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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27447571 No.27447571 [Reply] [Original]

How low can we go before we should panic?

>> No.27447595


>> No.27447600

if goes to 4 im selling this shit

>> No.27447659

I would say a while.

>> No.27447674
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should have sold, you don't know who you're up against.

>> No.27447712

How much money do you want to lose? Just most of it or do you feel like losing all of it to get extra updoots and Reddit awards?

>> No.27447842

Let me ask you a question. Go to WSB and look at all the feel good mega upvote posts about people buying Switches for children’s hospitals. Now ask yourself, how did those “diamond hand” people buy all that stuff if they are holding like they told you to?

Need a hint? Only thing in your diamond hand is the bag. Everyone with a brain cashed out at $300-$350. Enjoy your crap

>> No.27447861

Last week Friday.

>> No.27447917

You unironically got played by fucking reddit and the cunts in this website.

Learn and never trust anyone when the subject is money, everyone is jew.

>> No.27448250

na. They are still over 100% shorts. Let them burn in interest and lose more billions :)

>> No.27448284

Don’t know. Too many shills. Today was a sharp drop. Don’t know if or when the squeeze will happen and the retards who are supposed to know more than a noob like me have no idea either. The ladder attacks don’t help. 20@280

>> No.27448314
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Read: >>27448250

Not interested in hearing from retards that the hedgies hire to fud. I'm not retarded enough to fall for it.

>> No.27448375

I should have known better than to ask retards that aren't even keeping up with shorts still being over 100%. Idiot

Why do I keep thinking there are people with brains on this board?

>> No.27448491

literally never, i dropped 1,000 dollars into GME that I dont care if i never see again.

>> No.27448587

Where? The cunts say that they covered half their shorts.

>> No.27448661

Must be nice being rich.

>> No.27448768
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>> No.27448828


>> No.27448864

Ok there chief, keep pushing le hedgie shills meme and go broke. At this point I don’t care, you won’t learn any other way.

GME is the front page of every news source and it still plummeted today. You can’t shill something any better than that and it still took a dump. It’s done

>> No.27448871

People are going on and on about hedgies still being in over 100% but there has been zero evidence to back this up.

How do you diamond hand fucks know that its not just Reddit and /biz/ and retail holding against each other?

>> No.27448873

>everyone is jew.
nah just u

>> No.27448952

If you dont sell at tomorrow open then you'll be making a generous donation to the jews.

>> No.27448986

>GME is the front page of every news source and it still plummeted today. You can’t shill something any better than that and it still took a dump. It’s done
Normalfags couldn't buy it because of RH restriction.
Moving to another brokers take a few days at least.
Also, a lot of sell volumes today are exactly 100 shares.
You are a retard, or a paid FUDfag.

>> No.27449006

Most people saying diamond hands these days only learned the term a week ago

>> No.27449033

you're a retard with no argument

Am I retarded?? >>27448768
Does it not say 121%?
How about YOU post actual proof this isn't the case?

>> No.27449150

That doesn't update in real time you retard. All we have is volume.

>> No.27449206


YOU are the one saying the shorts aren't there anymore. K cool. Post proof are kee chugging down hedgy cum

>> No.27449243

The nasdaq said they were still over 120% as of friday

>> No.27449247

1 year minimum

>> No.27449288
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*or keep

Btw og still in the game. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lae6j0/gme_yolo_update_feb_1_2021/

They didn't sell their bags to new retards

>> No.27449357

That retard is just a third party contractor for hedgies. Bitch probably doesn't even make a dollar per post Lol.

Retard can't even post "proof" and calls mine "fake" because "why not" hahaha. Tuck retards like that guy.

>> No.27449414


>> No.27449457

Our final destination is 0, theirs is negative infinity. I'm riding it all the way baby.

>> No.27449620

True true. They have much more to lose. All I'll lose is 1k when I have ~36k anyways (off topic, but I lost a bitcoin trading a bear market due to slow bleeds. That fucked me real good. Could have had 70k atm by just hodling).

>> No.27449644

not rich, i have a shitty 40k job and live in parents basement. im not rich but i have the biggest privilege of all, two parents who stayed together and raised their sons properly

>> No.27449778

based logic anon

>> No.27450030

look at the volume

>> No.27450228

I'm with you bro even if it goes negative its like a trophy

>> No.27450421
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You know what's weird, when Bitcoin and other cryptos have crashed in the past, nobody was urging people on this board to sell. Sure there were pink wojacks and Bobos talking about how low it could go, but not one of those Bobos was telling people to sell, just mocking bagholders. The fact that people here are urging you to sell, something I've never seen anyone do here on any significant scale for any other asset that's crashed, tells me that GME isn't crashing. If it were crashing, there'd be no need to tell people to sell, the Hedgies (or anyone else for that matter) wouldn't need to waste time and effort begging people to sell.

>> No.27450699

hedges love the USD, they cant get their smooth brains around crypto. they already hired the shills for 9$ an hour why not have them demorilize GME holders AND cryptotrards at the same time?

2 birds 1 stone

>> No.27450805

The egyptian court sorcerers?

>> No.27451003
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idgaf if I loose it all, I'll unironically call it a rocket fired straight at the hedgies, rather than aiming for the moon.

>> No.27451056

fuuuuck I put 2K1.5k in it I wish it works out I’ll at least try to believe so I can finally sleep comfy at night. Would make all my dreams come true. I’m trying to put 3k more on alts but this is so fucking hard to do. My friend use new poolz and seems like he has sweet dreams while I try to stay alive. Does someone use it? Good or not?

>> No.27451115

Ask me anything.

>> No.27451194

Can we just move on from this gme shit already? It's getting really fucking boring. Go larp as pajeets shilling fake shitcoins for keks or smth.

>> No.27451196
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>> No.27451204

This is true, many people can't buy GME right now including nearly all people hearing it on the news who will take a few days to set themselves up to actually buy any stocks, those people however probably won't buy either way unless it hits low again and reddit tells them to do so.

