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File: 346 KB, 1170x1435, 27AB8B89-9578-4F94-A920-5D3437DFC010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27464400 No.27464400 [Reply] [Original]

Sashimiswap competitor of sushi.

Public team of elf behind it.

Multiple working products, farms , lending and sashimiswap.

Hecochain integration so could be listed on Huobi soon

Only 2 million marketcap

Easy 5X minimum

>> No.27464456

You are literally buying the bottom. If you missed sake here is your chance


>> No.27464722

Nice find too tired though

>> No.27464781

Well uni sushi idex sake 1inch and every other dex token are mooning. Sashimiswap is at the bottom. Only a matter of time

>> No.27464892

but what does this offer over Sake or Sushi?

>> No.27464936

Answer this and I will get out of bed and buy

>> No.27464981

Many products.
Farming using binance chain or heco chain


>> No.27465011



>> No.27465061

Eh... it’s either this or $ZERO. Dubs decide

>> No.27465094

So only lending? I would buy a little but not at current gas prices... This token doesn't have the cuteness factor.

>> No.27465134

You can buy it on cex too. It is listed on hotbit and gate.io

>> No.27465185

Does sushi have a cuteness factor? Sushi is trading above 12$

>> No.27465197

logo not cute
slap some anime eyes on it and I'll buy
this is literally Chum Bucket branding
Normies are buying things that look like they belong in cheap chinese character accessory shops

>> No.27465281

Guys buy Sake it's at the bottom right now, shits gonna pop again

>> No.27465322

Lol you can suggest that to the team on TG. Trust me this team is incredible never stopped building even though sushiswap came on top. This is very undervalued

>> No.27465543

I’m sure sake has more growth to come but sashimi is literally at the bottom right now. Market conditions have been brutal for sashimi

>> No.27465770

If you wish to buy use sashimiswap it has better liquidity than uniswap


>> No.27466205

Looks like a good find OP. Thanks. Increasing volume, perfect type of project, timing is just right. I could only get a small stack cause uniswap is shitting itself on the price difference. Might end up doing multiple transactions, I think I can beat the fees many times over. Unfortunately I'm a US citizen so I think gate.io is out of the question. Apparently we can only trade mainnet crypto there. Land of the free.

>> No.27466622

Try using 1inch or sashimiswap. Haven’t checked 1inch yet but sashimiswap has good liquidity

>> No.27466704

I tried sashimiswap but it said not enough liquidity. Like $5k worth I would like to put in. I'll try again in the morning.

>> No.27466820

Use the eth pair. Eth/sashimi on sashimiswap

>> No.27467367

Always use 1inch, especially on relatively large transactions like this

>> No.27467460

I checked out 1inch for a 5eth buy and also checked sashimiswap. Sashimiswap still has a better price

>> No.27467514

Adjust the gas price on 1inch, the default is fast instead of standard

>> No.27467618

No the liquidity on 1inch is not good for a 5eth buy

>> No.27467850

use unidex, limit buy/sell orders, even cheaper

>> No.27468009

Thnx i’ll check it out

>> No.27468056

why does their website look exactly like BAO?

>> No.27468199

Not sure. Sashimi has been around more than bao though

>> No.27468271

The price impact he’s talking about. These little shit coins do nothing for people with over 20k ready to invest. We can’t make the gains we want

>> No.27468329

Use sashimiswap bro simple


>> No.27468338

Go to anyone of these tokens website and you’ll realize they all use a very similar layout. Suspicious to me from the very beginning, i don’t know anything about this project specifically, I’m just saying be wary. A lot of people just load bags on some poo coin and dump on you once they see you make a transaction big enough

>> No.27468607

Sashimi is backed by aelf which is listed on many big exchanges. I can assure you sashimi is not a scam

>> No.27468638
File: 67 KB, 512x512, unidex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're all forks, but you can buy on unidex trading platform it searches all available pools and can buy in parts from different pools to get the best price

>> No.27468714

Saw BAO - Missed BAO (100x in a month)
Saw Sake - Missed Sake (10x in a week)

Not missing this one

>> No.27468821

just don't go all in and getting rekt in the process

>> No.27469010

Gas seems cheaper on uniswap if you add the token there instead of buying it on sashimiswap.

