know what a “hedgie” is? Is it gang related? He recently inherited a substantial amount of money and was so happy to invest it in his favorite video game store that we think was expanding into food service as well because Josh kept talking about chicken tenders for some reason. Is that related to this at all? We are all devastated and any information that can be provided would be helpful. I apologize if I’m not using his account correctly.

>> No.27552917

Based and Nuclearpilled

The CEO seems pretty good, read his BIO a very qualified man for the job. All in all if things go well I can expect that price.

>> No.27552921

What sort of felon? There are probably plenty of non-profits to help non-violents. Probably.

>> No.27552931


>> No.27552935
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>> No.27552952

why the fuck do you have so many positions? you don't know anything about any of these with just two days behind you.

>> No.27552950

Why are you making money on KTOS without me

>> No.27552959

This still isn't on Fidelity.

>> No.27552999
File: 33 KB, 885x735, 1612196180562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even make fun of this people anymore.

>> No.27553027
File: 46 KB, 828x615, this didn't age well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there aren't going to be any ramifications for the jews literally banning people from buying stock when they didn't like it, are there?

>> No.27553036
File: 89 KB, 452x464, wellwellwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The RETRIBUTION inc. is coming SOON

Don't know what I'm talking about, you will

>> No.27553038

>phone posting
you dishonor your son

>> No.27553044

Someone give me a quick rundown on which semiconductor stock since even the germans are now crazy for it, or whether its already too late for short term interest by the end of the week

maybe UMC?

I already have 10k spread out between NIO/xpev/LI

>> No.27553047
File: 32 KB, 759x395, greed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these greedy fucks. literally the same as hedge funds.

>> No.27553065

You don't want to buy SPACs over 20, and hopefully you want to buy them way under 15, preferably 10 and under but you're rarely this lucky, so under 11-12 will have to do.

>> No.27553070

>what time does it come out? isnt crude from oil sands hard to be profitable in the first place, let alone during the pandemic?

>We continue to look for ways to apply our learnings on cost management across our portfolio. For example, at Syncrude, we are working closely with the operator and other owners to sustainably drive cash costs below $30 per barrel by 2020. The close proximity of all our assets is expected to allow us to find more synergies for further structural cost reductions.
this was back in 2017

not that it's really a concern when crude oil is over $50 now and Biden's policies is going to push it even higher. Other catalyst is Suncor reinstating full dividends

>> No.27553101
File: 71 KB, 700x389, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been shilling KTOS consistently since April

>> No.27553118

Congressional hearings soon. Not that you care.

>> No.27553125
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>cash in gme winnings
>slow and steady plays wins the race

>> No.27553129

they have two planes, each one seats six people, and they don't go to space, proper. they go to fucking low earth orbit. it's absolutely retarded.
this fucking aerial clowncar operation has nothing to do with spacex, every rocket elon sends up with a satellite on it, they take home bank from a government or huge communications corp, usually the US i think.

>> No.27553132
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What's the point of playing the game when they change the rules when they are winning?

>> No.27553143

Aye aye, I should fasten my seatbelts then before tomorrow. It will be wild ride down I guess

>> No.27553150

they dont want to make money. they just want to be reddit famous with upvotes. they're losers that want to belong more than anything, while we're losers that just want money.

>> No.27553153

Is there any pattern that could indicate it is? I'm asking cause I'm actually looking for discussion.

>> No.27553156

at the end of the day they're fighting against themselves


>> No.27553211

it's fine as long as you do the appropriate fundamental analysis (FA) on the companies and feel confident they will grow over time, then use technical analysis (TA) to determine what "buying low" and "selling high" look like, whether they're ranging or trending, etc.

if you can handle that you're fine. if you don't know shit about TA i recommend throwing a 200 hour simple moving average on your screen and accumulating in increments on dips below it, and scaling out above it. that's the easy mode way. i do this with AMD using keltner channels usually set in 5x increments.