>> No.27451220

My gme stock average price is at 175

>> No.27451226

doing your part anon

>> No.27451282
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Wrong gif.

>> No.27451288

Viking guy with 600 mil deleted everything and removed avatar. Only 1 post left with moon but he posted about this going south earlier. Bet he has sells ready to dump first thing

>> No.27451343

QRD on today's events?

>> No.27451377

OK, so here's whats going on to any #diamondhands who are starting to get concerned. The price action you see today is a lie. You can see that through very low volume, hedge funds are actually selling to each other and short interest has actually DOUBLED in the last week. These greedy bastards are getting cocky because they think you're stupid. Heh, well I guess they're the ones that are gonna feel stupid February 12th. Why February 12th, you ask? Well Reddit, feb 12 falls on a friday and that's when Chamath (The Sri Lankan billionaire on our side) is going to exercise his call options at $115. All of them. The amount of covering that hedgies will have to do alone on that date is going to make what's happened so far look like nothing. Our job? All we have to do is make sure that WE and everyone else we know holds. We got this far with our diamond hands, in two more weeks, we're gonna be dancing together on the moon. :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

>> No.27451407

We don't panic. We already won. Every thread they make telling you you got scammed and you should sell, you should just remember that. It's just a time game now

>> No.27451426
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>paperhands sold
>hedgie ladder attack
>some autist yoinks the stocks being traded

>> No.27451442

>Literally two Jews out-Jewwing Moses

>> No.27451475


>> No.27451512

Ask yourself this:
When has this ever been about us vs reddit? When did this shift of narrative happened? Why is part and parcel the easiest way to control people

>> No.27451536

based. 2 more weeks

>> No.27451555

My average share price is 180, I don't give a fuck. Moon me or tank me, I'll keep holding until I need a tax deduction nigga

>> No.27451564

Moses was Jewish

>> No.27451572
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>> No.27451585

I bought 1 share at 300, am I fucked?

>> No.27451606

I’m aware, anon. That’s what makes it funny.

>> No.27451632

Bought High.
Sell Never.
I never bought stock before.
I like the stock.

>> No.27451646

If you didn’t put down money you weren’t willing to lose then you shouldn’t panic, you didn’t put down money you weren’t willing to lose right Anon?

>> No.27451669

Jews used to be cool until they and they alone killed Jesus the coolest Jew of them all.

>> No.27451724


>> No.27451729

I put down money of money made via my friend buying IPO stuff for me.
I had to Google what IPO was.

>> No.27451765

I’m willing to lose it all at the chance of a moonshot, it was all money I made from bitcoin anyway so who cares. I’m learning a lot about options and short squeeze just by being involved and the friends along the way

>> No.27451772

I bought a single share at $60 so I can hold until like, i don't know, negative 60

>> No.27451776


chamath literally closed his position 4 days ago and donated it all to the fucking barstool fund. he tweeted about it again just hours ago. get better pasta, like the one about the melvin larper

>> No.27451790

When fox news claims it's going to $1000 you know the game is over

>> No.27451802

It's going to 0 and I don't care because I've got all my frens with me

>> No.27451868

Shit. I guess if it gets close to 300 again I'll cashout. It's never going to hit 1k is it?

>> No.27451966
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>> No.27452041

he's technically not even Jewish since he's from the tribe of Levi lol

>> No.27452071


Just hold you fucking idiot
dont listen to (((shillss))), buy and hold and wagmi

>> No.27452090

This, and I'll double down if it goes sub-$100. Who else /doomstack/?

>> No.27452123

That’s when I sold at a $200 loss

>> No.27452151

Was supposed to be today but you'll learn tomorrow.

>> No.27452207

>2 more weeks
where have I heard this one before

>> No.27452232

This stock is an IQ test basically
Imagine thinking you are fighting the system or something by owning a useless GameStop stock.

>> No.27452256
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Uhh Hedgebros....
>Short Interest 226.42


>> No.27452329
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Hello hedgie, i dunno if you're aware of this, but 4channers don't uae frozen gifs for reactions. You're thinking of twitter.

>> No.27452409
File: 47 KB, 490x502, Screenshot 2021-02-02 191955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this old data?
this is yahoo

>> No.27452565

You're past the point of actually making money. May as well diamond to the bottom.

>> No.27452719

This is the test
>Low IQ
not in the stock market at all
>Retard IQ
holding to "fight" the stock market
>Normie IQ
holding because you bought at 30 and you don't care about the lost money
>Smart IQ
Selling at 400
>Genius IQ
Selling at 400 then buying back when it bottoms
>Absolute Genius IQ
Being a billionaire that has both puts and calls simultaneously and then calls on reddit to act more autistically just to make some faggot who spent their lives studying the stock market mad

>> No.27452832

It's a lottery ticket.
I didn't think it had value I thought it could have potential value in a squeeze. Just like a lottery ticket.
Or gambling.
The emotional rollercoaster of it all has been refreshing after being bored for a year inside

>> No.27452941

If dumps below $150 on open tomorrow expect capitulation.

-sent from my iPad using tapatalk

>> No.27453051

I bought at 280. I might as well ride this until it crashes and take my losses.

>> No.27453059

I'm in. I'll liquidate all my crypto; lambo or busto

>> No.27453138

man im an original gamestop investor from /smg/ and my advice is literally just fucking sell asap at a loss.

we all sold. i stayed up all fucking night just to sell my shit premarket yesterday so i could get out as early as possible. as soon as the robinhood shit happened we all started getting out and i think melvin just switched their shorts at 400 dollars and won anyways.

>> No.27453179

About a week ago when a bunch of redditfags made this a virtue signal campaign against hedge funds instead of a fast way to make money

>> No.27453216

gamestop is literally a good company we all started buying it at like 11-25 dollars we expected a short squeeze but not any of this. all of us at /smg/ are buying back in after this

>> No.27453221

Waiting to buy when it falls to $10.

>> No.27453246

he who panics first panics best

>> No.27453298

>T.Kikle Von Schmikle

>> No.27453345

Wow $4, just enough to buy condoms for your wife’s boyfriend.

