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27465758 No.27465758 [Reply] [Original]

Me and my lady, just had a baby daughter a few weeks ago.
I decided make a wallet for her and put a $1000 worth of crypto inside. I will give her the private keys when she turns 16.

What should I buy, so she can be well in 16 years?

>> No.27465854

XMR if you want her to have something still useful by the time she turns 16.

>> No.27465987


>> No.27466005

DOGE obviously.

>> No.27466016

just pump the cash in eth, it will already start making her some bucks in 2 years

>> No.27466025

BTC and STA.

>> No.27466046

Congratulations btw! Also, my condolences.

>> No.27466050


>> No.27466111

>Me and my lady, just had a baby daughter a few weeks ago.
Ngmi if you dont have already.

>> No.27466187
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That's cute, anon, my partner and I are also trying for our first kid and hoping it's a girl, you've given me a good idea.

I'm not much keen on Crypto's, but I've heard Parsiq and Cubic are good.

Don't invest in meme coins like DOGE - it's going nowhere, and that weed coin? Also going nowhere.

>> No.27466222

>my partner and I
Tits or GTFO.

>> No.27466257

She's too young too remember the private keys whats wrong with you?

>> No.27466267

I have kids but I'm not giving them any crypto. It's my bag, they can try to guess my password when I'm dead and gone. My ledger will be buried with me.

>> No.27466286

>hoping it's a girl
why tf would you ever want that

>> No.27466315
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Sure, but you'll probably want to say no homo first because they're hairy man pecs.

>> No.27466324

XRP sir

>> No.27466334

that's so nice, she'll be super happy about those $10 then

>> No.27466347

holy fucking based

>> No.27466388

I would go with cardano.

>> No.27466413

Crypto isn’t going to be the same after quantum computers

>> No.27466414
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Simple fact, I grew up as a boy, and I grew up with a brother, never had a sister, so I figure it'd be more interesting bringing up a girl. Not opposed to having a boy either but we'd both prefer a girl.

>> No.27466427

*hits pipe*

>> No.27466445

pedo cunt

>> No.27466464

~400 BTC
~400 ETH
~200 LTO (for the longshot, please DYOR for this one)

>> No.27466477

Congrats bud, I got a boy on the way here in a couple months and have been pretty comfy about that and my LINK/BTC gains.

I'd say go with what has lasted so far already, BTC and LTC would be two big ones. After that maybe ETH or something of the like. Then maybe take the last 100 and toss a few bucks into a basket of random altcoins.

>> No.27466483

Beat me to it

>> No.27466538


>> No.27466629

No man says "my partner and I", are you gay?

>> No.27466650

>when she turns 16
DO NOT DO THIS WITH THE FULL AMOUNT! Most teens are fucking retarded with money and will do insanely stupid shit if they have a big windfall. If you're going to do it, depending on how big it is only give her like 10-25% of it and let her be stupid and blow it. Reinforce the lesson then wait until shes like 26-30 to give her the rest. By that point she should actually understand money and fully appreciate it and not blow it on stupid shit.

>> No.27466694

Nothing. She won't appreciate it anyway and will start doing Onlyfans the day she turns 18 and make more money in 2039 by showing her goods than you made between now and then.

>> No.27466702

>he invested $1000 in crypto for her future tyrone

cucking himself already

>> No.27466707

The obvious and boring answer is usually correct one. What stake each would you recommend? No moon potential shitcoin?

>> No.27466762

Kek, humanity needs to reach that year first.

>> No.27466784

based, futureproof

>> No.27466800
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It's more common over here to use the term partner instead of girlfriend. I'd have used fiancé but you'd have probably taken a similar issue with that, the reason I tend not to use "girlfriend" is because everyone here just memes you for larping about having one.

>> No.27466809

Only some of it does.

>> No.27466853

2nd the the LTO addition. BTC still obviously being the largest share

>> No.27466869

This isnt your diary anyways faggot.

>> No.27466897
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>> No.27466906
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Projecting will get you nowhere my friend.

Your world view is especially narrow if you think a man can't want a daughter without having sexual intentions... In fact your world view is downright disturbing in that case.

