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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 500x333, 1612078373443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27439361 No.27439361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just want to be able to enjoy the last few years of my life, go outside in the summer and breath the fresh air without worrying about much.

Be able to drive to my treatments so I don't have to stress on relying on someone to help drive me.

It's all so much to bear anymore.

If you have the means, I'm begging and I know the jannies will catch me before anyone see's this but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, I know that all too well.

BTC> 3DucakAPUvkMcQRe1YLAQRw18wat3wPJtz

ETH> 0xcF3Eec3d91b3B2D5239fFd8326b357478DBa1Fbe

To anyone reading this I wish you well in all your endeavors, I'm laying down now as my body is too tired to stay up tonight.

God bless all you and may your fortunes be enough to provide a happy life.

>> No.27440767

Sharpie in pooper, you know the drill op
I’ll send you 1eth

>> No.27440900
File: 125 KB, 640x480, IMG_3643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like put a sharpie in it? I can show you my ass from my surgery.

>> No.27440912

Sounds fair

>> No.27441017
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>> No.27441042


>> No.27441059

Yeah with a time stamp
I’ve been here since 2017 so I’ve got a phat stack

>> No.27441108
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Another shot.

>> No.27441112

do you remember the DGB guy?

>> No.27441117

holy shit, when you die anything you hold will be held forever. BUY AS MUCH FUCKING GAMESTOP AS YOU FUCKING CAN

>> No.27441139


>> No.27441147

Likewise. Timestamp or no deal

>> No.27441203

Lol I'm broke enough to seriously consider it, but sick enough that I shouldn't be shoving shit into my ass lol

>> No.27441219
File: 77 KB, 1600x900, 2140aa8hd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaguely. qrd?

and this thread is really sad guys

>> No.27441264


don't give him shit.

>> No.27441280

Hey be happy you ain't me, plus I've lived a pretty sweet life.

>> No.27441359
File: 8 KB, 234x250, yctxezwayrsetudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont do it anon. i know youre desperate and if youre seriously ill you have my most sincere condolences. but im a poorfag and cant help you. but i can say that you can at least die knowing that you never ever lost your dignity to do what youre being baited to do. the picture and thread will probably exist forever to mock your existence. don't do it.

>> No.27441403
File: 15 KB, 364x269, 1602085185433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported to the authorities bitch, panhandle on some other board mother fucker.

>> No.27441404

I ain't expecting anything lol besides a jannieban

>> No.27441511

sharpie in pooper with timestamp is standard for gibs here anon.

>> No.27441535

A sharpie is smaller than a shit. Pathetic beg. I "hope" janitors clean this thread

>> No.27441623

Lotta Scat enthusiasts tonight, must be Pajeets


>> No.27441664

Wait, what am I looking at?

>> No.27441727

Tailbone, removed 4 lbs of infected necrotic precancerous tissue.

>> No.27442136

I am sorry about agreeing with the other anon earlier. Lot's of liars on this site. I lost my mother to cancer, I am sorry that you are going through this. I am poor, the last bit of money I had I made sure my mother was comfortable but I hope things get as good as they can for you.

>> No.27442186

I am legit laying down, was fun made me smile, goodnight all and may god give you all serious fortune, I mean it even the haters and jannies and Pajeets.

Enjoy your lives.

>> No.27442263

It's okay anon I wouldn't trust me either lol I get it, I lost my dad rapidly to cancer when I was 21 and been pretty shitty since and that was 12 years ago.

But don't let her death consume your time like I let it consume mine, by the time I got happy I was too sick to enjoy anything.

>> No.27442335


>> No.27442349

Goodnight fren, wish you the best of luck. Cancer is fucking awful. I hope your remaining time is as pleasant as possible.

>> No.27442411

>But don't let her death consume your time like I let it consume mine, by the time I got happy I was too sick to enjoy anything.

This year will be 3 years and I can't shake the feeling of eventually ending up with cancer also the moment I start trying to be happy.

Rest well anon.

>> No.27442452

Thank you friend, I hope so too but even if it isn't I've done good things and bad things but I know the good outweighed the bad and I can be content in the end.