>> No.27553227

Shill me on it. I heard if they don’t get this contract, they’re essentially like WKHS/USPS

>> No.27553240
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I have no idea what I am doing, I bought into two or three meme stocks. I guess I went too far with buying into cheap companies with low buy in to feel good, most of these are all Lithium related. I think that I will try to come out in the green on them and then put everything in ALB/SQM and maybe one more of the Lithium mining companies that are up and coming in Chile where the most easily accessible Lithium is.

Thanks for the advice, hopefully I don't lose too much.

>> No.27553244

Damn you're patient. Good for you mate.

>> No.27553247
File: 177 KB, 2550x696, Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 8.35.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh palantir filed two patents today can someone help me decipher what it means 1/2

>> No.27553270

not because TSM isn't great anymore but TSM can't physically build up capacity fast enough

i might swap my TSM for UMC soon too

>> No.27553274

i never mentioned dendrites. I am specifically stated Solid State batteries. It is largely a speculative play. If you are the shill, you have even mentioned this yourself. They might be 5years away from anything remotely scalable, by then there could be other SS manufactures that raise the bar. They are basically on par(on paper) with TSLA or slightly behind.

>> No.27553303

Me too thanks.

>> No.27553313

Well if you actually follow the release of (and try out) new chips or are a trucker sampling the nation's great selection of Denny's locations, your interest and greater knowledge can pay off. You may need to learn advanced trading strategies to match their exact performance with your goals and risk tolerances but there are a hell of a lot worse ways to approach investing.

>> No.27553341

because i doubled my life savings off of it anyways? i don't care about defeating the jews im happy as long as i can get rich off of them. going from 50k to 100k is huge for me as someone still in their late 20's.

>> No.27553346

theyre literally schizo and thinking gme is going to 1000 and theyre going to make hundreds of thousands

>> No.27553353

NAK has been a penny stock for like 40 years.

>> No.27553372
File: 100 KB, 2548x434, 4879238794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, these just seem foundry related

>> No.27553382

Not necessarily, but pretty much anything can happen:
- The company merger is no good and price tanks.
- The company merger is good but price tanks as people unload, it eventually goes back up.
- The company merger is mediocre and stock crabs.
- Any of the above, and the merged company fucks up and tanks.
- Any of the above, and the merged company pulls a deus ex machina, mooning.

Overall, the odds aren't that good when you buy that high, based on historical data.

>> No.27553384

i have done this in the past as well. this works pretty good. you can probably buy puts to stay short UVXY very long duration, like a whole year, but with some event also go long on a 3-4 day basis with calls. probably turn you into a drooling retard because there's no thinking involved, but, a pretty wealthy one.

>> No.27553385

Defense and psychedelics. I‘ve been thinking about this idea way too much. Ai, infosec, psychedelics.
Holding NUMI, MMEDF myself. Maybe I’ll get some TRUFF too. Thought the ETF could maybe be a catalyst or at least create more public attention for the sector. Whatever, how long do you think we will have to wait for MMEDF, etc. to do something? Any interesting picks or ideas?

>> No.27553449

Born under the boot, die under two boots.

>> No.27553459

Welcome to 6 fig. hell

>> No.27553470

Biden is pushing EV's though, he just signed an executive order to replace all goverment vehicles with EVs? Thats why the smaller american EVs are rising right now

>> No.27553478

Not getting the Loyal Wingman or Skyborg contracts would be bad, but I think they're the strong frontrunner. The XQ-58 was developed in partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory and first flew in March 2019. AFAIK neither of it's competitors have flown yet, and submissions are due in May.

If they win that contract, the number of drones the USAF might order is substantial (thousands). Consider that the USAF wants to pair two of them with each F-35, and the also have them in their own squadrons.

>> No.27553506

explain to a retard what this is compared to RR???

>> No.27553516

what is the AMD of another industry that's non-correlated?

>> No.27553581

Though if they have a merger target and a deal you're really playing that company's market price, which could work out to $10, $20, or $30. Different game from "me like SPAC founder, me buy".

>> No.27553598

Just look up 2nd most well known manufacturers

>> No.27553599

The sad thing is you faggots keep posting shit from reddit that nobody cares about. You shills have the worst sense of humor. Please just fucking leave already. If you "won" then why do you need to keep posting????

