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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 238 KB, 636x360, image_2021-02-02_212248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27523962 No.27523962 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27524091
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>> No.27524228

how are they this retarded

>> No.27524411
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>> No.27524445
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>> No.27524542

i saw that post and laughed that people could be this stupid

>> No.27524601

This will age nicely.

>> No.27524802
File: 62 KB, 515x522, image_2021-02-02_213052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i respect biz now more then ever
at least our meme stocks are to make money not to lose...

>> No.27524942
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>> No.27525046
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>> No.27525232
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>> No.27525285

The GME cult is just leftists trying to pretend they are still underdog helpless victims in the post-Trump era. They need that victimology hit.

>> No.27525370
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sounds like what you tell your gf when you fuck her in the ass...

>> No.27525612
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>> No.27526051
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>> No.27526277

this shit is hilarious

>> No.27526420
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>> No.27526874
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>> No.27527047
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>> No.27527242
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top kek

>> No.27527257

the funny thing is melvin just ate the loss and sold his shit and real coomer profited off gme and then he just bought puts at 300-400 and now hes already in his miami beach house completely forgotten about it

how are they so stupid

>> No.27527460

probably exactly what happened

>> No.27527607

>realistically we can probably get $35,000 a share

>> No.27527765

it did. /smg/ has been in gme since 8 dollars. it was literally in the news and the melvin dude is already renovating his miami beach properties after he just bought 2 houses there back to back so he doesnt have neighbors. hes not losing.

i almost fucking believed the reddit bull shit but bells were going off and my brain was screaming at me to sell when nothing was making sense anymore and i sold premarket monday before all of this shit and got out with 500% gains and just been watching on the sidelines

anytime i see anything but wooo gamestop 1000 a share rocket rocket i get downvoted to shit on reddit and called a bot shill and a pussy so fuck them

>> No.27527802

whats funny is that the government got its stimulus checks back with these retards

>> No.27527894

if you wanna accelerate WSB's death then downvote all the oldfag posts that complain / try and encourage moving away from GME cultism

>> No.27527902
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he complements by saying "it would put gamestop at the same market cap as Apple"
very realistic

>> No.27528049

Big gains will come 2 u, but only if u reply:


>> No.27528131

dumb money always loses

>> No.27528147
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>> No.27528174

what drives a person to this line of thinking?

>> No.27528237

Public education.

>> No.27528328

excessive consumption of glycine max products

>> No.27528555
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>> No.27528665
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what happens if it actually squeezes and all of these retards become billionaires over night

>> No.27528841

It teaches everyone the stock market is a retarded mass hallucination.

>> No.27528913

Hoping I will be one of these retards

>> No.27528954

not happening its over

>> No.27528992

that would be great for them

>> No.27529037


>> No.27529041


>why do GME, AMC and BB move at the same time
>must be a conspiracy theory
>keeps buying more GME, AMC and BB

>> No.27529117

All the cucks here will start posting pinkjaks as usual because they will realize that they made the wrong decision, again, as usual.

>> No.27529134

can they not just look at a fucking chart and see that volume dropped 90% the second robinhood jewed them? fucking christ its not worth the risk

it did squeeze. melvin is out and it went up 700%. what else do you want.

>> No.27529142

>They are doubling down
HAHAHAHAHAHA holy fuck I don't think they are ready to see $20 on Friday close. There will be a lot of suicides, that's for sure.

>> No.27529170
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i want to believe this is just a guy trying to drive as many redditors to commit seppuku as possible

>> No.27529190

Probably was legally obligated to eat the loss. Like his firm automatically buys/sells if they're a certain amount in the red.

>> No.27529192

/biz/ investing at its finest

>> No.27529228
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>> No.27529249

they are so stupid comparing it to the VW squeeze. VW went from 200 down to 100 and shot up to 1000. gamestop already went from 40 to 450

>> No.27529263
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Poor bastard

>> No.27529293

>markets close
>GME continues to fall


>> No.27529310

in theory he is correct. in reality, it's a prisoner's dilemma game and most people are gonna sell around $1000, maybe less.

>> No.27529322

what happens that does happen and everyone gets JUSTED

>> No.27529331

The dollar would collapse so that billion would be worth 10,000 since the upper 1% cash hoard finally reached the aspects of the economy at risk for inflation.

>> No.27529449

holy shit why did anyone here hold after friday?

>> No.27529457
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>> No.27529459

Then gamestop great reset hypothesis has basis. Buy LINK.

>> No.27529484

>after market continues laddering

>> No.27529550
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>35 grand a share

Ah. This is shitposting?

>> No.27529636
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stop...please. i didn't put any money into GME or AMC but seeing these posts physically hurts......what's going to happen to these people? mass suicides? i have no problem calling people niggers on 4chan, but this is honestly kind of sad. how will any of these people ever recover from this?

>> No.27529639
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>> No.27529645

I got called a kike and shill dozens of times that day trying to convince helpless fucks to bail

>> No.27529700

he didn't buy AMC hes' not going to make it.
>2021-02-02 - BlackRock Inc. has filed an SC 13G form with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosing ownership of 6,211,222 shares of AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (US:AMC). This represents 5.7 percent ownership of the company. In their previous filing dated 2020-12-08, BlackRock Inc. had reported owning 3,901,649 shares, indicating an increase of 59.19 percent.