>> No.27469054

liquidity is too low to go all in, this is a few eth kind of degen play, but one that seems like it could have moon potential

>> No.27469142
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>> No.27469144

Buy it on gate.io if you are not a burger

>> No.27469262

you're still early on $UNIDX, week hands sold

>> No.27469500

Link plz. I tried looking for the unidx app and couldn’t find it

>> No.27469600

$10 end of month

>> No.27469745

lol im new to biz do these scam coins show up all the time or is it new as well?

>> No.27469862

This is not a scam. Dyor. Same team as aelf

>> No.27470114

Guys do not buy on uniswap. You will get rekt. Use gate.io or sashimiswap

>> No.27470353

good call, I wish I read this before I bought.. fuck bots man

>> No.27470520


join tg or discord, cool dev

>> No.27470574

Waiting for Karaage or Teriyaki. Not wasting time with Sushi or Sashimi.

>> No.27470658

Yes liquidity is low on uniswap.

>> No.27470898

Gate.io seems to have the best liquidity if you want a cex

>> No.27471183

ok o put something small in

>> No.27471524

Read about the latest roadmap here


>> No.27471939

>bought my first food token with sake
>up 70%
unironically thinking about buying another food token
why are they mooning anyway?

>> No.27472064

Dex tokens in general are mooning uni, 1inch, sake, surf, sushi

Sashimi will moon too just a matter of time

Check out there new website


>> No.27472196

is this the same farming Sashimi from months ago, if it is then this could be big and we are early

>> No.27472380

Yes. Same coin. Many updates coming to the project. The dev team is awesome

>> No.27472451

This is a new trend, if the project doesn’t have at least 300k liquidity don’t bother

>> No.27472502

but do you have eth airdrops to your wallet by just hodling sashimi, yeah didn't think so, but unidex has it

>> No.27472637

there's bum fuck liquidity on the SASHIMI exchange as well, it's not worth it, not enough liquidity, if there was a large stagnant liquidity pool I throw many ETHs in

>> No.27472768

Use gate.io plenty of liquidity there

>> No.27473027

Uniswap had no liquidity because farming lp’s on uniswap are over. But you can still farm with sashimi lp


>> No.27473182

bought 4k of these delicious fishes

>> No.27473393

Can you also just keep the coin without staking it? I guess tokens will get locked like bao? new to defi so not sure. just want to flip some fucking coins and make money like back in the days.

>> No.27473551

Yes you can buy and hold of course

>> No.27473647

I'm gonna yolo 1k into this shitcoin to get some quick gains

>> No.27474276

What a great way to fud your own investment

>> No.27475035

Future whale

>> No.27475206

thank you kind sir

>> No.27475289

i think we are still at absolute bottom. gonna throw few bucks at it

>> No.27475440

Biz loves to throw money on shitcoins like dogecoin after a 777% pump but refuse to get in at a bottom of a chart lol. Bizlets never learn

>> No.27475655

Oh look its August 2020 again

Sashimi is another fork of uni with nothing going on. There's literally no reason to buy it.

if i fork uni will you buy my token OP?

>> No.27475777

Did people buy sushi?

>> No.27475939
File: 8 KB, 998x578, sashimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally a rugpull months ago and trying to get people to step on the rug again

>> No.27476047

i mean 4k tokens. not dollars. its like 110usd so its not a lot

>> No.27476136

Its not a rug pull. It was farmed and dumped. Get your facts straight

>> No.27476148

dogecoin is not in bottom at all

>> No.27476286

I never claimed dogecoin is at bottom. 15 sats is the bottom

>> No.27476460

easy x10.
thanks anon.
let me kiss your anus after shitting

>> No.27476935

Sure you kiss my anus anytime you want