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27460690 No.27460690 [Reply] [Original]

>lived frugally and invested in ETFs from a young age
>reached couple hundred k in my lates 20s
>will exponentially grow as I acquire more capital
>retire at 40 as a multimillionaire and live off passive income

slow and steady wins the race
lmaoing @ all the gaylords that lose their life savings on shitcoin and memestock PnDs

>> No.27460925

Based ngl

>> No.27460959

based if true

>> No.27460998

Very based

>> No.27461022

What age and what was your initial investment. I’m mid 20s with $25k in the bank and want to start putting it into boomer stocks or an index boomer fund

>> No.27461029

>he doesn't have a separate meme account that you keep $30-$50k in to trade with 4x leverage during periods of extreme market volatility to hit easy 10 bagger returns that you can just put back into your ETFs
dollar cost averaging into well managed funds works but its also boring, live a little

>> No.27461050

Same but 1.5 mil in late 20s

>> No.27461138

>>retire at 40 as a multimillionaire and live off passive income
in a decade everyone is going to be a fucking multimillionaire, the problem os that a gallon of milk will cost $100k
get your money into hard assets you fuckin clown

>> No.27461302

Coming in to flex investing in fkn etfs, lmao. you’re learning nothing, 1M in 10 years won’t be shit, it isn’t shit now. Get at least 25% of your net worth into btc and eth

>> No.27461911

18 and 10k.
Goal is to retire early and not be a wageslave for the rest of my life or worry about money. I think I'm on track.

>> No.27463072

should I just invest in ETFs instead of attempting to chase whatever stock is supposed to make me money every week?
whats a good etf?

>> No.27463531

Based ETF bro what are your choices?

>> No.27463592

lol im 20 with $70k already

>> No.27463692

you realize that you will need about 3mil to live comfortably off interest alone and that there is no exponential growth, only linear?

>> No.27463862

yea what this guy said

>> No.27463920


>> No.27463954

Good for you fuckface, let’s see where you’re at after a few years. It’s easy being rich when you do shit all with your money zoomie

>> No.27464302

I'm guessing you lived somewhere with $15 minimum wage, and had parents paying for most stuff. Not shaming you for it- you're getting a better start than 90% of people.
Boomer advice only will go so far. The world will change drastically in the years to come, and what worked for your parents in the 80s and 90s will NOT work, or actively hurt you in the future. boomer stocks and assets are better than nothing, crypto will likely do even better. If I could give advice to 18 year old me, it would be as follows:
> You really don't know jack at 18, but at the same time older people may be equally clueless. Learn the difference between real "experts" and people who are all talk.
> Whatever girl/guy you like today will likely break up with you. People change over time. Make sure to enjoy the moment. You will regret NOT doing something more than failing, forever. Ask that girl out, ask for a raise, kiss the drunk girl who keeps eyeing you at a party. Take risks. Embrace it.
> Figure out college or career shit ASAP. The tradies and NEET's who shit on college here forget one major thing- networking. Networking gets you jobs, friends, partners, and a life. You will not make it in life alone.
> Don't be afraid to fail. Making mistakes with people and yourself is fine, just don't fuck up utterly and become a homeless cocaine addict
> First impressions matter. Maintain your weight carefully. Hit the gym. If you're fat, eat less and hit the gym until you're not. Establish good habits early. Don't need to be 8 pack chad if you don't want to be, just being "not fat" and a normal weight will already put you ahead of a lot of people.

>> No.27464345

This, you don't suddenly make more the more it rises. You'd need to get dividends and reinvest those into the stock for that to happen, and as far as I know dividends pay like shit

>> No.27464624

This is the right 30 yo boomer wisdom we youngs need.
Thanks bro.

>> No.27464639
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>> No.27464893

Same but 2M in early twenties, started working and investing when I was 8.

>> No.27464924

Lucky. I’m holding moon etf and tqqq right now and just fucking around with memes. Need fast gains because I was never taught anything early I seem good at it though

>> No.27464984

If you need advice on comfy gains I can help it’s “””riskier””” than boomer indexes though

>> No.27464987

kek, well meme’d friendo

>> No.27465144


How risky? How can risky gains be comfy?

>> No.27465308

Moon is an etf I bought and I don’t even check it and it barely goes down in red days. I forgot about it and it’s up 40% in a month and a half. Tqqq is actually pretty solid as a hold and I’m up like 70% on it. Arkk and arkf are gonna be solid too I think for awhile.

Maybe don’t go all in them but just dca in and see you feel

>> No.27465637

Well done anon.

