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File: 13 KB, 250x111, Screenshot 2021-02-02 06.30.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27468845 No.27468845 [Reply] [Original]

How low will GME go?
I'm already down 70% :(


>> No.27469095

Buy the dip then.
Even if it only goes back up to mid 200 you get back your losses

>> No.27470309

shill me

>> No.27470451

big if

>> No.27470509

it aint hitting 200 again bud

>> No.27470536
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oh shit, that cheap? let me buy some.

>> No.27470587

I’ve got a buy order for 3 shares queued up. Finna be rich ya real me

>> No.27470997


>> No.27471296


>> No.27471392
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If this will mimic the VW chart, it could go even lower than that, i don't know anon.

>> No.27471546


>> No.27471624

Freetrade restricted buying. Why?

>> No.27471806

Why don't you fuck off back to R*ddit?

>> No.27471858

They need low volumes to achieve short ladders

>> No.27471964

when have you EVER heard of wallstreet stopping dumb money retail from buying? we had a short squeeze with TSLA which was like a trillion dollar cap company and no brokers ever claimed to have problems with liquidity

this is fraud at the highest levels. the only explanation is that we are all right and the system is about to pay out. but these fucking elitist fuckers are furious.

if you can buy a share grab one now otherwise just hold and if they let the money change hands cash out wiht your thousands. if not, then its time to start the protests

>> No.27472015
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>wahhhh im a zoomer with 0 patience and can only pay attention to 4 hours of a shitcoin pump and dump.

>> No.27472030

It's very funny the way kike shills write, please go on

>> No.27472153

Domp eet all at the first sign of a pomp, thats what im doing tommorow to try to recoup some of the money i lost on this absolute fagshit enedevour. I went through reddit, it was faggy, never again. Look at their new posts, all fucking terrible awful cringe-tier posts. Hot posts are all shitty advice, constantly pushing out the date of "le short squeeze". I cant beleive they fucked over the dogecoin scam. They broke their own rule, pomped dogecoin, shouldve just domped everything in there then pulled out and ran. Absolute fucking faggotry that we allow these absolute dicksuckers to have an ad here, but i guess money covered in anal lube is fine cuz it goes to the bank anyway.

And the worst part of it all? Were letting the scum infested redditors come on here. Read wsb rules, can you imagine a group of toddlers crying harder? i cant. No pND, no fun allowed on scrubbed up reddit. Fuck GME, FUCK AMC, fuck the jew-owned, jew controlled stock market. Take what you have left and dump
It in your crypto of choice, you will do better financially and your sanity will be restored.

>> No.27472500
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Cope post on plebbit you fuck. WE ARE BACK $ALEPH BROS. BIZ IS OURS!

>> No.27472681


>> No.27472749
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Well are you going on or not?

>> No.27472854

Bros I fucked up and feel like it is my duty to share so you can laugh at me for being a dumb fuck.

Told myself to stay out of this even though I knew about it since weeks ago, thought it was just a pump and dump.

>FOMO'd in at $100 with x5 leverage
>Saw profits shoot up and got too greedy to close
>Got liquidated when it suddenly dumped to $70
>Was observing from the sidelines until last thursday and then FOMO'd back in, most trading apps were broken and I kept spamming the button, it only let me buy once it hit $380 dollars
>saw profits go up above my initial loss, too greedy to close yet again
>over the past few days been watching it steadily plummet and going more and more underwater, decided I can't deal with this anymore, that this will never shoot up again and closed at $230

Overall I lost about $500 which is a significant amount of my capital at this point of my life since I'm a broke college student. I don't think I'm gonna make it bros...

>> No.27472982
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bought 5 shares at $268
if it goes back to $268 I'm getting the fuck out

>> No.27473080

did you learn something?

>> No.27473119
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>> No.27473325


Yeah stop using high leverage on volatile and manipulated stock, and always take profits at reasonable intervals. I knew these things before but I guess I just caught up in it all like a sucker, I think this was a lesson I needed to learn. At least it was "only" my humble savings as a broke student which I could make back in a week doing a minimum wage job and not like my mortage or something...