>> No.27529722

They will continue to hold until it goes back to $10

>> No.27529737

>wall street fucked me
this guys are incredible

>> No.27529745
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time heals most wounds. They'll feel like shit now, but hopefully they'll be smarter in the future

>> No.27529750

nah eventually enough institutions would fail the the contract becomes null and void. Not a lot of demand for stocks when people are eating dog meat and the NYSE is a slave girl market.

>> No.27529777

They're convinced they arent just fighting a bunch of other institutional investors who piled into new short positions @$300. They're gonna get absolutely fucking rinsed lel

>> No.27529840

Get this man on the board, stat. He belongs here

>> No.27529913

>wsb is having a melt down
>go look
>apes strong diamond hands rocket ship
Fuck off, you baited me to going to reddit, they are just circle jerking like usual. Fucking retarded shills.

>> No.27529914
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I got greedy but managed to escape when it fell to 320
I'm rooting for these bastards but I don't see them outwitting the jew

>> No.27529939

help a brainlet out, what's going on in OP's pic? Is Fidelity just glitching out?

>> No.27529961
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Checked and oof'd, I was pissed at my -$500, but these Redditors are truly boned for buying in so HARD

>> No.27529975
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I cannot fathom why anyone would invest savings or money they can't afford. I'd feel bad if they made an honest mistake but that is pure Darwinism.

>> No.27530017

Greed and ignorance

>> No.27530100

Except that Thursday' peak greatly surpassed Volkswagon's in percentage gained.

>> No.27530101
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>> No.27530173
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suddenly its not about fucking wallstreet anymore, its about not losing money uh?

>> No.27530215
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>buy into narrative that a significant event is about to take place
>this is supported by supposed evidence that I don't have the expertise and/or sources to verify for myself
>blindly trust the people spouting these theories because I get caught up in their comradery and buy into the "us vs them" storyline
>invest large amounts of money and time for the cause
>log onto the echochamber every day to have people reaffirm me that the big event is about to happen
>every dissenting opinion is discarded and ignored, supporting statements are taken as gospel
>people keep spamming stupid catchphrases to one another
>everybody in my group still believes the big event is still about to happen, while the reality that this is a pipedream is becoming laughably obvious to anybody outside this bubble
>be Qtard
pic unrelated

>> No.27530231

on the one hand always do the opposite of what biz says. on the other hand reddit is dumb money. I've never been so conflicted

>> No.27530256
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I am thinking if it does. The dollar is going to fucking crash unlike anything we have seen in history. It's gonna be some 1177 B.C. Bronze Age shit. Hopefully, these people are smart enough to put that money into crypto and balance everything out or precious metals, but who the fuck knows at this point. I'm really excited to see what happens. Either way, we are getting some godlike entertainment.

>> No.27530263

What's wrong with neighbours?

>> No.27530305

Everyone here would post green wojaks

>> No.27530333

that doesn't mean anything

>> No.27530338

>no one in history got famous paying their rent
Lmao. The internet was a mistake. Reality TV was a mistake.
Someone send this to Senator Warren. This entire debacle has completely flipped my stance on Covid gibs.

>> No.27530353

GME didnt squeeze though.

>> No.27530387


I still see Gamestop overshorted.What is the big deal about hodling? Clearly the short squeeze has yet to happen.

> t. bought 1 share at $360

>> No.27530431

no he's probably a retard who confused call and contract KEK and now he's absolutely boned

>> No.27530436

I invest 99% of my net worth because when done intelligently it's a safe and liquid place to store capital
This meme of "only invest what you can lose" is for glue eaters who make profoundly dumb decisions and is also inconsistent with reality. Most people have most of their money at risk else they do not retire

>> No.27530449

>psychology doesn't matter
quadruple your money in a day and you jump out. over 4 years you don't.

>> No.27530456

Overshorted to dumbasses like you, sure.

>> No.27530562

Why would you cover a Gamestop short?

Its like you guys are complaining about AAPL being overbought. Like duh?

>> No.27530578

>I have secret knowledge
>no I cant get rich off it though

>> No.27530712

reminder that these people can vote

>> No.27530817

This really is Q but for the financial world.

>> No.27530914

No neighbours makes it easier to do whatever satanic shit rich people get up to I imagine

>> No.27531049
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>realistically $35,000 a share on average

>> No.27531098

i never saw a single digit change on that site. Have you?

>> No.27531166

I will literally laugh until eternity burns over

>> No.27531241

kek this

>> No.27531345

i cant believe i fell for gme after laughing at qtards for 4 years

>> No.27531351
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>> No.27531381
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Succinctly put. Saved so I don't need to type it out myself.

>> No.27531390

they don't want people hearing their child sex slaves

>> No.27531393

And yet Biden is president. Im sure thats the better outcome, somehow. Not for us though.

>> No.27531418


fuck, i would hire this retard as a intern and just inverse all his trade. This moron is a god damn money making machine if used correctly.

