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File: 100 KB, 720x821, _20210202_155315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27492688 No.27492688 [Reply] [Original]

>meanwhile on reddit...

>> No.27493481


>> No.27493598

This is a cult.

>> No.27493823

>here's how trump can still win!!!

>> No.27493889

A cult? This is what people coming together to defeat evil looks like

>> No.27493909

>Release the Kraken fellow redditors!
>Just two more weeks!

>> No.27493936

The irony is they looked down on trump supporters but start saying this shit. They’re one riot away from turning into /pol/

>> No.27493946
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Fucking scary how brainwashed they are. Even more than Jim Jones followers.....

>> No.27494028
File: 102 KB, 1280x850, 57BE5169-150F-4084-A675-6999F2726257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get over yourself

>> No.27494042

Yeah, except that doens't happen in the real world sweaty. In reality the bad guys always win and the good goys always lose.

>> No.27494105

Same energy, I'm eagerly awaiting the loss porn soon over there

>> No.27494125

Cognitive Dissonance is really hard to shake. You come to a point where you have to realize you were retarded and deal with the sunk cost (which is another fallacy we fall victim to) or your defense mechanisms kick in and make you double down.

If you don't recognize it most people double down.

>> No.27494148

It runs that deep. It's way more than just GameStop. It's a class war

>> No.27494155

I like to use reddit to talk about anime and also read the documentaries section, other than that, its an entire hivemind of literal braindead liberal fucking faggots being controlled like NPCs whatever is on the front page.

>> No.27494176

They’re ledditors of course they’re easily brainwashed

>> No.27494209

Kek this would be a good way to troll them. Go over and start comparing them to Trump supporters in every thread.

>> No.27494222

>evil == short selling stock in a shitty, dying company
oh right, i'm supposed to do magical thinking and pretend hedge funds short selling GME has something to do with 2008.
lick my balls, retard

>> No.27494251


Are you afraid?

>> No.27494275

I don't give a fuck, I'm holding. I am willing to lose it all than sell at lower than break-even

>> No.27494279

Normally I would agree. But not this time, friend.

>> No.27494297

yeah, based wsbchads vs bizvirgins

holding 10@250

>> No.27494300

That subreddit became infested with huge faggots since all of this. It used to be the only based part of the site

>> No.27494328

Brainwashing is literally reddi ts business model.

>> No.27494339

why do so many redditnigers say "but look at the volume! it's so low!" ? the volume today is much, much higher than yesterday. it's clear there's a lot of organic selling going on, and not just manipulation by hedgies. this dream is dead guys.

>> No.27494341
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>> No.27494358
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>> No.27494377
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hopefully the kikes stop kiking for an hour or two and that’ll be long enough for the reddit retards to pump it back up enough for me to get my money back

>> No.27494404


This, it's just an ego defense .

>> No.27494405

r/obscuremedia is the only true subreddit

>> No.27494411

Is this what Qanon feels like?

>> No.27494458

Honestly you guys are missing out. It will peak 300 again. Mark Cuba just fueled their confirmation bias. Keep getting scammed by Pajeets.

>> No.27494471

you mean like in the avengers?

>> No.27494475

>talk about anime

>> No.27494495


>> No.27494498

what are some good anime subreddits?

>> No.27494520

Looks like all the Stinkies have moved over to Reddit now.

>> No.27494535

>fight evil by ruining our lives
I don't think you can bring guns to hell even if you suicide pact together.

>> No.27494548

volume is already higher than yesterday after like an hour and a half lol

>> No.27494551

they literally rioted for 7 months

>> No.27494574
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>I like to use reddit to talk about anime

But all the cunny is on /a/

>> No.27494586
File: 39 KB, 648x325, cuban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right though.
see pic related t. mark cuban.

>> No.27494593


>> No.27494632

Reddit’s first pump and dump

>> No.27494637

made some money, bailed when they hit the full paranoia phase where literally every dissenting opinion and news article became the sneaky villains machinations of senior Melvin. Sell signal was the bill boards

>> No.27494657

Redditors did that first with Bernie, then cat ladies did it with Hillary, and then Trumpies did it.

>> No.27494664
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FFFFF was replying to this thread and this banner/ad came up. Anon balls of steel doing that

But anyway seeing that AMC is going below its historic usuals for last 5 years, long its not a bad deal.

>> No.27494671

I like animesuggest, get some good recommendations there and hidden gems

>> No.27494716
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>> No.27494744

Somewhere on /biz/ there is an anon who sold his LINK just to get rekt by GME.

>> No.27494761


Fuck off back

>> No.27494803

are you actually retarded?

>> No.27494813
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They won't give up, many will just accept their massive losses

They ironically call themselves retards but the real tragedy is they're unironically retarded.

>> No.27494819

Afraid of what? I made my gme gains and got out what the fuck do I have to be afraid of?

>> No.27494829



Someone go post $CLF at them lol

>> No.27494831
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>anime subreddits
Anon, I...

>> No.27494839

Anon a penny saved is a penny earned.

>> No.27494837

Why does anybody care what a lottery winner thinks?

>> No.27494846

Dude you are better off organizing a violent insurrection and killing the Wall Street people.

>> No.27494908

The fact that they try to make a point without naming (((them))) show how regarded they are

>> No.27494935

>the movement
>of not taking profits
sure thought them a lesson goyim

>> No.27494944

I'm ready for the loss porn
best part of wsb

>> No.27494946

i'm convinced 99% of those tards don't even know what volume means, let alone where to look for it

>> No.27494973
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>> No.27494980


This has flipped from based to desperate cringe very quickly

>> No.27494988

Is it fair to say WSB is for gauging normie momentum and sell signals or is it pretty much ruined now? I lurked it throughout this whole debacle and realized the problem with reddit is that it's confirmation bias enforcement system.