>> No.27453353

Tyrannosaurus Rekt

>> No.27453421

his gf's nigger bull won't be needing those

>> No.27453477

Don't you guys feel there are too many shills concerned of our well being and tell us to sell GME so we won't lose too much money?
It makes me buy GME and hold it even more. It never was about making money.

>> No.27453491

You're gonna sell at the original price? I would wait for another pump in the future. A billionaire is running it now.

>> No.27453591

so it was literally about giving your money to wall street bankers to beat wall street bankers ahahahahaha

>> No.27453630


>> No.27453670

If you have never been down 90% don't ever speak the words diamond hands you fucking toddler

>> No.27453730
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Same, I ended up selling my remaining stocks at the literal top early Monday morning, at 317, barely taking a few hundred bucks in profit. Best decision I've ever made.

Honestly I hope this still goes up for the sake of all the poor retards who dumped all their savings into this hoping it'll pump again, but I couldn't handle the stress anymore of watching thousands of dollars shoot up and disappear out of nowhere, you can call me paper hands/shill all you want but I have better things to do all day than stare at the stock market. Best of luck to the rest of you

>> No.27453804

yea. i literally told my wife to go to her mothers for the weekend, then while she and the kids were gone i liquidated EVERYTHING. the car. the house, even her engagement ring its all GME now.

take THAT bankers

>> No.27453858

based, fellow redditor, you better give your wife to them too though

>> No.27453871

Are you trolling? The whole point of the short squeeze was to trigger a massive pump (and dump) despite the stock being insanely overvalued. Tons of new shorts have been opened on the way up because it only is a matter of time before the stock dumps back down. Sooner or later the price will go back down to what what the business is worth. If you're EXTREMELY bullish on the company then MAYBE it's worth $45/ share.

During a pump and dump you're supposed to sell the top not hold all the way down kek. If you're holding GME long term then you're beyond retarded.

>> No.27453896

but its already at 180

>> No.27453912


He's not paid, its literally over. You're begging the fucking heavens for a miracle and you got fucked by corporate dick yet again. Just get used to it boy, you and a bunch of ledditors are going against the 1% with almost infinite resources. How could you have ever possibly won? Cash out now and go buy yourself some more reddit awards and circle jerk with your cucked faggot ass friends.

>> No.27453921


>> No.27453950
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Don't be scared bitch niggas, just hold, starve them out

>> No.27454177

Oh vey I’m shocked so many noobs and laggards lost and the brilliant minds of reddit of all places

>> No.27454250

why did you trick me into buying this at 300? I thought we were on the same team?

>> No.27454347

Just H O L D
Go visit /fit/ for a bit

>> No.27454391

honestly i dont think it really makes a difference. either it will go high enough that youll be fine or we'll all be equally fucked. hang on and keep holding anon

>> No.27454430

Taken down with all his shit tier LARP

>> No.27454631
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>> No.27454685

They help each other in the synagogue, anon. Competing funds will lend money to each other if they see a outsider beting against them. They have a infinite supply of money, because they have infiltrated governments and so can print paper money indefinitely, thus having cash flow for constant shorting. They take loans on stocks and short what they dont have in their possession, sometimes even more than the current supply. And the law will not investigate them, because the judges are also part of the lodges. You are playing a rigged game.

>> No.27454737

Why even bother at this point? If it goes to 4 I'm keeping it as a souvenir

>> No.27454767
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they fucking did it again

>> No.27455001

The fucking copy paste shilling on both sides of GME is boring as shit.

>> No.27455157

the fact that the brokerage firms are now allowing you to buy as many shares of GME as you'd like is an indication of what you should do. they've repositioned their options and closed out the ones that weren't profitable - get out now.

>> No.27455249

german markets report ~$240

>> No.27455254

bought waaaaaay too much around 300/share. honestly regret not buying silver. i dont think GME is going back up high enough to break even. i think the whole world knows how to take advantage of small traders and the GME play is done. well, there will be others.

>> No.27455359

yup. basically this

>> No.27455501


Not selling

>> No.27455514

Exactly. Especially that retard above lying about the shorts saying they are gone now LOL. This is a coordinated attack. Hedgies paying idiots to fud

>> No.27455596

why are people advertising GME on billboards all over the US? they only cashed out part of their investment.

>> No.27455653

All in (not really all in, but I have bags even though I'm late in the game lol).

>> No.27455735

Nope. Just 1k. Still have 36k in bitcoin

>> No.27455789
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>> No.27455799

Same here and I'm not rich. It's a gamble that some fucking like had to pay $1000.01 and I'm happy

>> No.27455820
File: 44 KB, 744x687, 65D93EB8-C516-46A0-90FF-62352DCDB1FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is an IQ test and you failed it :). Hedgies are bleeding from their assholes with over 100% shorts still. Paying billions in interest. They will never recover. Death to you and your masters.

>> No.27455941

Meh even if I don't, it's not like my portfolio will die.

>> No.27455955

i randomly saw gamestop mentioned a couple of times before it went mainstream, did my own research and bought

>> No.27455985

Lmao it isnt going near $300 again. It isnt going north of $6 again. What's the percent loss on buying at $300 and selling at $6?

>> No.27456000

I don't fall for down syndrome fud, sorry. Holding this to the ground. My whole portfolio is fine regardless

>> No.27456034

Go back
Go back
Go back
Go back

>> No.27456093
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NO ONE here cares about you. In fact, we laugh at people to at lose money. The fact that these retards are doing the opposite and saying "plz, anon. I'm saying this for your own good because I really want my best fwend to be happy" actually makes me insanely bullish this month. This shows they are shitting themselves heavily

>> No.27456148

I was in bitcoin and went through the corona dump where it dipped to 3800. Go to a tall bridge and attempt to fly.

>> No.27456159

kike shill detected

>> No.27456206

You don't know what a short squeeze is, do you? Lmfao. Hint: hedgies have to buy back eventually and are at a loss. This will cause the squeeze. They cannot keep paying interest forever :).

