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File: 42 KB, 1071x468, mfw poorfags errywhur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
275068 No.275068 [Reply] [Original]

Wassup, poorfags?

Why didnt you mine BTC when we told you to?

>> No.275118
File: 347 KB, 1600x1204, btclambo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sending $2,500,000 to an exchange based in a 3rd world country without legal protection

You give a bad name to bitcoiners. Either lower your float or wait until an exchange passes SEC clearance.

>> No.275171

Because, thankfully, I could see that it was a bad idea even in the early stages. I almost bought a couple of PCs to mine when it was like $0.001, but then I came to my senses. When it hit $20, it became obvious how absurd it was. The only surprise is how long it took to finally collapse. The fact that some poor bastard out there paid $1200 for one bitcoin will live on forever as a reminder of how gullible humans are.

>> No.275179

What's a good bitcoin site I can invest in?

>> No.275181

This. Although I love money I try not to make money on the backs of other people. Every dollar earned with Bitcoin is a dollar scammed out of someone else. Nobody actually uses Bitcoin as a Paypal alternative like they claim they do. People buy Bitcoin because they think someone else will eventually pay more for them than they did. The whole thing is just smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that it is a intricate pyramid scheme. Good luck with your conscience if you have one.

>> No.275184 [DELETED] 

>Every dollar earned with Bitcoin is a dollar scammed out of someone else.
Fucking this

You may as well go to Vegas and roll the dice

>> No.275183


>yfw it's already back above $400

I smell sour grapes. Think about the riches you would have if you had started mining.

>> No.275187


Do you know how much money you could have made? Millions


BTC trades in the 8 figures daily

>> No.275190

>intricate pyramid scheme

This shit has barely even existed. Give time for ways to earn/spend

>> No.275191
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1397280662471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think about the riches you would have if you had started mining.
Probably not a whole lot. For most of bitcoin's life, the cost of the electricity to run the mining PCs has been more expensive than the value of the coins. The recent surge above $1000 was completely ridiculous and there is no way in hell I (or any sane person) would have held on to any mined coins past like $50.

What amazes me is that even after this weird, fat kid runs off with $450M worth of the shit, people still think it's a cool idea to buy more. They get what they deserve, I guess.

>> No.275193

What are you retarded?

>> No.275196

Never mind I guess shilling is illegal on /biz/

Anyways, I found out my bank doesn't do bitcoin wiring whatsoever

I find it leerly that people can buy a lamborghini via Bitcoins, just shows how ridiculous of a ponzi scheme it is. Even Pete Shiff doesn't believe in Bitcoins because they're essentially fiat currency in a virtual form.

>> No.275197

You're either next level trolling or on disability

>> No.275200


I remeber when something very similar to this was said after the peak of the bubble to 266 in april.

funny how shit can seen in retrospect.

>> No.275201

Oh you mean when it dropped to 60 and stayed stagnate as people called it dead? Yeah I remember that.

>> No.275203

Nah, you just don't understand finance... or statistics, or math.

You might as well say "Hey, last week the lotto numbers were 1 2 3 4 5. Why didn't you play the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 last week? Think of how much money you would have this week."

Bitcoin was an absurd ponzi scheme, but one of the few that happened to work fairly well, and you are looking back at it and thinking "oh if only I had been in on the scheme from the beginning..." You can pick any successful con and look back after the fact and whine about missing out on it. It's all over now except for the tears of the people still clutching the last few coins.

>> No.275205

>ponzi scheme

The denial:

>> No.275207

Why would people ever spend one Bitcoin if they feel that the value will go up later and it would be worth more? And if the value goes down after the purchase it will be the merchant who pays for it so it doesn't make sense for the merchant to accept Bitcoin either (which is why very few businesses do). They use an intermediary like Bitpay which in turn sells the Bitcoin immediately so that the merchant can secure the value in cash. Either way someone always loses.

>> No.275208

Explain? Do you have bitcoins?