>> No.27531426

>everything I don’t like is a Jew
Absolute brainlet tier. They did it to themselves

>> No.27531449

Jesus Christ

>> No.27531477

this shit is so embarrassing. the fact that it's been blasted on national daytime television is even worse. what a laughing stock

>> No.27531490
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>bought at peaks
Must be ourguy working undercover

>> No.27531510

Fug I remember this movie

>> No.27531661

>memers throwing it all back into BTC
What's going to end up crashing BTC? I think they'll find that its being used to funnel money to QAnon tard militias from China/Iran and outlaw it outright.
Would also really help inflation.

>> No.27531675

peak /biz/

>> No.27531685


>> No.27531691
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>1 post by this ID

>> No.27531709
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>> No.27531725


>> No.27531773

>people will visit the store hence the stock must go up
I'm glad we don't have these people here.
He's not even autistic, just a naïve kid.

>> No.27531874

>anything is worth infinity dollars if we all agree not to sell it cause someone need it and will have to pay!

Imagine actually believing this.

Then again these retards believe insane things like communism would work “if you did it right” or “we are one race, the human race” , “trans women are real women” and my all time favorite anything to do with Jews even while they are being actively subverted and impoverished by them directly, right in their face.

>> No.27531905

It’s likely Jews making these posts to subvert the retards there to buy their bags.

>> No.27531935
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>literally a perfect bear market channel
Predictable if you actually knew what short selling was.

>> No.27531964
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>> No.27532059


>> No.27532074

Buying in even relatively late wasn't a terrible decision, I was up 50% at one point. Just should have taken my gains then. I assumed Jews trying to stop people from buying was a buy signal (turns out that's only true if they fail).

>> No.27532093

Businesses arent going to jack up the prices and crash the dollar because a minority of people became rich overnight during a one time blip in the market. Thats just going to make a bunch of black people who werent or didnt invest riot because once again their life savings go down the drain because a system created by the white man failed yet again.

>> No.27532140

buying GME is literally like buying BTC when it was 3.5k and everyone thought it was down and out to only spike to 33k..

>.t guy who has invested his mother and siblings money into GME
guys if dont think any of this is bullish for GME, I've got bad news for you... ngmi

>> No.27532183

>bear market channel
it's called a downtrend, newfriend

>> No.27532271

They'll just keep holding like retards without taking profit, as always, and lose it all when it crashes

>> No.27532270

This falls apart when you realize they can cover at any point.

>> No.27532313
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>> No.27532318

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.27532333

It was over 130% last week.

I'm not covering a short, I'm hodling a share to help prevent the liquidity needed for them to close their positions.

>> No.27532348

king of /biz/

>> No.27532389

Q is right, moron

>> No.27532423

Ok larper.

>> No.27532464

I'm so glad I didn't buy the hype. Last Tuesday a hour before markets closed this place almost had me buying GME.

>> No.27532467

These cucks deserve it. They are literal cucks, they're not joking.

>> No.27532486

If the mods have brains they will perma ban everyone who joined after last Monday.

>> No.27532487
File: 71 KB, 728x435, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't understand why we haven't had significant inflation despite money printer go brrr for 13 yrs, do you?
Its because the wealthy never liquidate. There isn't a point. But low IQs that buy memestocks with the intention to get rich quick? They'd liquidate in a heartbeat and roll around in bills.
Most lottery winners don't intelligently invest and reinvest dividends.

>> No.27532558
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>> No.27532562
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>> No.27532566
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So if I hire this guy and sell when he says buy I'd be set for life?

>> No.27532593
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>tfw bagholder

I ain't even mad desu

>> No.27532627

I mean, if you bought and sold you would have been great.

>> No.27532699

Most lottery winners also dont influence the value of the dollar despite cashing out and going on huge benders either.

>> No.27532715
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>buy $367
>sell $112

that's what I get for unironically taking advice from R*ddit

>> No.27532760
File: 256 KB, 1000x1502, 1612141354880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost 400k. I'm not gonna wageslave anymore. There is a brighter future for me on the other side. Do not fall for memes and keep your head straight, don't be like me.

>> No.27532765

Curious as to what you hold. Or are you cash gang right now?

>> No.27532789

dicks out

>> No.27532800

Never gonna happen. Besides the fact they already bought high and sold low wiping out most of their accounts. If things ever start going in retails favor they shut it the fuck down with quickness.

See: last week when they did exactly that.

There is only one way you can win in the (((market))) and that’s figure out which side has the strongest jew bankers and financiers and then you join it and do what they do. You’ll never do as well as them cause they get in before you and probable get out at better prices than you with all the tools at their disposal but at least you won’t get run the fuck over by the people who literally own, operate, and regulate the market and the media.

>> No.27532813

I don't recall there ever being a powerball worth 1 trillion+, do you?

>> No.27532860
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I hope you're memeing

>> No.27532865

Wasn't this supposed to be over on Friday when that hedgefund had to pay up? Why did people keep holding?

>> No.27532868


>> No.27532872
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>Hello, is this the suicide helpline?

>Yes, how can I help you? Are you doing ok?

>I put it on all gamestop


I wonder if this happened yet. What do you do if the suicide helpline laughs at you

>> No.27532893

Cuckold bbc porn addiction

>> No.27532923

I would livestream my own suicide if that happened

>> No.27532935

It did though

>> No.27532973

>You don't understand why we haven't had significant inflation despite money printer go brrr for 13 yrs
If you're a burger the answer is the petro-dollar system.
You inflation is tucked away in other countries' treasuries, mostly chinese/japanese/saudi.