>> No.27474138

Yeah, but what if the 483 was the peak and we are on the back side of it?

>> No.27474202


Sitting on fifty grand.

What price should I wait for? $150?

>> No.27474481

Many more smarter anons that actually know anything about market, already spotted that currently all the jewish black magic is used to avoid/delay the short squeeze.
If anything, we're in for the long haul. Most of wall street/hedge funds hope that retail investors lose interest, sell their shares and all is well.
I'm honestly curious how this plays out. Many new investors barely own more than a few shares. The constant message on /wsb/ is that holding and not doing anything will do the trick. How the fuck are you supposed to work against that as a hedgie? Unless they get Biden to decree dispossession of GME shares, I think the big squeeze could be happening as early this week or in a month when everyone in the main stream media forgot about it.

>> No.27474697

this is why leveraging with low capital is a bad idea. if you can't take the kick in the balls, don't tickle the giant

>> No.27474743

$80 EOW
Please, minimise your losses and get out the meme circus before it financially ruins you

>> No.27474888

Why would it? Smart money got out above 300. Few big brains got out above 400

>> No.27474934

I've already took profits, but the thing that makes me still a bit intrested is all the manipulation trades going on all day, if ((they)) already covered the shorts why bother?

>> No.27475097

Some faggot on overwatch was calling me paper hands for selling. If you're seeing this, fuck you, enjoy not being a millionaire.

>> No.27475132

To buy or to sell? I'm not one to be giving any sort of advice at this point but I would just get the fuck out at this point, or if you are okay with potentially losing most of your money because of a meme then by all means hold. I tapped out. There's money to be made elsewhere and I really don't think we are gonna actually win against hedgefunds or whatever political statement people are trying to make.

>> No.27475300

I sold at $140 for a 2x. Fun while it lasted. It’S aBoUt SeNdInG a MeSsAgE.

>> No.27475429

Smart, I aspire to be more like you in the future. I wish that was me, a x2 would have been great instead of losing almost half of my investment because I got greedy.

>> No.27475547

That's likely not the case given the number of shares still shorted, low volume, and the fact that we are crashing violently on low volume while call options prices are going up.
But what do I know, I'm just another retard on the internet.

>> No.27475567

>How the fuck are you supposed to work against that as a hedgie?

by doing exactly what theyve been doing. lying, having media shills spread lies, paying operatives online to spread lies. calling up the brokers and forcing them to stop allowing people to buy in order to slow down momentum and hype, play the HFT pingpong game to lower the prices with ladder attacks.

all they can do is try to scare us into selling. since most of you are retards, it works. luckily most of reddit is pretty committed and will hold, while you faggots abandon ship locking in your 75% losses by selling, the price floor will drop to support levels around $120-$140, and slowly rise. you idiots will FOMO back in at $300 again, the same shit will happen, and you idiots will lock in double losses. this will progress until each time the options expire, at which point the MM and hedgies have to buy up all those shares.

>> No.27475648


>> No.27475679
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Hi Melvin. How big is your Jewish nose?

>> No.27475696
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There were people who didn't sell last week when the DNC started shilling it? That should have been a greater red flag than normies getting into it... or let me guess...
>he bought after plebbit hype
Deserved to lose then anon, GME was being shilled in /smg/ at the earliest last November

>> No.27475697

Sentinel Dvpn is freedom boys.

>> No.27475802

Don't, you'll trigger the "Uhm ackchually" VW autist

>> No.27476016

And what price did you buy in at, anon?

>> No.27476129

I got in at 94, and 150, 250.

>> No.27476229
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>> No.27476253

sounds a lot comfier than me getting in at almost $400 with a significant amount of capital, anyways hope it works out for you, even if it does shoot back up i won't care because i'm done with this meme and want nothing to do with it anymore, lesson learnt

>> No.27476323

Buy high sell low?
You sound like a shill lmfao, no one could be that stupid.

>> No.27476380

worst time to sell at least wait for the rebound

>> No.27476437

how likely is this to happen today?