>> No.275210
File: 330 KB, 916x401, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been FOUR bubbles

You people never learn

>> No.275211

Eh, so you're basically saying now's a good time to go in?

>> No.275212

A good time was when it crashed to 350

>> No.275213

Well, hey, you're wasting your time here shitposting when you could be out buying precious BTC.

I tell you what, I'll short-sell you $1000 worth of BTC. It can only go up from here, right? So it's a fool-proof investment. You'll double your money in a week, guaranteed.

>> No.275216

I already have 5 digits worth in BTC

Didn't even spend more than 10 dollars to make it

>> No.275217

I see, thanks for posting that graph. I have loads of cash so I was thinking to hedge some into cryptocurrencies, just maybe a few hundred so who cares if I lost them all

Do you mind sharing which BC exchanges you use? Else I'll just go by this list http://bittrust.org/category/exchange

>> No.275219

Easiest way to buy is through coinbase

It's what overstock.com uses

>> No.275221

>It was a good buy, so it is a good buy
I hope that when Bitcoin does crash, it goes down below $10 on no volume so that these shills get completely fucked.

>> No.275223

Why are you so angry? There's still a chance for you to make money

>> No.275226

Dude, even if it goes down to nothing, if you have loads of cash I'm sure you can at least hedge some bucks into cryptocurrency

Honestly, that's the point of a hedge. I expect to lose all my money that I put into BC, so I just put it on auto-pilot and see what happens.

$100 should be a good seed, not much but at least I'm curious to see where it goes.

>> No.275227

So you think that Bitcoin will always have infinite exponential growth? Sounds like the housing market crash when people thought they could just buy and sell houses forever and the market would keep going up. In the end someone always loses. With the housing market a lot of people lost everything including a roof over their head. Some of these people had dumped all of their hard earned money in to it not knowing that they were being screwed over. And who stood to gain in the end? That's right the banking industry. Who stands to gain when the BTC market can't sustain any more growth and bursts like every other bubble before it? You because you are going to dump your BTC on them? You make me sick.

>> No.275230

Well, that's obviously a lie, because in order to have spent $10 in BTC and have it now be worth $10000 (or more) today, you would have had to buy in when the price was about $0.40, years ago. And that would mean you held it for years, from forty cents all the way through when it peaked above $1000. And no one is that stupid. I hope. Or, you're claiming that you mined it, in which case, you spent a lot more than $10 to do so.

>> No.275229

Thanks, also any opinion of DOGE and LC? I haven't seriously looked into cryptocurrencies up until now.

>> No.275233

Do you really think Bitcoin, a concept that people only took notice of at all a year ago is done growing?

Doge is dead. Scrypt ASICs are coming so expect LTC to increase in value if BTCs history is any indication.

I never said I bought the BTC and sat on it. Also mining hundreds of BTC years back didn't cost any time at all.

So, being strong willed and holding out for maximum return = stupidity

This is why I have more money than you.

>> No.275236

You don't, though.
Owning something and seeing its value go up 100000% but not selling is not "being strong willed." It's stupidity, exactly.
But in your case it's neither. You're just shitposting/shilling/pumping about it for some reason. You probably just bought in at like $400 and are now thoroughly shitting yourself, as you should.

>> No.275234


>Probably not a whole lot. For most of bitcoin's life, the cost of the electricity to run the mining PCs has been more expensive than the value of the coins.

Are you really this dumb? If you had sat on the coins you would be a millionaire right now. Straight up.

>> No.275237

Good lord, this whole thread.
Yeah, nah, everyone should buy in to BTC now. I mean, unless you hate being a millionaire!

>> No.275239

>Owning something and seeing its value go up 100000% but not selling is not "being strong willed." It's stupidity, exactly.

I'm sorry that I saw the potential in BTC.

I would post proof of the money I made recently but it would jeopardize my situation + I could just be taking a screen of any wallet.