>> No.27465714

now this is dadposting
enjoy puttin them feet up fren

>> No.27465841

>have 1k in btc to support my drug addiction in 2010
>retire a multimillionaire 7 years later never having worked a real job or graduating school

>> No.27466246
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>Networking gets you jobs, friends, partners, and a life. You will not make it in life alone.
Tell me how to start this when you are almost 30 and have no network.

>> No.27466323

VTI is by the best etf ever created imo. 3 basis point expense ratio. Its completely unmatched.

>> No.27466699

You will be a limp-dicked boomer with decaying body by then. I will either make millions in crpyto by 25 or kill myself.

>> No.27466842

Pathetic, I am 15 with nearly 6 gorillion in the bank. Started investing in ETFs when I was a mere sperm cell.

>> No.27466855

make a linkedin and get bots to give you endorsements

>> No.27466928

>Get rich slow
Congrats you pathetic 20 something boomer

>> No.27467056

Ask people that you met at work for favors or ideas ("I heard you are good at x, can you help me with that?")

>> No.27467164

> t. 32 yr old boomer here so ymmv
Give me a rundown of your relationshits and finances, I'll suggest what I can. It's VERY difficult right now due to covid bullshit; you can barely read body language because of the masks. People aren't mingling anymore and sticking to people they know, or it's online. Bars, stores, everything is closed or just shitty. Online dating, I even see 10/10 chads struggling at this point- girls just use them for attention since people are becoming so damn thirsty, myself included.

It will be hard, but you're not totally fucked. Imagine the people at 40 or 50 who are starting at 0. You can still have friends, a family, and a fulfilling life if you take massive action NOW and work to improve your situation, whatever it is. You can make it. Believe.
At a minimum, until world situation improves stay in shape and exercise. Look around you, even with the masks people are becoming next level fat. This is the perfect year to reinvent yourself.

>> No.27467672

Okay I'll try to summarize it, it's not much anyway.
>work shitty job in IT at small company
>don't have many colleagues
>colleagues don't have much of a network themselves
>don't make a whole lot of money but enough to safe a fair bit each month
>live with parents because housing market is fucked for buying and renting
>socially, only have direct family to rely on

I had some hobbies that got me to meet other people, even the gym helped but the past year has been a mess and I had to give up some things.
I want to do whatever it takes but I struggle to see opportunities in the current situation, opportunities I saw at the start of 2020 are all gone and I haven't been able to adjust.
I've even resorted to taking cold showers and meditating to keep stress and anxiety down, that works well but it won't fix everything.

>> No.27467852

Wish I'd realised this when I was 18 and not spent the next 4 years drinking and travelling with friends.

>> No.27468175

lmao, what a pathetic cope is this? I am 24 and have 60k, what kind of great things did you do with your money? party and go to college? retard.

>> No.27469174

Look at this poor who didn't have generational wealth. Why even try.
Could be worse. The first step to rebuilding your social circle is finding people to hang out with. You need social hobbies, or to find where the rest of the nerd types hang out. I used to hit the anime / furry convention circuit hard, if you're in shape and half decent looking it's not hard to hook up or find relationships. All of that shit is canceled until covid ends, it's outside our control, and good luck hitting on a girl while wearing a mask. Online is not the same.
KSM-66 Ashwaganda Extract, Valerian Root Tea, and N-Acetyl-Cystine all can help with anxiety. If it gets really bad, go ask your GP for a light dose of anti-depressant. They're handing them out like candy.
What would help most though, until the world situation improves and all of us can see friends, travel, and be our normal dumb-ass selves again, try to set yourself up for success. Come out of this shit situation better in some way. Exercise, learn new skills- anything. ANY purpose is better than none. Don't feel pressured to do XYZ because of covid times, but do it because you have the time, if that makes sense.

>> No.27469279

stop flogging your next shitcoin

>> No.27469357

Pretty much this. If you guys didn't notice, food price did a +50% IN A FUCKING YEAR

>> No.27469547

> Shitty job and colleagues
You may need to relocate to find the opportunities you want. Cities have more people, more jobs, more everything. That said, rural is *safer* right now, especially if the world economy is going to implode. I'm not 100% sure there isn't a metaphorical bomb about to go off in finance because of $GME, and feel a lot safer in my rural mountain town. Your colleagues can be friends, but most of the time they're just people you're forced to be around to get a paycheck. Sometimes they're cool and you keep in touch, other times you go separate ways. Such is life.
> Living at home, fucked housing market
Family is something, and stops you from being a total hermit. I know it's not enough though, and it's not the same as having your own place. If you're putting money away, I'd honestly be dropping it on crypto and not on retirement accounts at this point; since I don't see any other way to really "make it". I keep accumulating XLM, but have a little bit of everything- DYOR ofc.