>> No.27553630

why is it hell? im happy to keep churning $50k at a time tbhwy if it's a question of worrying about risking too much.

>> No.27553642

Who should I go with for my Roth IRA account? I need a good boomer one that isn’t akin to söy shit like Robinhood. People say Charles Schwab, but Vanguard is also a classic.

Also which broker are people here using to invest? I like TD Ameritrade.

>> No.27553644


>> No.27553656

Thank you for explanation. I didn't put much since it was FOMO, so there is that. Although I should stop making decissions this late into day I think.

>> No.27553673

LOL at the guy who spent like $50K in school loans going all in on GME. Diamond hand niggers.

>> No.27553680

what do you think is going to meet all the energy demand from all these EV cars lol

>> No.27553687

Bought a Jan 2022 contract just for kicks

>> No.27553716

fidelity is king

>> No.27553724

Like i got fucking burned with WKHS that I was holding from like September-January, waiting for a contract that kept getting delayed and delayed. Now I’m hearing June/July for contract announcement. I know for WKHS if they take another 10% dip, I’ll probably buy back in.

When is this one expected?

>> No.27553727

Bagholding hands wrote this post lol

Smart money is in cash secured puts after having sold the top.

>> No.27553751

Does RH even do ROTH?

>> No.27553756

schizoid personality disorder is not schizophrenia

>> No.27553774

Imagine borrowing the one type of debt that can never be discharged to buy the top of fucking FuncoLand 2.0

>> No.27553776

I go with vanguard myself

>> No.27553785

It looks like another V shaped face ripping stock rally as usual.

>> No.27553788




>> No.27553787

i like etrade. i have a regular after-tax brokerage, roth ira, futures account, checking, savings, and trusts set up there. has a nice complete view of everything.

>> No.27553808

yes that's usually a mistake, but if you really do like all the economics of the thing, and you're autistic enough to study that too, it can be good. you want to stay in your circle of competence.
if you eat shitty food, shitty food stocks do not become your circle of competence. but do you understand convenience stores where you get the shitty food, because you go there too often? do you know how much the cashier makes, which items make how much money? i have to randomly guess, but you know what you know.

>> No.27553818

Submissions are due in May for flight testing in July. I don't think they've announced a date for decision.

>> No.27553880

chevy as in GM or chevy as in chevron?

>> No.27553894

Do you have a job? Earning income should be your priority as it will be extremely hard to make it with such a small amount, even if the lithium stocks keep pumping like this or if you get lucky on something else. You basically just created your own ETF but you could have just bought LIT and you would have only paid commission when you sell because buying ETFs is free with Questrade.

>> No.27553939


>> No.27553941


>> No.27553944

I hope he's okay and doesn't commit sepukku after this

>> No.27553953
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>> No.27553969
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How likely is GME to go to sub $2.00. Asking for a friend.

>> No.27553973

already linked it
section 232 petition effectively was heard, the uranium reserve was stealthed into existence. trump wanted nothing to do with it in 2019, but we got it.

>> No.27554015

>i never mentioned dendrites
>I am specifically stated Solid State batteries
This is how I know you know very little about solid state lithium batteries. All solid state lithium batteries have the problem of dendrites. Dendrites is what has prevented the tech from catching on - can't have batteries that explode / stop working!
Dendrites are why we don't have solid state batteries.
>It is largely a speculative play
absolutely.. as is any company in this space. NIO is a speculative play. TSLA is a speculative play. would you call KO a speculative play? no.
>They might be 5years away
this is still 5 years ahead of all the competition
>by then there could be other SS manufactures
yeah maybe, but it is very difficult when another company has 10 years of R&D ahead of you, has solved the biggest issue (dendrites) and has big investment from Volkswagen and Bill Gates to bring it to scale.. you're facing an uphill battle
>They are basically on par(on paper) with TSLA
TSLA's batteries are not solid state lithium. Their batteries are radically different
for some perspective, TSLA battery takes 37 minutes to charge, QS 15 minutes
TSLA's engineers think that solid state won't ever exist (because they couldn't figure it out themselves)

>> No.27554056
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>> No.27554071

Thank you friend. Might be good to get in below 30

>> No.27554097

fair enough. will look into those 3, need to do some DD.