>> No.27466957

I'll tell you if she is white

>> No.27466960
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>Dear diary, today anon was a faggot.

>> No.27466978

nice blog faggot

>> No.27467023

Crypto is not a hedge against inflation
Buy her physical silver instead

>> No.27467031

>I will give her the private keys when she turns 16.
Really? 16? You think it's a good idea to give it all at once to a 16 year old female? Lol NGMI

>> No.27467039

honestly, you'll have to actively manage that stuff.
Even if you pick good coins now, who knows if the project is still active and not superseded by something else.

>> No.27467089

first of all, mazeltov! i have a baby daughter myself, she's perfect.. joy of my life. get her some long running profljects and not shitcoins.

i'll do an eth, xmr, btc and link pprtfolio for mine, little bit of everything plus some amd stock. was also considering tsla but it's too expsive for me now

>> No.27467114
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>> No.27467112

Another reason to buy physical silver

>> No.27467125

I'm sorry that nature decided to make you the ultimate cuck. Good luck raising her only for her to become a whore for Chads.

>> No.27467157
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Elaborate because I’m an idiot

>> No.27467190


>> No.27467197

>was also considering tsla but it's too expsive for me now
Tesla's (the real guy) legacy must be destroyed, he was a danger and an annoyance to the most powerful, expect the company to become one of the largest in history, anything to obscure Nikola Tesla's name from the history books.

>> No.27467229

why would you hope to have a girl? chances are she will be a tiktok thot at 15 and getting her asshole fucked at 16

>> No.27467237
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bitcoin only - she can exchange her btc for shitcoins in 16 years time but you'd be a fucking idiot to gamble your daughters inheritance on a crypto that hasn't been around for more than 4 years that you expect to last a further 16.

>> No.27467239

BTC is king anon, if you’re making the long play I’d go all in on that

>> No.27467309

cuckpipe.jpg who has it?

>> No.27467319

Get out

>> No.27467325
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Are you projecting again, anon?

>> No.27467337

just go btc. something will replace eth down the track. congratulations anon

>> No.27467346

Not really. All they'd have to do is freeze the current blockchain and switch to a quantum resistant hashing algorithm. It's not as dramatic as people make it out to be. Plus we're very far from having quantum computers that can break sha256, it requires 2000+ qubits while they're playing around with 1 qubit.

>> No.27467398

He's right

>> No.27467492

XMR or BTC, don't even think about some stupid meme coin

>> No.27467511

Literally the only and best choice is BTC. Anything else risks going to ZERO over 16 years, especially LINK.

>> No.27467535

how exactly would i be doing that? i don't have kids

>> No.27467600
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put it all in xrp doge and gme

>> No.27467602
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>hoping it's a girl

>> No.27467610
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Most men fear having a daughter because they’re afraid they’ll get slutted out like they how they did to other men’s daughters.

>> No.27467722

Bro wtf you think crypto or even the world will be the way it is rn in 16 years? Why don’t you start a business and pass it on to her at 21. Don’t give her worthless tokens. “Generational Wealth” lmao.

>> No.27467735

Honestly, in this Weimar-esque shithole society, having a daughter is a 99.9999999999% chance that she will be a disgusting whore, no matter how you raise her. Society is fucking insane these days.

>> No.27467822

the part of the brain that develops critical thinking and risk assessment doesn't fully develop until your mid-20s, so yes it's a bad idea.

>> No.27467845

Teens are what you put in. If OP homeschools his brat and raises her properly she would be a based 16 year old loyal to daddy.

>> No.27467905
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Only bitcoin. Trust me.

>> No.27467951

Buy her Hedera Hashgraph. Guaranteed to moon in 3 years.

>> No.27468006

I just want to say that anyone who unironically listens to polcels (who by the way are the biggest losers on this entire website) about anything, is a retard.