>> No.27495006

>It's a class war
And you’re fighting the class war by...buying stocks? You mongoloids aren’t fighting shit you’re literally playing their game why don’t you head down to wall st with a baseball bat if you’re about “cLaSs WaRfArE”

>> No.27495059

checked and indeedpilled

>> No.27495095

That comes next. Depending on how this plays out you might just see that within 6 months

>> No.27495135

Reddit is harder to manipulate due to karma system. 4chan is like 80% of paid posters atm.

>> No.27495166

Who would have guessed that stupid people with very little money, poor upbringing, and bad home conditions would want to seek out any kind of upheaval fantasy they can find. There's a reason why cults are so good and bringing in the poor and destitute. Emotional manipulation is the only real way to outjew the jew.

>> No.27495182

How do you have softer hands than a Redditor?

>> No.27495205

it's going to be so sweet numnumnum

>> No.27495214
File: 96 KB, 633x632, wifeboyfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not a joke, by the way. He posts on the polyamoury sub too.

>> No.27495220

Holy fuck please go back

>> No.27495257

kek now that's funny. at least all the AMC bro's can say they only potentially lost $15 a share if they bought at top reddit GME holders are fucking fucked

>> No.27495261

Reddit is designed to create circle jerks. This type of mentality was inevitable.

>> No.27495274

jesus, being a delusional coping retard is not way to go through life

>> No.27495283

>is it pretty much ruined now?
It’s ruined now whenever mainstream reddit takes over a sub it all goes to shit. It’s going to become the online hub for the next WS occupy movement to spout buzzwords like they’re the avengers.

>> No.27495344
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>> No.27495352

It won't be violent just a bunch of fat, ugly reddit normies on wall street crying about the money that they gambled and lost.

>> No.27495369

yes anon I'm being paid to call you a niggerfaggot and type sneed
if only

>> No.27495390


>> No.27495430

Nobody knows anon. I understand your uncertainty and need for reassurance but all you're going to get is replies from shills or coping anons who lose.

>> No.27495443

This. It's a shit company

>> No.27495449

This event is more likely over, smart money got in early and took their profits at around $400. Maybe it'll pump again, and more people will be able to get out without taking a loss, but a lot of greedy people will lose in the end because their expectations are too high.
Technically, the goal of fucking Melvin was a success, they did lose a lot of money.

>> No.27495473


>> No.27495534
File: 958 KB, 1536x2048, 94636BD7-E262-4080-B6F3-FB259930BB64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you might just see that within 6 months

>> No.27495544

>YFW our future elites are engineering that very putsch by convincing hundreds of thousands of redditors to throw away their futures, thus becoming desperate enough to die in a proper class war
I want to believe.

>> No.27495554

Unironically this

>> No.27495555

Pure UV filtered bait.

>> No.27495558
File: 186 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess, the guy who has millions in it will just hold it to the ground and stay poor because of meme status.

>> No.27495591
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>Reddit is harder to manipulate due to karma system

>> No.27495600

that's the same thing qtards said for years. LMFAO GET WRECKED

>> No.27495645

the masks slip, even on here at least someone would tell him not to off himself while their kysposting is actually serious

>> No.27495659

Look at the post history. It's a purchased account

>> No.27495691

deepfuckingvalue has already made his millions he doesnt care about the rest.

>> No.27495697

You will do fuck all like last time until you start arguing over intersectionality based ethics. Fuck you guys, seriously.

>> No.27495704

No one knows, ape, but id guess it will still go up and down for a while but nowhere near the top again.

>> No.27495731
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Google 'Reddit upvote bot'

>> No.27495738

As an ex-XRP schizo seeing this shit has felt like ego death. Like, what the fuck was I even thinking.

>> No.27495777

every time

>> No.27495783

i just be laughing at these fuck niggas....

>> No.27495799

There's a higher chance Trump becomes president before 2022 than gme going back to 1000 ironically enough

>> No.27495838

you, look at this

>> No.27495847

Go back faggot

>> No.27495864
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>i-it's a class war!!

>> No.27495932
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>> No.27495958
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Or the Orcs from Lord of the Rings.

4chan be legolas
Reddit be the other guy

We in da movies!

>> No.27496035
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Poetic justice

>> No.27496241


>> No.27496285
File: 482 KB, 800x533, Suitedpepeholdingonpinkjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reddit retards are actually making the most based circlejerk in history, but /biz/ is over here being pinkjaking faggots because they're scared of some red.
Buy low sell high, you lose when you sell at a loss retards.

>> No.27496326

I hope he can hire a good lawyer because the Sec is coming after him and the other retards who started this.

And now no one is going to shield him because people are pissed

>> No.27496345

if you pretend to be retarded for long enough, eventually real retards will show up and think they’re in good company.

>> No.27496394

Okay fuck off shill

>> No.27496454
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>went from 80 to 119
>Currently halted

>> No.27496481

kys retard

>> No.27496508

This was funny at one point, it's honestly just sad now

>> No.27496632

>everyone gets into finance suddenly
>buys high
>buys low
>it’s not about the money
ok then...

I get squeezing a short it’s not a new concept but like, between the now restricted trading and people buying/selling their own GME stock, if I were MC I would be looking to make money off this angle. I’d be pissed my short didn’t work ‘cause we’re talking a lot of money, but if I can still manage and control some of GME while also limiting the retail investor impact then I wouldn’t actually be that worried. If there’s lots of movement then there’s lots to be made.

You can’t jump in the ocean thinking you’re gonna swim with the sharks. Lots of people who don’t know what they’re doing are jumping on the bandwagon spending rent money for Christ’s sake and I swear I smell blood and see sharks swarming.

I think MC got caught with its pants down for sure, but I’m also sure as shit they’re just cleaning the egg off their faces at worst. If I were really shrewd I’d be ladder attacking to dump the stock after buying more from a sharp drop, let the people moving GME around like idiots carry the curve back against the initial short. I’d be super fucking annoyed, but I would get to work on fixing it with the might of being on WSt.

Different story if everyone just bought and held.... but people don’t do that. They see money dying and no one wants to be “got”.