>> No.275240

People really do get emotional about this stuff, don't they?

>> No.275241

If you mined BTC in 2011 and held you would be a millionaire, end of fucking story.

Yes it's rage inducing

>> No.275245

>Do you really think Bitcoin, a concept that people only took notice of at all a year ago is done growing?
That isn't the point. If BTC isn't done growing now it will at some point and a lot of people will be left holding the bag. What value are you giving them when you sell your BTC at what you think is finally "the peak"? This shit is barely legal at best and incredibly unethical at the least. You are like any slick penny stock salesman who promises someone incredible returns when you know that really you are scamming the hell out of them. At least gambling has some entertainment value, with BTC you are just trying to incite peoples greed and take their money.

>> No.275246

It's funny though

People tend to focus on the winners not the losers

For every one lucky guy that walks off with $4.5M, there are many losers who lost it all

At the end of the day, you just work hard, save up money, if I have money to throw around then I'll just throw it around. Besides, I'm sure there will be more of these "get rich quick" schemes so why not just look towards the future?

>> No.275248

The only people that lost are the people that invested in the last 5 months SO FAR, we don't know if BTC is going to bubble again. Based on the last 4 times it probably will.

>> No.275252

Just my worthless opinion here

I think BTC's image has been tarnished way too much

I've always seen BTC but never seriously considered it (back then I was too much of a noob in investing)

The way I see BTC now is some kid that made off with millions and bought a Lamborghini, many people crying and raging they were conned out, BTC used as a money laundering scheme, and used in black market (e.g. silk road)

With an image like that, I don't know if BTC can be viable in the long term. Can you imagine if the US Dollar had such a history? Then again, people tend to have short memories and forget as time goes on.

>> No.275255

>Can you imagine if the US Dollar had such a history?

Do you even know what built this country?

>> No.275256

If it is going to bubble again then you start a whole new round of screwing people out of their money. When does it end? When do you stop shilling? When do you stop trying to get people to give you a lot of money for something that you barely worked for and invested so little in? Do you really think you are giving them something that they can make money on too? And if they do end up making money what happens to the next guy that they sell it to? I will tell you. That guy loses. With pyramid schemes someone always loses. Are you OK with that?

>> No.275260

Are you retarded? BTC doesn't go up in value cause idiots start buying like no tomorrow.

BTC is mostly speculation, planned manipulation, and the when good news comes around it encourages people to value their coins higher

On to this sub-point that has no relation to BTC
I don't give a fuck if an idiot loses his money, especially if it makes me more money.

>> No.275259

I was afraid someone was gonna bring this up :-)

>> No.275264

>BTC doesn't go up in value cause idiots start buying like no tomorrow
Actually it does. Demand will always drive value up.
>I don't give a fuck if an idiot loses his money, especially if it makes me more money
Good. I am glad that we established you are a liar and a scam artist like 99% of all the other shills on here

>> No.275265

Is there anyway to short BTC?

>> No.275269

Yeah but that's not why it bubbles like mad. BTC bubbled 3 times before it had ANY major media coverage.

>Good. I am glad that we established you are a liar and a scam artist like 99% of all the other shills on here

Enjoy being poor

>> No.275272

Those who live by the sword, shall die by the sword

>> No.275274


You have no idea how often your shitty questions come up

>> No.275273

>Yeah but that's not why it bubbles like mad. BTC bubbled 3 times before it had ANY major media coverage
I will take "word of mouth" for $1000 Alex
>Enjoy being poor
Enjoy making dirty money. I run my own business and do quite well providing a product that people actually want. I sleep very well at night.

>> No.275275

>I will take "word of mouth" for $1000 Alex


I don't see the demand slowing down for BTC at all. In fact the daily trading volume continues to stay at 50-70 million.

>Enjoy making dirty money. I run my own business and do quite well providing a product that people actually want. I sleep very well at night.