>> No.27468034
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>> No.27468088

Okay jew/cuck/retard/faggot/dumb cunt

>> No.27468155

You can make a 15 year HEX stake, you will earn more tokens for it being staked, in the end you'll have close to 4x the tokens you started with for 15 years
HEX is a completed project, it's just a contract, there's no devs, no governance

>> No.27468174

I don't know what shithole country you live in, but in the USA having a daughter carries a 99% she'll be a whore by 16 and having Juan's baby by 20

>> No.27468298


lmao, ledditer trying to fit in detected

Enjoy cooming whilst this fren is starting a family and progressing his life

>> No.27468378
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Ignore the poltards anon, I wish you the best of luck fren

>> No.27468463
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Either make her a millionaire or just 10x(one of those will within the next 10 years)

>> No.27468464

DOT will be the mother ecosystem for all ecosystems.

>> No.27468504

I still don't understand wishing for a little girl as i want a little version of me and i think life is easier on men than women. But it's yourlife and I really wish you and OP all the best and that you all have a happy and stable life together

>> No.27468510


>> No.27468567

How do you fuckers even have wifes or girlfriends? Last time a women payed any attention to me, Simple Plan was making the top ten billboard charts.

>> No.27468573

yes and no. You can influence kids, but you cant build them. Some people will have certain vices no matter how they're raised. Even your biggest angel of a child will not have good impulse control, especially if they're handed 10k+ one day by their parents. They will do stupid things and dump most of it and they will not learn how much that money is actually worth. The best lesson is actually having to work and struggle for a couple years - only then can you truly appreciate that kind of money.

Not to mention goals and dreams are different then. As a teen you are looking for maybe some nice clothes, a nice car, or a nice vacation with some friends. Things that are fleeting, may be a good experience but really dont help you at all in the long run. As a young adult your goals are focused on stability and home ownership. Honestly that 1k investment now might end up being a downpayment or more for a home by the time shes 28 - something that will actually vastly improve her overall lot in life and something she'll appreciate forever.

>> No.27468626

Girls are easier to manage. Just keep them comfy and give them snacks. My daughter likes to just chill in her blankets. My son is up at six every morning ready to do stuff.

>> No.27468660

Dude shut the fuck upland listen to me. I know in America you just throw worthless fiat around and hope for the best but you want to give your daughter a good gift? Here

Before she is even born make sure your wife doesn’t allow any bullshit to get inside of her. Obvious bullshit but also shit like fast food, processed food etc etc. NO SODA.

When the kid gets born do not put her on (((Formula))). She will be addicted to sugar before she gets into kindergarten. No formula no kids meal no BULLSHIT.

The best thing you can do in the beginning is being autistic with how perfect her diet is and skin to skin bonding. After she gets older 3-4 do NOT speak to her like a baby. Speak to her like you would an adult. It will hasten everything and be much better for her mind. And do not put screens in front of her and run off for (((me time))) or a ((((((break)))))

No screens other than educational purposes and you’ll always be with her during screen time. When it’s time for school she’ll be ahead of a lot of her peers just by what you do the first six years.

Also school? No public school. Consider it GAME OVER if you do that. Private school is more or less hit or miss since they all follow different formats(DYOR) but I can safely say all public school has been kiked. Common Core is specifically made to create rigid retards which is why you don’t see kids doing all sorts of big brained shit like they did in the 1900s.

Or Homeschool but you must be honest with yourself that you’re going to take it seriously. The Ron Paul curriculum is good method for homeschooling.

Do not let her watch (((media))), kids don’t know what THEY DON’T KNOW.

She can’t be a mega whore if she never finds out who Cardi B is etc etc

There is still so much more I can right but honestly if saving the white race sounds too hard for you then just buy PNK and

>“love your child no matter what she decides to do with her life”

Also get a son, you should try again.

>> No.27468775
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>> No.27468823

back to /pol/ please, i am cringing

>> No.27468869

They probably don't. I wouldn't be posting in this God forsaken place chasing shitcoins and P&Ds if my life was in proper order.

>> No.27468878


>> No.27468912

Girls raised like this go crazy in college. Every white girl in my Uni who grew up like this was getting a train ran on them at frat houses. Hispanic girls were the ones who were more calm because parents weren't as strict so to them all that freedom wasn't anything new, and they ended up being way less crazy, also they all lived with their families instead of moving to another state.

>> No.27468942

Having children is making it, dumbass.

>> No.27468970

Imagine having a daughter today. She'll be some thot at 16

>> No.27468978

Congratulations anon, really.