Someone’s getting filthy, and it ain’t no one on Reddit holding I’m 100% sure. I’m still not touching GME with a 10ft pole, but I’ll eat my words if the masses of people can actually get one over on the big guys.

It’s like, yeah you got the whole kindergarten class together but you’re still fighting Hulk Hogan sooo.... the fuck am I missing here?

>> No.27496678
File: 1018 KB, 2172x1000, daqy3vg-54453608-cb4b-4906-af6a-456e55de5477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all know what they want to say but do not dare face the bans and downvotes

>> No.27496694

why? what did he do? all he did is spread awareness that it was being shorted. he didnt do anything wrong.

>> No.27496820

>The sto- I mean squeeze is coming!!
>2 more days!
>Trust the plan!!!!!
And suddenly, all the redditards turned into Qoomers

>> No.27496838

I want to believe this is real cuz holy fuck that's funny

>> No.27496887

He made money
So that means some people are going to want him dead.
If I was him, I'd be in Hawaii right now.

>> No.27496890

Trump did win no matter how you look at it. He got the most legitimate votes of any president in history and he'll be posed for a comeback in the next couple years when America collapses and Biden gets all the blame.

>> No.27496989

Literally the opposite bigger.

>> No.27497029

such a cool guy
I want him to fuck my wife now

>> No.27497032

Holy shit! That would be hilarious. Dunning–Kruger effect like fuck.

>> No.27497140

Just two more weeks!

>> No.27497171

Why didn't they just take their profits when they had the jews by the balls and fucked off? Instead they took a bunch of people for a ride and hyped this up. Now I am down 1.2k from buying AMC, a useless junk stock that I have to hold for the next year at least.

Fuck reddit and fuck me for fomoing on this shit. This is exactly the reason why I never invested before. Because it is a con and if you're not in the know, or you're not a jewish wizard, you lose. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.27497185
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>> No.27497218

i would just move to hawaii permanently if i had that money.

>> No.27497355

Yea just hold right? Trump won guys just hold.

>> No.27497364

Lol democrats.

>> No.27497389
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>diamond hands

>> No.27497425


>> No.27497480



>> No.27497489

2nd most

>> No.27497505

Dont worry guys its recovering. We're all good. HOOLD!

>> No.27497516

>posts that didn't age well

>> No.27497549

My dick is hard
Please bring the pink wojaks
I need to cummies to your sadness

>> No.27497577

difference is they are making money while the wackpacker stole money from you.

remember, mnuchin was a marvel movie producer lol

>> No.27497611

It made Wall Street jimmies rustle so hard they shat themselves. For that WSB has eternal eRespect.

>> No.27497663

The karma system makes it an echo chamber. Even if someone brings up a legit point that they don't want to hear they'll downvote and ignore it.
They'll keep saying
until finally
>it's ok, buy the dip and hold
>edit: holy balls thanks for the golderinos everyone!!
Never forget, reddit is for retarded faggots.

>> No.27497720

>80 - 137
>All this halting

>> No.27497731

<<<this is a jew

>> No.27497733

Wallstreet bets grew 5+ million in a week. Don't forget the millions more of average Joes that went in. Plus don't forget the people AROUND THE WORLD that have went in to support the cause. This is bigger than GME. It sounds like a meme but it's really not.

>> No.27497736

But Trump did win.

>> No.27497761

That sucks, dude. Pricey learning lesson. Don't take investment advice from post boards unless you also plan to research the fuck out of it. All these people grand new to stocks got burned because they were too focused on greed.

>“Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett

>> No.27497792

cute lol
can't even hate on these redditfags

>> No.27497821

dead cat bounce

>> No.27497863

>fomoing on this shit.
it's a lesson everyone needs to learn at some point and learn it well. It almost never works catching a rocket up, if you ain't in when it's on the ground you stand back and watch not throw a grappling hook hoping you'll get pulled up too

>> No.27497882

Waiting for the right moment for someone to pick up my bags.

>> No.27497929

That was WSB before it 10x'd in size within a week.

>> No.27497947
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Lol when you get emotional altruism on an autism board.

>> No.27497957

>if I were MC I would be looking to make money off this angle

They are. They realized this on the 27th. The redditards are about to be anally raped.

>> No.27498112

Lol I don’t see him in office. Imma guess you bought some $150+ GME stock.

Hey bro I gotta bridge to sell you...

>> No.27498260
File: 3.11 MB, 3924x3922, 1596498515636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you've convinced yourself this is over?
That's adorable.
You are already extinct, you dumb mother fucker.
Pedo sodomites will hang.
You are in danger, schlo.
Trump did win, and you know it.
And now you're ripping us off with your failing market manipulation?
And you think you've "won"?
Again, that's adorable.
We are coming, jew.
You can't stop this.

...tick tock.

>> No.27498271

Year at a 90 degree angle you fucking shill

>> No.27498308

Imma guess you’re a nigger who hasn’t looked at the charts.

>> No.27498448

ilyt anon

>> No.27498453

I come to this board to laugh at how pathetic you basement dwellers are. You see a little red and fold like bitches at the drop of a hat. It's why you unironicaly come here and stay It's your little safe space where you can shill pajeet coins and larp away from the world.

>> No.27498505


>> No.27498562

>some redditard that lost all his money in this goes insane and decides to get a gun and walk into a hedgefund
he'll probably get ventilated before he even gets to the end of the entryhall, but still fun

>> No.27498637

lol, textbook pleb mentality
being selfish in these markets is the only way to make money, you fucking retard

>> No.27498717

>Who would have guessed that stupid people with very little money, poor upbringing, and bad home conditions would want to seek out any kind of upheaval fantasy they can find. There's a reason why cults are so good and bringing in the poor and destitute. Emotional manipulation is the only real way to outjew the jew.

Except we're rich, had good upbrinings, and good home conditioning, unlike you.