>> No.27554100

Last I checked there was a lithium surplus. So don't expect a mining windfall.

>> No.27554112

not likely. are you looking at puts? even if it goes to zero, the most you cans make on those puts is $200 per contract, since it's 100 shares per. they're cheap for a reason.

>> No.27554127


>> No.27554152
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Did anyone here short gme?

>> No.27554185

Not very likely. It lowest was like $4 something dollars and that was extreme short pressure. With all the excitement of their future road map I see it siting between 10-20$ dollars a share for its fair value right now

>> No.27554206

IBKR, as it seemed like the best choice for someone from Europe.

>> No.27554240

imagine unironically buying a stock at 400 that goes to 4.

>> No.27554242

Fine, baking.

>> No.27554246


>> No.27554247

Fine baking.

>> No.27554257

CAD is actually doing well you dummy

much to the dismay of leafs with 100% USD in their TFSAs

>> No.27554280


>> No.27554281

Would be funny to advertise this on WSB’s Reddit page. Does Reddit get ads?

>> No.27554305

are you kidding?

>> No.27554321

>lithium surplus
bullish for QS
metals for TSLA style batteries (nickel / iron / manganese / cobalt) will all be too expensive for 35%+ of all vehicles in the world to be electric

>> No.27554334

I think the problem is lack of US investors since most of them can't buy the good psychedelic stocks and the ETF didn't draw much more interest because everyone in Canada who can buy it already had access to the sector. I've been getting hit with opportunity cost but have no problem holding for the next few months. I feel any positive news from Health Canada could pump them and it's good to see the stocks hold these prices after their first ride. We're still early on this.

>> No.27554335
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I'm a dirty poor motherfucker. I made 10k last week but my broker had an "error" when I tried to sell AMC at the top and it fucking ate every last gain that I had.

That was more money than I ever had. And i made it in a day. Now I feel like I got a phantom limb syndrome. The pain of having my wallets pussy stretched like that and then shut tight hurts. I can't fucking get over it. I want 10k again please. i don't fucking know anybody my age who has 10k. I WANT MONEY


>> No.27554347

>tfw no tqqq

>> No.27554351

whoa you've convinced everyone with your argument. kys retard

>> No.27554354

time to pick up some T time? can i get a quick rundown of the last earnings and the FA in general for their growth prospects?

i got half my money in AMD right now and looking for where to sock the rest of my money. sounds like if it hasn't mooned yet that i could still get in early, yes? is it worth it?

>> No.27554371

I think I did that with lukin coffee

>> No.27554382

There were no shares to short at my broker even before or after the peak, let alone at peak. Probably the same for others. Puts were retarded expensive, too.

>> No.27554426

i would cream my pants, but 0%. probably going to dump to like $40 before going back to $60 before mooning again

>> No.27554427

New thread when?

>> No.27554438




New Thread

New thread


>> No.27554476
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I have a job, it's not that great. I only put in 2200 dollars to just play around with and see what happens. I have about 6k more I could put in as well. I still have 700 dollars in my account to spend on things on Questrade.


I am afraid of this, but I am thinking with the influx of states/countries banning ICE vehicles lithium has to surge and If I invest early in Chilean companies where it's still getting started maybe I can get a leg up I don't know all lvl 1 speculation from me.

>> No.27554481

should've gotten a put to counterbalance the position.

>> No.27554510
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>> No.27554536

is lockheed martin a good buy? how long before it goes up? any reason why it wouldnt?

>> No.27554632

>defence stocks

pros/cons of these?

>> No.27554638
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Chart is a bill flag they just broke out

Macd crossing rsi headed up

Chart looks like a good buy per meme lines probable $8 price target on this breakout

>> No.27554784

pros: pew pew pew, Biden is a neolib warhawk and so is his entire cabinet
cons: the majors (BA, LMT, NOC) are boomer dividend giants that won't double in my lifetime

>> No.27554914

I did
$44 4/16 Put. $17.10 purchase price
I had some money laying around. I didn't fuck up did i senpai?