Straight up there's a lot of coins that could see huge returns over that time scale but it's impossible to know the staying power of any of them.

Like a lot of anons have suggested I think just dumping it in ETH or 50/50 ETH/ BTC will be your best bet to set it and forget it.

>> No.27469000

This. My son also tries to kill himself all day every day, he’s 1.

>> No.27469001

Based and anti kikepilled

>> No.27469016
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>my partner and I

>> No.27469027

>hoping it's a girl

>that weed coin
Do you mean Reef?

>> No.27469042

You're right, those hiv positive Africans sure have made it that are starving and have 4 kids that are still clinging to life

>> No.27469081

BTC, fuck everything else

>> No.27469118

this is a good politically correct answer, and likely appropriate for most of /biz/
it's unlikely anything but ETH will still have value 16 years from now, but the mental traps people build for themselves through bagholding require a more diversified allocation. BTC + ETH + LINK is the best you can do there

>> No.27469143

Fuck off rabbi

>> No.27469181

yes and no. You can influence kids, but you cant build them. Some people will have certain vices no matter how they're raised.

This is fine, it’s up to OP to figure what his daughters issues are and either eliminate them or compensate for them in some way. Most of the time you can’t eliminate them but you can compensate for them. It’s up to daddy to figure that out.

>Even your biggest angel of a child will not have good impulse control, especially if they're handed 10k+ one day by their parents. They will do stupid things and dump most of it and they will not learn how much that money is actually worth.

If he teaches her proper discipline then it’ll be fine. It depends on the kid though some kids at 16 can teach themselves a skill while some need to wait till 21 for their wake up call. But I agree that with a female OP should probably give her a small amount and hold her hand for the first time and see how she uses it. And then move up the ladder.

>The best lesson is actually having to work and struggle for a couple years - only then can you truly appreciate that kind of money.

This is an over generalized meme. Plenty of children in actual high class areas decide not to go to college after HS and start a business with daddy’s money and turn out very successful. We don’t all need to go the shitty no generational wealth route after 18.

>Not to mention goals and dreams are different then. As a teen you are looking for maybe some nice clothes, a nice car, or a nice vacation with some friends.

Yeah if your teen gets manipulated by social media or tv they’ll crave this shit.


>> No.27469218

>implying those are human

>> No.27469219

Not him, but nobody is fucking blowing 50k on a wedding these days. Saying "my wife" when you're not married is disingenuous.
>inb4 commonlaw
Tax benefits and nothing more.

>> No.27469249

>t. Anonymous

>> No.27469268
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Two of my oldest childhood friends were brothers that inherited 300k when they turned 20 and another 1.5m each when they turned 25. One is now a meth-addict with two kids and 3 DUIs working manual labor in our hometown with his meth-addict wife. The other one I haven't heard from in almost 5 years but last time I visited him he was living in a shitty 1br apartment in Las Vegas with dogshit stains on the floor with his girlfriend who was a prostitute when he first met her. He had a crippling, CRIPPLING opiate addiction last time I saw him.

If you're going to leave your kids any kind of real wealth please stipulate something like they have to get a college degree first or some shit, I've never in my life seen wealth ruin someone so thoroughly and I still miss the good times I had with both of them before they got their money.

>> No.27469326

>start doing Onlyfans the day she turns 18 and make more money in 2039
lol in 2039 human females won't be able to compete with custom ai porn

>> No.27469344

unironically, they have. you're too focused on your individuality. we're all part of a genetic line. your essence lives on in your children, it's the surest way to achieve immortality

>> No.27469365

Why LINK especially?

>> No.27469367

That’s terribly sad. Parents gave them everything but the most important thing, knowledge how to be happy. Many such cases.

>> No.27469395

i mean hes not fucking gay

>> No.27469434

It’s a fine balance between discipline and letting Johnny play so he doesn’t become a dull boy. Or a whore in this case. I agree though that there can be a backlash if you push too much. I’ve seen what happened to my pastors daughter. It’s not like I don’t advocate for some fun time, but if I had a daughter I’d make sure her friends were girls who moms weren’t sluts.

>> No.27469464
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You can practically see the reddit dripping off this one.