>> No.27498724

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that some absolute madlads managed to meme a bubble into a dying brick-and-mortar video game retailer's stock, and have already sold while leaving the bags in the hands of the unwashed masses. Meanwhile, they've also managed to convince this horde of idiots that they're "fighting a class war", and who are now behaving 100% like any other 3rd world death cult.

Not only that, after this debacle, half these idiots won't even have the gas money necessary to get to the hedgies, even if they were thirsty for blood.

>> No.27498741

drive a rental to detroit inhale fumes then let nigger nurses finsih the job while tiktok twerking on ur dying body

>> No.27498858

You guys are fighting windmills.

>> No.27498878

can we get the dump over with so these subhumans can start rioting and burn down the fed

>> No.27498941

You're a moron

The rich people like ME were the ones bagholding

Anyone who didn't think this was a revolution is a dummy freak.

>> No.27498948

no u

>> No.27498960

Fucking morons get in PSLV

>> No.27499067

Wow this is the first Chad meme which describes me on every point LMAO.

>> No.27499119

I very much get this feeling. I love the exercise of this though from MCs perspective. Personally I’m going to have a joy analyzing this and running tests on it, putting myself in Mevins short position and see if I can’t run something that works to recover the shorts between market swings.

Shit just gets my autistic brain tingling. I do feel bad for people loosing all their money though.

>> No.27499227

Fuck off. You believe you're doing some kind of social service and you're just playing with stocks to enrich yourself.

>> No.27499249

i actually dropped in 3k at 88$, my sell order is at 140$ lets see if i get this swing off today

>> No.27499252

Do not expect 4chan to understand teamwork or admire it. There is no cohesiveness here, it’s just a bunch of circle jerking faggots who think they know way more than they really do, a good news source, dank memes, an interesting thread here and there and that’s about it.

>> No.27499270

I mean do you really think a hedge fund will bet all its money on one stock? That they didn't account for possible losing the bet? Cmon man.

>> No.27499295

Brilliant way of putting it!

>> No.27499391

>buying stocks is a revolutionary act!
You idiots managed to hustle one hedgefund who got caught with their dicks in their hands. Good job, I guess.

>> No.27499455
File: 71 KB, 1199x662, 1602680370540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anal ist

>> No.27499469

I think you already sold, it went up to 155 a few minutes ago.

>> No.27499531

lmao, glad you got out. just buy and hold btc and eth, we'll make it.

>> No.27499545

>when America collapses and X gets all the blame.
people have been saying this since the early 1990s

>> No.27499560
File: 85 KB, 822x901, 1611443576158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defeat evil
Jesus you retards are delusional
we are 4chan we ARE EVIL

>> No.27499574

true i disagree with people i agree with on purpose

>> No.27499618

Indian women will always prefer big white cock pajeet.
I go back to my alma mater just to deflower the arrivals from overseas, I always give a fake name and never use protection.

>> No.27499621

AY nice

>> No.27499706

You’re supposed to fight the class war by disrupting trains and power and stuff. Can you even change a lightbulb??

>> No.27499730

based and sneedpilled

>> No.27499762
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>> No.27499835

For the ones that have only a couple hundred bucks in them it is an invaluable lesson we have all learned. For those with their life savings/loans in I dont feel sorry for them at all. I have nothing against high risk but these are the people who get rekt will be asking the redditors who made money to donate to them. Just wait and see. These type of people take no responsibility for their actions and never learn.

>> No.27499845
File: 54 KB, 521x123, 1583005046961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27499933

>Trump did win
>he'll be posed for a comeback in the next couple years
Age: 74. He cucked out and threw you under the bus, admit it faggot.

>> No.27499947

Gamestop was a direct challenger against Amazon before all of your kike fuckery.
We're going to bury Amazon, and give Gamestop another shot.
You can't do shit to stop this, and everything you try further exposes the greedy kikery you pulled to get us here.
You tried to put the dagger in the heart of Gamestop, and the Lions came out to stop you.
And you think lying, cheating, and stealing is going to save you?
All we have to do is buy the dip, and HODL.
YOU are rushing around frantically behind the scenes looking for every last penny in your couch to keep your grifts and scams from pouring out into the streets like your inbred subhuman fetid blood is about to do.
We are making you WORK 24/7, while we sit back and laugh.
I bought the dip, neanderkike nigger.
And it's already back up to $140.
You dumb subhuman parasites aren't fooling anyone.
Not anymore.
You're going to suffer in abject anguish for as long as WE ALLOW you to keep stealing our air.
You are already extinct.
But only on OUR timeline.
This will not be quick.
This will not be painless.
We are going to slowly drain all you hold dear, until we drain your infected plagued blood into the sewers while dancing around your stacks of gold in front of you.
This world is OURS and everyone knows it now.
Hell, at this point it's going to be a race to get to you before your rapidly awakening pet golem niggers do.
Game on, schlomo.
You should just give up, and bow out before shit gets really bad for you.
There are horrors beset against you now that you could never imagine in your most paranoid fever dreams. And you brought all of it, justifiably so, onto yourselves.
I think that's fucking funny.
The astounding number of desperate kike shills in this thread is fucking glorious. All the feigned smug can't hide the frantic seething.
Kikes can hide everything but their fear.
"Chutzpah" is the tell.
You can't stop this.

We are coming, jew...

>> No.27500074

>The movement isn't over.
This means the movement is over.

>> No.27500090

Voltaire is overrated and has hundreds of quotes falsely attributed to him by idiots like you.

>> No.27500168
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>> No.27500212

He did. Fucking cuck. We need someone with the balls to lead the charge. Like Hitler.

>> No.27500254

>the movement isn't over
The movement of losing money?

>> No.27500268

Haha get a load of this goy

>> No.27500313

This is the goyim giving you a taste of your own medicine.

>> No.27500357
File: 3.74 MB, 506x928, 1598890957744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<<<kike logic.

You are already extinct, jew.

We are coming...