>> No.27442525

I let that consume my thoughts for a decade, and by the time I became happy the growths came and it's felt like my bodies been attacking me since 30, don't let negative thoughts run your mind I believe I willed it to be in many ways.

Be safe and happy all.

Even you Jannie who bans me.

>> No.27443064

Sending my thoughts and prayers anon

>> No.27443198

be safe anon, even though this board is edgy af.. we love you. /biz/bro's

>> No.27443564

I will, and I know yall are good people.


>> No.27443741

>If you have the means, I'm begging
First, you bend over. Beg later

>> No.27443784

Sorry for the shit hand you were dealt anon, sending you love.

>> No.27444042
File: 64 KB, 1303x652, Really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YO Fuck this guy, don't give him shit. You are scum lying about your health situation. Get your story straight MS or cancer?
Losing your dad 12 years ago or 1 year ago? Fucking scum. Pic related.

>> No.27444531

Imagine being a 33 year old with no marketable skills and having to larp on fucking Biz for money. LMAO. Sad! Imagine how little the younger version of yourself would think of you.

>> No.27444844


>> No.27444861

I'm not sure he's larping, seems like his story adds up here:

Look at his posts, I think he's telling the truth

>> No.27444873


>> No.27445146


>> No.27445200

Pursue that happiness anyway. Cancer doesnt wait until you try to do something. if anything a better outlook on life and resulting lifestyle will reduce your chances.
Don't let it eat at you anymore. She wants you to live your life, and you want you to live your life.

>> No.27445272

>Losing your dad 12 years ago or 1 year ago? Fucking scum. Pic related.
He’s saying he lost his dad and home/inheritance all in the same year, you illiterate moron.

>> No.27445357

Check the archive link I posted, the story matches up, unfortunately I don't think OP is lying

>> No.27445399

sent ;)

>> No.27445498

:^) Sorry had a busy day, working and not larping about MS or Cancer.

>> No.27445906

love you man praying for you for the rest of your time on earth and once you depart, i have faith that you'll hopefully ascend or if you dont that the next time around you'll have a good lot. may karma treat you well. i wish you luck on your journey through samskara

>> No.27446006

>:^) Sorry had a busy day, working and not larping about MS or Cancer.
Don’t blame your shitty job for you accusing someone of lying, you mouth breathing faggot.

>> No.27446154
File: 46 KB, 917x1068, received_5164316050307396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not dying, plenty of life left to live
>Your money doesn't go to waste, gets invested and grows


>> No.27446196

Post time stamp and a pic of you with one of those nose fed oxygen tubes, maybe I’ll consider

>> No.27446288

Th”fucks that?

>> No.27446316

Let's see your Blockfolio. Probs a XRP and Doge holder LMAO.

>> No.27446524


>> No.27446542

drink baking soda, nigella sativa, apricot seed flour, essiac, and don't eat animal products.

or don't i'm not a doctor, but trying is better then not trying. also don't take chemo .

>> No.27446605 [DELETED] 

Alright OP did what I could, hope it helps. Godspeed

>> No.27446797

Pancreatic cancer anon here. What type of cancer, OP? Precancerous necrotic tissue is TisN0, dead tissue. Only thing spreading is necrosis, not any malignancy? You went in for a debridement of the tailbone area?

>> No.27446804

Be well OP. You will be remembered.

>> No.27446980

I love you. Thank you. I really try however since discovering that whiskey makes me do things I would otherwise be scared of doing (liquid courage) I'll be throwing myself off a building this year. My birthday is in 2 months and I think that would be the perfect time. I have already cut my 2 friends out so that they won't grieve me. I feel fucking bad for my dad though.

>> No.27447393

Fren I’m sorry you’re going through a tough time. There are people in your life that still need you, like your dad, so stay strong and don’t give up. Things will get better.

>> No.27447583

don't do that shit to your dad mate

>> No.27447645
File: 6 KB, 236x198, 4B832BCF-5AE3-4D21-B011-9E1AEFE2D949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer is so scary bros.
Ever since I saw total biscuit tell someone to “get cancer and die” only to then watch him get cancer and die I’ve stopped telling fags to get cancer.
OP, sorry for the shit you’re going through

>> No.27447698

They don't and never have for me and I have done so much in my life. I am just damaged goods I guess. I only have around 20k left so I will be investing in the next pump and dump. If I make it, it goes to my dad. If not, oh well - I'll be forgotten anyway.