>> No.27469493

i've started using machine learning to make custom porn tailored to my tastes. this unsettled my girlfriend greatly, even more than the idea of me fucking other women. the roastie fears her coming obsolescence

>> No.27469542

Seeing as they’re over Europe I’d say they must be doing something right. But please go watch Rick and Morty and be an atheist.

>> No.27469601

Surf if you had a brain.

>> No.27469634

I’m right and you know it

>> No.27469677


>> No.27469733
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>> No.27469877

You’re daughter could be Ivanka Trump tier if you play your cards right.

>> No.27469896

Please go back to /pol/. This board has turned into a reddit/pol shithole over the gme pump and dump

>> No.27469934

Do your bitcoin if your want to, but also give her a investment fund or whatever it's called. My parents put in like 10 dollars a month and i got like 200k SEK, which pays for maybe 5 years worth of rent. Of course I got paid by my government to go to uni, but starting capital is important for any young adult so they don't have to delay everything while wagecucking

>> No.27470030

>gets beheaded and necroraped by a Somalian ending his his 3000 year genetic line

>> No.27470139

idiot he's a bong

>> No.27470201

only if you are willing to circulate back every 2 years or so to dump on another wave

>> No.27470281

Give it to her as a Wedding gift. 16? Come on.

>> No.27470363

>when she turns 16.
Too young. She'll blow it. Maybe give her a little bit then, but wait until she's finished college or starts working. 18 and finishing high school at the very least.

>> No.27470362

This. My two kids aren't getting the private keys to their 1 BTC each until they're 21. I might give them something when they turn 18, as a life lesson for when they blow it and have nothing to show for it. But do not entrust children with money, and especially not female children

>> No.27470403

dude get a fat stack of GRT and delegate it and she will be set for life

>> No.27470457
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>> No.27470551

>machine learning to make custom porn
any details or links? I've started to experiment with some TTS, but it needs a few more years imo

>> No.27470638

eth might be abandoned within 16 years, link and btc are the only safe options, unironically maybe even ltc and xmr

>> No.27470653

Make shure you read her stories before bed

>> No.27471065

Congratulations anon. I hope whatever wallet you choose is stacked fat by the time she hits 16.

>> No.27471307

For christ's sakes, don't give her it all at 18. My parents did give me a lot of money when I turned 18 out of the blue. I don't regret what I spent it on but I regret when I bought.

>> No.27471405

Gogo Gaga!

>> No.27471609

Bitcoin Cash Satoshi's Vision ABC obviously. Maybe some Etherium Classic.

>> No.27471715


>> No.27471799

Hey buddy, got a 2 year old boy. I wanted a girl too but much happier hang a mini me instead of a girl who's going to get shared and impregnated by losers

>> No.27471968

just dont let have access to the internet in to atleast 16 besides for educational purposes

>> No.27472177

80% btc
10% eth
5% link
5% doge

>> No.27472420


>> No.27472635

congratulations but it's not possible to predict what the crypto space will be in 16 years
if you just want to buy and hold for 16 yrs I guess btc is your best bet

>> No.27472734

it's a reddit term because girlfriend implies gender

>> No.27472817

>out of wedlock
It was over for your kid before it even started

>> No.27472864

Yeah, LTO.

Tokenomics are perfect for a huge price increase over the years as transactions continue to grow.

Just stake, receive 7% annually (which will grow as transactions grow, because it comes entirely from tx fees) and watch it moon

>> No.27473123

You are buying crypto in the history maximun , , i think is better no buy for long term in this moment ,buy BABA stock

>> No.27473518

At least when they're under 10 girls are generally MUCH easier to handle than boys. When I worked with kids it was like night and day, the girls are chill and almost mature while the boys are obnoxious little spastics who will start raising hell the instant you turn your back.

>> No.27473691

such a shame how that ends up turning around in the teen years and 20s though.

>> No.27473932

Kek this. Its fucking exhausting

>> No.27474119

Give her [undefined amount] of xmr

>> No.27474261

I am married with kids. I just like it here for the banter and it also made me rich (on paper).

>> No.27474320

Correct. My son is one and a half. He keeps trying to find elaborate ways to commit sudoko and we had to fence off parts of the house (like we have a bookshelf wall with ladders attached that slide across - it was awesome. now its a fucking deathtrap). I am so tired...