>> No.27500445

You morons are just transferring money from the hands of one group of jews to another. Congrats, you useful idiots.

>> No.27500603

I'm out, ate a loss but it could be worse. I'm just relieved at this point. You guys can stay on this roller coaster, I wish you well but the fat reddit nerds next to me were really starting to smell

>> No.27500751


Dangerously based

>> No.27500754

So is Chainlink Marines lol and the best they did was 2 digits.

>> No.27500776
File: 6 KB, 1569x49, inthisbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy low sell high,
It's the /biz/ way.

>> No.27500905


>> No.27500931
File: 902 KB, 400x328, shitpostingelite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<<<this is what lazy shilling looks like.
This nigger never even bought a single stock of GME.
These parasitic kikes are so fucking desperate.

>> No.27500985

Yeah, but LINK IS the future!

>> No.27501120

capitulation follows despair, you will sell at 40USD

>> No.27501262
File: 25 KB, 901x152, 1587156581654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots are annoying too. The other day one of you retards unironically called me a shill for making fun of DOGE.

>> No.27501289
File: 2.53 MB, 426x426, 1601759964576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually believe this shit still works, you dumb nigger?
Everyone here has learned long ago to do the opposite of what lazy "POO POO PEE PEE" posters say.
You're too fucking retarded for this job, nigger.

Go play in traffic.


WE are the future.
YOU are already extinct.

>> No.27501417

If you read the daily thread its just people with wild imaginations, as if they are actually on a battlefield and giving each other support and do this do that etc. Incredible

>> No.27501419

At this point that’s it. Early birds in the know did fine I guess, but if you’re still in GME you’re done. I hope the folks who tossed a couple hundred have at least figured something out, those who gambled more than they have to loose will learn another lesson still.

>> No.27501512

To be fair, after being rekt by lockdowns what else are people to do? We saw how well media and government sanctions can work for those already in power but what about the people they're supposed to inform and serve? What if this is our only way back to civilization? Tearing down the system which only exists to ake advantage of crisis after crisis. What if this one step even coked up hedgies wouldn't dare take is what it takes to get us back on track?

>> No.27501516
File: 1.37 MB, 4036x2611, jt-2-real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what people coming together to defeat evil looks like

>> No.27501626


>> No.27501716
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27501878

one whistleblower to any fraud during this short and it's fucking OVER for wall street. there won't be an SEC fine large enough to placate retail.

>> No.27501897
File: 479 KB, 509x500, You&#039;re not slick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you weren't such a smug parasite "making fun" of everything because you're a fucking loser, you wouldn't get this treatment, shill.
Go fuck mother some more, schlomo.
At least she doesn't make fun of your tiny mutilated dick.
Just kidding.
We all know the constant mental/emotional abuse of your schizo kike whore mothers is half the reason you're so fucked up, and degenerate.
The rest is due to your inbred subhuman plagued blood.
You will never know what is to be creative, beautiful, or even sentient and connected to Spirit for that matter.
Nature is Racist.
Nature is Fascist.
Maybe if you stopped breaking the Laws of the Natural Order you'd cease being so fucking confused and miserable all the time.
Nah, parasites can't see beyond their own pitiful survival.
Your gracious Host is about to scrape you off for good, neanderkike nigger. FOREVER!
You ready for what comes next? You should be.
You created it.

We are coming, jew...

>> No.27501955

they're not "brainwashed"

they're retards who bought at 200 and are trying to manipulate the market into not losing their mortgge

>> No.27502404

> by losing our money we beat the elite bros, just HODL diamond hands wolf of wall street lmao
> trust the plan

>> No.27502420

They're high on hopium. Brand new to the stock market and saw that initial spike. Got that dopamine rush, but got greedy.

>> No.27502434
File: 424 KB, 1200x975, icon5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27502597
File: 148 KB, 322x527, gl1570040798439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show badge nigger

>> No.27502717
File: 7 KB, 279x181, balls of silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Balls of steel

>> No.27502833

Take your meds.
Also I'm uncut, even though I'm burger my dad was insistent on that for some reason

>> No.27502837
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, MadVlad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rigged the fucking Market mid stream, schlomo.
You're going to fucking die now.
Gaslighting, and acting smug is only making it worse.
At what point do you snap out of your ignorant arrogance, and realize that it's fucking over?
You're surrounded.
And the massive global army of angry White Boys is seething with an ire that you seem incapable of recognizing.
We have allowed you to remain comfortable in your parasitic hollow for far too long, apparently.
This all ends quite rapidly once we take that last step.
You have mistaken our vast tolerance, and silent patience as cowardice and weakness.
Ripping us off to the tune of literal billions, after rigging the election in broad daylight, and calling us "Domestic Terrorists" for allowing you to live, will be your last mistake.
Watching you squirm behind that phony chutzpah right now is fucking entertaining.
Dance for me, jew.
You're about to learn the lesson you have failed to accept for the past 6000 years.
We have DNA tests this time, neanderkike nigger.

We are coming...

>> No.27502887

The sad part is redditors won't all kill themselves over this.
They'll blindly pretend it's just a goof.
And they'll continue to invade biz with their retarded questions and shounen anime protagonist attitude.

>> No.27502953
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>> No.27502989

kill yourself.

>> No.27503117
File: 688 KB, 1105x701, 1595772492807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27503179

Reddit is good for mindless consooming and nothing else. It was never really meant to be a discussion forum just a simple "post image, if image good get updoots" the problem is it extended to posting your opinion to get updoots and confirmation bias makes them updoot good opinions only.

>> No.27503201

I'd rather be known for my "weak hands" than larp wolf of wall street on reddit of all places

>> No.27503217


U do realize reddit is not a single person, right? WSB is the least politically correct sub on that entire site, right? That they run around calling each other retards and apes while shitting on Biden and calling MSM fake news, right?

