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2749322 No.2749322 [Reply] [Original]

I've heard at $300,000 you can live at the poverty line just off interest. Right now thats what I'm working toward

>> No.2749332

>in before poor money management retards saying you need at least 1 billion before you can even think of retiring

>> No.2749349

If you can't figure out how to live off $1 million, then you don't get it.

>> No.2749350

At least a billion before you can even think of retiring

>> No.2749354

do any of you peasants factor in medical insurance to your retirement fantasies? if not you're one car accident away from being broke again.

>> No.2749379


We're counting on socialized medicine within 10 years.

>> No.2749397

good luck with that.

>> No.2749417

Howmuch interest do you think you can get?

>> No.2749429

Not going to happen socialised healthcare only works if most people put effort into trying to be healthy. Too many Amerifags are obese for it to be viable

>> No.2749430

$1 million will net you roughly $40k annual dividend payouts if you're smart with your money. I personally plan on boosting that to $1.5 million as a safety precaution because I'm an absolute retard when it comes to investing.

Of course! I include health, dental and vision insurance for myself and my family in my financial plan, and I plan to be pretty lean in terms of overall spending.

>> No.2749484

Lazzy ass OP, let's imagine that your life is this:
>you are part of the work force of the country
>make 200K per year in a so-so shitty job
>spend 160K having a low profile life style
>save 40K once
>invest them in the most secure and attactive market offer, let's say 1.3% montly
>you get 520 bucks every month basically doing nothing but you can't touch those 40K
>you could increase your investment every year by 40K

you could retire in about 35 years to matain your low profile life style, not gona happen man.

>> No.2749488

Isn't the stock market 5-7% annual interest?

Thats a safer investment than crypto, but if I ever did get that much I'd probably do half crypto and half stock

>> No.2749507

I have $130k, how can i live off this?

>> No.2749519

Deck out a van for 5k. Put 125k across stock. Live off 10,500 a year.

>> No.2749537

Move to Ukraine

>> No.2749541
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>> No.2749603

I have a country house in Italy that I'm planning to convert into a small vacation house, with some little improvement like swimming pool, jacuzzi in the upper floor with a great panorama, a small sauna and a fairly big land. The house is on top of all of it, like over a hill.
I have another apartment in the city where I currently live.
Do you think I could manage to get a decent living just with the country house after the improvements? I plan to rent it to foreign tourist only.

>> No.2749607

much more if you sell at the end of the cycle and buy the mega dip

>> No.2749629

To give you an idea, cabins in the US go anywhere from $300-1000 a day, depending on how nice it is. So even if you only rented 180 days a year you'd still make a $54,000 profit each year

>> No.2749651

I like working though you're going to be deathly bored

>> No.2749665

The only possible problem i can think of is that it's a bit isolated, not like in the middle of nothing but neither very easy to reach, but I guess that those who seek a bit of peace may like it. Maybe I should offer an extra service of transportation.
Another is that the housing market isn't at its best now.
Besides everything it just requires more aesthetical improvements of the land, like more lawn and flowers around, in that case yeah it would look very very nice, especially considering dat panorama.

>> No.2749691

I own a 4 bedroom house with 10 acres with my fiance, paid with cash, have well water and septic, and getting solar soon, so the only bills will be taxes, food, insurance, and house expenses for the most part. Have 500k in the market and I'm actively managing it, I can safely pull about 4% per year without losing money, assuming the market doesn't take a shit. I pay $7k for property taxes, so most peeps might prefer to live somewhere else and with less land.

>> No.2749713

Sounds like your biggest issue might be advertising it then. Make sure it has a rustic aesthetic. Thats what fat american tourists think of when they think Italian countryside.

>> No.2749724

Ponzies like that won't survive for long
Tech will also make the mandatory monopolistic approach obsolete

>> No.2749873

yeah that's a good idea, thanks

>> No.2749894

I has $800
How to retire now?

>> No.2749903

Probably 100 bitcoins.