>> No.27533031

This. I need to start following WSB and just profit off their stupidity. I never touched gme since I dont care about stocks but God damn if I did I would have exited my position and laugh all the way to the bank as I spam "HOLD THE LINE, COMRADES".

The gme incident was great but holy fuck at the cringe afterwards.
>its not about the money!
>aaaah I'm broke. It is about the mon......*reddit brain freeze* hold the linerino, friends!

>> No.27533033


>> No.27533045

fucking kek
it's fascinating that people can be this delusional
straight out of some psychology textbook

>> No.27533059

Why are there so many numbers floating around about the short interest? I keep seeing these numbers 0-50-120-140-200% where are they even from, and does anyone even know which ones correct?

>> No.27533064

>Wasn’t the election over in november? Why did Q-tards assault the capitol 3 months later?

>> No.27533071

Haha can I laugh with you boys even though I lost money too haha?

>> No.27533077

so sad and cringe

>> No.27533099


>> No.27533133

>one less moetard in the world
I'm I supposed to feel pity?

>> No.27533134

this is wonderful. keep the reddit tears coming

>> No.27533174

How long until WSB stickies the suicide hotline like the bitcoin subreddit used to do?

>> No.27533175

Either I make a few thousand off of GME or I lose a few hundred dollars but get to laugh at reddit. Win win situation right now

>> No.27533189

I'm sorry.

>> No.27533202

Funny how we use the medias language. How do you assault a building with your bare hands exactly.

>> No.27533217

a run on Funko Pops and star wars merch.

>> No.27533238

This. Ironically robhinhood did save these people from dumping even more money into it. Yes, fuck them for halting buying PUBLIC STOCKS but some of these redditors should be thanking them for not allowing them to pour more of their retard funds into it.

>> No.27533262

Someone made a fake bloomberg terminal and told people not to listen to financial sites saying that short interest was 39% because it was a boomer conspiracy to make you sell

>> No.27533275


>> No.27533279

? Have you been living under a rock? It already squeezed. The stock shot up 1000%+. YOu're supposed to sell high during a pump and dump, not buy/ hold. A lot of brainlets and normies don't get it and think GME is some sort of investment kek.

>> No.27533295

No, GameStop isn't like crypto.

Take your head out of the sand.

>> No.27533344

Not RH's responsibility. They forced a panic sell on the stock regardless. They have no right interfering in the market. Them, Webull, and TDAT should be sued into the fucking dirt for this

>> No.27533356

there's losing money and then there's doubling down on this

>> No.27533362


>> No.27533390

how is it that a bum like me with 600$ in my bank account and current 1k portfolio who makes little moves to get the $300 a month i need to survive didnt fall for this ponzi scheme but dude x1000 more successful than me are losing thousands? what made people do this decision? it couldnt have simply been “dude hype lmao” right?

>> No.27533401

When you are indoctranized into a cult this is the mentality you develop. It's all so tiresome bros.

>> No.27533425

Anon please.

>> No.27533437

the founder of WSB is a jew btw there was an article where it says his name

>> No.27533461

Hey remember when they restricted trading and fucked us all, and then OP spent a whole week mocking us because he's a traitorous turncoat?

Good times. We wanna come have a GME after-party at your house OP, what's the address?

>> No.27533467


>> No.27533481

I mean BTC is just a memestock with resilience, like TSLA.
If BTC started having any affect on fiat it'd be gone in a hot minute.

>> No.27533538

>Today‘s Return -$279.48 (-60.30%)
How do I cope?

>> No.27533548

Does the concept of acceptable loss not exist to these people? I miscalced yeah but like I don't care much since I poured what I considered an acceptable amount in and only that. The damage done I wanted to see happen is happening loss or gain. But there were people who used student loans and shit on this stock?

>> No.27533552
File: 561 KB, 1080x1573, IMG_20210202_225337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Kek. They still believe in their cult leader "DeepFuckingValue", without noticing he deep fucking disappeared and is enjoying his tendies hahahahhshsh

>> No.27533564

They get called "lucky".

>> No.27533569

This is the chosen one boys. We need him here to teach us how to buy high and sell low.

>> No.27533575

Maybe you shouldn't have picked a cash poor zoomer broker, lightweight.

>> No.27533692

>a bunch of black people who werent or didnt invest riot because once again their life savings go down the drain

Welfare isn't savings. 1st and 15th, my nigga.

>> No.27533691
File: 70 KB, 1116x483, image_2021-02-02_225611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly if you look at it like this its clear that it will just go back to its original price

>> No.27533699

Lmao, keep seething bagholder.

>> No.27533721

saved so I don't have to screen capture myself

>> No.27533739

Shut up and do your business you kike.

>> No.27533756

biz will pretend they knew it was coming all along

>> No.27533806

why do these retards think that hedge funds can be attacked by an average joe just because you can trade stocks on a phone? all the intellectual capital is still in the institutions, 80% of retail traders lose money.

>> No.27533814

it doesn't matter if it went up 100,000%+. that doesn't mean it squeezed.