>> No.27474406

Sell her now, she'll only lose value later on.

>> No.27474470

XMR and ZEC. Honestly, though, get her a real Roth IRA, max it, and have it put into a medium growth fund. The fact that it will be low tax or tax-free will more than make up for potentially slower growth. Markets always go up, crypto isn't as sure of a thing.

>> No.27474632

Doesn't the child need to be "employed" and have the wages/salary taxed for that?

>> No.27474641

start a 529 plan in your state. sleep train her. buy books for her, read to her everyday. everyday.

>> No.27474719

also, they are literally age 0. No reason not to go into an Aggressive International ETF.

>> No.27474880

Yeah if you're gonna wait that long may as well do it in something that has a good chance of still being around.

>> No.27475242

yep, anyone that has experience with children quickly realizes how much easier girls are than boys. once they become teens though, girls are at greater risk of going nuclear, although effective parenting can mitigate that.

>> No.27475304

Fuck crypto, buy her precious metals. They'll be worth a lot more by the time shes 16 than any crypto will.

>> No.27475468

social construction

>> No.27475495

She will definitely blow something when she’s 16

>> No.27475772

I have a little son and he’s so awesome...I can’t believe me dad treated me so badly when I was a kid.. how could you be so cruel to a little boy :( I couldn’t ever be like that to my son he’s my little buddy

>> No.27475843


No... not sure why you would think that. Roth IRAs, UGMAs, there are many ways in which to set up children for some sort of future, or, at the very least, some form of tax relief.

>> No.27476071

Girls are easier to manage as kids, but good luck once they become bipolar teens. With periods teen girls suddenly turn into complete bitches and are extremely expensive. Teen boys often dont change that munch from their pre-teen status

>> No.27476276

You pajeet faggot. I know you’re trying to sound relatable to him by making up this story,

>> No.27476346

Do you not know how a Roth works?

If a kiddo has one, the money put in cannot exceed their earned wages. For you to legally do it, your kid needs to have taxes filed on their behalf, and on those taxes need to show they are earning income.

>> No.27477418

You are a complete fucking moron, and should never reproduce.

>> No.27478111

But you can pay them a couple grand a year in "wages" for doing their chores. They do not have to file taxes below a certain amount.


>> No.27478307

Buy her some pretty gold and silver trinkets she can scrap for cash when the price goes up.

>> No.27478372

>0 years old


>> No.27478500

16? She will have the emotional fortitude of a 5yo male. Wait until she's 35.

>> No.27478572

buy her gold you fucking retard what is she going to do with digital nothing

>> No.27478670

bitcoin or eth most stable unlikely to fail long term

>> No.27478735


>> No.27478744

why do libertarians still exist? ur all retards

>> No.27478856

Please just put in Bitcoin anything else could be gone.

>> No.27478958

based lindy poster

>> No.27479186

you can pay your kid for whatever purpose you want.

>> No.27479212

BTC. It’s the most likely to still exist.

>> No.27480569

BTC ETH ADA, 100% best long term investments

>> No.27481943

Second LTO

>> No.27483667


>> No.27483711

This is probably the best advice in this thread.

Don't let your wife share the bed with the baby. The risk of suffocation/asphyxiation is astronomical and it's just not worth it. Crib training is a PAIN IN THE ASS but it's so worth it. Once the baby moves to her own room (if you decide to keep the crib in your room for the first few months) it's so much easier, too.

Read up on car seat safety. Rear face as long as possible. Their pelvic bones and spines aren't fit for forward facing until they're close to 3. At least rear face til 2, don't be one of those retards who forward faces the minute she hits a year old.

Baby led weaning is pretty awesome. I started at 4 months. I do a combo of purees and finger foods. My kid is 7 months and is a great eater.

Financial advice... well, I don't have much to offer. But having a kid is great. Pandemic parenting kinda sucks because there are some days I could really use help (I have rheumatoid arthritis) but I take the bad with the good.

>> No.27484200

Give her the private keys when she gets married.
If you give her a load of money when she turns 16 your little baby will become a little whore.

Best of luck.