>> No.27456235

:^) we will see

>> No.27456306

Bullish. Holding thanks to all the retard 3rd party workers like yourself that is getting paid to fud.

Thanks for concerning yourself over my "well being" though, faggot

>> No.27456376

Yep. That's why they have over 100% in shorts and are paying up their ass in interest. Because they are okay now LOL

>> No.27456451

>to at

>> No.27456490


>> No.27457196


>> No.27459361

Part of the 1k IDGAF club. Money well spent judging by all the kvetching. Had fun, already broke even. Anything beyond is just gravy that'll be rolled into my PM stack for when fiat is fucked. If you're in the red then good luck, frens. Hoping none of you end up roping over this shitshow.

>> No.27459426

>How low can we go before we should panic?
smart money sold the top
niggers, normies & sjw's are riding it all the down the shit chute back to $2

>> No.27459501

i hope you get in a horrible car accident

>> No.27459537

$10-30 depending on your stamina

>> No.27459583

he's talking exactly about that, brainlet

>> No.27459584
File: 1010 KB, 1080x1481, 70BDE36B-5338-4FBE-BD53-A2645004ECC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to find out?
Hint: the wallstretbets subscriber numbers have stopped growing dramatically and the stock is in free fall. You’re relying on people like pic related to understand the prisoners dilemma and not sell.

>> No.27459678

implying a panic, very advanced FUD dreidel spinner. bravo

>> No.27459708

I'd honestly kill myself if I was this dumb. I'm in college and no way in hell would I put that much fucking money on a meme stock.

>> No.27459797

>wholesome seal

>> No.27460136

>don't listen to biz about BTC and miss out
>don't listen to biz about LINK and miss out
>listen to biz about GME and lose money
I'm so retarded.

>> No.27460996

Buy XRP nigger.
You won't regret it.

>> No.27461055

Whether you fuck her for her personality or her pussy shes gonna get fucked

>> No.27461079

Live $GME L2 and option chain :)

>> No.27461093

reddit are retarded

>> No.27461192

>keeping up with shorts still being over 100%
It's 40% you fucking Qtard.

>> No.27461231

~$170 in premarket


>> No.27461253

That's Short / Float + Short

>> No.27461264

People on WSB are saying the short squeeze may happen in 2-3 weeks but idk if they are coping.

>> No.27461292

>trust the plan
>2 more weeks
GME tards really are the new qoomers.

>> No.27461305

Didn't it dip to 118 the other day?

It's currently pumping back to 180

>> No.27461322

Shut up retard.
He will.

>> No.27461354

Treat this stock market shit like lotto tickets.

>> No.27461388

There are two choices. You either hold the bag or hold your position to the moon.

The choice is yours soldier.

>> No.27461577
File: 381 KB, 430x410, 1520100757692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of starting to lose faith.
Does anyone know what the absolute final day of the squeeze is?
At what point can we be 100% certain that, whatever the hedge funds did illegally or not, they've definitely found a way out without skyrocketing the price?
There has to be a definite limit on how long they can possibly postpone it, right?

>> No.27461629

Until they trick you to surrender with the ladder strategy
not very tacital if they got bodied by redditors

>> No.27461712

>I'm kind of starting to lose faith.

Look at them hedgies. They are more fearful than you could be.

>> No.27461774

>There has to be a definite limit on how long they can possibly postpone it, right?
If they were able to somehow short at over 100% I'm sure they can find a way to weasel their way out of some arbitrary date.
You people have to sell at some point though, game stop is piece of shit company that deserves to go bankrupt. But if you autists do damage to Melvin and his butt buddies along the way so be it.

>> No.27461931


>> No.27461990

Who needs financial stability when you have reddit awards and permanent social media proof that you fought the man!

>> No.27462072

And I hope someone shoves their shit down your throat

>> No.27462086

Melvin probably going to liquidate you retarded niggers even if they get a bit more losses. I would if I were them. The goyim will pay and learn to fear

>> No.27462161

You're a dumb nigger that can't even see the fucking shorts are still active. Try not having down syndrome, okay?

Really, faggot? Cause the fakenews says so? Post proof, bitchass. Try harder, faggot. Just because retardation works on your stupid ass doesn't mean it works on me

>> No.27462177

on one hand i would have liked to have made money
on the other hand im glad Reddit failed
ill keep 1 stock

>> No.27462238

>on the other hand im glad Reddit failed
>well as long as reddit lost
I mean okay enjoy your kiked financial system I guess?

>> No.27462291

Anyone else been completely redpilled by the past two weeks' events?

>> No.27462352


>> No.27462357

Worst case scenario
>Shorts covered
>Reddit goes Qanon levels of copium founding an entire alternate universe of 'evidence' and delusion
>Crabs and dips for weeks or months
>Reddit retardation causes it to go up to 300-400 eventually anyway
High enough to get out with a profit anyway, don't worry don't care.

>> No.27462384

Anything below 200 and the hedgies win.

>> No.27462397

Jesus christ i can't stop dreaming about gme, I keep dreaming it shoots up to like 40,000 and I can't fucking sell it won't let me. I have never dreamt about stocks before its fucking awful

>> No.27462463

Why would I panic at any moment?
Retarded kike shills.

>> No.27462482

I had almost the same dream and I don't even own these meme stocks, what does it mean?

>> No.27462492

I expect a small rebound at open which is when I will be dumping my bags. Shit ran out of steam due to brokers limiting trade.

Fucken kikes used their tricks and won

>> No.27462613

Maybe below $150. Hopefully it's just a healthy pullback since it was way overbought.
I didn't invest too much in it so it'll just be a minor set back for me.

>> No.27462647

Probably that I'm a fucking retard

>> No.27462715

JFC it keeps dropping

>> No.27462738

Fuck you I did the same thing

>> No.27462845
File: 50 KB, 1200x672, DpcVIhLUUAA9qwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, pic related.
We are coming to free our people, Pharoh.

>> No.27462925

So did Justin sun get fucked over by buying 3200 shares are 313?

