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>> No.27443016
File: 32 KB, 332x281, Good Morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning I love GTE

>> No.27443119
File: 362 KB, 1180x672, Telos543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLS=Deep State
Join tomorrow

>> No.27443141

Can anyone explain to me how the short sale restriction didn't apply to GME in today's short ladder attacks?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding how SSR works or how ladders are applied?

>> No.27443149
File: 200 KB, 750x1283, 7671B161-8717-4249-A483-69ED2CB90637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Merrill edge was based but I guess bankers gotta be kikes.
>pic of banned securities in margin
What is up with this list ? Pretty fucking random besides the top 3. What am I missing ?

>> No.27443183

Youre forgetting restrictions only apply to losers like you

>> No.27443247
File: 257 KB, 791x1024, original_276031705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRAC is also a thing I own, I haven't shilled it much because they're high on no news but space is cool

>> No.27443261

Does anyone have that pic with Bobo about to snipe a green wojack?

>> No.27443264

stuff hedge funds were planning to short

>> No.27443347

AQB has a max pain of 10 for the 19th and max pain of 7.5 for mid next month. This could change, but you may want to buy in a bit lower guys, or mess with their options.

>> No.27443369

Well, after losing 25% of initial funds to panic buying silver (I was sleep-deprived then, as well; I'm also mad I lost it in such stupid way, I thought I'm going to lose it on memes like GME) I decided to calm the fuck down, put down the memes and invest in index funds I can manage 24h (that means morning before going to work and after work). So far I'm in loss again, but trends seem to be in my favor and I'm at 13% profit shorting Volx, so I'm optimistic.

>> No.27443375

All those other ones were being heavily shorted too, jews are trying to buy more time to exit scam before theyre margin called for the value of their entire firm

>> No.27443387

I bought some CLF today because I hate niggers

>> No.27443389
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no but I have this

>> No.27443422

Literally every single thing mentioned here dude.

Let’s test it


>> No.27443479
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The market is about to get it's shit pushed in!

>> No.27443496

Was thinking of picking up some NIO tomorrow. What do you all think, good time to buy?

>> No.27443500
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Here anon, this one's even better.

>> No.27443525

China is involved in gme somehow. I think they’re behind wsb takeover

>> No.27443545
File: 328 KB, 1080x2400, doubleretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ends don't justify the means there tranny

>> No.27443554

Btw. Got any recommendations when it comes to articles, books ect?

>> No.27443559

uh dude, you're not supposed to be racist outside of /b/, and even there it's just as a joke, read the rules. I just got here and even I know that.

>> No.27443589
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NOK is the most comfy hold. Best memestock that's not actually a memestock.

>> No.27443623

Pfff what ever

>> No.27443625

There are 50 things I'd buy before NIO.
What makes someone look at NIO and say yeah, that's worth passing up every other opportunity on my watchlist?

>> No.27443635
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>> No.27443637


>> No.27443658
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holy fucking shit
> futures

>> No.27443663
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>> No.27443676
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sleep tight OP

>> No.27443679

WFH fags be honest how bad is it? T

>> No.27443682

>buy dozens of different tickers
>set 0.001% stop loss
>literally printing money

Why dont more people do this?

>> No.27443684
File: 81 KB, 1070x1048, 7C6322F6-4D59-4ABF-B429-E38CD76F8E8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CRBP market close to AH pump

What the FUCK, I thought this pajeet bioshit was dead in the water?

>> No.27443701

81 shares of AMC at $17

I’ll be holding this shit until the last multiplex is demolished to make room for condominiums.

>> No.27443757

Who dis

>> No.27443760
File: 52 KB, 1022x670, 1611346376246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have $13 in my bank account

>> No.27443770

Chinks actually made a well made ev and are ramping up production. Just in it for the money really.

>> No.27443773

That’s a nice cat. Post more cats doing water related things

>> No.27443793

Buying UVXY puts, thoughts?

>> No.27443823
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>> No.27443828

Easier to do with SPACs

>> No.27443836
File: 100 KB, 1079x585, Screenshot_20210201-200724_Trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got anything queued up, /smg/?

>> No.27443863

I'm just doing my DD on a bunch of stocks. thinking, not buying for sure my guy. Got anymore for me to research into?

>> No.27443867

Dude clf tranny literally uses a bot to shill. Theres no way hes this much of a no life loser.

Literally 5 am lunch time midnight 11 pm 10 pm 630 am 7 am. Literally 24 hours a day

>> No.27443888

>What is an actively managed fund?

>> No.27443908
File: 26 KB, 750x711, 1612164382970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real story behind the scenes is that people found out that there were "missing" or "fake" Gamestop shares. FAKE. SHARES. This leads to the question, how many fake shares are there of other companies? Imagine how much money you could make with buying and selling fake shares. This is the apocalypse.

