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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27475279 No.27475279 [Reply] [Original]

Can understand you fucking losers. Reddit is warring against the banks who have ruined people's lives for decades.

All you do here is laugh at them and wish them ill, trying to demoralize them with your FUD. Good luck with your dumbass crypto faggots, when it gets big enough bankers will just force the government to ban it and it'll tank 99% again.

>> No.27475765

dont be mad you arent holding, stay poor

>> No.27475814

Learn english pajeet

>> No.27475841

you laughed at us when we told you to buy silver with your gains
and now they go unrealized
its poetry

>> No.27475871

When GME goes to $1 they will be buying more screaming that the squeeze will happen any day now.

>> No.27475943

They're called "shills" newfag
It's not organic discussion.

Go back

>> No.27476034

guys i just saw him
wow that took a bit

>> No.27476099

I want them to keep buying. I can't wait to see the posts when they get rekt. I got in and out of amc, made my money back with a nice profit and I'm still holding a few of each. I'd hsppily watch all my shares go to 0 to see reddit suffer.

>> No.27476327

You can’t win against the Jews. They know every trick in the book. They knew to let the stock soar only to cut off volume right before the real Moon launch, right before the weekend and created a new generation of bag holders. Bold play but they have MSM manipulation on their side.

The only true way to make it is in crypto. Jews are the eternal boomer and they don’t have a grasp YET on crypto. Make it in crypto and fuck off from clown world is the way to go. It was never about beating the Jew, it’s just about getting away from the madness and indentured slavery.

>> No.27476367
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I agree, we should respect the casualties of the war. That being said, their "hurr silver is fud durr silver is the hedge funds" makes them absolute retards in the realm of tactics. They fired a great opening volley, and now that it's time to reload they're just sitting on the spent cannon claiming additional shot would help their enemies. Fuck those retards.

>> No.27476416

I hate Reddit more than I like making money. Fuck those faggots. Most insufferable people I’ve ever seen

>> No.27476521

>Bold play but they have MSM manipulation on their side.
This. We knew it politically; I should have expected it financially. Yesterday, there was nothing from the talking heads after all the kvetching last week.

>> No.27476625

Because they are a convenient smoke screen used to cover up financial institutional beefing which will also serve the purpose of generating more reasons the government will restrict us from acquiring wealth when they decide they need to "protect us from ourselves" after the idiots who dumped life savings are left with nothing.

>> No.27476899
File: 243 KB, 1125x2436, botcity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are we
'we' are not, it's a bunch of paid shills and bots.

>> No.27476905

Because Reddit have no means of winning against the hedgies and are just charging up the same hill wave after wave getting mowed down by machine guns

>> No.27476951
File: 23 KB, 220x168, 9F91005A-4BCE-474B-8DB2-1FD7558825F2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We hate Reddit because based pepes told me to

>> No.27477137

unironically thats how alot of people think

>> No.27477370

>The only true way to make it is in crypto.
this very much

>> No.27477432

Because it's fucking reddit. Approval-seeking conformist assholes.

>> No.27477471

i love gmefags, everyone is a shill to them

>> No.27477560

Reddit will suffer whether you buy or sell

>> No.27477569

Those are shills. It's obvious to anyone who's been on this site for more than a year or two. This is like shareblue and correct the record all over again. Silly juden, we aren't falling for your tricks. Not now not ever.

>> No.27477603

No they are not. They made a single tiny hedgefund lose money while the big boys like BlackRock or Vanguard made huge gains.
Every smart investor is already out. The only ones left are those who think they are in a marvel movie right now

>> No.27477657

Found the problem

>> No.27477726
File: 116 KB, 1400x788, 10-biden-candidatepage-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, oh, nooooow you want to fight the establishment. Fuck off.

>> No.27477782

>It was never about beating the Jew
Pretty much this. Redditors and /pol/acks are the only ones that care about that.

>> No.27477850

>fight the banks by making them rich

>> No.27477886
File: 43 KB, 679x380, 1612056878056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved a pic for this post.