>> No.27462992

I doubt he did. If he really bought a mil and even a fraction of his 4mil followers bought in as well wewould have seen more resistance

>> No.27463021

If it drops below 126/112 I'll get really curious. Until then, it's played out and I'm just going to sideline watch it.

>> No.27463099

4@350 was down almost 600 last night. This always was treated by a game by anyone that's still in. There were profit takers at 400+, and that's okay. There are literally millions of people still HODLing. This is both easy and entertaining.

>> No.27463106

Fucking this. This is not organic, the shilling just FEELS wrong and artificial. Like they were paid to say these things.

>> No.27463192

Just keep holding guys! What could possibly go wrong? You have a great understanding of the market remember? You totally knew what a ladder attack was prior to last week. Oh boy, I bet those hedgies are shitting their pants right now and totally not making their money back right now off the influx of new dumb money to the market

>> No.27463195

I'm worried about normies leaving en-masse

>> No.27463206

Thats what the crabbing around 250 was

>> No.27463254

we can smell your fear maggot

>> No.27463298

That was my concern yesterday, but I feel like most would have gotten out yesterday, and perhaps they did, and that's what caused the big drop. But literally all we have to do is hold lol.

Please keep posting that photo of that cute little twink. My first fap to a still image of a male and idgaf

>> No.27463323

Just looking out for you, goyim

>> No.27463346
File: 109 KB, 500x500, 1344059737693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weirdest thing is the vocabulary is all wrong. It's all "you should share to save yourself" Not. "you stupid faggots should neck yourselfs over this shit".

It's not the right tone for chan.

>> No.27463354
File: 40 KB, 640x360, 1612202177256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Melvin, do you hear it?
The Zawas in the background?
That's the sound of D E S P A I R

>> No.27463365

What does it mean to you if I understood the concept as I watched level 2 market data, even if I didn't know the "technical" term?

>> No.27463408

Im only have one share that i bought with my doge pnd so i either sell now for a modest gain, hold for hopes of a 4+ figure gain, or it crashes to 2- figures and i break even. I'm in a no lose situation so I'll just hold

>> No.27463411
File: 47 KB, 640x427, 1610915851136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cba to be part of that shit show, long-term it will 90% be a sub-100 stock not bcuz of "muh fundamentuls" but because of people on Wallstreet thinking "muh fundamentuls" matter, the new normies having paper-hands and sooner or later GME waking up and taking a piece of the pie to dilute the stock and pay off some debt

>mfw got in at AMC $16 and got out at $16.5

>> No.27463443
File: 112 KB, 563x821, schlomo_boat_nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are 100+% short...
Just those shorts were opened when it was 300$. They are already in profit.
Also a lot of B-book brokerages like RH and etoro confiscated and dumped user shares.

>> No.27463507
File: 233 KB, 500x275, 1601603859992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at 38 and 96
>eToro sells my 38-level shares at 380 (because of some shady TP rule they have)
>reinvest it at 370 like a retard (about $21k)

so I'm still up and I should be happy but can't help but feel like I've still lost money even though it's just profit

>> No.27463547

Based kek

>> No.27463580

Damage control. They're still limiting purchasing of shares, not allowing fractionals, and perhaps today we'll see more automated mass shuffling of shares again. Don't forget about the shills still being here, too

hope you don't need that money for survival. the important thing is maintaining possession of the shares

>> No.27463641
File: 34 KB, 418x412, 400 to 380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It dipped to 112, then shot to 155 and locked 3 seconds later. It then shot to 190 and locked 5 seconds later. Then it moved up to 255 are and finished at like 380.

It had a drop from 400, to 113, and back to 380 in an 7 hour period.

>> No.27463689

I don't need it at all, was some savings I had in crypto that weren't doing anything, about $6.3k

>> No.27463703

etoro's been selling people's shares all day....and robinhood maybe others
why are you still using them?

>> No.27463722

If the squeeze had really stopped, and the trade volume is correct, this should already be below 20 dollars. Not hovering where it's at, nor doing shit like this. >>27463641

>> No.27463728

my shares are tied up with them currently. Won't be using them after this

>> No.27463741

You're a dumbass, should've left when you had the chance now you're going down with the retards.

>> No.27463774
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x563, 1611942700884.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good observation.

>> No.27463781
File: 139 KB, 1337x694, Astartes Tally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Price doesn't matter.
It can go to 20c, they are still screwed. They need shares, not a low share price. Just because the small number participating are selling low doesn't mean that enough will sell at those or any prices to close their positions. And that's even ignoring how manipulated those prices even are.
> Price don't matter.
Literally just hold. They don't need a low price, they need shares. You don't sell, and they can ladder down the price all they want they are still fucked. They 50 million+ shares, it doesn't matter if the highest ask is $20 or 20c, if there's only a thousand at those prices there is no way out. When they capitulate to the obligation to close, you can put up your ask of $69,420 and the moment they buy up those thousand bargain shares yours will get cleared next. Because they have to.
> Price does not fucking matter
So just hold. As long as you didn't invest what you couldn't afford to lose, holding is fucking easy. Have more than 3 days of patience, fuck.

The stock is over shorted, and there's growing evidence of naked shorts aka "we sold shares that don't even exist" aka "we forged shit and printed money"

Just. Hold.

>> No.27463810

Pussy out and you'll only see the reddest of red fields in the coming days and never taste tendies.

If you stop being a little faggot bitch then you have a chance to green with everyone and feast upon the sweetest of tendies.

Either way it'll be fucking glorious.

>> No.27463827

still made money so it's not the end of the world

>> No.27463846

then karma will reward you

same with me and RH


>> No.27463848

because this is an undeniable bubble that everyone knew at one point was going to pop, and it has.

>> No.27463855
File: 1.39 MB, 1470x1000, 1612128775978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it crashes to under 10 I'll buy back bigly. Already made a cool 7k and this pnd carousel has more to give once the buy in price gets back down to poor gullible retard levels.

