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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27441873 No.27441873 [Reply] [Original]

Daily Reminder that your net worth should at least be (your age*10000) or you're poor

>> No.27441979


A 60 year old with 600k is poor anon

>> No.27442070

>tfw didn't have 100k at 10 years old

>> No.27442116


600k + a paid off house is a millionaire

>> No.27442187

Is this like a cityfag thing?

>> No.27442269
File: 516 KB, 1200x788, 3941e615f89e76d831d042d6ce9758d4222af50f80fe9d200f3b2f0ecf62174c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what net worth means, anon?

>> No.27442275

thats poor

>> No.27442381

he does but i don't think you do

>> No.27442382

This totally applies to me but only if I put a (-) in front of the dollar amount ;)

>> No.27442496
File: 1.26 MB, 2288x1712, dscn4149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was, but I bought an apartament last year, and now I am just 1/4 there

Am I doing it right?

>> No.27442564

>I bought an apartament


>> No.27442634

Fucking broke ass 10 year olds.

>> No.27442702

>paid off house worth $0.

>> No.27442716

Imagine not being worth $10K on your first birthday. Dumb fucking baby

>> No.27442806


They have the same education level as these guys

>> No.27442935
File: 108 KB, 653x900, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted a place for my grandma to live, she is in a bad and poor neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro.

The apartament is right bellow mine, its a humble 3 store tall buildind made on the 70s, but its located on the best area of downtown of the state capital. I am expecting the entire building to be bought in some years, and my apartament then will be on a big fancy new building.

>> No.27443291

>your age*10000
10000 what? USD, YEN, AUSD, Peso, Rublen, etc.? Why is /biz/ so dumb they can never include factors like location, cost of living, etc.?

>> No.27443311
File: 208 KB, 354x534, 1598332693184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon Im tarded too wanna watch tv together?

>> No.27443377

21 * 10,000 = $210,000
fucking how. ive been grinding in shitcoins for three years now and am scraping 100k only.

>> No.27443407

lol /biz/ does it again, genius finance gurus.

>> No.27443443

>its obviously dollars
why are reddit tourists so dumb they try to nuance past the obvious

>> No.27443593

My liquidity is better than 320k. Feels good man.

>> No.27443670

>an international site
>hurr read my mind it's obvious
>outs self as a redditor but need to cover it up
I cant wait for wsb squeezes to be done so I only hear the pajeets squablin about shit coins again.

>> No.27443829

I always love when leddit fags see retards like this and think they represent /biz/. I guess if it makes you feel better

>> No.27443898 [DELETED] 


>> No.27443969

>an international site

4chan is mostly american

>> No.27444132

tfw 11 year old child at the park and realise you are not worth $110,000USD

NGMI why even bother living just neck, bottom 20% forever

>> No.27444144

what was retarded in that post? net worth includes a house, if that dude's net worth is 600k this already accounts for that paid off house
so no, he's not millionaire because then his net worth would be at 1mm (600k assets/cash + 400k house) not at 600k

>> No.27444265
File: 165 KB, 851x721, 1596688073870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>600k plus house bro ez
this is a shill thread, what am i missing that is being swept to the bottom?

>> No.27444369

it is obvious and you are smoothbrained or a globohomo if you think otherwise.
>outs self
im not even the one you were responding to newfag. go back.

>> No.27444482
File: 78 KB, 1024x874, 28ABC8BE-5A28-472E-A5EC-340F7032F7DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I see 6 year old poorfags near me with only their lunch money instead of $60,000

>> No.27444842

Is a 21 year old with 30k really poor OP?