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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27523124 No.27523124 [Reply] [Original]

This is a cult.

>> No.27523495

On the flipside, this might end up being a good year to buy a house, as these idiots are all burning their down payment into the ground.

>> No.27523537

Their hivemind will always keep them inferior.

>> No.27523706


>> No.27523912

I feel really bad for them. But I guess this loss will eventually turn into a valuable life lesson for them.

>> No.27524015

i really hope it goes below $20 friday

>> No.27524113

They'll blame everyone but themselves.

>> No.27524126

fuck they are stupid and I really tought they were on to something.
Well reddit might be a good place to make these little scams. Thats how I see the whole thing, a group of people made it big time and the idiots who believe this ''sending a message'' bullshit are left holding bags.
Reddit is the perfect ground to make up something like that

>> No.27524148
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>> No.27524260

These people so desperately want to larp as successful investors.

>> No.27524369

Can anyone explain why not sell at 400 or 500? was it greed? The idea you knew a "Secret" that would net you 10x that? It seems fantastical.

>> No.27524376

why do all communities based around failed ideas turn into this shit? look at the Q forum rn

>> No.27524387

lel at least Q didn't make people lose their savings and kill themselves.
another proof muh smaht millenials are in fact more dimwitted than even the worst boomers.

>> No.27524390

If you sold you love that cut jewish banker cock.

>> No.27524596
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>hopefully lol

>> No.27524675


>> No.27524703

no. This is the most basic bitch artificial social media campaign ever. Think Kony with bot support

>> No.27524707

Sad part is The hive mind will enable their delusions to keep them “sane”.

>> No.27524708

Every subreddit turns into one eventually. Reddit is explicitly designed to faciliate this.

>> No.27524726

This is what the upvote system and awards do to a community. All the normie lurkers could see was posts encouraging them to gamble their life savings into a loss.

Reddit and wsb will be direct responsables for the suicide of dozens if not hundreds of gamblers

>> No.27524804

When will these people learn that bots are controlling their narrative?

>> No.27524884

Its funny how these are the same people who would cry about Q anon followers, or people who called out the election fraud. Fate is not without a sense of irony.

>> No.27524959

Same applies to the like system on Instagram/Twitter. Artificial manipulation is a very real thing.

>> No.27524979

Trust the squeeze.

>> No.27525003

>These retards thought they'd receive personal phonecalls from melvin capital asking how much they want per stock because "that's how it should work"
I'm glad a few people got rich, but I'm more glad knowing a lot of people are going to be poor

>> No.27525067

this is on same level as the q people

>> No.27525086
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I'm not sure but there were these little propaganda campaigns about why GME is going to atleas $1000 and why reatils are not selling, ''sending a message to hedge funds'' yada yada.
They just got played and still to this day can't think for themselves

>> No.27525105

I'm in a Telegram group that is for WSB and all the hodlers are green horn fags crying about how everyone is selling and no one told them. AMC is also 1 as well

>> No.27525108
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>> No.27525111

this is what happens when you let a bunch of random retards validate a bunch of other random retards
I feel bad for the OG WSB people, their board is fucked

>> No.27525137

How can I profit of this? The quick rich people should have sold by now so the cult is the bottom? If I buy now surely they will put all their money in once their wage comes right?

>> No.27525138

Well to be honest, they were on to something. The 6+ million people and Cortez came in and made it "le occupy wallstreet for brown people". The initial thoughts were that the squeez would happen last tbursday or friday. It happened a day earlier than expected. But then a bunch of people came in and said it would go to 1k lol

>> No.27525141

That's not all. Mods were actively deleting all criticism and anyone who told them to be careful with their money.
They also deleted anything that wasn't GME.

>> No.27525195

The OG crew already moved to /thetagang/

>> No.27525286

resembles linkies of yore

>> No.27525294

this is how trump won in 2016,he made the most stupid americans his personal cult

>> No.27525351

I will never understand the people who bought at 300+. Why would you look at a stock that already did 75x ROI and then decide "now is a perfect time to buy in!!!"

>> No.27525393

Hillary won though

>> No.27525432

Much like /pol/ when the MIGA clan rolled in. Fucked the board beyond redemption

>> No.27525471

That's how every president wins, idiot.

>> No.27525554


>> No.27525556

yeah yeah, now wheres my $2k?