>> No.27463858
File: 336 KB, 700x777, d0f2deca8cbe15a65ff9fb6f810ecef166c9115515820a97cbbf53c9a8781cda[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27463880

Bullshit, got an email from Stake today, they are not letting a single cunt buy a single share of GME. Bullish according to your logic.

>> No.27463915

It's about a million or so people slowly realizing they've been scammed and leaving at increasingly rapidly rates

>> No.27463953

oh yeah and you can't borrow shares of GME right now. brokers are running/have ran out

>> No.27463976

The truth of the market is that unless you're an insider, you'll never know for sure about accurate price discovery. The FED is not the only one that prints money, banks manipulate FOREX and COMEX markets to create to money. They set the exchange rates for FOREX. Any "losses" from bad bets like GME don't matter to them, they control the flow and distribution of wealth at their leisure.

>> No.27463978

what if retail investor normies leave? surely the autism of wsb alone won't be able to fight back against hedgies?

>> No.27463981
File: 23 KB, 414x311, 47_Happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I be concerned, my entry is covered.
Sure I'll be losing profits if it goes tits up but it's all relative, if I lose that money I'm still a poorfag who lost nothing, and hedie-kun is still a greasy kike with more money than his greedy little mind knows how to spend, if it goes well then I'm a slightly richer poorfag and hedgies are a red smear on the pavement.
As I see it, I can't lose.

>> No.27463986

You are a dumb fuck. I am still in the green. Lurk more. You don't know what's going on.

>> No.27464004

>a million or so people
Anon, the trade volume isn't even a million.

Yesterday saw 37 million shares moved, and only 800k of those weren't bulk.

>> No.27464077

Guys I'm scared do I sell or not?

>> No.27464102

Like think about that, in the last two days there has been a reported 90 million shares volume. If that's the case, and it was all selling. This shit wouldn't be at 170 right now. It'd be sub 20 dollars.

>> No.27464109

Guys relax, they are trying to play their psychogames, set limits to 100000 and profit, to the goddamn moon

>> No.27464110

They're going have to carry me out on those shares, ride or die

>> No.27464114

no unless u r MELVIN

>> No.27464143

God I’m so happy I bought massive amounts of puts mid-day yesterday

>> No.27464161

Let's never compare Bitcoin to this again. Please

>> No.27464163

Meanwhile the reddit whales have sold off most of their positions and posting fake screenshots so they can unload the remaining 20% in the three digit ranges today.
>d-diamond h-hands amirite guyysss???

>> No.27464188
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>> No.27464212
File: 29 KB, 720x917, iMarkup_20210128_182718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impressive how brains exist with such smoothness. Most brokers still have restrictions on buying of course it won't go up yet. You don't know why it dumped. You have no idea what's going on.

>> No.27464221

I wish I could post more throughout the day, but at work I can only view on mobile cause range ban. It's fucking crazy seeing at 4-5pm EST the shift from shills pumping the board to actual investors getting home from work and joining their NEET counterparts in fighting the fud

i know i bought yesterday lol

>> No.27464227

I would sell and buy back in when it hits levels below reddit mean iq. This is a pnd carousel as long as they can grift the hedgie myth.

>> No.27464258
File: 198 KB, 500x378, Homer-Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every soft handed bitch just means their shares are bought by diamonfd handed autists that do actually understand the situation. The situation actually becomes more intractable every day. No one who understands the situation is worried at all.
> Yeah but my IQ doesn't hit three digits without a decimal, help me understand
For idiots, you only have to reason by inference. If everyone who stands to lose from this is trying to convince you to sell, maybe that's because they don't want you to hold. So you should hold.
> Bro, 2 digits, come on
Do the opposite of what the Jew says. Jew says sell. Jew says you will lose if you hold. Jew says they already won so give up.

>> No.27464266

stfu you melvinic cuck
we all know that's a fair comparison to make
you can't gaslight the autistic

>> No.27464369

You're room temp iq id extremely aggravating. The most recent update says they are still over shorted because they are still over shorted. You have to provide new data / evidence if you want to refute these claims. You can't. The end.

>> No.27464416

if this is true why would they slowly unload it at ever decreasing profits? you think they're silently coordinating, as the REDDIT ELITE? you expect ME TO BELIEVE THAT?

>> No.27464422

Plz no
Ur retardation hurts

>> No.27464441
File: 31 KB, 320x180, HODLLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just remember to set your fucking sell limits so you don't suddenly get bamboozled out of your stock and you'll be fine. It might take a week or two,fuck it might even take a month

But they -MUST- BUY ALL THE STOCK. Market price does NOT matter. They HAVE to buy our bags. You had a guaranteed buyer from the day you bought their stock so don't be afraid of staring them down.


What you have right now is like the vaccine to a zombie virus days before somehow the zombies wreck the common supply and only a few handful of people managed to save it.

>> No.27464474
File: 39 KB, 600x475, 1611947929080 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /pol/ here with a warning friend.
Never argue with the jew, even when you have them in a corner, they will simply feign being ignorant just to attempt to bamboozle you later.
If you have the proof, and someone refuses to acknowledge it, kindly tell them to fuck off.

>> No.27464487

this is your brain on hasidic math

>> No.27464496

Diamond hands.

>> No.27464504

False big nose

>> No.27464543

the interaction unfortunately has to happen cause the uninitiated need to witness the jewry firsthand to understand

>> No.27464580

Patience is going to pay off, this is where we separate the men from the boys.

>> No.27464587
File: 35 KB, 688x511, 1342948882020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other thing you have to account for, is they still have a margin call themselves. I've said it before. the lowest they went with that massive attack was around 113 and is hasn't gotten close since. It's a strange thing to do to dump that hard and for it to climb back up to 380 the same day.

They may not be even able to go any lower without everyone borrowed from making a call asking to pay up. Which is why I'm really interested in why it's been hovering at 170 for nearly the last hour with everyone in Europe slowly getting locked out of buying as well.