Making money by investing is now dirty money, great. Fucking poor man mentality. Good luck with your little business and sleep patterns.

>> No.275276

I tried with this moron >>275274
(the same guy making every other post in this thread)
Shockingly, he wouldn't take the bait. It's almost like he doesn't really have as much money as he claims, or even worse, doesn't really believe that BTC is on it's way back to $1000. But neither of those could possibly be true.

>> No.275278

>Why didnt you mine BTC when we told you to?
You told me in summer and it was hot. Then ASICs came out and it was too late. Then I got told about Litecoin in summer but it was hot.

I made $6000 off Dogecoin because it was December though.

>> No.275281

>Making money by investing is now dirty money
You don't really think buying or mining Bitcoin is really investing do you? That would be like me buying a bunch of Cutco knives at $200 dollars each and then trying to convince everyone they are worth the money. Scamming people out of money is unethical and you should feel bad about yourself and your life.

>> No.275280

strong gains

made 1k

>> No.275286

Idk if you're trolling. Do you know how many big operations are springing up around BTC? This isn't just me and my pals scamming people; BTC is not my invention.

>> No.275289

Yeah and I am sure some people made money off of Bernie Madoff too. Just because other people are doing it doesn't mean its not a big scam. You know BTC can't sustain infinite exponential growth too which is why you are counting your dollars now knowing that at some point you cash out and leave others holding the bag. You are culpable for your actions even if what you are doing is "legal". Just because you don't have a conscience doesn't mean what you are doing is right.

>> No.275290

Fucking moralfags

>> No.275291

Try it out, you don't need to get in to deep. There's nothing wrong about learning how everything works, and you're pretty knowledge starved.

>> No.275292

Yea fucking moralfags that despise the Bernie Madoffs and Enrons and BTC shills of this world. You are all the same in my opinion. I hope karma bites you in your ass.

>> No.275293

Karma, right. Funny how the most ignorant have the strongest opinion.

Enjoy poverty while I keep making mad dosh

>> No.275296

Oh I knew about Bitcoin when it was $50 a coin. I knew then that it would go up but I refused to buy any because it is an obvious pyramid scheme. I have no regret for that either. I can make money in other worthwhile ways that are not on the backs of someone else while I get the profit and they take the loss.

>> No.275297

>Oh I knew about
No, no. I didn't tell you to invest in it. I told you to try it out. Try mining it, try using it, and see how it gets used. You've very narrow minded about the whole thing because you're not even in the slightest aware of what it is.

>> No.275299

That's cute. Maybe you should leave this finance oriented board.

>> No.275298

You disgust me. I'm done with this conversation you aren't worth any more of my time.

>> No.275300

Alright karma man. Btw, I made 40 dollars over the course of this conversation.

>> No.275301

Thank you! Oh shit man I fucking love you. I have been waiting for someone to say this. Well done.

>> No.275302

Right cause you missed the train out of choice

>> No.275304

How long have you been waiting? You didn't post in this thread previously.

>> No.275305


Fuck that guy owned you... I love this thread!

>> No.275307

I have been waiting for someone to call out all the bullshit in any of these threads.

You guys can kindly fuck off now.

>> No.275306

How long were you waiting?

>> No.275309

That wasn't the question.

>> No.275314

bqEfQXya, are you going to try the Bitcoin system to see what it's about? You don't need to put any real money in, or take any real money out. But a case of ignorance as extreme as yours should be remedied with a healthy dose of learning.

>> No.275327

...or did you change ID to compliment yourself?

>> No.275331

Just let this thread die. I made my point.

>> No.275333

So your answer is "no, I refuse to gain knowledge about something which I am presently ignorant about"?

>> No.275337
File: 1.63 MB, 255x164, 1385815455333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being this huttburt

>> No.275343


You're a fucking retard m8

If Bitcoin reaches mainstream adoption then the price will skyrocket not because everybody is buying in anticipation of being able to sell it for a profit, but because there would be a massive number of people using Bitcoin and holding smaller amounts of it at any one time and using it as a functional tool, the cost of which is negligible.

