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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 439x290, days-without-jewish-tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2753379 No.2753379 [Reply] [Original]

Reasons for the crash thread:

1. Jews
2. Kikes
3. Juden
4. Oven dodgers
5. German oven mitts
6. Big noses
7. Lamp shades

Any other reasons?

>> No.2753434
File: 95 KB, 996x538, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753454

people and institutions securing some profits

>> No.2753813

> survived Egypt
> survived hitler
> survived attack by Arab nations and moreover cucked them for land
> own banking industry
> own media
> own law
> own medicine
> more nobel prizes than anonfag retards can count
> own your mom

Jews done cucked all you fagbois
If not Jew buy rope before too late
We come at night and our jew claw strikes deep
Also we caused this crash and are buying up all the cheap crypto from weakhanded idiots.
Have fun goys. See you on the other side

>> No.2753828

I'm non-jew white but this is true

They are truly the master race

>> No.2753836

Surely a currency that anyone can just produce out of thin air is inevitable to fail eventually, right?

>> No.2753847


>> No.2753853

all those industries were taken by organized crime. there is no jewish religion. jewish is organized crime with a front. Redemption is at hand and the jews are already a single paragrah in the history lessons 2000 years from where you are now. no one was cucked by jew they were robbed. its too late for the jew evryone knows they are criminals . The jew began their final death march in 1948. You just dont know it.... yet

>> No.2753863

Ashkenazi jews also have highest average IQ, not asians like the stereotype goes. I've noticed that all the people who want jews gone seem to think that if it wasn't jews at the top, it would be some completely different and benevolent group of people. Pretty funny to imagine.

>> No.2753886

You're right being at the top corrupts people, not everyone, but many. Their problem is they don't even get along with each other. A jew will jew a jew in an nano second if he shows weakness.

The goy have their problems but we have built civilization. They are parasites that exploit holes in the system.
> /biz/ hand rubbing intensifies

>> No.2753906

What civilization anon? The one built on the Bible? Which we Jews wrote? Kek

>> No.2753908
File: 17 KB, 480x336, 1485795530483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people remembered your retarded play money isn't actually worth anything? That would mean you would have to take responsibility for losing your money though so it must be Jews. lol

>> No.2753943

>A jew will jew a jew in an nano second if he shows weakness.

This is just human nature for most people. I bet if most people of your ethnic background could choose between anonymously letting you die or getting 1 BTC, they would take the coin in an instant. Humans are greedy as fuck when there are no consequences.

>> No.2753951

Idiots acting irrationally
>oh no bitcoin dropped $150 quick dump everything.