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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27513718 No.27513718 [Reply] [Original]

Since this is the business board, I'll ask here since it's a place about business stuff, I think
19 year old anon
How do I get an entry level job if I dont know how to make a resume or have any experience to put on that resume?
Thanks anons

>> No.27513761


>> No.27513853
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if you dont know how to make a resume maybe you should google it retard, you google porn when your dick is hard dont ya?

>> No.27514053

But what if I dont have any experience to put on a resume?

>> No.27514054

Look up resume samples and tailor it to the job you're applying for. Try to keep it to a page. List any relevant things you've done, your contacts, as well as a concise objective. Your job is to sell yourself.

>> No.27514154


You did well in school. When you got out of school, you started doing contract work for a while. It was going well, but volume has dried up a bit, slowly bleeding over the past year, and now you've decided you want to join a company and be a part of something bigger than yourself. You like this company because X Y and Z and you have relevant experience because your previous business is similar.

>> No.27514273

How did you get on 4chan if you don't know enough about computers to edit a resume template? Just fill it with basic school stuff. A bunch of entry-level jobs don't expect a 19-year-old to have experience and if you go somewhere and ask for an application they might not even need a resume for an entry-level position anyway.

>> No.27514279

Get an education then apply for jobs you could do

>> No.27514306

Also, keep your resume relatively plain, simple, and succinct. Nobody wants to read a wall of text, they want to see "oh he's done a fair bit, looks like he can fill the role, let's bring him in for an interview"

Then passing the interview is just a matter of whether they actually like you. So make them like you as a person and believe in you.

>> No.27516062

If you genuinely have no work experience try some volunteer work to fill out your resume or ask around with friends and family, or if you go to school or have some community center thing check them out. Look for job fairs, especially those offering seasonal work since it's a short term job that'll get you quick money and experience.

>> No.27516910

working is for losing time - aka your life -, not making money

>> No.27518167

sauce on this game?

>> No.27518865

If you want to be treated like a whore sign up for a temp agency. They'll do a majority of the work for you when it comes to looking for a job and can get decent experience in factories or warehouses. Big down side is they take a cut of your paycheck and if youre not careful with who you sign on with that might try and fuck you.

>> No.27518971

If you're really useless experience wise you can pretty much apply at any fast food place, warehouse, or call center