>> No.27464655


>> No.27464724
File: 404 KB, 475x259, 1612203061788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That much is true.
The tinyhats are out in full force to stop this """"Financial Holocaust."""" I don't think i've ever seen wallstreet this shook up. Ever, in my 29 years of living. This to me is a major red flag in our favor and needs to be remembered at ever possible moment.
The Jew cries out as he strikes you.
They cry out "P-protect your funds, Goyim", as they limit your ability to trade. Your /right/ to the free market.


>> No.27464731

>implying the SEC will allow the last three people holdin GME to sell their shares of $100,000 each
It's over once they declare bankruptcy. They haven't done it yet because they know it would destroy too many young people who would be frothing at the mouth to eat them.
But if they wait until the end, they would have destroyed the greediest of their adversaries.
Don't think for a minute that this will drag out past Friday. The ywill be finished and people will be left holding bags

>> No.27464797

Tell people to HODL while quickly getting rid of your shares while you still can at a profit.
I'm a /v/tard and gamespot is pretty much dead as a business.

>> No.27464812

have they not been able to cover their short positions by buying at the lower prices though?

I'm expecting some "trickery" today

>> No.27464869

I won't claim to be an expert on banks but if they do that i'm pretty sure someone else picks up their debt. The government probably would i'd imagine. And if left up to the government they'd just activate their money printer and settle us all out.

>> No.27464932

>Buy stocks
>"lel gamestop go up"
>Go do laundry, shopping, pick kids from the school, have a usual week

>Meanwhile, the internet is screaming your inaction to not sell low is stupid and you should act NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!! SELL LOW!! SELL LOW!! ITS BEEN A WEEK SELL LOW!! NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!! STOP YOUR INACTIVITY AND SPRING TO ACTION!! REAL STORY: I BOUGHT HIGH, NOW I SELL LOW!!! STOP HOLDING!!!

Who even is this disinfo for? You're mocking people for being inactive and demanding them to spring into action. People who are not even here and have decided to see this through. And your demand itself is that they should now sell lower than they bought, since a week has passed since they bought stocks. The "theory" that GME is still shorted from its original price range isn't even over. The original lure to buy GME stocks hasn't even been resolved, and you've run out of patience, with stocks. In a week.

>> No.27464938

When the loudest voices in the room are screaming it's over and you have no chance that's a sure sign everything is not going according to what they wanted. Look around, do these headlines and talking heads trying to use every trick to guilt and shame you out of your stonks sound like they are coming from calm and confident people?

>> No.27464942
File: 288 KB, 1176x1840, 1600285345538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... My Gamespot shares...

>> No.27464953
File: 117 KB, 1170x500, drop date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they very well could have, but from who is the curios question. They would have had to buy from retail to do it, and only around 40k shares were moved from non bulk during the big drop.

>> No.27464960
File: 474 KB, 661x613, 1612197911736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left holding bags
Hahahahahahahahahaha learn finance you fucking retard.

>> No.27464973

no, but at the same time I'm nervous that they'll achieve what they want

>> No.27464989

>going to college
>while being a drooling retard

>> No.27465008

Keep holding the bag then while actual smart people cash out lmao.
Gamestop will be dead within a few months.

>> No.27465072

I dont give a fuck, still holding. No matter what happens crypto will moon

>> No.27465100

What they want is for everybody to just roll over and make things easy for them. Operate to your own risk adversy but way I see if if they want their damn stocks so badly they are going to have to pay me.

>> No.27465103
File: 30 KB, 300x301, 1605445073011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was never about going long in Gamestop you retard and I was making fun of you for calling it Gamespot.

>> No.27465334

Do you think I am irresponsible for putting 1/8th of my net worth into this @ 250 avg?

>> No.27465367

The truth of the market is, we need to build lists of names, addresses, family members, license plates, and daily schedules, and start suspending people alive from trees with their intestines spilling out and set their houses on fire.

If they get away with this then they were guilty enough long, LONG ago. Ignore everyone who blames you. These are thieves and thieves lose hands.

>> No.27465368

The COPING on WSB is so hard. Just like /pol/ when biden won.

>next week, right? Trump will win next week, right?

>> No.27465506

>Keep holding the bag then while actual smart people cash out lmao.
Yeah, the people who jumped in on $11 are going to net thousands while you who jumped on $300 are going to lose $100. Don't be stupid, get out now and you can buy yourself a PS5 game or two. Cmon, get out. Its been almost week since you bought. The stock has stopped acting abnormally, which means they're dead.

>> No.27465518

>he doesnt know about operation shadow president

>> No.27465587

No, you can still make it out today with a tasty profit if you sell when it shoots above 250 before it crashes.

>> No.27465685

>buy yourself a PS5 game or two
What games?

>> No.27465776
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1611787942761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More with the shills trying to make this at all about the election and not just capitalism at the purest sense.
Pic related, retarded shills.

>> No.27465810


wheres your evidence that they havent closed their positions?

>> No.27465879

volume to price ratio. If they had closed, it wouldn't have been with the volume used, nor still be at 170+ a share. It would have been many times more volume, people still allowed to buy into it at any number of shares and the price being sub 20 dollars.

>> No.27466045
File: 769 KB, 1024x683, pepe congress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep the hype going and you will see people chimping out over the manipulation schemes that have been exposed

you know why we shouldnt be panicking? because they are blocking buying on ever broker. when have you EVER known wall street to reject money from dumb people? how many pump and dumps or shitty meme stocks have come and gone fleecing millions out of the retail hands? but all of a sudden, its time to SHUT IT DOWN "for your safety"???????

thats how you know they are full of shit, still overshorted to the max, and the white house is meddling by intimidating brokers and clearning houses into stopping this before it triggers a financial collapse lehman style

>> No.27466075

they bought this shitter for 15-20USD on average, now slowly and steadily they are treating themselves, most of it got sold well above 350USD last week.
How heavy are your bags LOL??