>> No.27476439

I sold at a loss of 70 buckerinos bros
Just invest in airlines

>> No.27476510

Because it's worth ~10 and short interest has been reduced to 40% so there is no squeeze

>> No.27476591

DON'T SELL and possibly buy. Even if it doesn't skyrocket again, it will rebound for sure after the initial sell. You can get out when that happens and even make some money back if you buy at the lowest end.

>> No.27476639

at one point i was controlling 90k~ of GME

crazy to think i got out only losing 3k in total after getting rid of every share. i knew shit was fucked monday morning premarket and sold some of my stack. wish i had sold it all then instead of hitting stop losses around the mid 200s

lesson learned, never trust reddit, never buy into hype

>> No.27476721

you think it's gonna rebound to $300+? I pulled out since yesterday anyway, and looking at today's premarket that seems to have been a good decision. I actually did 80 dollars in just to see what happens but its not enough for me to care about checking the price all the time or to care about losing at this point

>> No.27476728

bought 1k at 130. hope it moons

>> No.27476740

Why do people think this is gonna go back up. Someone please explain. Also how many normies think they’re actually going to make money off this? Do they think Gamestop is a good company?

>> No.27476773

It will go up again, no worries

>> No.27476774

i am financially ruined

>> No.27476868
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Someone spent millions on 800 dollar calls last night, and it sure as fuck wasnt one of us poor retards.

>> No.27476879

Literally like 5 dollars

>> No.27476884

It's afraid

>> No.27477116

>Why do people think this is gonna go back up.
Because price goes down enough for people to feel it worthwhile to put more money in and buy some shares, hoping they can then ride a small rise and sell to negate some losses/make a small profit.

>> No.27477206

Sell on the next pump, when all the shorts are getting covered.

>> No.27477310

In addition to the smart money being out. There's not enough dumb money either. The meme is over. Normies don't care about GME anymore. It's gone the way of the icebucket challenge and the blue/gold dress.

>> No.27477319

someone thought it was going to moon due to all the hype
and now they will be broke :/

>> No.27477425

Then you would see the price continue to violently deflate back to where it belongs. Oh right, that’s exactly what’s happening.

>> No.27477661



>> No.27477703

So when the market opens will it start at the previous close and go down or will it open at the pre market level

>> No.27477762

you cant be this new.

>> No.27477815

Is Fidelity restricting how many you can buy?

>> No.27477928

I don't mess with stocks

>> No.27477966

I hope you lost a lot money.

>> No.27478080

I'm in for an insignificant amount you niggers just answer the question

>> No.27478125

>will it open at the pre market level
the stock never did this so far...

>> No.27478134

On the brightside you'll pay less taxes come 2022 so things aren't completely fucked.

>> No.27478196

Because the Melvin employees is telling you so. Ignore the blatant short attack and low volumes, just sell goyim.

>> No.27478224
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Lmao now I can get into GME since you retards are gonna push it even further down.

>> No.27478306

>tfw yolo'd an unemployment check
Meh, big daddy gobernment will bail me out next week anyway. kek. I'll take my losses over to tax time 2022.

>> No.27478333

This. Shit averages out at 120 for me so we're literally just above what I invested.

I'll be holding for the fuck of it. You don't lose if you don't cash out.

>> No.27478402

In 5 minutes, r*binhood users have access to """premarket""". What will they do?

>> No.27478444

>I'm in for an insignificant amount
You don't even have a basic understanding of what a stock market is. Why are you in for an insignificant amount, anon?

Regardless, "pre-market" is just trades of this stock outside of NYSE market hours. You can trade it on European markets for instance. This is what people on other markets currently consider it to be worth. Of course prices at market open will reflect these.

>> No.27478452

Buy. There's going to be a small pump maybe to $150 and then it'll drop like a rock.

>> No.27478473

Someone bought billions of dollars in calls from a firm that is naked selling because they could use it to fudge the market numbers ("counterfeit shares") to make it look like the short interest is falling.