>> No.27533826

It's be funny if it went lower because big institutions dumped their bags.

>> No.27533847

Maybe you missed my entire point.

>> No.27533849
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>> No.27533862
File: 146 KB, 716x978, im gonna hooodl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27533894


>bagholds over a fucking cliff while people try to tell you not to


fucking lmao never trade again, you're washed up

>> No.27533937


>> No.27533965

it seemed like a sure bet at the beginning of last week. Then shit happened.

>> No.27533985
File: 192 KB, 352x375, 1604755179630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do they keep talking about this cringey 'sticking it to the man' bullshit? Holy fucking cope, the man is snorting coke off tranny cocks and could not give a fuck about you. The man will never face any consequences and will always win in the end. The only thing you could hope to ever do is ride along and grab the crumbs. The whole point of investing is to make money ffs, who actually does it make a statement LMAO

>> No.27534033
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1610004997305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> bet your autistic tendies
it's so fucking cringe when reddit tries to use 4chan memes

>> No.27534048

This is just sad, these guys are actually nuts

>> No.27534085
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I didn't. You think you got cheated because your bank ran out of money. You're literally an NPC from Its a Wonderful Life.

>> No.27534109
File: 20 KB, 905x186, gmeretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27534130

they were told the man was going to drop a whole slice of bread, but he noticed and took it away from the edge.

>> No.27534159

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.27534164

Hey go trade on the fair market and come back and tell me who's fucked.

>> No.27534184

>$30-50k per share
This has to be parody. Even Amazon’s stock is about $2k. Is there any stock out there that’s worth $30k per share?

>> No.27534187

Nothing happened on the Friday other than a bunch of calls ending up itm. The option writers already accounted for them being itm and hedged accordingly days before.
Plebs buying in at $300-500 refused to listen and now they're holding bags.

>> No.27534209
File: 1.48 MB, 400x286, Madden+giferator+_892c01_5285110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the same shill that posted about 78 times on AMC threads. For some reason he wants people to sell

>> No.27534238

amazing how much money people will throw away to be a part of something, if only for a few minutes.

>> No.27534244

the robinhood shit definitely killed momentum. The shorts covered on thursday and it was over. The past few days have been denial.

>> No.27534252

Q anon tier.

>> No.27534260

Except that wasn't my bank and you did miss the point.

>> No.27534281
File: 299 KB, 1242x1275, 1611794846891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mods actually kicked him since he tried to monetize the subreddit, ah never change jews never change.

>> No.27534301

I'm financially ruined

>> No.27534302

hold my bag while I take a dump on you.

>> No.27534324

Beware of all these bots and debbie downers. They still have to cover their shorts.

Did you honestly expect hedge funds were going to surrender billions of dollars? Did you seriously think they weren't going to pull some dirty tricks? If you didn't, then maybe this wasn't for you.

To those who said they were waiting for cheaper prices: now's your chance.

To everyone else: Those bags you're holding are just heavy from the fuel that's going to propel you to the edge of the Milky Way. HOLD.

>> No.27534327

Do you think they'll short it into the ground? Like down to a penny? Should I try to open up shorts and join in?

>> No.27534332
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>> No.27534359

Then your post made no sense.

>> No.27534362

he may as well beg

>> No.27534368

I also dont recall that the if the potential trillions is made from a meme stock, that it would be evenly distributed to the people.

>> No.27534375

shut up retard. yes, everyone should get off RH. it's a piece of shit, obviously

>> No.27534373

Berkshire Hathaway is 300k+

>> No.27534383


>> No.27534387

>Don't forget about us who bought at 300 400
>Guis... Hello?

when's it set in that they were the marks all along?

>> No.27534448

I actually know him and his brother. They're pretty cool dudes and not the kvetching type of jude
One of em named his german shepherd Kapo iirc, kek

>> No.27534449

Don't confuse bullshit with a bull market

>> No.27534453

What do you guys think about shorting this shit? I’ll get a call option to hedge the position and just have a pt of 50 or so.

>> No.27534482
File: 1.19 MB, 498x498, Why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robinkike won't allow people to sell until it comes down

>> No.27534486

Nothing funny about that

>> No.27534502
File: 155 KB, 2870x568, rr9n7obwq4f61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he still holding

>> No.27534521

>Is there any stock out there that’s worth $30k per share?
Berkshire Hathaway is 300k because they never split their stock and they're extremely valuable. I'm pretty sure Amazon would be worth about 100k by now if they never split their stock either.

>> No.27534548
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, E7FE94E3-ED50-4199-AE45-BC3D50DDBBDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a monkey and I lost half my peanuts. I have no strong feelings at all right now.

>> No.27534580

Unless my point wasn't about me...
But ALL of us...
So you didn't get it.

>> No.27534615

What. A lot of the large shorts covered which helped fuel the pump. That's a short squeeze.

(New) smart money opened new shorts on the way up because the stock is insanely overvalued.

>> No.27534620

one of the most based movies ever. Kid almost fucked a 20 something year old cia agent in it. I loved that movie as a kid

>> No.27534639

It wasn't about fundamentals or worth of the company. It was a supposedly overshorted stock so people tried to do a short squeeze

>> No.27534649

I wouldn’t be surprised if it falls back to ~$20 a share because realistically that’s what gamestop is actually worth.