>> No.27525562

My favorite part is how any dissenting opinion gets downvoted to oblivion. They really refuse to recognize when they’ve lost.

I will go on record as saying this hype train will lead to the largest loss of money by retail investors in history. I lost $400 but I’m glad I wasn’t stupid enough to not see the forest for the trees.

>> No.27525575
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>> No.27525605

Smart people leave because they see the idea failed
Retards stay because they're retarded

>> No.27525699

I bought In at $320 but I cut my losses this morning and sold at $120. Already made up most of my losses from Rubic

>> No.27525722

the shorts havent closed yet and were in very hot water at those prices. look at the shit they had to pull to keep the stock down (DTCC increasing margin requirements for brokerages so Robinhood et. al had to halt buying)

>> No.27525823

You don't lose any money until you sell

>> No.27525845

did you know that, that unlikeable Frankenstein Romney won every single county that required ID?

>> No.27525862

Post the airforce bint who got shot

>> No.27525928


>> No.27525952
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I didn't spend much and knew it was a gamble. I figure I can write off the loss on my taxes anyway.

>> No.27526032

imagine wanting to live in the current year

>> No.27526085
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>> No.27526147
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Q predicted this. Trust the plan. Trust Sessions. Two more weeks. WWG1WGA

>> No.27526256

If that wallstreetbets subreddit removes those newfags from the aftermath, it can be salvaged. The og ones and those that made big profit are probably out and about at still rational places like r/securityanalysis and whatnot.

>> No.27526258

Shoulda waited till tomorrow bro
Sorry for the loss

>> No.27526293

the whole point was to hold for a certain point because the hedgies over shorted. most normies lack discipline

>> No.27526294
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Maybe some /biz/nizmen should take advantage of them in the future.

>> No.27526336
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>Gamestop will attract talent now.

Oh my.

>> No.27526346

when they make that movie about GME stock wallstreetbets will be very surprised to find out they're the bad guys in it

>> No.27526408

Yes, it was greed. Why do you think all these people jumped in on this once it hit the mainstream news and social media? They thought they were going to get rich quick. It was baby's first Ponzi scheme.

>> No.27526463

If it were an actual cult, they wouldn't have all sold. In truth, they're faithless heathens.

>> No.27526469

These are the same people who laughed at me for buying LINK at 40 cents

>> No.27526485

I've only ever been calm after losses when they were big, mid 5 figures and just under 6 figures. It's a psychological effect I think where the loss is so big you just don't process it.

>> No.27526496

am i the only one that remembered the original crypto run that bankrupted these cultist losers? it had the exact same run up. how anyone fell for this is beyond me

>> No.27526498

bots give them upvotes and that makes them think their life is worth something.
it is really sad.

>> No.27526541

>registers another twitter account

>> No.27526577

They had closed. Thats why it was at 400-500. People deluded themselves on the magnitude of shorts that needed coverage.

>> No.27526611

They are in denial

Wait until they reach the anger stage

>> No.27526641

The Qtards actually got killed and they bet their life savings on Trump even after it was clear that he lost.
I think boomers take #1 in the narcissism olypmics.
>nobody has an opinion other than mine, I am a winner and everyone I like is perfect LLALALALALA

>> No.27526724

Raw greed and misinformation my dude. These retards invented nonsensical reasons why it would surpass 1k or something, how GME was going to be literally worth half the US economy by last Friday. When it failed, they found new reasons why it would pump.
It's just an absurd speculation market. Either way Wall Street wins because hedge funds bet against each other all the time, and someone has to win.

>> No.27526741

>reddit attempts something
>a reddit moment happens
whoa I wouldn't have guessed

>> No.27526800

At least with bitcoin, it has gone back up and there are good reasons for that. Gamestop on the underhand is way overvalued and people bought in at 100x what I think it's actually worth. People holding onto gamestop now are retarded because it will never go back up.

>> No.27526811

And then polcels stormed every other board and now 4chan is 99,99% unrefined shit.

>> No.27526819

Hopefully they learned from the entirety of 2020 versus the Capitol protest and are actually violent.

>> No.27526852

Orders were filling for $2600 for a minute or two before RH turned off buying.

>> No.27526868
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Having courage isn't wrong.
Stop parading around your weak mentality like it is a gift.