Explain how volume has absolutely collapsed on GME while somehow short interest has supposedly gone down from 140% to 40%. There is zero fucking chance that this squeeze is over. The VW incident spawned the term "infinity squeeze" for a reason.

They are running out of time (3 day window) to actually deliver the shorts that closed on the 29th. Fud is as maximum velocity. Short attacks are at maximum to try and crash the price hoping that there will be an exodus so they can cover.

I'm buying GME today.

>> No.27478557

>They are running out of time (3 day window) to actually deliver the shorts that closed on the 29th.
Can you cite your source on this?

>Short attacks
What are short attacks?

>> No.27478655

i dont know but im sure it will happen within the week. now is the time to buy not sell, the prices are low. you are going to lock in a 300 loos by selling the day after you bought? come on dude

>> No.27478660
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>> No.27478682

Based. I gave them a chance and read WSB for a couple days and wanted to gouge my fucking eyes out from all the cringe.

>> No.27478751

This though. It was always for the lulz. If you bet more than you could afford, that's on you.
t. Currently down$400

>> No.27478809

true if big

>> No.27478846

i cant speak for normies since they are retarded and most are probably panic selling right now with biz but im buying because i know the hedgefunds are full of shit, they didnt cover their shorts

>> No.27478940

absolutely never going to make it

>> No.27479131

To be clear it's actually a +2 day window (so 3 business days including the date of the transaction), so the first window from Jan 29th closes today. Today is the last chance for them to push the price as low as possible and cover as much as possible to prevent their shorts from going Failed to Deliver.


Short attacks are a coordinated method where traders will repeatedly exchange securities between themselves at progressively lower prices in order to give the appearance that prices are falling. It's most common after-hours/pre-market because retail investors can't get in the way.

>> No.27479141

>all of a sudden after talking about them for days, short attacks aren't a real thing

>> No.27479172

they are still 90% shorted
so if they go lower buy more

>> No.27479176

Bought 5 shares at 315

>> No.27479198

yes i do i have 20k betting on it

>> No.27479253

What happens if it opens low and there still low panick sells?

>> No.27479255

we are on the dip before the moon
it happens today
buy and set 10k sell order

>> No.27479279

Below 100 could be tasty

>> No.27479307

ahah, same. It's whatever man. I don't pay rent, my car is paid off, I have like $2k in student loans. One CC I keep forgetting to pay off. Sure It'd be nice for me to get my UI check back but meh, I've lost more on stupid shit. Too many times spending money on blow and hookers (literally) just because I had the cash.

>> No.27479432

there were no panic sells
volume was too low

>> No.27479575

nobody is selling and nobody will sell except for biztards

>> No.27479607

Ironically, so many people have been locked out of their brokerage accounts that nobody can sell even if they wanted to.

>> No.27479651

why does it keep bouncing over and over from 130 to 160 like every 5 seconds

>> No.27479690

Why is GME dropping and raising by 25-30 dollars every 2 seconds?

>> No.27479718

What's the maximum sell order amount on RH? I tried 5k and it was rejected.

>> No.27479738

It’s down 40% there’ll be bounces, all the way down to 20$

>> No.27479797


>> No.27479818


>> No.27479854

short it then

>> No.27479893


>> No.27480111

>he didn't sell the principal

>> No.27480126
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>> No.27480250

Fuck off Melvin.

>> No.27480306

VW was not at 120% shorts. and other factors where different.


>> No.27480435


>> No.27480931
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ignore shills. its a short ladder attack. Hold and it will go to the moon.

>> No.27481011

I don't even go to school anymore

>> No.27481476

Yes keep holding goy, you are only giving us a higher price to dump our bags at a higher price.

>> No.27481719
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>Now, let's talk about that day. Why did it go down? That is easy, insane trading restrictions especially on RH where the majority shareholders place trades.
Restrictions on RH didn't do shit to the volume and the price. Retail accounts for literally less than 10% of the total volume.