>> No.27503293
File: 167 KB, 1125x1250, Wolfsangel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds are for schizophrenic kike, and claiming "crazy" for very legitimate, and easily proven criminal activity is the pathetic kikes lazy go-to insult.
It will not save you, jew.
You're lies glow.
Your arrogance amplifies it.
But nothing can hide your abject terror that I can smell like a fucking landfill wafting off your fat grease subhuman visage now.
Nothing you can do will stop what's coming, mother fucker.
You have fucked the Aryan Man over for the last fucking time, jew.
"Greatest Ally"
You're tricks are tired, tattered, and old, nigger.
We're going to eat you.

We are coming...

>> No.27503300

Tbqh though I kind of wish I was cut, that's one thing the jews might be onto something with. When I first got head there was so much dickcheese built up the girl gagged and spit it out into her hands and thought I had a skin condition or she broke something. Really appreciated her cleaning the pipes though

>> No.27503554

Oh my god that's so BASED! They call each other RETARD hahaha that's pretty edgy! Woah woah woah don't say faggot or kike or nigger racism isn't cool dude, yikes

>> No.27503578


>> No.27503613

I bought last night at $190. Woke up and saw it at $115 and saw all the red in my account. But guess what! I sucked it up and bought more in the dip! I dont have a giant stake in this but Im letting it ride. Holding it down with my 6 GME

>> No.27503708

only made 66k and even i feel like a loser, does it ever get better boys?

>> No.27503718
File: 35 KB, 600x558, 1500980226374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last, I truly see
/biz/ will never become /wsb/, because that portion of reddit is so immensely retarded that even the board that falls for every crypto meme is wiser than them

>> No.27503730
File: 117 KB, 828x702, 1602973197651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another frightened kike telling "jokes" to hide his abject terror of what's coming for him.
Do you feel in charge, jew?

We are coming...

>> No.27503733

Kek soiboy reddit got played again

>> No.27503807

>Bernie can still win!
>Trump can still win!
>GME can still win!

Why is Plebbit like this?

>> No.27503821

WSB was for people to post pictures of them putting all the chips on red and then losing.

>> No.27503848

This will age well, put me in the cap sempai.

>> No.27503959

>They ironically call themselves retards but the real tragedy is they're unironically retarded.

>> No.27504019

What the fuck happened here? The chucky Manson party?

>> No.27504057

lol kid

>> No.27504058

that sounds exactly like /biz/

>> No.27504087

I mean it’s kind of weird to call us dumb when we are all up multiple times what we’ve invested. I think most of us probably outperform some of the best hedge funds. I know I do.

>> No.27504155
File: 24 KB, 671x377, 5645689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mods delete thread after thread
>why is there no solidarity

Real mystery

>> No.27504234

This. The absolute worst part of all of this is the faggots moralizing their greed, like they're owed a risk-free get rich quick scheme

>> No.27504250

he has a lot of money so he must be really smart.

>> No.27504260

I'm not joking, phimosis fucking sucks. But I am enjoying your autistic rants so please continue

>> No.27504262
File: 98 KB, 500x608, 1386827372868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are all up multiple times what we’ve invested
yeah, we sure made a lot of money...

>> No.27504314
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1603816795982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shear number of utlra millionaires in this thread who are somehow always ahead of the game, and above it all, all while shitting on everyone else for being "stupid" is truly astounding.
What could the rest of us lowly losers possibly be doing wrong?
Oh, right.
These filthy kikes rig EVERYTHING in order to THIEVE all of their ill gotten wealth and "power", and when it falls apart, they frantically rush into the spaces they can't control completely to talk smug shit.
But I still smell your fear, schlomo.
The simple fact that you're here "gloating" is all I need to see.
There are FAR TOO MANY of you fucking parasites, way too concerned with MY MONEY, for me to ever believe you're here organically, and not out of your frantic desperation to demoralize, and distract us from your scent.
We have all done the math.
You stupid niggers are still on the hook.
I just bought the dip, and I am holding until you lose your fucking shorts.

And then we're going to hunt you fucking criminal leeches down, drag you from your fetid gilded rat hole, and hang you with your own intestines in front of your newly enslaved, weeping kike family of subhuman neanderkike niggers.
Don't worry, schlo, we'll put them to fine use.
You fucked up for the last time, pedo sodomite mother fuckers.

We are coming...

>> No.27504374
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 1596138164882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show losses, redditor

>> No.27504377

You can't even say cuck without getting banned, it's in their subreddit rules

>> No.27504467

Why does people (loosing) money affect so many people here?
You would think they would be happy to wait and laugh but yet here we are.

>> No.27504487
File: 176 KB, 1405x1536, 1439677122243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with fucking r*ddit
Literally everytime that's ever happened, the accommodating board has gone to becoming a shit-ridden r*ddit colony without fail

>> No.27504488

This shit is evil at this point

>> No.27504513

Go back

>> No.27504514

If it weren't for a massive bubble, Cuban would just be another old washed out tech bro. So I guess its logical that he would encourage people to take advantage of it, but the timing was way off.

>> No.27504526
File: 144 KB, 537x826, LeoFrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your feigned arrogance will not save you, jew.
I love watching you squirm.
You are already extinct, and I think you know it.
You can't stop this.
(picrel, as far as the eye can see)

We are coming...

>> No.27504583

Not only did they bet it all (They already went bankrupt and got bailed out) They have tripled down on the short. Do you guys even understand the bare minimum of what's happening?

>> No.27504636

it's better than fucking nothing like you, faggot.

>> No.27504640

seems mostly unrelated to politics there just highly emotional traders holding bags

>> No.27504769

Look, if we all just exclusively buy/order products from Gamestop their value will go through the roof, our stonks will moon and we've effectively saved our favorite company.
What is better than getting richer from buying videogames we'd have bought anyway?

Hold stonks, buy vidya and upvote.

>> No.27504805

Nobody is doing anything you're a sped on the internet and nobody is scared of you.