>> No.2749926

You could have a great time over the next
few days then become an hero

>> No.2749945

1 million won't quite cut it, because another noted, the earnings off that will get you 40-50k per year. That isn't quite enough to live comfortably with cost of living increase, taxes you'll have to pay, etc. 2 million is a much safer bet - get yourself 80-100k per year, plus in years where the returns are a little lower (say 60k one year in a bad year) you are still well covered. Also anything from the 80k you don't spend can be reinvested and your principal will grow instead of remaining stagnant.

2 million is the goal. Problem is, you need to earn about 3 million to make that possible, due to taxes.

>> No.2749988

all you need is 300k, just find a house for 300k you can buy than all you meed to worey about is food

>> No.2750016

Whats a hero

>> No.2750047
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ohhhh how many times I've thought of this....
and how many times i've pussed out after spending the money...

>> No.2750057

lurk more

>> No.2750086

tell me plz sir ok ?

>> No.2750095


Literally this.

It's basically inevitable at this point. Donald Dumbfuck is going to cause the greatest Democratic landslides ever in 2018 and 2020. Obamacare will be proven unfixable, so Dems will give us single-payor.

>> No.2750102


>delusional normie wagecuck

>> No.2750131

Welcome to the shit show newfriend

>> No.2750139

you will get screwed by taxes trying to live of interest
you also need to beat inflation, real inflation for as long as you intend to live.

>> No.2750244

Lmao. I have a 5 bedroom bousr. With 11 acres with my girlfriend paid with zcash, have a mountain spring and water wheel, and getting nuclear power soon. Have 600k in the market. I can pull out for 6% per year if I want. I pay 6k in property taxes.

>> No.2750299


>> No.2750342
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>take my money
>I have to take 100% of the risk

>> No.2750383

>I want to retire early
>I also want to live in a metropolitan area in a first world country
Pick one, you dumb fucks.

>> No.2750392

>muh sea of blue
Have fun when they run zuckerkike in 2020

>> No.2750479
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get a load of this hebrew! we can have both, mordecai. we will have both.

>> No.2750713

Just make $120k and live in Montenegro or another Balkan country and live off the investment.

>> No.2750947

taxes, utilities, maintenance, healthcare,... but you could probably grow or farm a lot of your food.

>> No.2751015

Like what ?

>> No.2751039

>single payer in a country as multicultural as the US where different groups of people arent allowed to openly criticize each others culture.

good luck pham

>> No.2751086

>That isn't quite enough to live comfortably with cost of living increase, taxes
The 4% rule includes increases with inflation. It's based off the Trinity Study which used an inflation-indexed constant withdrawal rate of 4% of the original capital.

You are correct about taxes fucking you.

>> No.2751097


How do you people spend 160k a year on a "low profile life style"? Assuming you own your house and dont have to pay rent, but lets say 5k per year for bills and another 2k for insurance, 5k per year for food and another 1k for clothing plus 3k for other expenses (smartphone, pc etc). You can live a pretty comfy life for under 20k a year.

Where do you bastards pull those figures from? How can you waste over 10k per month? Are you retarded?

Also, invest in real estate. Pretty much 5% of guaranteed profit per year.

>> No.2751099

> he hasn't read http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2012/01/13/the-shockingly-simple-math-behind-early-retirement/

Plus interest rates are well below 4% right now so getting a (reasonably-sized) mortgage backing a house where the price-to-rent ratio is under 25 actually improves your cashflow situation.

>> No.2751133

$2.5 million is my number.

I spend about $35k annual currently (incl. mortgage) but would likely spend a little more if I weren't working due, to increased time spent golfing and attending concerts and various sporting events.

I'm up to about $400k in liquid assets so far, once I hit $1 mil in taxable assets I'll consider myself financially independent, $2 mil and I'll start looking into retirement/partial retirement, or starting a new career as a high school sports coach or something.

>> No.2751136

>How much USD do you need to never work again?
Depends entirely on your lifestyle. By the time you're 30 you should have a good idea of how much money you need annually to maintain your current standard of living (unless you're a schmuck who lets lifestyle creep chain you to your job forever). I could probably live off of $750k, but I'd be more comfortable with $1.25-1.5m.