>> No.27443919

Buy MOMO or die poor

>> No.27443928
File: 17 KB, 225x225, 135B31B9-4023-42F7-A8BA-A47877A5B6FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am happy to be alive again

>> No.27443947

I bought VIXY calls so it’s probably a good idea to do the opposite of me.

>> No.27443961

God I want to suck on some titties.

>> No.27443963

>Theres no way hes this much of a no life loser.
Where do you think you are

>> No.27443964

Wouldn't price fluctuations trigger almost all of the stop losses instantly?

>> No.27443992

I have no idea, why are you asking me?

>> No.27444004

>fake shares
Literal fan fiction

>> No.27444016
File: 473 KB, 1000x1359, 80751397_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm too much of an amateur to really be dealing with options, so I don't know what those would entail. Interesting that there's likely some time to wait for it to drop a little lower though, thanks for the info.

>> No.27444074

>Theres no way hes this much of a no life loser.
are you sure about that?

>> No.27444098


>> No.27444186

Who are you quoting?

>> No.27444191

Is the market safe again? I finally almost hit 5 fig portfolio but I’m like 90% cash. Gme is scaring me

>> No.27444201

when its comfy smg coming back. I miss ebussy posting already

>> No.27444212
File: 25 KB, 617x561, huter biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else sleeping like this knowing they sold some reddit fag their AMC and GME bags at the tippy top. got out @ 18.90 and 355 respectively.

>> No.27444248

Crude bumped up. Most everything is tied into oil prices.

>> No.27444283



That is all.

>> No.27444293

Have you seen that fat fucking loser?

>> No.27444319
File: 1.86 MB, 1821x2579, c9206eb336c90c8e9c97ff37257e33d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ebussy posting never takes off because it's not publicly traded

>sold at $420.69

>> No.27444337
File: 2.35 MB, 498x280, 36436320.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You don't think people are trying to fake shares? Imagine you just added a few shares onto a large purchase, nobody would notice. Then you do it millions of times, and its all washed out by high frequency traders. We're talking about numbers in a computer, not fucking pieces of paper. You'd make insane amounts of money. And they did.

>> No.27444356

Bull case it doubles. If they can't scale or if they run into government problems they're in trouble.
Just feels risky to me. RIDE has support from GM, TSLA has a huge cash moat, those seem less risky. Since any of these companies could fail I am also thinking just going with an ETF like DRIV, evening out my risk/reward.

>> No.27444363

Is tqqq where most people buy LEAPS?

>> No.27444365

> We didn’t want to stop people from buying stocks and we certainly weren’t trying to help hedge funds.
kikery is afoot

>> No.27444393

Wondering this too.

>> No.27444402

14.50 and 375 respectively. I don't smoke crack.

>> No.27444413

Does over-shorting mean there are "fake" shares? Genuinely asking because I've been thinking along similar lines.

>> No.27444429

Got bored as hell today so went on youtube. Got sucked into watching some dude review several pair of shoes. Ranged from 515 to 5000 in price. After a few minutes of that I was like "wtf does it mater, they all looked damn good to me" Hell I'm happy with my walmart shoes..

>> No.27444435
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>> No.27444451

You have actually no idea how equities work and it’s hilarious. You can’t fake shares dude the whole market knows how many they are that’s how we calculate book value lmao

>> No.27444495

based. Wish I hadn't bought back in after I sold at 345 but my retard brain decided to buy back in. Still got out at 270. I bought virgin SP(a)CE stock too. Also for algos buy NAK.

>> No.27444503

Watch the offensive terms, or at least add an /s if you’re just trying to be edgy

>> No.27444506


>> No.27444522
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>> No.27444529

you realize paper shares its easier to fake than digital, right? Stop coping, accept your mistakes of buying an almost dead company at 400 dollars

>> No.27444584

There's genuinely something fucky afoot. Institutional ownership is >100%.

>> No.27444606

Saying this again.
>Boomer Rocks
Ride the hype I respect, but fuck off with this squeeze bullshit.

>> No.27444618


>> No.27444667

bro im a stock expert on short interest now. now lets get into NOK

>> No.27444671

Google synthetic longs

>> No.27444725
File: 17 KB, 460x427, FIXED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niceeee and revised

>> No.27444724

No there isn’t. They shorted over 100% which means they borrowed and then loaned those out to other institutions. Git gud

>> No.27444741

Stock market isnt your 3rd world country tier election, stop with this stupidity. Gme was obviously an extremely short term play and very risky. I wouldnt hold that for more than 2 days

>> No.27444772
File: 452 KB, 731x767, 193D7D46-72DE-4732-B0BA-0952D36B31B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed bros

>> No.27444805

hell sounds like you're still up on it, way better than bag holding for the rest of eternity

>> No.27444891


>> No.27444915

I'm already out nigger and I've been following this for months. It's clear you haven't.