Fear is far more deleterious towards your well being in the long run. This pride in avoiding risks must end. What is more important to you? Your life or your freedom?

>> No.27526877

No it won't they'll just blame wall street, cry about how the game is rigged against them, and either kill themselves or become militant socialist extremists.

>> No.27526937

Only like 5 Qtards got killed. The rest are still out there and probably praying to their Trump shrines.
No one went broke though besides the guys who got fired.

>> No.27526957

link is a scam and ponzi

>> No.27527057

Yup and the new shorts were placed around $300 which means that the funds are about to make back their losses.

>> No.27527059
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most zoomers want to get rich quick and that's why the vast majority of them will end up much poorer than previous generations.

>> No.27527091

What are you suggesting anon?

>> No.27527259


>> No.27527268

>implying every generation isn't exactly this

>> No.27527288
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It hardly matters.
'ate redditors
'ate polcels
'ate boomers
'ate zoomers

Love BTC maxis

>> No.27527305
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Has "diamond hands" become the new "YOLO?"

>> No.27527309

Will DeepFuckingValue show his face today? lmao

>> No.27527382

It's the new "trust the plan."

>> No.27527398

4chan was like 97,8% shit 5-8 years ago.
Boards like tv are unironically not usable anymore.

>> No.27527438

I mean they still haven't covered all their shorts but it probably ain't going back to 300-400 again.

>> No.27527465
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Coming from greed and being clueless. Same as LINK

They didn't know that B-book brokers (0% fee) go bankrupt if they make gains or expect additional float from OTC trading (with ETFs).

>> No.27527469

they did say they were not gonna sell but this boat has already sailed. It's only down from here.

>> No.27527591

I dont think its the same funds and if they were, even if theyre leveraged now, they wont make 2000% from this

>> No.27527623

You did sell last week, right anon?

>> No.27527633

He already cashed out $13 million and his calls are still itm

>> No.27527641

If robinhood and others didn't stop trading, GME and AMC would have gone much higher and these people would have sold. They got caught with their pants down when it all dumped 60% in pre-market hours when htey couldn't sell and then they were forced to hold hoping for another bump which never came because Robinhood and others didn't take their foot off the brakes.

>> No.27527662
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He has to change his handle to "DeepFuckingRed" now

>> No.27527670


>> No.27527727

This reminds me on the WTC hodlers yelling HODLLLL from $50 to 30 cents

>> No.27527804
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and just like that it's over

>> No.27527914

Well you either hodl or jump out of the window

>> No.27527995
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Such a wholesome Keanu Reeves big chungus lad!

>> No.27528032
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he sold
he's on a flight to a mansion in the Bahamas after scamming the fuck out of reddit
never to be seen again
very chad move

>> No.27528059

The game is rigged, dumbass.

>> No.27528081

And that's why you don't gamble your life savings on a meme stock with a meme app.

>> No.27528221

Its idealism. The reason these people will never make it is because they are good people and sheep, they think most people are good like them. We know most people are selfish peaces of shit.

>> No.27528335

>he bet more then he was willing to lose
LMAO, I shiggy diggy doo doo.

>> No.27528352

Ok but how can we make them a doge cult so i can dump my shit?

>> No.27528388

Why would you be willing to lose?
Are you a loser?

>> No.27528416

that nigger kid that bought gamestop and sold at the top is smarter than every reddit faggot

>> No.27528451

Gotta go after the guys that won.

>> No.27528505

Because it's called gambling based retard. If you're gambling with nothing to lose then you aren't even gambling.

>> No.27528514

Jeez. I did lose about $150 after gaining money last week because everything tanked today so I got out of all of the shit stocks and started investing in normal stuff. But I only put $1,000 in the account at the beginning. This is next level NPC shit, putting that much into something that everyone including your own side, warned you that it could backfire and to not bet more than you can afford to lose.

My problem was trying to jump back in GME and AMC on Friday and believing the retards who kept saying that it was going to moon this week.

>> No.27528565

You know, he could probably send the stock price down at least 20% just by announcing that he sold all his shares on reddit. If I was him I’d sell all my shares, buy a ton of puts, then demoralize redditors lol.