>> No.27504931
File: 18 KB, 250x250, I seriously hope you guys don&#039;t cum to this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>class warfare
>on reddit and 4chan
>using RH

>> No.27504953

The entire tone of /biz/ shifted overnight. I remember when this happened to /pol/. Night and day.

It's so obvious we're now being shilled by the same group they pay to shill /pol/.

>> No.27504967
File: 140 KB, 720x1102, IMG_20210202_192608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27504977

Nerve gas

>> No.27505070


>> No.27505073

>he doesnt know all the newfag normies lost interest after 2 days and reddits already out of money and jews are still controlling it lol

>> No.27505093

no fud just lolz

>> No.27505179

what was the name of game, with surreal sex demons

>> No.27505194
File: 2.43 MB, 1280x1814, 1437965272651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, its not shilling
Its just a mass influx of normalfags
There's only one solution for normalfags

>> No.27505248
File: 251 KB, 1024x1021, 1603990479678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in at $27, neanderkike nigger.
Doesn't mean I'm going to let you fucking kikes off the hook for taking money from me.
Keep giggling nervously, pedo sodomite.
You lost the game already.
It's simply a matter of inevitable time before we come to collect what you owe. ...and you owe for the past 2000 years of destroying our Civilizations with your pathetic kikery. And you've done NOTHING with it.
You are inbred subhuman mimics. You have no creativity.
You are not fit to be the arbiters or sole harbingers of our "reality".
You are nothing but a plague on all of Humanity, and it's time to free our world from your constant parasitism.
You have it all, and you're still the most pathetic, frightened, miserable schizos in existence.
You're not worthy, especially when everything you are is resultant of THEIVERY and LIES!

There is obviously no political solution.
We WILL find you.
You are already extinct.
Keep giggling, nigger.
I'm the one who's laughing.
Oh, and thanks for the cash. I'll be expecting MUCH MORE once your failed scams catch up to you.
And then we'll simply come for the rest and TAKE what's ours.
The Balance is due, you vermin filth.
You are already extinct.

We are coming, jew...

>> No.27505276

They’ve literally been calling themselves “fucking retards” for weeks they just didn’t realize it was actually the truth.

>> No.27505533
File: 681 KB, 620x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys i just flew over WSB

>> No.27505632

You’re a fucking retard and massive loser. You bought at $27 and should have sold around $400 like I did. You would have made massive money you can then use against them if you hate them so much. Instead you played their game and lost it all like the fucking retard you are. There was Jews on both sides there was Jews buying GME. You fell for another classic trick.

>> No.27505638

Anon, these redditors lost a lot of money. They have the floorplans for Melvin Capital as well. I do not condone violence but reddit are locusts. Good thing there is a hewvy snow storm in NY right now.

>> No.27505716
File: 208 KB, 1115x1660, 1115x1660_d632d4bdf4859582e1055f0eea02f046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it seem like if you do the exact opposite of what the mob does, you will come out on top? Imagine if you had put in a short at 17amc or 400 gme.

>> No.27505725
File: 800 KB, 1017x786, 1605521607339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>on the internet
You're fucking surrounded, schlo.
Keep giggling, neanderkike nigger.
You damn well what's coming, and there's NOTHING you can do to stop it.
Yet here you are with your impotent, and worthless mockery and insult.
After all this time, do you honestly believe you can demoralize the steely, emotionless autistic army who has already been through your gauntlet of lazy kikery, you fucking stain?
NOTHING you can do or say will change ANYTHING!
This timeline is already set in stone.
You have no more fucking power in this realm, or any other, you fucking demon possess leach.


And We are coming for you...

>> No.27505788
File: 1.89 MB, 200x200, 1611503464454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Choosing to hold the stock for a meme instead of caching out and making bank now that the goal of making Melvin bleed has been achieved

>> No.27505814

>I got in at $27
buy high, miss selling higher I guess. you will hold to $0

>> No.27505860

You're a wizard alright

>> No.27506136
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>> No.27506173
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, pk integrity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy newfriend! Just informing you that you're gonna be banned. The fact that I'm telling you this means I'm going to be banned too, but I really really needed you to know that you fucked up (just like with GME!)

Take me away, boys.

>> No.27506249
File: 192 KB, 2000x2000, de2m3i9-873133a3-ef07-490b-bc8b-af84883fecb2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ you absolute brainlet, the opposite is true. you're spewing this shit in the same timeline in which maxwell's reddit account was among the what, top 3 karma accounts by feeding nigger like you world news. reddit is designed to create a small brained, hiveminded, circlejerk. you have to go back or unironically kill yourself

>> No.27506273
File: 397 KB, 2000x1659, 2000x1659_267de9d235ba134c44c3c2455cf7aa9c (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This GME saga is gunna result in lives ruined because these tards didn't have an exit strategy , and the stock has no value long term.

>> No.27506290

The number dosent matter. They still have to buy 121% of the stocks. Its like 0.0001% of the stocks that are setting it at 120$.

>> No.27506291

Jonestown mass suicide of 900 people

>> No.27506375

Have fun holding those bags big guy. More loyalty to a group of redditors than to your own bank account.

>> No.27506397
File: 98 KB, 640x640, 1611090642382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frantic desperate shills, trying WAY TOO HARD to demoralize the undemoralizable.
I know you're fucking scared, jew.
You REALLY fucked up this time. Hell you've been fucking up beyond you ability to control the fall-out for a decade now.
You should be fucking TERRIFIED.

We are coming...

Look how lazy you are, kike.
There is absolutely no reason to even hit "enter" on impotent shit like this.
Am I "demoralized"?
Or are you just pissing me off more than you're even worth?
Do you REALLY believe you're own Kool-Aid?
Then you'll never see it coming.

...tick tock, jew.

No, fag.
It's glowing shills.
/pol/ knows your frantic desperate stink all too well, kike.
Go play in traffic, and wait for your turn on the Rope Ride, nigger.

It begins now...

>> No.27506410

Truer words were never spoken. I want this tattooed to my forehead

>> No.27506711

Are the goys actually waking up?

