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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27542972 No.27542972 [Reply] [Original]

Chicago has pretty cheap property for a big city. how do i become a slum lord to a bunch of retarded hipsters

>> No.27543205
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>> No.27543224

Just wait real estate will drop more after a few more years of crime driving people and businesses out. Lived near shitcago my whole life

>> No.27543312

Definitely sounds like someone who's never been to Chicago

>> No.27543479

It's simple we, uh, kill the black man. Imagine the rise in property value...

>> No.27543763

having some good capital coming in with a new job. definitely want to invest in property. i live in l.a. and property is dirt fucking cheap compared to over here.
no, but i hear joggers and taxes are ruining the city, which probably explains why its dirt cheap.
jogger demographic dropped 6% in 20 years. messicans and hipsters moving in from what i hear.

>> No.27543782

Well hello beautiful

>> No.27543954

City is actually getting nicer but yes taxman coming to stretch you out but that is going to happen everywhere might as well be somewhere where there's shit to do and brappers to sniff

>> No.27544177
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Sir this is a bitcoin trading subforum on an anime website. You think the people here own property let alone enough to rent it out?

>> No.27544279

>City is actually getting nicer

>> No.27544979

christ my "first" world country looks like brazil compared to this

>> No.27544985

As long as you don't mind being carjacked its not so bad.

>> No.27545244

The city is definitely getting worse. Murders are way up. Crime spreading to North side. And everyone is fleeing due to WFH.

>> No.27545287

unironically live in a $1M condo here in downtown chicago for quite awhile, and i love it. but i also travel a lot and ditch for months at a time most winters to go somewhere warm. but its 100x better than NYC imo since its not fucking dirty as shit

>> No.27545607

chicago is unironically beautiful but taxes are fucked

>> No.27545803

>hasn't acclimatized to the freezing weather and herpes epidemic and unique different smells of human piss literally everywhere
May as well just do some meth and eat literal dirt with your flyover buddies the south will rise again lmao

>> No.27545861

blacks are being exported to the burbs and wisconsin so the regentification cycles can run. look at how far from the center some of the crime is now

>> No.27545942

You’ll pay like 80% in taxes and “fees” aka bribes to the unions and mobsters.

>> No.27545977

Would an Irishman be welcome in Chicago

>> No.27546105

Unfortunately, Chicago is full of niggers

>> No.27546154

No, stay in NYC you FUCKIN' mick

>> No.27546251

you literally have to pay property taxes on parking spots lmao

>> No.27546679
File: 222 KB, 1062x862, Sneed formerly Hank's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the crappy hotel in the Blues Brothers for sale?

>> No.27546894

Hanks.... Dank and... Crank.
I get it.

>> No.27547123

Chicongo has an unfixable nigger problem. However if you are a member of the tribe any bad situation can be your advantage.

>> No.27547284

please dont move to chicago
youll force chicagofags to move to Milwaukee
t. Milwaukee fag absolutely sick of everyone

>> No.27547393

lmao, deal with it. at least they're not californians (yet)

>> No.27547825

The property is cheap because the taxes are to high.

>> No.27548342

Looked it up. The hotel was torn down in the 90's now it is a library.

Nope it was Hank's Wank and Spank. Sneed bought it without his weed license and had to sell it to Chuck. Chuck had to close due to AIDS. Sneed bought it again and now sells seeds.

>> No.27548786
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God I hate this flat grey fucking parking lot city

>> No.27549302

why dont you leave?