MMM isn't the most realistic example considering him and his wife both made six-figures right out of college, literally built their own house, and now make at least a few hundred thousand a year from their blog. The principals he preaches are correct, but the people who hang on his every word are annoying.

>> No.2751138

I look forward to /pol/'s torrent of tears when President Zuckerberg gets inaugurated.

Although it's so cancerous these days I bet half of them are tsundere for FB

>> No.2751188

Will he even be 35 by then?

>> No.2751189

>I did the math, trust me guys
At VERY LEAST $25mil, no taxes, conservative lifestyle. A few houses overtime as well as cars varying in quality and cost, nice monthly recreation, upper middle class lifestyle, for one person (you can afford to take girls out or fuck prostitutes), 88year life expectancy.
For lower high class lifestyle $55mil.
If I had to settle for $100-250mil for my whole life I would be contempt, but I wouldn't really have gone after my major life goals if I just work to chase a number and realize I'm still not happy. I'd prefer to work my whole life doing what I love and putting all my capital to work outside basic living expenses, and helping the world grow and develop in a healthy and competitive way

>> No.2751231

Sure, so add $15k for either rent or housing costs to his "lol I have no housing costs" $25k family budget and you're back at the $1MM number. It's a bit tight but it's definitely doable.

Though honestly, I would be scared to do a 4% drawdown from a portfolio with a 2017 valuation, with CAPE P/E as low as it is it feels like we're due for a correction. Mad Fientist has a really cool article where he claims a strong inverse correlation between P/E at time of retirement and portfolio longevity.

Agreed that people treat MMM's words like gospel but he managed to avoid all of the hard decisions of early retirement, like how often to drawdown, from what asset classes, how to respond emotionally and financially to downturns, how to change allocations in the face of changing market conditions, etc., because he has never actually gone into drawdown mode. He's also still very young and can get cheap health insurance, I think he also exploits his low income to claim poverty for stuff like this.

He also lucked out in having general contracting experience in a city that turned out to be a haven for rich people who want to build custom houses near the mountains.

>> No.2751239


Lol, top meme :P

>> No.2751255

Says the coked out shitcoin shilling neet

>> No.2751271
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>How much USD do you need to never work again?

zero dollars

>> No.2751298

I could do 300k, but I already own my home.

All you need is about 25-30x your annual cost of living to safely live off of interest.


I factor it into my budget, so I can just pay out of pocket if shit hits the fan. So instead of paying for insurance, I take the cost of a mid-tier health insurance plan, and charge it to myself every month.

>> No.2751331

It's funnier when you read that the dude spends way more money than he would ever tell his followers to spend.

>My family only spent $30k last year. All those fancy losers spending more need to get linked to my blog
>Oh lol I spent another $30k on a personal construction project, but it's really an investment!
>I also bought a new electric car, but only because my readers told me to!
>And I spent $5k traveling all over the world, but I did it under my MMM persona so it doesn't count.
>Lol my wife spent $20k on her etsy shop side project, but if I write an article about people will buy her crap.

>> No.2751458

>How do you people spend 160k a year on a "low profile life style"

It's not hard at all. Can you live on way less than 160k? Obviously. But spending $160k a year can be done pretty quietly when you think about where and how someone making $200k usually lives- in a big city working as a professional.

OP said you were making $200k and saving $40k. So you're already paying maybe $45k in federal taxes. State tax could be another $16k.
Then you've got property tax. That can be $10k easily.

If you're in a decent city and own a condo, you've got HOA fees that run around $500+/month pretty easily. So that's $6k a year. So before you've bought anything you've already coughed up $77,000.

> 5k per year for food

Lol, $420 a month is doable for food if you're cooking all your meals from unprepared food purchased cheap. But your a busy professional. You don't have time for that shit. You aren't taking a lunchbag to work. Your at-home food is going to be stuff that's basically already cooked up. You're going to get the whole foods stuff that tastes pretty good and is reasonably healthy. A basic lunch at a sit-down restaurant in NYC is going to be $25-$30+ pretty easily after tip. Hell, the Whole Foods salad bar can hit that. That's going to be $600-900 easy. Dinner at an ok sit down place will probably run $30-$50 after tip. And that's assuming no drinks. A cocktail runs around $20.