>> No.27445029

Bullish for SMG, bearish for when it inevitably fails

>> No.27445094
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1 day to cover

>> No.27445112

Legalizing dude weed is unironically bullish for the federal govt. They 100% want us placated. Here in Canada the public awareness and intelligence noticably dropped within a year of it being legalized.

>> No.27445119

back to red*it with you

>> No.27445131

GME could be a good buy in a few months, but not rn desu. Reddit cult is gonna kill itself

>> No.27445157

That’s why I have a Nike call, 145 6/18. Two earnings in between now and then

Niggers love their Nike

>> No.27445167

Democrats will pass it to please their base

>> No.27445181

gme short squeeze was memed for months, you are a fucking tourist with all your retarded conspiracy theories. Go fucking back

>> No.27445196

BEST Penny stock that soon wont be a penny stock?

>> No.27445198

I'm going full retard and making my portfolio 50% just cannabis. May God shine on my retard ass.

>> No.27445205
File: 21 KB, 490x490, 1608090109311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought silver years ago because I was afraid the government was going to crash and burn the dollar
>FFW now where normies want to crash the stock market
What the fuck is going on

>> No.27445226

friendly reminder if you still hold GME or AMC you dont belong here

>> No.27445262

Correct. They want a stupid and compliant population

>> No.27445286
File: 397 KB, 500x484, 64197F2B-FA4D-4ED0-90B4-AD489E499041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is meme week over?
Can I close my positions in GME and AMC
I WANT TO GO BACK to how things were before meme week

>> No.27445293
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futures crabbing

>> No.27445301

Sell half and then get it back (at a lower price) once normie retards that fell for hedgie scam sell off in a panic.

>> No.27445352

Does it count if im holding 10$ worth of it?

jumped in for the meme

>> No.27445362
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>> No.27445364

patiently waiting for dead cat bounce at bottom lol

>> No.27445366
File: 836 KB, 687x1434, 1601320837907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, you're the redditor! says the obvious redditor
lol ok

>> No.27445367


>> No.27445388

why the fuck didnt DFV sell? good fucking lord

is anyone else here tempted to chance it now that GME is in the 100s?

>> No.27445412

opinions on HIMS?

>> No.27445422

My SNDL calls are going to print money.

>> No.27445429
File: 33 KB, 290x543, portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can this x3 by EOY?

>> No.27445454

How do I options trade VIX

>> No.27445492

Victim of his own vanity.

>> No.27445500

>hes still using robinjew

holy shit dude how do you even trust it? id be fucking worried of the sell button being removed when it goes up 100%

>> No.27445515

These retards are buying silver online. Meanwhile most gold shops are closed down because they are non essential. All these fucking zoomers will be stuck with silver because they are too lazy to sell it online. Silver is going to sky rocket due to the physical demand. It will not be going down any time soon

>> No.27445519

GME or AMC mooning or not determines the state of US equities. You'd be a moron if you're not watching it.

>> No.27445520

>mfw Melvin offered him $80 million to hold his positions until they’re literally worthless, just to rally the normies to do the same because IF HE’S NOT SELLING, NEITHER AM I

>> No.27445617
File: 39 KB, 472x504, e5df66630c810b82a048c287fa21836a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is about to crash.

>> No.27445632

You're delusional and are clearly a tourist form /pol/
Please close your Robinhood account and never come back

>> No.27445696

he's not going to, and I bet he exercises the April calls

>> No.27445707

Redditos prefer vanity to money

>> No.27445736

wait do i sell amc? are memes really gone that quick now?

>> No.27445743

i just liked being able to speculate on crypto with my stock gains and move funds around
i opened fidelity account over weekend, might move my stocks but i'll give it few more days, i'm lazy and it's a hassle

>> No.27445820
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Who else is going to buy some UONE for the black history month poomp?

>> No.27445846
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>> No.27445881
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>green at night, bobo's delight
>green in the morning, bobo take warning

>> No.27445925

>Check Melvin's 13F, and then check the charts for their longs. Maybe its confirmation bias, but there appears to be a correlation. The sales would represent 70-80% of their total individual positions. It also looks like they exited some of their more conservative put positions like Kroger and Camping World to avoid another potential disaster.

>> No.27446040

It was green all of last night except the first hour or two

>> No.27446061
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>> No.27446084


Watch this guy's demeanor at 5:55 and 9:17 and tell me he isn't worried about the situation. Look at how much he looks at his notes when Gamestop is brought up. The fact that this is even a question that is brought up is concerning.

>> No.27446087

To think that DFV dude was sitting on 48 million and is now at 38 million. (Which will be maybe 30 million by 9:30 Tuesday). The moral of the tail? Sell while your ahead. Making statements means nothing. Profit is the only thing that maters. Take the money and run!.