>> No.27534670

>falling for the inspect element scam


>> No.27534676

kek probably
but to protect the users ofcourse

>> No.27534713

Tendies has been a dead meme on here since 2017 at the very least.

>> No.27534752

Honestly the SEC fucked up by not doing enough to protect the retail "investor" from "crowd sourced" pump and dumps where whales utilise bots to motivate the masses to hold while they sell.

>> No.27534845

Lmao what a whiny appeal trying to get someone else to risk everything for them.

>> No.27534863

Hey guys should I open a short position or nah? If the squeeze isn't happening that means shorting is like free money right? Can you guys tell me what I should do? I could probably make a killing if I take out a loan to short it, right? It has to go down, right? You guys wouldn't lie to me, right?

>> No.27534878

This doesn't work. If you inversed their two most popular plays you'd get your ass margin called from shorting tesla and gamestop before you have the chance to see them inevitably go back down. You don't have the capital to hold out against the momentum. Maybe long dated put options but good luck figuring the timing

>> No.27534883

how much did u lose?

>> No.27534890

Got an order to buy at $88 when market opens, am I retarded? Maybe this thing is going to the moon. I'm buying 1 GME share kek.

>> No.27534898
File: 250 KB, 1440x926, 20210202_150927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fapper gets rekt

>> No.27534910
File: 328 KB, 2000x2833, 980e5946eb8bed38ecfc9f21f7196027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but ALL of us...
I have zero sympathy for retards who FOMO'd into GME over $100 "for da movement". You got what you deserved.

>> No.27534917

See, when you're right, that's when the replies stop. /biz/ is a contrarian indicator.

>> No.27534929

>ey homie, we finna get famous in dis shit bruh

>> No.27534948

It would be distributed to low IQs

>> No.27534951

Not having any actual use is actually in BTCs favor.

>> No.27534956
File: 71 KB, 615x637, 1601431628085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then this board will forever have a pink filter on all our images

>> No.27535001

they could have stopped buying when this scam started hitting the front page of reddit

>> No.27535006

lol did that nigga just use werewolf logic?

>> No.27535010

This is actually the fastest decline of a short squeeze ever. The previous record was like 50% in four days. This was 60% in one day, twice.

>> No.27535034
File: 24 KB, 524x573, IMG_20210202_011421_313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't fathom the mentality behind literally giving your money
Some of these dipshits actually entered their positions with the intention of losing money

>> No.27535047
File: 685 KB, 982x1420, 5aacbfafd0af1fa9500c73f1ba15eb1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're right, you make money instead of losing it.

>> No.27535050

Why was anyone on it?
Speak for yourself, tourist.

>> No.27535065

still used a bit with apu apustaja and NEET posting but yea
it's just cringe how reddit thinks throwing in meme phrases/ words out of context is funny

>> No.27535072

I will never come back to this dumpster fire of a lack of any intelligent discussion.

>> No.27535088
File: 595 KB, 1331x2048, Screenshot_20210202-140829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not about the money
This is a new level of cope

>> No.27535121


>> No.27535148

BTC is a store of value! Like dutch tulips!

>> No.27535150

you have no idea what you're talking about, a common thing around here for sure

>> No.27535200

Invest that $80 in penny stocks.

>> No.27535222

Digusting niggers. Redditors deserve to all their money and some more.

>> No.27535231

BTC has a great use case though, internet based crime.

>> No.27535236

lol me too

>> No.27535255

wsb used tendies for a while to describe gains. There has been an influx of millions of new users because of the squeeze who try to adapt to culture as quickly as possible. That person is likely a new user who got on the gme wagon late and doesn’t want to lose.

>> No.27535257
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>> No.27535254

why are you asking stupid questions?

>> No.27535267

>This worthless thing is worth more because its worthless.
>This valuable thing is worth less because its valuable.
Please explain

>> No.27535292

thats pocket change. consider it a lesson well learned. never buy into a pump

>> No.27535339
File: 626 KB, 3541x5016, ca37e8db108f1fbf3147058c3a717a49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why are you losing all your money, with the people who sold in the 400s mocking you? If you're so smart, why are you losing money?

>> No.27535340

i honestly hope these people only put in what they were willing to lose. but then again, these are redditors.

>> No.27535373

>For sure
Nobody is going to do a thing about the HF's and the BF's and the SEC are they? Just a bunch of hens in a pen pecking eachothers carcasses waiting to get snatched up by the neck.

>> No.27535387

At least you will always be able to spot a redditor when he posts (here) so you can freely ignore him.

>> No.27535399


>> No.27535416

crypto always does the opposite of what I expect it to do. For some reason bitcoin always bounces back.
I put $20 in doge when it was mooning under the reasoning that doge is and always will be completely worthless.

>> No.27535444

What's a penny stock? I'm only here for crypto if I'm honest but I'll throw a few hundred in stocks/shares for the hell of it.