In 10 years, if Bitcoin was $100,000 per BTC, and you bought say $100 worth to keep on your mobile, and you then use that, exactly how have you been screwed? You have simply converted your dollars into the equivalent amount and enjoyed the convenience of having a supply of money on you that is password protected and relieves you of having to find ATMs.

It's plainly obvious that you are just bitter about not having the means to have benefited from one of the easiest and greatest investments in human history and now you're trying to justify your shitty situation with the most desperate rationalisation I've ever seen. Tough shit.

Anybody investing even NOW will see 100x their investment back at least.

>> No.275355

It already hit mainstream months ago when everyone found out about Bitcoin. But no mainstream adoption? Wtf happened man? Its almost like the main people who want to use this shit are n neckbeard and libtards.

No wonder BTC has been beat to shit lately. It only attracts fucknuts like you!

>> No.276106


Its all funny money

>> No.276191

>typing libtard
>meaning libertarian

can you at least get your ad homs correct?

>> No.276232

But the libertarians are the retarded ones.

>> No.276316

can't argue that

>> No.276366
File: 118 KB, 720x960, top lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the libertarians are the retarded ones.
If you don't like it then get off our board, you manchild.

>> No.276370

What he is doing IS right you dumb cunt.

Fuck you and fuck your petrodollar.

>> No.276397

Ok explain to me how you think BTC will revolutionize the finance industry. Tell me how anonymity is a good thing when it comes to buying goods and how everyone will welcome it with open arms. Explain to me how BTC offers consumer protection. Tell me about how BTC is less volatile than a currency backed by a government. Explain to me how BTC will work in practical terms and not in some idealistic fantasy that you have of escaping taxes and bringing down the Fed.

>> No.276410
File: 48 KB, 507x375, 1350138457091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok explain to me how you think BTC will revolutionize the finance industry.
I never said that.
Anyone acting against the US dollar is a hero in my books.

>Tell me how anonymity is a good thing when it comes to buying goods and how everyone will welcome it with open arms.
Because people don't want to be slaves to the state and have the state knowing everything they are doing?

>Explain to me how BTC offers consumer protection.
Now you're just trolling.

>Tell me about how BTC is less volatile than a currency backed by a government.
Currencies backed by government have historically been the most volatile.
If bitcoin was ever used widespread it would stabilize because it's being widely used.

>Explain to me how BTC will work in practical terms
Many people have already explained this.

>> No.276412

bitcoin isn't even anonymous. save your ass breath for the bytecoin bubble.

>> No.276417
File: 41 KB, 1336x471, 2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you imagine if the US Dollar had such a history?
>Then again, people tend to have short memories and forget as time goes on.
Now's the time to invest. Invest, invest invest. Buy stocks, people, look how well the companies are doing. Go on, buy buy buy!

>> No.276421

Nice try, shill.

>> No.276426

It's almost sunday. Shouldn't you be careful with using electronics?

>> No.276430

>Anyone acting against the US dollar is a hero in my books.
Implying BTC is acting against the dollar. People count their BTC in real currency not in BTC. That's why the majority of people don't spend BTC.
>Because people don't want to be slaves to the state and have the state knowing everything they are doing?
Wrong. People in general who are not doing anything illegal don't care if they state knows what they are up to. Only criminals care about this.
>Now you're just trolling.
No. The correct answer is if you buy something with BTC there is NO consumer protection because BTC does not allow for chargebacks. If you get defrauded you have no recourse.
>If bitcoin was ever used widespread it would stabilize because it's being widely used.
So in the eventuality that BTC is maybe going to ever gain more acceptance it just might be almost as stable as real currency? That's nice.
>Many people have already explained this.
Not really. Because it doesn't really work in practical terms.

>> No.276444
File: 86 KB, 1024x639, internet_timeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the internet is such an obvious pyramid scheme, right guise?