>> No.27446105

> dat double top on GME
It's ogre reddit

>> No.27446130
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>> No.27446140

what happened to NAK? last time someone talked about it someone called them retards

>> No.27446143
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Compare their market caps you fuck tard. I bet you think you can moon nokia as well with your food stamps as well

>> No.27446147

He literally cannot sell.

>> No.27446149
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Did anyone here hold GME before this shitshow happened?

>> No.27446150

>you have no idea how X works
You are fucking stupid. YOU dont know how it works because NOBODY does. Thats the fucking problem. They cant deliver GME shares because nobody seems to fucking have them.

>> No.27446170

I bought short positions Friday, and went from ecstatic to increasingly anxious and depressed as the night went on

>> No.27446188

Sold gme at 440 feels super comfy, didn’t touch amc but will buy puts soon

>> No.27446190

RK's thesis is unironically long term, how confused are you guys going to be when he's still posting updates in six months?

>> No.27446201

Bears are not allowed to cum

>> No.27446217

some guy's dad on reddit did, and some preteen nigger whose mother bought it for him

>> No.27446234

get out newfag

>> No.27446259

Being called a retard on /smg/ is the buy signal. Being called a faggot means you are infact a faggot and should sell

>> No.27446260

I would have sold the shit out of that. I could have just bought a house in the countryside and never have to worry about the outside world ever again.

>> No.27446271

Their market caps don't matter in comparison to how deeply leveraged some of these hedge funds are. IF they go red, they will have to liquidate their "safe" AAPLs and TSLAs

>> No.27446279
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i bought months ago at 7 dollars and sold at 9 dollars

>> No.27446282

Its also rigged to shit by people trying to steal from each other "legally." The evidence points to something more systemic than just GME.

>> No.27446285

I sold 50 shares in October when I was flipping stocks

Knowing me, I would’ve “held” through this ordeal and sold once it hit $100.

>> No.27446298

go back

>> No.27446339

No, nobody here has been discussing GME since summer of last year.

>> No.27446346

i literally got zero sleep just to sell in premarket. i knew shit was going down i could feel it all weekend and friday and i figured 500% gains were good enough to not risk it

>> No.27446394

From what I read it means shorted shares that are shorted again by next buyer.

>> No.27446417

GME was being shilled on /smg/ since at least June
bunch of people were holding

>> No.27446457


Would make sense considering I bought in this morning

>> No.27446481

Fuck off newfag.

>> No.27446498
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Bearish divergence between copper and NASDAQ. Can't have tech without copper, this must be a fake pump.

>> No.27446526

based. ill be selling my last 20 shares tomorrow but i dont want to wake up that early

>> No.27446582

bought at 42, sold at 205

>> No.27446624
File: 234 KB, 1000x773, baste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand I'm happy that a lot of /smg/ tards made it on GME

On the other I want it to dump because spammers and redditors are pretty annoying

>> No.27446628
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>In the end, it all turns to green

>> No.27446638

The past week has been very humbling. I have been a good boy for all of 2020, buying low long positions, selling high. Made 35% profits. Then this GME meme came and I hopped in like a retard. Cutting my losses now bros. My portfolio is still green thanks to other, wiser investments I made but my ego is bruised as hell.
Investing is a good past time, you should definitely get into it and try to make your life better, but a good lesson is to never get in a hype. Especially if the media and Elon are in on it.

>> No.27446773

yeah, go back

>> No.27446800

Thoughts on PLUG/NIO/FCEL? Is the hydrogen fuel shit a meme or is their long term hodl value?

>> No.27446836
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Panic sold GME at a $250 loss today....regretting it now desu

I think it'll bleed more then bounce

I want back in so I set up a limit buy at $100. If it goes down to zero, would that he a wash sale if I sell at a loss?

>> No.27446897

man don't get that shit put on a list too

>> No.27446968
File: 129 KB, 770x760, 1604619365250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since UVXY trends towards 0, today I bought 10 2023 1p. This is obviously a 3000 IQ play. I'll see you faggots on the moon.

>> No.27447019

wsb was a funny place now full of people that just spam rockets

>> No.27447104

this used to be a place free of faggots but now you're here

>> No.27447108

It's about to be a funny place again once people start posting -94.65% drops in their portfolio due to gme

>> No.27447111

If a stock increased 50x, chances are it's already pumped.

>> No.27447164

>35% profits
coulda got those same gains on VTSAX/VSMAX, just sayin. the whole mkt exploded cuz the stimilusu money was 95% a free gift to jews and 5% a pittance for working gentiles

>> No.27447171

Oh god he referenced the dotcom bubble in his answer. We crash in 6 weeks or less.