>> No.27535464

>if you wanna accelerate WSB's death then downvote all the oldfag posts that complain / try and encourage moving away from GME cultism
I've been doing this. I've also been reporting anyone who promotes silver and on another account redirecting people to /r/wallstreetsilver

>> No.27535488

Bocknbock bock bKAW

>> No.27535523
File: 1.86 MB, 1821x2579, c9206eb336c90c8e9c97ff37257e33d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the stock market! First time?

>> No.27535539

I bought at 450 and I'm still holding. Trust the plan.

>> No.27535564


>> No.27535583

penny stocks are cheap stocks you expect to increase in value over time.

>> No.27535624

Wait till it’s back in single digits and the dream is really dead. There are still people holding out hope.

>> No.27535643
File: 51 KB, 675x770, gmeloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27535647

I think Israel won that one

>> No.27535667

Talking about /biz/

>> No.27535694

14 million dollars gone in 24 hours... noice

>> No.27535697

It’s a blank check in that the entire thing is blank.

>> No.27535699

Underrated post still lmao

>> No.27535704
File: 125 KB, 1145x863, 661084B1-8AC0-42EA-8DE4-7F06A5AB4008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all just need to HAVE SOME GODDAMN FAITH
we’ll be picking mangos on the moon by friday

>> No.27535746

based thanks fren.

>> No.27535749

Yeah I know, it's not a big deal.

>> No.27535752

why is the first thing these tards do in their fantasies is pay off their student loan debt? if you come into a large amount of money that is such a dumb thing to do

>> No.27535757


>> No.27535803
File: 210 KB, 1446x2048, 8e99cc501136411d12bc90a118491c89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose hundreds of dollars per share FOMOing into Gamestop
>reduced to incoberent chicken noises by brown demon girl tummy
Have you tried NOT losing all your money?

>> No.27535817
File: 2 KB, 114x125, 1605325430089s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27535861

>Robinhood and other brokerages and hubs BANNED BUYS ON GAMESTOP, AMC, and BB
>Melvin gets shady 3 billion dollar LOAN instantly from Citadel no regulation
>Citadel Takes out PUTS at 300 and 400 pushing the naked short OVER 250%. This is fantasy land Feds should be knocking on your door kind of fuckery
>MUST Management THEN Sells Sells Sells It All
>Drops price to something manageable, then Melvin and others COVER THEIR SHORTS AT THE LOW PRICE
>Robinhood and Melvin are owned by Citadel

This is open and shut case if lawfags are paying attention. How much fees for for multi-billion dollar case?

Reminder, Robinhood and other brokers banned BUYS for retailers, but their owner Citadel was ALLOWED to Buy Puts at the high.

>> No.27535870

You have less power than WSB, BLM, ANTIFA and reddit. You will do, absolutely, nothing. Because you stand for nothing.

>> No.27535880

I bought at 314 on friday, saw the writing on the wall over the weekend, and sold at 334 on monday

>> No.27535906

because they are crushed by student loan debt and desperately want a way out

>> No.27535911

Who would spend it. But it would not significantly affect inflation. Inflation does go up when the money supply goes up, but thats a bit disingenuous because money supply expansions come in the form of government programs that help a wider and more numerous group of people than the retards that put their life savings on a hail mary.

>> No.27535952

evidently its the governments job to protect people from their own stupidity.

>> No.27535983

Nobody here has enough faith in themselves or principle to to anything about it. They would rather kek and bkAwww like chickens fighting over seeds

>> No.27535986

KEK GME gone from the moon not to it

>> No.27536032

bought 2 shares at $100 last Monday. Bought another share for $350 on Wednesday expecting it to keep going up. I missed the bubble completely.

>> No.27536045

800 eow, short sale resctriction and thirsty hedgies
trust the plan

>> No.27536063

This retard literally did those major mistakes
>who says that broker and billionaires aren't investing into GME themselves?
>if no one sells
PEOPLE WANT TO SELL. EVERY share on earth can be "infinite" if no one sells, but guess what? People actually want money and not shares. GME is already in the two digit free fall. If you haven't bought the single digit and sold at around 400 $ then you fucked up bigly.

>> No.27536102

so is calling everything 'autistic'

now we call everything 'schizo'

>> No.27536113

>BB at 26
I feel

>> No.27536125

Stop projecting frogposters

>> No.27536127
File: 313 KB, 2000x2833, 7aaf6d2b1375d324b085bb23c4f20a1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? I'm not here to "fight the system", retard. I'm here to make money. And I did.

The sooner you separate your politics from investing, the sooner you'll top being a poorfag incel.

>> No.27536130
File: 496 KB, 480x270, 1405250216271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I bought GME at $589, it's going to go up and then Trump will revela his mater plan to pump GME and drain the swamp right guys???? He was going to save us bros....

This character 100% smells like shit. I can tell and guarantee this because she is brown. Disprove with a .smell file upload or kys

>> No.27536157

Ask yourself, do you *really* think that the same hedgies WSB are trying to destroy didn’t buy tons of new puts last week?

>> No.27536191

These redditors are even more deluded then those deluded arkies from 2017

>> No.27536208

not an effective use of capitol.

>> No.27536253
File: 61 KB, 1024x798, 1608750991158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost 1k

>> No.27536260

Its a fucking cult. You nailed it.
The more retarded you are the more praise you get there

>> No.27536285

It will all be taken away from you one day.