If you're eating out regularly and are boozing just a little it's not hard to hit $2-3k a month for food. So you're now talking $24-36k a year. We're also assuming this is a household of one and you're never taking anyone out on a paying date.

>1k for clothing
If you're wearing basic stuff, sure. But you're a successful professional. You're going to be wearing suits. A decent suit costs at least $2k. Ok but not bespoke shirts will run $100. Shit you need your suits and shirts dry cleaned. That'll run $70 a week. $3600 a year for dry-cleaning alone.

You get the picture.

>> No.2751465

property taxes, upkeep

>> No.2751472

I mean, he is financially independent at this point. If you don't have to work more to afford things it doesn't seem inconsistent to spend.

>> No.2751479

Yeah lol how they spelt worry worries me too

>> No.2751491

How exactly is MMM financially independent? Does he do the whole stock dividend thing or is he seriously just a case study in side hustles, the most successful of which being his blog?

>> No.2751493

How is any of that low profile life style? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2751636

I agree. After acquiring 1m it must be so fucking easy to make more money from it. I would just put it into index fund/btc/gold/ and keep the rest for daily expenses. You are literally retarded or you must live in some VERY EXPENSIVE area to say that 1m is not enough.

>> No.2751683

I need 2 mil to live off coke dividends for the rest of my life (85k after 15% cap gains tax). Eth gains could have got me there if i invested early like I wanted.

>> No.2751737

You're actually retarded.

>> No.2751785

>pay taxes
>eat out at modest sit-down establishments regularly
>wear clothes to the office
>clean said clothes
>live by yourself
>never pay to go out for a date

Yeah, that's low profile.We didn't say cheap, we said low profile. You are attracting basically no one's attention living that lifestyle.

Here's high profile, but not billionaire lifestyle:



FLY FIRST CLASS EVERYWHERE- drop $10k on international flights like it's nothing-

5 STAR HOTEL SUITES- $1k a night for a junior suite








EXCLUSIVE GYM- $25k/year



GET A 40 FOOT YATCH- $3mill





>> No.2751798

I have a 6 bedroom tiny house with 12 acres of walnut bushes with my wife's son, paid with dgb, have a hydro electric dam, and getting a large microwave antenna soon, so the only bill will be for my wife's son getting a sex change. Just bought 100K and I'm actively managing it, I can safely pull out 100% per year without losing money because dgb already crashed w/o survivors. I pay nothing for property taxes because the state deemed the area a super site for chemical waste unfit to live on, so most peoples prefer to live somewhere else and with less land.

>> No.2751825

Liar maximum 11 acres

>> No.2751929

What, all I'm saying is you can spend $160k a year rather quietly. You don't need $160k a year to live or anything, that's not my point. Spending $160k a year isn't sort of unrestrained luxury. You aren't doing things ordinary people never do, you're just doing them a bit more often.

>> No.2751950

If you're a successful professional then you're a yuppie that lives in NYC. This isn't the 80s, dude.

>> No.2752543

>my wife's son

>> No.2752777

He's independent in the sense that his stock portfolio is sufficient for him to sell 4% of it every year forever (actually probably 1-2% now so he literally could do dividends only) and maintain his current spending rate.

In real life he never does this, he just does the side hustles, but the idea is that in principle he doesn't need them.

>> No.2753615


>> No.2753862

Buy duplex. Rent one side, live in and fix other side. Switch sides, fix. Sell or refinance. Rinse and repeat. Easiest and most common way to millions.

>> No.2754098

I see the poor guy who tried to live off 1mil. Dude, curb your spending habits. I can't say I have the best self control with cash, but $160k a year? That's asinine for a "low-profile" lifestyle. Clearly b8

>> No.2754296

It depends on a number of factors, which include inflation, your desired standard of living, and how much principal you want to withdraw each year. It also depends on your definition of retirement.

If you want to just sit and be a neet in your 1 bedroom apartment in the Midwest, 300k to 600k would be fine. 600k is a safer bet due to taxes and inflation. If you want an income of 50k, a million would do it, but over time your buying power would decrease.