>> No.27447177

i always been here tranny

>> No.27447179


>> No.27447195

you have to go back

>> No.27447213


>> No.27447265

How much of your net worth do you allocate to single stock speculation / meme shit?

>> No.27447332

>Panic sold GME at a $250 loss today....regretting it now desu
>I think it'll bleed more then bounce

Don't. The "short squeeze" or whatever it was, was last week when it mooned to $400+. GME is going to $20 or so.
A hundred billion dollars worth of losses this year so far for hedgies, one leading hedge fund bankrupt and a minor liquidity crisis.

>> No.27447392
File: 27 KB, 400x400, cathie stock mommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it chad or cringe to just buy "high" risk ETFs like the ARKs and clean energy ETFs?

>> No.27447406

and now we have to deal with faggot refugees like you, what a shame

>> No.27447411

Find it yourself

>> No.27447423
File: 3.71 MB, 480x602, 1E191EAA-9B97-4220-9952-D64990C0D510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35% in 2020
subtle trolling anon, everyone knows even single digit iqs made at least 60% returns in 2020

>> No.27447428

Wrong and retarded

No it isn’t. It’s legit easier for little guys to sell as they don’t swing the equities they’re trying to profit off of. You are a moronic tourist caught up in a political game that has been hijacked by poltards and communists. Market manipulation is taken very seriously by the SEC. what you’re witnessing is the way it’s always worked and people who just learned about trading equities last month making huge conclusions (and grifters attempting to profit off of them.)

>> No.27447459

all of it

>> No.27447470


>> No.27447510

vodka and iced tea aint as good as i remember

>> No.27447512

Whats the best actual hold for long term gains amongst all the meme ETFs?


>> No.27447518

making money is pretty cringe ngl

>> No.27447527

you must have always been an ESL retard too then

>> No.27447537


>> No.27447539

Im tossed up on hydrogen tech and it's efficiency comparied to lithium batteries, and I actually mean it's lack of efficiency. However it has it's advantages and could have a nich in the Green Energy push, and then it could be a big meme that gets dumped on like how plug was over $1000 back in the early 2000's. However PLUG is my biggest position and I'm sitting at a $7 average on it. In my opinion it there is alot of institutional investors in PLUG so I feel comfortable holding for a while.

>> No.27447547
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I have <1 fractional share left in GME in Fidelity, is there some way to sell it?
It's not big deal but I'd rather just sell it for some cash and clean up my position page.

>> No.27447548


>> No.27447559
File: 1.26 MB, 1084x1538, 3315DE2D-D18B-46AF-A591-CFE63A6D732E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe "mommy do the work for me" anon. one ETF should be 20-40% of your portfolio. the remainder consists of well researched picks and swing positions

>> No.27447578

>meme ETF's
>long term
pick one

>> No.27447598


>> No.27447604

Boy this Melvin guy sounds like a real jerk!

>> No.27447635


the shit is going nowhere but down nigger

the only upward movement will be from day traders because they know everyone is looking at it. other than that its going down every day until its back to a proper valuation

>> No.27447647

buy more and try unloading everything at once?

>> No.27447648

1.5% of my investment play money
.8% if I include my cash reserves
.2% if I include my retirement funds

>> No.27447665

>DXY creeping up..

>> No.27447666

Buying a non leveraged ETF is like watching another man fuck your female (male) wife

>> No.27447679

usually I do 100%, 50/50, or do like 60/40.

Just do large trades, deposit more money keep the shit going. I eventually got a rental house and its paying me monthly.

>> No.27447704
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My gf is leaving me for a guy who wasn't retarded enough to hold onto AMC and instead sold at $17

>> No.27447742

you cant even buy the fractional to fill it its so fucking annoying. i have 80 trapped in gme and its just bleeding to death

>> No.27447760

It depends on if you're in 5 figure, 6 figure or even 7 figure hell

>> No.27447772

I guess I could do that, like buy enough to get to one share and then sell it right after before price moves much (hopefully).

>> No.27447776

she makes a lot of money and consistently, so why not choose ARK

>> No.27447783
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URTY+SOXL? good idea?

>> No.27447833

Oh nvm then, that's fucking annoying.
So it's just stuck there forever?

>> No.27447852

Alright /smg/ so all I need to do is make money is pick a decent stock, invest a good chunk of money. Wait for it to go up enough that I can turn a tidy profit, take that money and reinvest it? Rinse wash and repeat? It can’t be that simple can it?

>> No.27447866

If you don't get expsoure to SENT, your going to rekt your self.

>> No.27447885

you cant!