>Some people were selling calls with an $80 strike price others upwards of $400. Many of these calls were executed and people who never thought it would surpass $80 were now stuck holding the bag with a $320 strike price on Friday.
Again, this is a miniscule fraction of the total volume, he proceeds to continue his argument as if this is a major factor.

>If they were covered and out of this, then all this other manipulation exists for no reason.
Why wouldn't take advantage of the dumbest money that has ever entered the market in the history of the United States. You really think Melvin will wipe their sweat, thanks the Lord and walk away having broke even? No, they will take advantage of this situation and profit as much as they can. Somehow this faggot completely disregards this option.

>The final thing to consider, if people are willing and want to buy and hold a stock, its price should go up...right?
No, holding the stock does dick to the price. People need to keep buying it in large volume for it to go up.
>Well, all of WSB and many retail investors are still adding on this dip.
According to who? The shill threads you see on r/WSB? Most likely situation is anyone who's left in the game is holding carefully and not buying a single additional stock.

This is another example where a clueless faggot pretends to be smart and reddit subhumans eat it up without considering what they've actually read.

Copy paste my reply and post it on the sub, see how many downboats you recieve.

>> No.27482836


>> No.27483323

of course, it doesn't matter, the fuckers on short still gotta backstab someone to actually close their position, because the retails sell orders start at 4 digits

>> No.27483406
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>Not realizing that just holding onto the shares en masse will drive the prices down because people need to be buying/selling in order for the shares to have value
>Not cashing out for everything you can get out of GME and then pumping AMC up so the Hedgies will be in the same shitshow position but with different accounts and paper trails to worry about covering

>> No.27483832

if you're selling above 150 you're not selling to the short fuckers. They literally cannot buy above 73 per share because they don't have the money for the buy order

>> No.27484249

It's too late, the Hold The Line meme has already done the damage. I wouldn't be surprised if that was started by someone at Melvin desu, they're probably just waiting for all of these people to hold onto the shares right into the negative and then they'll just come buy back the stock at a lower price than before

>> No.27484582

no issue. at over 120% short there are more than enough eager buyers that have to cut their losses.

no you fuckwit. the short sellers have an obligation to deliver. if enough people jold, you can push the price as high as you want.

>> No.27484720

gys shill. 120% shorts can be squeezed to thze moon. no risk, no fun

>> No.27485052

>you fuckwit
>arguing that this stock that gone from $227 to $116 within the first half hour will have a price pushed "as high as you want"
lol sure okay but, how many shares of GME are you holding onto with all that confidence?
Or are you just talking out your ass because you don't actually have skin in the game?

>> No.27485082

even if it was in the negative, there's outstanding orders for 200$ still, and melvin and co still need to cover their position with those stocks
in hyperbole, GME can trade for -2 trillion a share, there woulds till be open sells getting caught on 200 dollar limits, and melvin would still need to beat those, which they literally cannot.
Either you eat the -1000% ROI or you keep waiting and paying interests forever, people have smelled blood in the water and even the paper hand retards cannot fuck it up anymore

>> No.27485821

I just don't see it working out, the stock is already hemorrhaging money within the first half hour of trade opening and you can see on every chart about GME that is has been steadily losing steam the past few days. If I had to take a guess at what is going to happen I'd say that tomorrow or the next day this will go back to pre-meme levels. This talk of it going to the moon would be nice but I feel like the big squeeze was on Monday when people got close to $500 per share for a stock worth around $3. At this point anyone skin still in the game should be thinking about their profits, better to cash out a richer man to fuck with the elite than a poor man without the capital to do so imo.

>> No.27486781

I must reiterate that the stock price in display can go in the negatives and the shorts would still be unable to be closed.Not only that, but reloading your shorts at that point could potentially make it worse, since you're literally SELLING your only control on the stock in practice on a permanent HODL environment.
If you want to see that in action, I would encourage you to try and get hold of one stock of GME right now.

>> No.27487220

Too risky for me, I wish anyone buys in now luck. If it comes to that then I'll be sure to invest in some balls next, though at the moment I feel confident the smart choice is to just watch when you're this far into the Late Crowd