>> No.27506793
File: 1.89 MB, 2312x3553, 1441917976733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice LARP, faggot

>> No.27506878
File: 1.62 MB, 500x375, dogeconomics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /biz/ explain trading volume in relation to price to me

>> No.27506922

That post was from Michael Burry ^^^^

>> No.27506956

Your autism made my stupid FOMO market play almost worth it. Keep holding those bags, you're changing the world

>> No.27507074
File: 810 KB, 750x725, 1532536690_4fqXI1-BIOEDLcCQ1IBxkDUk6xrc1kVlh6yJoR2Nw0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold gme at the double top
>bought moon arkk tqqq and arkf
>back making money again after reddit is losing 50% a day

>> No.27507084

>The entire tone of /biz/ shifted overnight.
Could it be because the stock tanked, you brainlet?

>> No.27507192
File: 2.31 MB, 498x498, 1608783729950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamestop is coming back, and will surpass Amazon.
We're taking over from you lazy, tired grifters of last century.
You can't handle the new Blood that's now crawling up your ass from EVERY angle, neanderkike nigger.
You're tired, and weak, and your kike tricks are literally a thousand years old, and your mentors didn't train you enough to survive the technological age.
You have gone into RAMPANT "defense" mode, just like Rome did in the end.
And your defensive stances are fucking weak.
Mass Censorship?
Calling EVERYONE who notices your patterns, crimes, and corruption as "RACIST WHITE SUPREMACIST NAZIS! REEEEE!"?

You're too fucking retarded, lazy, and degenerate to be allowed to parasitize, let alone follow us into the Future.
You're getting scraped off, you fucking pedo sodomite.
And to think, you NEARLY had it all.
Right up until the end. Just like always, you fuck it up with your abject greed, and schizo kikery.
You can't handle the pressure it takes to run the world the way the Aryan Race can.
Which is why it's so fucking easy to field your weak and lazy slings and arrows now in your blatant and desperate shilling campaign across all these boards.
Seriously, schlo. you're just too fucking ignorant, arrogant, and destructive to be allowed to keep fucking with the 21st century and beyond.
You will be eradicated for the benefit of all of Humanity, upon which you are nothing but a worthless plague.
You are already extinct.

We are coming, jew...

>> No.27507468

based if true

>> No.27507512
File: 345 KB, 820x820, 1606834713053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one LARPing is you, jew.
You can't hide what you've done.
You can't stop what's coming for you.
You are already extinct.

This "LARP" is going to consume you, neanderkike nigger.
There isn't enough filthy fetid kike blood in existence on OUR Planet to cover the Balance due for what you've done to our World, and my People.
But we sure as Hell are going to try to find it, and empty it into the sewers.
Sleep well, jew.

We are coming...

>> No.27507667
File: 495 KB, 1540x2148, 1441905475083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice LARP, faggot

>> No.27507691


lol this is going to be like Q, but even dumber.

>> No.27507712

Anon, that's a picture of Hitler hugging a happy jew. Are you coming to hug jews?

>> No.27507757
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, qn708j97mln51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beating the system with McD wage and mommys and daddys pension money sure bro , sure

>> No.27507819

Do broads like this take money to suck and fuck? How do I go about asking this beautiful slambeast?

>> No.27508066

I doubt she'll take money, but she has an onlyfans.

Also she just cut off her boobas like a few days ago. So shes probably currently hopped up on pain meds. Worth a shot.

>> No.27508075

he never said that was quoted by Voltaire retard

>> No.27508132

I won and lost plenty of 5 figure pots playing cards.

This was my first ever wall street bet so i miss timed the bag drop. Jewed my way out of it so fucking relieved only lost 700 and not 6k

That gamblers instinct told me to stem the bleeding asap

>> No.27508188
File: 123 KB, 680x289, MordaLovesPussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27508300
File: 16 KB, 261x320, WoLF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazy repetition?
I love it.
Thank you, jew.
Keep telling yourself whatever schizo delusions you need to to keep jewing the People.
This is why you are already extinct.
You are one mode, and because you are soulless inbred subhuman filth, you are simply genetically incapable of adaptation and creativity.
You have been tracked, figured, and predicted.
And now you will step into EVERY Cultural, Political, Financial, and Racial trap we set for you.
We are MASTER HUNTERS, you pathetic fucking house pet.
And the Wild is upon you. Shit, you literally burned your own defenses with your own pet niggers.
You can't even make any logical and beneficial decisions in your abject terror and scrambling failed sorcery.
I love watching you squirm.
There is NO WHERE left to hide, neanderkike nigger.
We have DNA tests this time, pedo kike mother fucker.


>> No.27508688
File: 309 KB, 442x446, 1255445515558795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unironically these threads where normies get rekt are the best ones for while now.
Im literally coughing out my lungs of laughter , thanks for making my days faggs

>> No.27509188
File: 276 KB, 1280x960, Crassus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More ad home, strawman, and projection? STILL?
It's been years of this, you lazy retarded shill.
Grouping up masses of people into your tiny mocking insult on an ANONYMOUS BOARD only makes you look fucking foolish.
You're new here. I recognize your patterns, and your small folder of lame pepes.
You're "chutzpah", and "demoralization" attempts can not hide the stench of your frantic desperation.

BTW, it was never about the money.
This is what frightens you most.
We're coming for you infected demon possessed blood, degenerate pedo sodomite.

Where we're going, we don't need money.
But if burning your only God, mammon, is what is required first to draw you out for the sleeping normies, so be it.
I'm having a fucking blast.

You seem totally miserable, and scared for what's coming.
You have no idea what gets whispered in the Beer Halls of the Aryans whom surround you now.
The whisper is becoming a roar.
And it's shaking you to your spineless jew core.
How much do you love your gold, jew?
Because spending a mouthful at a time on you parasites will be well worth it.
We'll hang your sloped skulls, packed with gold, in our studies as trophies.
You are already extinct.

We are coming...