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File: 17 KB, 480x360, seethecucj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27490617 No.27490617 [Reply] [Original]

How much is he seething rn?

>> No.27490739
File: 35 KB, 484x580, fvbcvbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HODL THE LINE!!!!!!!!

>> No.27490740

>implying he hasn't been using inspect element to edit the numbers himself after selling at the top

>> No.27490818
File: 7 KB, 235x222, 6a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's set for life but can't show his face anywhere ever again

>> No.27490893

>retires to Aruba with >$13 mil

>> No.27490955

Yeah I mean niggers now know he made millions but lost the niggers their life savings. If I was him I'd literally move the fuck away from the country.

>> No.27490988

he looks like a glowie desu

>> No.27490999

He has all the puts he bought on thursday in a separate account

>> No.27491021

he made millions anyways and sacrificed only a couple million for his reputation, I bet he's laughing and enjoying himself now

>> No.27491169

Only way to not get buttfuk all kinds of ways

There's a million Q tard type schizos losing their life savings, the moment he takes away their hope some of them will probably pop

>> No.27491196

They murder whites at Aruba, I researched this country for technomad lifestyle. Do not retire at carribean nations.

>> No.27491216

It's honestly better for him to eat these losses. If he sold the top, he'd have rabid redditors showing up at his house with death threats and shit

>> No.27491241

the crux of why nobody likes them
>your actions are your responsibility
>my actions are also your responsibility

>> No.27491292

Checked in based thread

>> No.27491409

>It's honestly better for him to eat these losses. If he sold the top, he'd have rabid redditors showing up at his house with death threats and shit
You could probably hire security if you had 50+ million dollars in the bank,

>> No.27491460

He seems like a pretty chill bro actually. Wish he would have dumped his bags at the peak though.

>> No.27491613
File: 69 KB, 640x1136, 1d172e1a4c2f142dd13172e9de935cd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i give wsb 1 week til they turn on him. it's probably not difficult to doxx him and get his address now that everyone knows his real name. he's going to need to move quick or he's going to get literally blacked

he's going to need a mercenary company to keep him safe from the sort of fallout that's going to happen kek

>> No.27491705

Unless he spent at least 1mill out of his cashout on put spreads he must be really SEETHING hard right now.
I love how many redditors are losing their entire life savings following his little trick. Melving ought to thank him

>> No.27491724

I thought the same thing, gives off some strange vibe.
either glowie or a schizo. Prolly both

>> No.27491794

Care to elaborate?

>> No.27492076
File: 77 KB, 1600x900, 2140aa8hd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carribean nations are majority african, very poor, very corrupt and almost all white people there are rich and thus easy as fuck targets. youll be standing out racially and monetarily. what a fucking meme. living in some guarded villa like south africa

>> No.27492104

He cashed out like 15 million of his stack last week. I don't really think he gives a shit.

This is definitely possible. Especially since going public and doxing himself turned him in to the reddit messiah, and they'd crucify him if they found out he dumped on their heads. Still though, I actually think he is holding all the way down. Seems like a very reddit thing to do, because reddit gold is worth more than a couple tens of millions of dollars extra, to these people.

>> No.27492457

I mean, he's renting his house now, bout to move to that gated community on a hill to live out the rest of his days

>> No.27492898
File: 69 KB, 646x687, 1599191539540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could have lived the rest of his life on ~$50 million (iirc) living in the lap of luxury and trotting the globe
>now can afford a mcmansion and a life of relative comfort with conservative budgeting

holy shit what a fucking RETARD, hope the reddit gold made up for it

>> No.27493171

How will you all cope when Reddit BTFOs 4chink again? Screenshot this faggots

>> No.27493233

LMAO the dude looks like the cuck jerking off in the corner in porn. Lol bet thats what he is.

>he's going to get literally blacked
Imagine. Hmmm

>> No.27493434

Or just ball the rest of his life in another country

>> No.27493472
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 134101848_999005123941034_9135560925794144536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would he be seething? He already sold a chunk of his shares high. He can sell the rest at any moment, and still be green af, because he bought in when GME was only worth a few bucks. Besides, he's going to be getting tons of job offers from wall street. All in all, he has done very well for himself.

If biztards or redditards watched his vidoes, or followed the story from way back in 2019 when he bought in, you'd know that he wasn't on some stupid fucking campaign to start a "wall street revolution" or fuck over the hedge funds.

Retards on twitter and the liberal media played this shit up like some sort of grassroots movement, and wallstreetbets as "champions of the people", when in reality they're all just reckless daytraders who would rather be working for wall street, and or fucking over the people if it meant making money

>> No.27493558

I'd buy the primest piece of rural real estate with an old castle on it somewhere in middle/southern europe and do fruit and nut trees and wine. Spend the rest of my days living in a postcard.

>> No.27493617

nobody else checked the digits here? redditor invasion ITT

>> No.27493703

I hope people realize he pumped and dumped everyone. The only reason he is rich now is because he stole all your money at $300

>> No.27493745

Side hustle would be developing a superior strain of cute pygmy goats

>> No.27493784

Apparently he is from my city (and we had 2 game stops close) dude already cashed out days ago

>> No.27493882

He sold Thursday and has been uploading shopped updates.

>> No.27493888

>He seems like a pretty chill bro actually. Wish he would have dumped his bags at the peak though.

Eh, the guy made millions from a few tens of thousands. Not only is he now a multimillionaire even if he holds until GME hits $1, he can probably find some other decent plays in the future and use that money to boost his fortune.

Either way, $14M or however much he already cashed out isn't exactly poor people money, I'm sure he can live a decent life even with "just" that.

>> No.27493943
File: 52 KB, 639x548, 00014b3b_medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obscurely based

>> No.27493951

None, Mark Cuban even said HODL. So eat a dick shill.

>> No.27494069

Seething a lot less than the retards here who lost their life savings as opposed to cashing out $13mil

>> No.27494117


hes a canadian

>> No.27494163
File: 235 KB, 600x400, 52338b6a5fe9ff8d91b56d0c75883b7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is OK

>> No.27494634
File: 43 KB, 161x355, 1608573829250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

South Africa is shit, don't come here. There's a reason Elon fucked off after graduating high school.

>> No.27494783
File: 480 KB, 2048x1536, alex jones thanksgiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best thing about the GME squeeze is that so many faggots will lose money that nobody will want to talk about it. I can retire to the countryside and quietly enjoy my gains

>> No.27495042

Did this cat nigger really buy Robinhood LMAO

>> No.27495105

Or he made a screenshot and sold the second after.