If retirement to you means taking a job you love for less pay, figure out the drop in pay and subsidize it with dividends from your investments. If you only need 10k to make up the difference, 200k would be fine.

If you're doing the traditional retirement, look up the 4% rule.

>> No.2754455


Pretty much.

But vanity sets in and the capitalism game continues.

If everyone took this same action Western civilazation would collapse overnight. The pyramid scheme comparison is actually true. What they don't tell you is that mass delusion is the top of the pyramid disseminated downward so the labor class will keep laboring no matter what.

>> No.2754602
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>> No.2754976

Dude interest rates aren't high for savings accounts, it's around 2% a year can you live on $6,000 a year? $500 a month? $125 a week?!?!?

>> No.2755135

$500/mo is the average salary in my cuckountry.

>> No.2755356

>I can live of the interest

>> No.2755365
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tfw wont even make $1 million total in my lifetime of working

>> No.2755388

not with that attitude

>> No.2755427

If single, 300k + part time job you can scrape by. 1M was goal a few years ago, these days it's already closer to 3M.

>> No.2755459

fucking kekksimus maximus

>> No.2755467

Sad but true. Over 1/3rd of Americans are obese. OBESE. Not overweight. OBESE.

>> No.2755516
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What kind of fucking jobs pay 200k in america?

Jesus fuck that's like 16k a month or 90 dollars per hour.

>> No.2755716

Air traffic controllers, firefighters, certain medical professionals, weldors, ....

>> No.2755718

t Europoor

>> No.2755749

Lawyer, banker, private equity investor, any top position in any industry...

>> No.2755838
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My current gains on my index funds are at 4.8% atm (been as high as 7%) and that is with the Trump rally. This is starting January 1st
Estimate in a great year, 9%
On 1M, that's 90K
Estimate in a bad year, 4%, or 40K

I would go 2-3M would be absolutely secure
I still need a house which would be a large chunk of that

>> No.2755839

does this work for single males?

>> No.2755918

...doctors, consultants at a top firm after maybe 2-3 years on the job...

It's a pretty well-defined path to make $200k/year. Not saying it's easy, but it doesn't take some crazy imagination or insane performance within these positions to get 200k.


1. Get a high undergrad GPA at uni in whatever.
2. Ace the LSAT or at least pull a 170+
3. LSAT+GPA= top 10 law school
4. Do well your first year- the better your school though the less well you need to do.
5. Get a summer internship with a biglaw firm after your first summer
6. Do pretty well at your internship and you've got a really good shot at getting a job offer for after you graduate
7. Go fuck some undergrads 3L year and get wasted, graduate because every decent law school will pass you almost no matter what
8. Go to your biglaw firm, start at 180k, which is what basically all NY firms start their associates at. Depending on your firm, your bonus could exceed 20k and take you over $200k 1st year. Otherwise, next year your salary will get bumped up and probably go over $200k with the bonus.

No you'll hate working in biglaw unless you're weird. But if you stick around and make managing partner at a top firm you'll be clearing $1-$10 MM a year.

>> No.2755942

the preferred term is THICK

>> No.2756126

3.4 MILLION for low middle class the rest of your life

>> No.2756345

2.5million @ earning 6 to 7% interest thats %150k minimum after tax.
Id just live of the 35k of that and reinvest the rest.
Why not live off the 150k interest you say...INFLATION YOU FUCKING RETARDS

>> No.2756543

just get your autism diagnosed and live on welfare you retards

>> No.2757226

Obamacare will never be fully repealed. Just keep your income low enough and you can get free or very low cost health insurance.

>> No.2757268




>> No.2757291

Find a way to move to Japan and live in the countryside. There's lots of cheap housing available and crime is very low unlike the cheap areas in the US.

>> No.2757521

I've always fantasized of retire early and living on a shithole country, maintaing the same lifestyle I have now. I don't need many things, a house, a PC, a console and the possibility to pirate the shit I want (IE: living on a country that doesn't give a shit about piracy). Do you think is it feasable? Which country would be the best for that? How much do you think I need to save? I thought something about 200k

>> No.2757536

That fucking nigger

>> No.2757758

Where the fug do I make 1.3%/ month????