>> No.27528583

>What is more important to you? Your life or your freedom?
how does losing money improve my life or my freedom?
you delusional underage fags trying to hype this into some moral "bigger than life" cause while in reality it is jack shit besides a piramid scheme where the ones holding will burn themselves and those who bought early and got out in time earned themselves a some bank
stop trying to rationalise your stupid choices by acting as if holding this dead stock has some higher meaning
"muh sticking it to wall street" lmao

>> No.27528590

They were just as greedy as the kikes they were going up against

>> No.27528672
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>> No.27528808
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Reddit really is Plebbit


I've been on /pol/ for years but I'm really glad I'm chilling here as well.

Thx /Biz/Frens

>> No.27528858

A $4 stock spiking up to $400+ is the moon, you greedy faggot.

>> No.27529214

It is rigged. They literally wouldn't let you buy into it as an adult with your own money...

>> No.27529243

People were acting like it was going to go past $400 all the way to $1000 this week after it flatlined at $300 for several days. You didn't even read the part of my post where I said I went back in on Friday.

>> No.27529344

They still have plenty of shorts to buy. It may not spike that high again but it's definitely not flatlined yet.

>> No.27529403

This. It was clearly the top when all of the medias started talking about it. Your fault for not selling.

>> No.27529451

I have a feeling that the reason why the run ended around that amount was because of the sheer number of mouthbreathers dialing in 420.69 YOLO

>> No.27529498

just like xrp schizos.
>common denomonator

>> No.27529606
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>> No.27529766

You ever hear the investing mantra "don't involve emotions with your investments"

>> No.27529814

>how does losing money improve my life or my freedom?

Sacrifices are necessary. Do you think that you can make a fortune by avoiding risks and playing by the rules they made for you? Fact of the matter is they are openly conspiring to screw the retail investor. It's as plain as day. You are seeing it right before your eyes. Yet you rather be cynical and accept this than fight back?

You are basically smug over being divided and conquered.

>> No.27529928

>People were acting like it was going to go past $400 all the way to $1000 this week after it flatlined at $300 for several days.
Those people are called con artists, anon.

>> No.27530268

I was thinking this as well! I said it out loud in exactly the same words too! lmao!

>> No.27530421

Nah I like this outcome better, more likely for bloodshed.

>> No.27530474

this is pathetic its retards with no money trying to manipulate the market does anybody know when these retarded redditors decided this would be the hill they would die on

>> No.27530509

So are /biz/ silver bugs.

>> No.27530548

What the fuck!?
Are you me? I did the same EXACT thing too haha.

>> No.27531924

lol. linkies talking about a cult...

>> No.27532350

This might finally be my year.

>> No.27532512
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>> No.27532643
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I just checked that subreddit and they're still in full cope mode.
How long until reality sets in for these people?

>> No.27532722

Dude!!!! I was thinking the exact same thing!!!! Isn't that crazy??!?!!

>> No.27532733

People who blindly follow others wnmi

>> No.27532926

There are 8 million members. If you read the comments, at leadt a million or so of them see the writing on the wall. But if they object, the moderators will ban them or the other cucked liberal shitheads will harass them for doubting. The entire sub is full of grifters feefing off the entrails of stupid, gutless redditors. I love it

>> No.27532930
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>GME was going to be literally worth half the US economy by last Friday
Wait, how did they manage to make that much of a leap of faith over a struggling retailer even pre-COVID?

>> No.27532979
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top FUCKING KEK, theyre all gonna rope when GME hits $10

>> No.27533107

Because they are reddit liberals. Reddit Liberals are the most smooth brained of the human species. Actually all liberals are cucked but reddit liberals are especially so

>> No.27533296

Losing makes you numb. I can't find it but that NTR guy smiling comes to mind.

>> No.27533744

Robinhood was filling fractional shares on their end to send to the clearing house. Doesn't mean anything other than Robinhood being a piece of shit broker.

>> No.27533927

Use a real broker that isn't on the verge of folding
and had to take $3B in credit... and that wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.27534186

M8 even Schwab bent the fucking knee and they've been in the business since before you were a sperm floating in ur dad's ballsack.

>> No.27534438

how the fuck is it the same as link you dumb fucking faggot? I've never sold (and will never sell) and it is literally the best decision I have ever made in my life. GME is an entirely different situation, probably another one where you failed to taste any gains. Internalize that you will never make it like I have and then promptly neck yourself.

>> No.27534583
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>> No.27534659

It really is crazy, was thinking that aswell