>> No.276443
File: 432 KB, 789x421, 1397234350474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People in general who are not doing anything illegal don't care if they state knows what they are up to.

You're such an obvious fucking shill.

Go back to your liberal hipster NSA you gigantic faggot.

NO, we DON'T want the government knowing what we are doing.
Kill yourself.

>If you get defrauded you have no recourse.
Unless you know, your money is in a bitcoin bank and/or a bitcoin credit card.


>So in the eventuality that BTC is maybe going to ever gain more acceptance it just might be almost as stable as real currency?
Every single currency in the history of man worked exactly the same.

>Because it doesn't really work in practical terms.
When the infrastructure gets created it will work well in practical terms.

Nice try you drooling retard.

>> No.276446

Why not?

Speak for yourself, I don't care if the government knows what I do.

>> No.276453

it's not just the government, but competing businesses. businesses want to eliminate the risk of spying, so they use cash. but bitcoin isn't untraceable like that anyway, like I said.

>> No.276451

>tfw I was one of the original 255,000

>> No.276458

So they can evade more taxes?

Nah, fuck em.

>> No.276459

>You're such an obvious fucking shill
Shill for who? The US government? The IRS? The NSA? Why do you guys always turn out to be conspiracy theorists on top of everything else?
>Unless you know, your money is in a bitcoin bank and/or a bitcoin credit card.
lolwat? Do you even live in the real world?
>Every single currency in the history of man worked exactly the same.
Sorry to burst your bubble but BTC will never be a real currency.
>When the infrastructure gets created it will work well in practical terms
So you admit that right now there is no BTC infrastructure that even remotely works

>> No.276461

Unless bitcoin turns out to be a DARPA project

And for the millionth time using btc is not anonymous. Public ledger.

>> No.276471

fuck em? what can you do about it?

>> No.276483

Explain this to me because maybe I am not understanding what you are saying. How does using a secure business credit card allow other businesses to spy on your purchases?

>> No.276495

>paying bank fees

>> No.276502

Ok I get that a bank charges fees. So does Paypal. So does Western Union. But how are these not secure that they allow other businesses to spy on your business activities?

>> No.276516
File: 753 KB, 1824x1280, 1396387465082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you goyim are like a bottomless well of trust. why would you believe them if they aren't even operating on open-source software? maybe you should give me your credit card info so I can withdraw from you any time I want, just for good measure.

>> No.276529

So the major credit card companies are going to sell your purchasing activity information from your small business to your competitors (illegally I might add) and risk criminal and civil prosecution as well as their reputation for a few measly dollars when they pull in billions a year? Why would they do this in any realm of possibility? Are you trolling me right now?

>> No.276545

Why didn't you buy stocks in google 2009.
Every book out there told you "buy when there is blood on the streets".

>> No.276586

Can someone explain bitcoin mining to me? I don't dabble in crypto currencies

Do you have a computer chip that hacks into shops and steals coins from people or something?

>> No.276591

why didn't you sell when we told you to?

>> No.277198

>I don't care if the government knows what I do.
Then you are an utter waste of a human being and should be ignored.

>> No.277200

>The US government? The IRS? The NSA?
Yes you gigantic moron?
What fucking conspiracy? This is all out in the fucking open.

Kill yourself.

>Do you even live in the real world?
Lol yes where these things are actually being implemented.

>> No.277204

stop feeding the troll

>> No.278245

It is out in the open that I am a shill for the IRS, the government and the NSA? Don't you have some tinfoil to go put on your head right now? You are so far removed from reality that I don't even think YOU know what you are talking about lmao.

>> No.278264

shut up man you're making a fool of yourself in this thread.

>> No.278279

It seems the most uneducated on a topic seem to have the most polarized view and often for the worse.


An experiment showing the less you know about bitcoin the more hostile people tend to be and as you learn about it the more accepting people are on average.