I could retire already with my spartan lifestyle

>> No.2757792

nigga just buy a house, rent out all the other rooms lmao

>> No.2757920


B-b-but that old kike is working for Rothschild.

>> No.2757932


>> No.2757977

Does it have a stable internet connection? How much money do I need in order to live a NEET lifestyle there? Any place in whihc I can go for a walk wihtout having to fear of getting robbed?

>> No.2758005

>Donald Dumbfuck is going to cause the greatest Democratic landslides ever
What are you basing that on? Because he's wildly unpopular with libshits? In that case, you're forgetting how wildly unpopular King Nigger was with conservatives. Dems have "muh Russia" and Repubs have "muh birth certificate". Libs think that Trump is going to round up all the gays and brown people and put them in camps, and conservatives thought Obama was going to declare martial law and put everyone in FEMA camps.

Crazy fucking world we live in. I really hate people and their conspiracy theories.

>> No.2758023


Wifi is everywhere. You can get stable internet if you live there.

How much it costs really depends on your lifestyle. As a NEET, if you are making 20k a year you are really well off.

You can walk pretty much everywhere. It's quite safe so long as you dont do dumb stuff. I walked around Fes and Tangier and other places at 3 in the morning with no problem.

>> No.2758032


Sorry I forgot the NEET variable:

"if you are making" = if you have X amount to spend.

Really, 2k a month in morocco will get you pretty damn far. Youll be rich compared to most. 1k is plenty too.

>> No.2758040

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.2758044

>I need to work for someone or else I will have no purpose in life because my sole purpose is to be a mindless drone
What a dumb meme. One time I went 6 months without working, and those were the happiest months of my life. I had unlimited time to focus on all the hobbies and skills I wanted to improve. And just because you're not employed, doesn't mean you're not working. Guys really just need something to keep them busy, in my opinion.

>> No.2758046

Id recommend Tunisia too. A little nicer than Morocco, a little snootier, but better looking women.

But their arabic dialect < Moroccan arabic (darija)

>> No.2758049


>> No.2758067

Do you still live in your parents' basement or in a third world shithole?

>> No.2758081


The answer is that you are horrible at estimating costs. 5k per year on food? Maybe if you are eating ramen every night. Jesus. Up your game poorfag,

>"assuming you own your house and dont have to pay rent."

ha. moron.

>> No.2758162

Sounds nice too. I don't know why but I've always thought of Asian country such as Indonesia and Taiwan, never thought of North Africa.

>> No.2758208

Ironically you are more likely to be killed by Islamic Fundamentalists in Indonesia than NA,,,

>> No.2758347

Team leaders in my RE brikersge make like 200-400k

>> No.2758436

$5k is around enough to live healthy and nutritious if you cook for yourself and don't waste money on brands

If the goal is the minimum not to work again, that's reasonable

>> No.2758594


Not really. Unless you like cooking large portions and eating the same things over and over agian. If you want any spontaneity or life, cooking regularly costs more than eating out regularly

>> No.2758804


What are you cooking that requires more than 415$ a month?

>> No.2758832

>$100 per week
>100 x 52 = 5200
I fail to see the issue

>> No.2758848


Whatever I want. Nothing fancy, but since i dont cook big portions and then eat them all week, and dont want food to go bad...
I like to buy fresh ingredients and good ones. I dont have to go fancy, but it still adds up. Might be around 400-500 a month, but when you factor in the time suck, cleaning, startup costs of buying some of the instruments to cook multiple things.... it adds up.

Maybe you want a steak once or twice a week.

Im not a big top ramen fan

>> No.2758872

So do you live in downtown SF, have never bought your own groceries before and are LARPing, or do specialty stores not count as fancy to you? Post a receipt of your last grocery trip.

>> No.2758895

I liek hanging around highschools, too

>> No.2758902


Either A) You eat the same cheap crap all the time
B) Your mom shops and cooks for you.

>> No.2758941

LARPing, got it.

>> No.2758985

I found a Trader Joe's receipt (which is already pricey relative to HEB or Costco) where I bought four avocados, a dozen eggs, pre-chopped onions, mushrooms, a cucumber, tomatoes, fancy break, garlic cloves in a pre-separated frozen tray, and pre-made pico de gallo.

