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27445477 No.27445477 [Reply] [Original]

You thought crypto was about getting into the market after 3 exchange listings and buying in with your credit card? No wonder 90% of this board is ngmi.

If you want to make money follow this guide and you'll not only be on your way to some sweet 10x gains this week (if you learn to HODL) but you will have the foundation for getting in early on the next month of meme pumps.

>Step ONE:
If you don't already have a Metamask wallet (you should wtf are you doing here....) get it.

>Step TWO:
Get some ETH into that wallet, plenty of ways to do this and I won't hold your hand too much ffs. Make sure it's a significant amount but not more than you're willing to lose, pretty sure this is in the sticky.

>Step TWOa:
Don't like spending extra money on gas for trading? Yeah it sucks fat dicks we all know this but what you didn't know is that until ETH2 or ADA fixes this problem you can earn your gas back through gas farming tokens like ENOL, GASG or UNDG. Upfront investment in the tokens but will pay for itself especially now that transactions are easily hitting $100. The only way you don't care about $100 transaction fees is if you're a whale in which case why are you still reading this?

>Step THREE:
Got that ETH sitting pretty in your Metamask account? Nice.
Learn to add custom tokens to it. Pretty simple, just scroll down to "Add Token." Most searchable tokens that are available will HAVE ALREADY MOONED and aren't what you are going to want to trade in during altcoin season. You're here for the easy 10x pumps, so what you will have to do is add a custom token.

For ERC20 tokens it is as simple as finding the contract address and adding it into the custom token field. Most pumpable tokens are going to be ERC20 but that's changing with Binance Smart Chain so if you want to add that to Metamask go ahead and google it.

>> No.27445507

>Step FOUR:
Find the Gem token that will moon, you're going to want to get in early. You have to follow the crowd on this one. If you aren't hearing about it, NO ONE is hearing about it, least not the late entries who help pump the tokens to listed status (the point where moons hit 100x or more.) Look at what /biz/ and reddit are hyping and DYOR. If it looks good (i.e. few days old, meme-worthy, ~1000 holders with a sub ~2M market cap) you know it has potential.

>Step FIVE:
Use app.uniswap.org to buy and sell tokens. It connects easily to your metamask wallet, and updates in real time with https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer, which is what you should be using to keep an eye on token movement.

>Step SIX:
Try to buy some tokens on Uniswap, go through the process, make sure you know how to use it. Don't be the summer child that presses "Approve Funds" thinking he's about to buy the dip. You won't spend any money until you confirm the trade with Metamask so making sure you're comfortable with the Uniswap to Metamask integration is key to being a proficient DEX trader. (If you're trades aren't going through it's because you didn't allow enough slippage to account for price fluctuations. Slow moving prices are okay around 1% but with high volatility meme alts try around 5 or 6%.)

>Step SEVEN:
Endure the shilling. Everybody is trying to shill their meme coin right now so it's up to you to find it and get in first. If you made it through all this then here's a tip to get you started. 4CH5 (4Chan500 - Fortune500) is the main meme coin that will explode this week. Don't get left behind, you have about a day before this goes parabolic.


Now that you're not a total retard who was about to use a mastercard on binance.us to buy doge at ATH, enjoy being early to more tokens before they pump.

>> No.27445568

So comfy being this early

>> No.27445658

MUSE is the best small cap I owb

>> No.27445937

Just loaded up a little bag of this last night, pretty comfy so far. Feeling like i finally got in early on something

>> No.27446561

Been seeing alot of this. Checked it out and it was on a down play so I put .4 eth in as a gamble. Nice group of guys desu

>> No.27446630

feels like we’re really early finally

>> No.27446717

Thanks mate cleared it up

>> No.27447256

How do you guys deal with the current gas prices? I'll admit I'm a poorfag I know I'm not the only one that hates losing money.

>> No.27447452

Use gas farming tokens. They are a stop-gap as of now but until ETH2 or something better comes along they help you recoop value for your gas purchases.

>> No.27447807

LFG. Send it.

>> No.27448000
File: 9 KB, 207x200, Cigars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a way I can get eth into my wallet that is not coinbase?

>> No.27448078
File: 269 KB, 234x249, 1465027080622.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>passive agressive writing style
>mildly broken english
>overly explanatory posts
>multiple obvious shill posts immediatly after
Yup, i'm thinking Indian Pump and Dump

>inb4 pajeet calling me a faggot while telling me he wants me to make money

>> No.27448287

use wyre, it's built into metamask

>> No.27448531

Does it require KYC?

>> No.27448774

Only to the extent that you need to fill out your credit card details including name and address. You also can't live in:
New York
New Hampshire
North Carolina

>> No.27449037

Youve used it?

>> No.27449128

i dont know what any of that shit means its like you dont want me to hodl your bags

>> No.27449287

No, I used coinbase way back and haven't needed to buy more since. Are you looking to trade completely anonymously with no trail back to you?

Exactly, I'm not trying to create baghodlers anon, I want to help people new to this to learn easier than I did.

>> No.27449844

Not so much that. I just feel sketchy putting my CC info, and address into websites I don't know much about.

>> No.27449997


>> No.27450200

nice try streetshitter
at least he made an effort

>> No.27450212

Fuck it, I threw in a bag anyways. Tardcoins are all the rage this week

>> No.27450242

oh really then what is gas what is a token what is a wallet

why should i not just buy doge on rh

>> No.27451060

Where is the whitepaper?