>> No.27536305

Where's she from? she looks cute

>> No.27536323
File: 199 KB, 336x468, 1491342606800.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 101 @ $335
sold 101 @ $115

>> No.27536340

>all covered in the T&c
>SEC: Here's your 10,000$ fine, sweetie, now don't do it again

>> No.27536368

I am a long time WSBer, I bought GME at 30, early on in the month before it blew up and sold it monday at 320, I was too greedy and delusional to sell when it was spiking to 400-500 unfortunately but I still made a very large profit. I chose to sell finally because the redditors and normies were such enormous fags about it I realized it was no longer a smart trade and just a retard bubble.

The latecomers who piled on ruined the vibes and that was enough for me to know it was time to gtfo.

It kinda reminds me of rick and morty, the first season was actually pretty good, but as soon as it got popularized it was absolute shit, then started getting high on its own shit.

Even though I usually hate /biz/ you guys were right to think this trade is bad. I do with you guys played stocks and options more, fuck coins. but also fuck jews, fuck hedies, fuck jannies and fuck redditors

>> No.27536377

Now that's impressive.

>> No.27536397

Anyone who decides to kill themselves should drive their car down Wallstreet instead.

>> No.27536426
File: 170 KB, 904x1784, 766724fe985a33e6c01a6cb9fab5be6299e0fee9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is such sour grapes
Meanwhile I'm reinvesting my winnings and you're schizoposting about your loss.

>> No.27536450

I was also reading it for a few months prior to this blow up, it's probably ruined for now but might be good again in a few months.

>> No.27536464

They should have read the trade in policy...

>> No.27536492

You are going to lose everything because you care about nothing.

>> No.27536500


>> No.27536556

neither are lottery tickets. people aren’t rational.

>> No.27536576
File: 13 KB, 361x330, 1474493815243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would have worked out somewhat if they didn't pull out every trick in the book to halt/limit/generally slow things down and fud.
It was ultimately just a gamble on if/how much they will cheat

>> No.27536595

This can't be real

>> No.27536611
File: 36 KB, 474x671, OIP (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already lost everything because you let politics get in the way of sound investing. Gamestop was undervalued at $10 and wildly overvalued at $300. I bought low and sold high. It's just that easy.

>> No.27536614

Even if this screen is real, he is the guy who started it, he could have another account with 100k shares sold.
He is a genius who fucked over reddit brainlets.

>> No.27536629
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>> No.27536644

this people believe that they can "notice" if he sells his shares...

>> No.27536655

How come you're afraid to tell us moneybags? Can't you afford security?

>> No.27536657

we all come from nothing and return to nothing anyway. its all a game but so is life.

>> No.27536699
File: 26 KB, 680x330, 0113D9A7-D69F-40B6-9C4B-8F3A16111985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 shares at @ $59

Should i get out now guys

>> No.27536720

I unironically made good amount of money using their info to do momentum options trading. it was a decent community before all this, and it was nicve to have them all pulling together, usually it was bulls vs bears. It might be eternal september now for wsb. hopefully the insane losses from GME will clear out the new fags.

>> No.27536766
File: 621 KB, 1125x987, 1595531171022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it would have went up to 1000 retards would have still bought

>> No.27536802
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>> No.27536891
File: 2.73 MB, 290x189, 1365867552542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks laws are written for the jews
Oh boy are you new to this planet?

>> No.27536906
File: 457 KB, 792x792, 1574712879053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you're all right, fellow anime watcher.

>> No.27537002
File: 233 KB, 1446x2048, aa00ae2251d28468acf8054ef5fc5b18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so angry about his own poor investing decisions that he wants to hurt anyone who won
This is textbook impotent rage. Go shoot up a church, white boy.

>> No.27537007

Looking at price per share instead of the market cap is the sign of a complete stock market retard. Shocked that you appear to be the only person on this board who sees how stupid he is

>> No.27537051

99 shares @ $33
wondering the same

>> No.27537058


>> No.27537076
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>> No.27537101

They won’t. I bet people have already killed themselves. Some people put not only their life savings in but also their retirement and their families life savings and retirement. People were cashing out their 401ks to throw money into this dumpster fire. People who have no experience trading. People that don’t even know what options are or how they work. People that literally think short positions “expire” and have to be bought back at set times. People that don’t k ow you can trade around a position and improve your cost basis. People that had no idea a firm like Melvin could, in a worse case scenario, close out with an OTC trade with another firm for their entire position and it wouldn’t be in the trade volumes cause it’s a back room deal that’s totally legal. People that didn’t know companies can just issue more stock to cash in and let the shorts out.

The average person is so financially illiterate it’s astounding but you can’t really blame them. People graduate college with masters degrees and doctorates while still not knowing how to balance a checkbook or file their taxes.

>> No.27537154

I sincerely hope you're meming. Suicide is no joke but if I lost 400k and my net worth was not a few million, I would quit too.

>> No.27537162

>It was a decent community
And they killed it so OP could make this thread and you could all cuckle in laughter, never realizing how small your gains were and who really won here.

It's gone. That chance. And they've already FUDdded blaming it all on retail, and they'll institutionalize regulations holding us all down harder.
Wether you gained money or not, you lost hope.