It's funny how people ITT assume bitcoin is a zero sum game and the people holding and advocating for bitcoin are shilling. I view bitcoin as a payment mechanism as well as a tool for people to protest current government policy. If you disagree with QE and where your tax dollars go ie. Fracking. You can use bitcoin and know you are participating in a free market. A free market isn't perfect there is planned manipulation but as the market cap grows this become harder.

For all the moralfags shitting on btc you might want the kettle to meet the pot. For me in my eyes the petro dollar is absolutely morally inferior to using bitcoin and if you had any ethics at all you would at least participate in bitcoin economy in a small way, even if it means doing a little reading on the subject and asking honest questions to further your understanding.

>> No.278284

from the study:
" Support for bitcoin increases with income and education, declines with age, men slightly more supportive..."

>> No.278293

Lmao says the BTC shill. I have no dog in the fight. Apparently you do.

>> No.278300

>implying using BTC will in any way deter people from using USD and people will escape taxes in any way by using BTC
I really don't know why people believe this. It's like you live in a cave or something.

>> No.278308

It already has LOL @ this clown. I love it.

>> No.278312

It already has what?

>> No.278324

I will give it to you that most of the BTC shills are fairly educated about Bitcoin. They know all the buzzwords, they throw around concepts like "hashrate" and "blockchain". They can tell you what types of coins require what type of mining equipment and what altcoin is the new fad. The only problem is it seems that most are very uneducated about the real world and how things operate on a larger scale. It's like they are totally oblivious to anything else but their own little world. All they are concerned about is spinning every little bad news about Bitcoin make it appear favorable because they own Bitcoin and want to get rich off of it. That's why you guys get so damn butthurt when someone pulls you back down to reality.

>> No.279380

I use it to play poker with since it's illegal to use your credit card to fund a poker site account in the United States

>> No.279405

It was the first time I posted. Maybe you should read the whole thread from top to bottom to see what I'm talking about.

>> No.279409

I really don't care what you're talking about. Type something meaningful and that might change.

>> No.280685 [DELETED] 
File: 563 KB, 900x900, Money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some websites that will give me accurate data on the mean salaries for jobs in the USA?

>> No.282153

This whole thread is a mess

I've never really understood all the bitcoin hate. People who are fans of are use it promote it whatever will have conversations with people about it and defend its benefits, sometimes they get mad but whatever.

But people who hate bitcoin going on fucking tirades about it. Why? If you don't own any why do you care so much? I see like anonymous rants on craigslist, blog posts, etc of people just going off how its a ponzi scheme if you buy it your dumb fuck you idiot ahhahahahahah its illegal shit money etc etc Is it jealousy that they didn't get in early so they are angry? I'm obviously jealous but not angry what the shit.

Can someone explain the psychology behind this?

>> No.282160

No one ever told me to mine it, they all said it was too late. at 10usd.

>> No.282171

At 10usd it was 3 months away from when butterfly labs said it would have its machines on the market so, in hindisght they were wrong but at the time telling you to wait made sense.

>> No.282189

Nice try, shill. You guys are like the annoying fat kid in my 5th grade class. Nobody is jealous of you we just want you to shut up already.

>> No.282193

i actually do like using btc as "tips"
it's way easier to give money to internet people this way, than say, paypal

>> No.282249

Whatever arguments people have against bitcoins their rage comes from the fact that they had the opportunity to make millions of dollars if only they had mined from the begining or bought early. It was a terribly depressing realization that I would have around $5 million if only I had bought $50 worth of bitcoins in highschool. Even if I had bought lots of them when I first heard about them and they were $12 a bitcoin I still would have made a huge amount of money. It's the frustration over a missed opportunity that makes people so butthurt

>> No.283027

We hate them because every bitcoin defender is like this fag >>282249 and assumes that's the only possible reason anyone would be against bitcoin. It doesn't help that they're all super ideological libertarian fedora asshats.