>> No.27466129

I literally don't care. I have two shares, and I was going to have to get a job with or without them. If I lose it all I'll probably just be more inspired to stop being a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.27466138

Because 4chan is anonymous, it's like a bathroom wall.
You cannot use 4chan for advice or to ascertain sentiment.
The only thing 4chan is useful for is to obtain information which otherwise would have escaped your notice, however the truth or falsity of that information must be verified through some other means.

>> No.27466164


sooo... its a gut feeling then?

>> No.27466170

this guy gets it. they would be gloating on MSM not paying armies of shills to spread fear and panic. people need to trust their gut and look objectively at what makes sense.

what makes more sense, that wall street wants to block you from stuffing your money into their registers? or that they want to scare you into abandoning your upperhand that is siphoning their money into your wallet?

>> No.27466171
File: 8 KB, 290x174, 1575307668548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks they're going to let a bunch of racist white supremacists be rich
If Hitler bought GME in the same situation as you now, you better believe the banks and government wouldn't honor that deal. And it's the same now.
If it's what the financial terrorists want, then it's not going to happen.

>> No.27466236

>nerds in their basements are oppressor nazis
>billion dollar hedge funds are the resistance
clown world

>> No.27466265

the same way they all appeared on sunday night shilling SLV and vanihsed and now have appeared screaming THE SHORTS ARE CLOSED

just relax bros we have the data on our side. the price is scary but so fucking what. it dropped to $150 on thursday. it dropped to $60 on tuesday from 90 or so

>> No.27466310
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x1063, 1603595890135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's impossible to cover their positions at the 'listed' price.
Just because the ticker says $100 doesn't mean they get to kick down your door, hand you a Benjamin and take your GME from you. You have to agree to that price. The vast majority don't agree, they are holding, they are not participating right now. The price you see is based on recent trades. If 99% of shares are being held, that reluctance isn't reflected. You're only seeing what weak hands and market manipulators believe the stock is worth.
If Melvin wants to close it's position, it has to by tens of millions of shares. If a thousand shares get traded back and forth for $100, that means there are 1000 shares you can get at $100, it does not magically make every other share worth the same.
If Melvin decided to buy 50 million shares, they would have to first buy the ones with a $100 ask. There's a thousand of those. Then they have to buy the shares with a $110 ask. There's another thousand. By the time they've bought 100k, just 0.2% of what they have to they'll have exhausted every single sale offer less than $300 and we're right back where we started.
>brain smooth, try again
Just because some cheap bananas exist, does not mean all bananas are cheap. Not enough cheap bananas. There are three cheap bananas available and they need to fill a boat with bananas. We have all the bananas. We won't sell them at the cheap price. We decide the price, not them, not the cheap banana sellers.

>> No.27466350

If it starts going near your buying price, then GTFO before it represents loses.

If you can afford the loss, keep it and NEVER SELL.

>> No.27466354

>dodges question
i hope you're not too mad that i went in on GME and accepted it as a 100% loss in the first place solely to make you seethe
thanks for the fuel

>> No.27466401

Also notice none of the kikes are posting near-nsfw images along with their posts, while most posts with hot half naked bitches are still telling people to hold GME. That's not very 4chan like at all.

>> No.27466419

also don't reply to me, unlike you I'm not already at work

>> No.27466470

um guys the lowest strike price PUT option for mid march is 285? IS IT GONNA GO UP????

>> No.27466473
File: 33 KB, 640x470, zsSRiQGh0Wu2KRLZr6VjnwahCOevRn3bEBjG1gUZMWs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if it crashes and never recovers, I remain confident we had them by the balls and they weasled there way out somehow.

>> No.27466611
File: 43 KB, 960x520, 1605715251363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27466621

thats the spirit of a true cuck, the only one that got held by the balls is you bagholder that got dumped by the early kids on reddit that bought this shitter for 20 USD just six weeks ago.

>> No.27466645

you forgot the part where 8 million redditors start protesting and rioting over the blatant wallstreet fraud and tricks

>> No.27466654

What don't you understand about NEVER SELLING? Also for the shitting on WSB on /biz/ lately, there not all that bad,
can recognize that Jordan scammer Belfort is a piece of shit. This ain't the 90's anymore Belly Boy, go fuck yourself.


>> No.27466833

>volume goes down
>price still goes back to where it was
Still the most telling sign.

>> No.27466986

based Lum poster

>> No.27467017

We need to make examples out them so terrifying that the ones we let live flee to remote islands for their safety.

Then we need to do something about the vast military empire which permits them to operate even in exile by satellite.

We need to change things. We cannot have such a byzantine system dominating our lives, finances, and happiness with such impunity.

Mankind has allowed this to go on so long, we have no other choice but to fight.

>> No.27467093


>> No.27467129

>We need to make...
you are smoking a lot of dude weed lmao, arent you?

>> No.27467140

Most telling sign of what? I'm retarded, sorry.

>> No.27467215
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 1611833263194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27467282

post your home addresses and find out

>> No.27467381

I want everyone fudding GME to repeat after me:
gas the kikes, race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong

If you do this, I may believe you are not shills.

>> No.27467593

That they pulled some extremely underhanded shit to not get as fucked over as they naturally were.

It's really dumb they did though because now the bag holding is going to fucking intensify as the GME movement gets organized and understands the crap they pulled and they're gonna WISH they let the stock reach 500.

These guys are trying to deal with the public like we're just some other company and it's not going to work out well. People are going to bitch,they're going to lawyer up and they're going to ruin their cushy ass lives and Wallstreet is likely going to despise these fucks because this shit is going to trigger the stock market getting watched a LOT closer and movements on it are going to get intensely scrutinized

>> No.27467630

gas the kikes, race war now
Hitler did nothing wrong
you just bought at the top of a pump and dump

>> No.27467659

Media lies, military power, public complacency, and social manipulation have ensured you will neve get your race war movement. You'll have to act alone out of fury with nothing to gain but revenge.

>> No.27467828

I bought at sub 20.
But do you want me to sell?

>> No.27467881

Me? $0.00

>> No.27467932

But I only got 1 share at like $200 sumthin so idk im retarded

>> No.27468011

I'm higher than you at 1 share, you can do it