>> No.27447894

I was 50% Gamestop at one point

>> No.27447902
File: 362 KB, 1151x2047, 177E3087-061C-4890-BBD3-7A80A1D7ACD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last year was the first "impressive" year for ark lol

>> No.27447912

a combination of ETFs make up 45% of folio, low risk bluechip tech like AMZN, MSFT, and NVIDIA make up another 20%. The rest is used for memes and pajeet's favorite SPACs of the week.

>> No.27447925

wrong, she's consistently beat the market

>> No.27447936
File: 303 KB, 746x1256, Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 10.23.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come when I try to link Robinhood to Coonbase Pro it gives me a bullshit "connectivity issue" error

I'm trying to move my stack into crypto and not trying to wait 2 weeks for RH -> Bank -> Crypto transfers.

>> No.27447950

until jews are done loling at reddit

>> No.27447971

no first you go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of

>> No.27447975

> pick a decent stock
That’s the “not so simple” part.

>> No.27447988

>Alright so all I need to do is make money is pick red or black, invest a good chunk of money, wait for the roulette wheel to land on that color so I can turn a tidy profit, take that money and re-invest it? it can't be that simple can it?

>> No.27448016

Could do a lot worse.

>> No.27448037

This person looks like they should be attractive but all I feel is disgust and an urge to smash it with a big hammer.

>> No.27448054

i want to brush her teeth :)

>> No.27448075

Bought TQQQ on Friday, PLTR today.
Man it's good to be a bullgangsta

>> No.27448087

goyim please stay a bit longer in our broker

>> No.27448101
File: 184 KB, 483x470, 1612119561227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw buy index funds and shit and feel like my gains are so low compared to everyone else
did I miss out on the bull market of a lifetime?

>> No.27448134

if you have a better idea then please by all means

>> No.27448148

you don't consider 2017-2018's 100% gain or 2019-2020's 35% gain impressive? sure it's not last year's 150% gain but it's bretty friend

>> No.27448160

Defense stocks go brrrrr

>> No.27448172

my portfolio is entirely SNDL and APPL LEAPs

>> No.27448181

okay guys seriously someone fucking help

>bagholding amc bb and nok after the jews halted trading

i barely put anything in there but it still sucks. im guessing i should sell amc what about the rest?

>> No.27448203

There are new opportunities every day. Make your own bull market.

>> No.27448243

your lack of understanding of nok is embarrassing.
what bag are you holding?

>> No.27448246

Is it worth throwing $5k at SNDL?

>> No.27448270

go ask reddit no one here cares about you

>> No.27448288

not him but i cant consider anything but big reddit gains impressive anymore.

i just started looking at this shit in september and i got serious about december and so far ive had 500% on gme and i was up 500% on crypto but now the coin is up like 200-300%.

thinking of putting my shit in moon and arkk until i get my mind normal and just enjoy some comfy gains because now everything looks like shit to me if it isnt going up 100's of % constantly.

im hoping reddit spits out some more memes and coordinates 900 million to buy it again

>> No.27448301

This is not financial advice.
>This is not financial advice.

However. NOK and BB could actually survive and grow as companies.

>> No.27448316

Bull market of a decade. Equity bull market of a decade.

Totally sincere. We're sort of in a race between tech in general (TQQQ), semiconductors specifically, and all that other midcap/economy reopening shit in URTY. You can get outperformance with individual smart plays but as baseline ETFs, I think any of those 3 work.

>> No.27448341

Wtf im buying

>> No.27448344

well bb is down like 30%, amc is bleeding, nok down like 20%

i only dca into memes so i never lose a lot when this happens but it still sucks ive never seen my portfolio blood red before

>> No.27448368

Nok maybe but not bb

>> No.27448403

Cringe. Post portfolio.

>> No.27448421


>> No.27448431

That’s because you’re an incel

>> No.27448432

yes they would and this is how you know that guy is full of shit. never set a stop loss unless it's something like 30% below your buy-in. MMs will move the price up and down and trigger it. I did it once and learned my lesson.

>> No.27448439

Nok is up like 10% from two weeks ago you just bought in the middle of a bubble. FOMO is bad. Don’t do it.

>> No.27448484

no this rocket doesnt stop

>> No.27448487
File: 17 KB, 345x75, Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 1.40.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 100 last week 400 today DCA 0.97. kind of high I felt but my TILRAY stock showed ~ 70% + returns the past 7 months. and otc doubled. picrelated

and there's news of federal legalization.

>> No.27448502

>bought nok during a surge
>complaining about "bagholding"
also you've held for literally less than a week. nok hasn't been below 4 in almost a year, what do you have to lose

>> No.27448518

Actually happily married but essentially yes

>> No.27448520

friendly reminder that MOTHER FUCKING OIL still runs this world. glad 30% of my portfolio will benefit from this tomorrow, if it sticks, of course.

>> No.27448552

you goofed dude

>> No.27448566

I owned 20 04/2021 calls back in November and made $500 when GME went to 15 or whatever it was. I could've been a millionaire.