Almost every single thing on there is hipstery and overpriced, most of it will last me only 4 days, and the total was $18. That works out to about $150/mo. You're an idiot. Add $10/mo for staples like oil and rice and tortillas and beans and pasta, then another $40/mo for dairy products (which is a big stretch), and I'm still at less than half of your estimate.

Hell, even if I add beer and protein bars and shakes I can't get to $400/mo.

>> No.2759104

No, because I live in a civilized country.

>> No.2759306


>four avocados, a dozen eggs, pre-chopped onions, mushrooms, a cucumber, tomatoes, fancy break, garlic cloves in a pre-separated frozen tray, and pre-made pico de gallo.

>last me 4 days

jesus vitalik, get a burger.

I openly acknowledged that you could eat for less if you want to eat like a pleb or a vegetarian.

>> No.2759328

I also have stockpiles of rice and cheese and butter and pasta.

I'm aware that it's cheaper because I'm a vegetarian, but there's no way it should more than double my food costs to be eating meat.

>> No.2759374

>but there's no way it should more than double my food costs to be eating meat.

It wouldn't. If it does, it should come out of your entertainment budget.

>> No.2759588

>tfw you live on 5000$ a year, rent and taxes included.

>> No.2759625
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being vegetarian is stupid compared to being a vegan, dairy is way worse health hazard than meat is

>> No.2759671

>being a vegan

>bragging about living with a mental illness

>> No.2759673

What, you plan on being dead by then? Or are you one of those useless faggots who only vote in presidential elections?

>> No.2759687

I don't need medical insurance because I am not a sickly diseased degenerate modern person living off a diet of high fructose corn syrup and soy.

>> No.2759692

Don't you lose your gun rights and shit when a court adjudicates you mentally defective ?

>> No.2759696

>I don't need medical insurance because I am not a sickly diseased degenerate modern person living off a diet of high fructose corn syrup and soy.

I don't either, but that didn't prevent the cancer. I'm very fucking happy I have good insurance.

>> No.2759700

you sure sound like one, jessica.

>> No.2759769

why don't you idiots do this AND work, how lazy are you fuckers?

>> No.2759849

There are interesting and worthwhile things towards which a man can apply himself that don't generate sufficient or reliable incomes. Since retiring from his six-figure job in the late 1990s, my grandfather has become a regional big wig in an international charity, does his own landscaping, and spends time in the woods and in his woodshop.

>> No.2760381


Because I'm retired and this is my hobby. I also like to do bong hits and play fetch with my dog. Will you judge me for this as well?

>> No.2760441

I spend all day staying on top of the literature in my field, writing code, mentoring people, dealing with press inquiries and explaining to business people what the limits of our technology is.

Why in God's name would I want to add dealing with tenants, responding to random maintenance crises and tracking my properties' finances to all this? It would give me a 10-20% boost in income (5-10% after tax) and the added work is random in nature and duration, which makes it maximally mentally/emotionally taxing.

Why don't you enjoy your life?

>> No.2760462

>That isn't quite enough to live comfortably with cost of living increase
it is if you don't plan on ever marrying or adopting a kid or taking care of a pet. If you're content with being alone for the rest of your life, $40k is perfectly reasonable unless you live in some crazy city.

>> No.2760569
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I have ~$180,000 in index funds from a small inheritance. I'm doing pretty well living in a 3br apartment with two roommates and a low stress job 30hrs a week. I live in a really low cost of living area though.

It's not comfortable or "set for life" mode though. I don't let myself make big purchases or anything. I just haven't really worried about money since March 2011, which is awesome. My goal is to get up to $250,000 as quickly as possible, because then I have a shot at being a millionaire in my 40s if I can maintain 4% growth or so.

>tfw would trade every cent to get my mom back

>> No.2760657


Interest rates? What, are you fukking retarded bro?

Interest rates are dead yrs ago.

Your vibrational escrow however is unlimited and full of abundance. You just need to align with its frequency.

>> No.2760711

I live in Australia so its fine