>> No.27448585

I got 40 shares of oil and ill buy more asap

>> No.27448613

I feel you bro. My decision making has been subpar lately because I'm so fucking set on these massive, unrealistic gain expectations. I put 20% of my funds into Moon on Friday and will probably put more in, and also into something like ARKK.... My money is not safe in my hands right now

>> No.27448619

call options are moving sir. get in before you get left behind. otherwise buy actual shares i guess but less profit

>> No.27448629

momentum trading has never really failed me before. how the hell was i supposed to know jews were gonna say ALRIGHT THATS IT and just fucking cheat the entire system out in the open and completely fuck the entire market to spite me? ive been doing this for 2 months

>> No.27448641

Birds in hands vs bushes or something

>> No.27448655

40 shares of xom btw

>> No.27448679

Anyone buy any stocks from medical companies who do vaccine research? VXRT has been good to me for a while, and I'm mad I didn't jump in on the companies that researched the meme virus vaccine that's gonna turn as queer. This got me thinking and then investing in a few other medical companies that have been posting promising results for not only covid treatment but also diseases the far left loves the champion like HIV and AIDS. Could be a good way to get in on it before it takes off, especially if normie's get involved and mindlessly pile into it once the stocks already risen a ton. Thoughts?

>> No.27448686

When do I buy aapl

>> No.27448689
File: 54 KB, 573x714, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so ready to risk 100k

>> No.27448699
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>sell stocks, buy rocks

>> No.27448724

Tell your husband we said hi

>> No.27448734
File: 55 KB, 614x586, 1593711246634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Market manipulation is taken very seriously by the SEC
Fuck off shill.

>> No.27448760

Loves to champion for*

>> No.27448779

>stop smoking pot
Wow fuck stock trading jargon makes so much more sense now

>> No.27448817

>no STPK
>no APPH
>no ACAC
its like you guys just want to be poor.
buying ACAC tomorrow
watching APPH and STPK moon more

>> No.27448825

>it's worked in the past why should it be any different?
come on man. if you don't know that momentum trading is basically gambling then consider this a learning experience
if the market was just a money printer do you not think more people would have figured that out by now?

>> No.27448834

Should I go balls deep in $SNDL this week, or am I too late?

>> No.27448865
File: 57 KB, 640x429, eurobulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any /eurobulls/ here or are you all FAANGed up ameri-centrists?

>> No.27448888

Look at you, investing in companies that make the world a better place and shit.

>> No.27448949


>> No.27448954

Why would you long a retirement community?

>> No.27448959
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>> No.27448981
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, greedy_version_of_elaina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews are responsible for me buying bad meme stocks
Sell everything except for maybe NOK and just hold index funds

>> No.27449030

it would have worked perfect and id be up 100% on everything right now if jews didnt block trading. i didnt do anything wrong jews did

>> No.27449040

you can say the same for america (the white population).

>> No.27449042
File: 296 KB, 500x500, DAFDDB56-3A01-4440-AD2E-B1B2E4D19246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy checked!

>> No.27449044
File: 7 KB, 263x192, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if DFV is a hedge fund insider?

>> No.27449045

Kinda, I'm here to make money and don't particularly care about that gay shit anon-kun. Let the r*dditors have that facade of empathy when they're the biggest, money hungry slime bags out there.

>> No.27449048

Wtf student loans aren't that bad over there are they?

>> No.27449066


>listed less than two months ago
>blank check company

I'm all in with you brother

>> No.27449079
File: 242 KB, 1920x796, 1611604425721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOTR soon

>> No.27449094

Rolls Royce is cheap right now. I like that stock for long term

>> No.27449103
File: 169 KB, 600x976, SpaceX Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, in a few years we'll have Elon IPO SpaceX (now run on a handful of oil platforms roaming international waters) using Starlink to post the shares on a defi stock exchange.

/biz/ will be filled with smug Pepes gloating about
>0% transaction tax

>> No.27449114
File: 58 KB, 300x344, 98759870690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag trader here. Pls redpill me on derivatives. Currently sitting on 70 shares of NOK (among many other things), would it be a good idea to round out to 100 and try doing covered calls? Options and margin scare me desu.

>> No.27449116

nah he has a job in boston at some shitty investing company or something but he quit his job because of gme

>> No.27449117

My 5 second take is there is better cannabis stocks
Chart looks good to run for a bit more
looks like an ultraspeculative gamble

>> No.27449141

inbred somalian and academic commies are thge best people for ideas

>> No.27449170
File: 26 KB, 762x467, firefox_2021-02-01_21-26-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too, what we going in on?

>> No.27449171

The hedges know they've won and are now trying to get you to buy more so they can take your money

Anyone telling you to buy is a jew.

>> No.27449212

>This year, we found that burden continues to increase as the average borrower from the Class of 2019 left campus with $29,076 in student loan debt, an increase from the $28,565 owed by the average borrower from the Class of 2018.

Some dipshit liberal arts students will then pay for their masters and/or PhD work, driving that amount up towards six figures. They are a core Democrat constituency.

>> No.27449219

If retards want to lose their money let them

>> No.27449223

Passive investing is communism.

>> No.27449242
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>straps are all twisted

>> No.27449256

oh i already put in 100k on a EV battery spac. wouldnt recommend it atm since it only just announced merger last friday and might go down

>> No.27449257

covered calls are basically the safest thing you can do, as long as you're ok with losing the shares at the strike price

>> No.27449291

see you on the moon fren
Acquiring Play Studios
Gaming company which makes free casino games that give people free hotel rooms and shit in Vegas so they get suckered into losing money in Vegas.
MGM is an investor, casinos need something to get people back in the door
Got their first new games coming in more than 5 years

>> No.27449296

Some retard on /pol/ is shilling $MJNE. Thoughts?


>> No.27449309

I want to ask a similar question. Should I just go ahead and start selling cash covered calls for a stock I wouldn’t mind buying anyways. I think I’m going to go straight theta scalping.

>> No.27449317

why would it go down?
aren't spacs where the easy money is right now?
oh you're saying the whole point is to get in before the announcements right?

>> No.27449318

Doesn't seem like a crippling amount of debt really. Over here it's like 9k a year and you don't start paying it until you earn over a certain amount

>> No.27449350

what are some good copper miners that i can buy stock on?

>> No.27449353

I support this because it would make HFT algos less profitable.

>> No.27449379

I’m looking for a way to start building income without dying on naked options or trying to hop in and out of meme stocks.

>> No.27449409
File: 33 KB, 803x518, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. first time in awhile they announced the DA before the rumor. and this SPAC is the equivalent of NKLA of batteries. no factories atm. just telling you the risk about it

>> No.27449429

It's hard for a lot of people because as soon as you graduate, unless you're going onto higher education, you're expected to start paying it off and it begins accruing interest. So unless you're aggressively paying it off, which is hard in certain high-rent areas and with starting salaries, it can take a long time to make a dent.

>> No.27449483

Go back

>> No.27449495


I believe you. Looking good after hours.

>> No.27449543

juicy gains, grats anon

>> No.27449544

someone bake

>> No.27449552

We have deferments here but you have to make the usual adjustment: think of the US as Europe if it was 15% African and 25% Turkish/gypsy.

So we force a lot of people to take on that college debt load but they can't into real jobs. Their typical wage ends up being 30k while a competent white will start around 60k (varies widely).

>> No.27449578

It has to be Chamath or not at all. Plenty of dodgy spacs out there. His shit is insanely overvalued already though. Buy OPEN or the one that is gonna turn into SoFi, or buy any of the other Hedosophia on a dip, and see what you get later. There will be wild swings, but in a couple of years you might profit wildly. Or just try to guess whichever Cathie Wood is gonna buy, and enjoy the next day uptick.

>> No.27449630

Lost me when you start talking racial shit.

>> No.27449631

So don’t go for a lame degree lmao. I took philosophy one year and everyday the teacher found a way to push communism and talk about how it wasn’t fair his phd cost six figures. Don’t get a phd unless someone else is willing to pay for it is what they told us in STEM and were all rich chads now

>> No.27449655

>be broker
>see Melvin Capital is getting anally penetrated by a giant moon rocket
>understand that it could collapse the economy
>waive interest fees
>Melvin can now hold their shorts forever
Is this possible or do I just not understand how options work? if it is possible is it legal?

Anons in the other thread say its not possible because the hedgefunds going bankrupt and liquidating won't crash the market

>> No.27449656

looks like penny stock garbage. I would never fuck with a nanocap at 33 mil.
I'd call that one a literal diceroll
$PLNHF is headquartered in NV and has a mrktcap of 900 million with a growing company, their own Medizen product line etc.
im not an oracle tho, maybe mjne moons tomorrow, fuck if I know.

>> No.27449688



>> No.27449692

Chamath's SPACs are great swing trade material, reddit loves sucking his cock so they pump on his every word

>> No.27449712

Indexes are insurance for playing with individual stocks, use both

>> No.27449740

Arent PHD positions paid by the government?

>> No.27449819

Yeah it's a real mental leap that lots of people can't handle. They're puzzled at the US being so rich then reading headlines like "half of Americans don't even have $500 for an emergency!"

Same thing with 30k really not being that much debt yet you hear sob stories of people only paying interest on it for 10 years without making a dent.

>> No.27449928

going to be a wild ride for sure. like i said, this company has no factories. no fundamentals, this market is just speculation about the future