Nobody actually needs me. They have always been fine with coming and going as they please. I'll be fine, anon. I hope there is no afterlife though because I really don't want to keep existing.

>> No.27447711

you sent nearly $400 to a scam gj

>> No.27447769

This is retarded. What type cancer and disease stage? What line of treatment? Im Pancreatic cancer anon, life can be shit but giving up is for pussies. You can do this!

>> No.27447880

I don't want to. He lost my mum and I'm the only one who cared enough to look after him. I'm the youngest of 5 and everyone else abandoned him. I know I am a shitty person for doing it but I am just so fucking sad.

>> No.27447907

timestamp and i'll literally send you 10 million shib right now

>> No.27447964

begging for money? beg your gf to stop fucking guys she meets on bumble

>> No.27448011

Sorry bro, maybe you misread. I don't have cancer. I just meant that I was in fear of getting cancer and dying just as I started to live my life.

>> No.27448238

imagine being trolled by sent ;) in 2021 a whole decade fucking later

>> No.27448241
File: 42 KB, 700x700, expressive-cat-nana-1-31-5f16d019328a8__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least listen to my funny song before you go! And do survive. We've got a race war against the kikes to win, and we could do with you

>> No.27448333

where the fuck are the jannies

>> No.27448376

are you fucking retarded? he posted his address you can check the transaction

>> No.27448384

Look at this whiny, bitch ass post you made. Youre just acting like a fucking retarded pussy. Get your life together you cocksucker. I have a disease that has over a 90% chance if killing me in the next 3 years (2 years since diagnosis) - 5 yr survival is 7-9%. Stop being a whiny little cunt and do something each day that makes you better. Just 1 thing. Fuck, man

>> No.27448381

checked. and they probably just have a heart <3

>> No.27448509

nah mate, that sent anon fuckin played you

>> No.27448577

Bros, I think op may be legit. And while I won't send shit based on general principal my feels has been got. Op I wish you the best of luck and hope someone richer than my blue collar ass fills your bags.

Thank you also. This board could use a sobering moment like this. Reminds us that all the coins in the world can't buy time.

>> No.27448594


>> No.27448723

You sound very angry and bitter at the fact that I will throwing away my perfectly good soon-to-be corpse that you could have used. But this is my shitty life and no amount of lifting, pussy, or money will fix just how shitty it is.

I am sorry to hear that you won't be around soon. If I could gift you this body, I would. But don't shit on the way I feel and my decisions.

>> No.27448811

Ungrateful ass Op can't even thank him. :(

>> No.27448967

I know enough to not expend effort convincing people who're dead set on something personal but do you use shillcord? Ever contemplated the notion of taking a /biz/ apprentice up if you're at all knowledgeable about coins with your life coming to an end? If want to pass any especially unique tech you've developed onto the next generation I'd take you up on that, I'm kind of a huge scrub at it

>> No.27448987

Check dms

>> No.27449050
File: 97 KB, 469x385, 1611946162494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was laughing at thread at first but it got too real.
i thought we were all supposed to make it

>> No.27449105

What the fuck did I just walk into

>> No.27449235

Let me get this straight. You don't even have fucking cancer and you're begging for shit? Kill yourself.

>> No.27449238
File: 34 KB, 346x347, 1431274679396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ungrateful ass

>> No.27449316

Im nit angemry, you misundestand. Youre statement disgusts me. But I will shit on people for being pussies and making weak decisions. I dont want your body. I dont give a shit if you lift or whatever. But being proactive in your own life is the only way forward. Otherwise youre a genuine fucking loser and your poor parents wasted their time and relationship raising you. You brought up money and lifting. If you think that stupid shit wont help dint do it. But when I read your post it left me with a feeling of disgust. There is no way around it.

>> No.27449342

I am legit useless. I haven't had a job since May last year. I went from earning a comfy 85k with a company car and everything else to living off of my shitty investments, If I had anything to offer anyone, I would love the opportunity to lend them my knowledge.

>> No.27449500

You can live off of investments?! I don't even know how to invest!! sadsads@tempinbox.xyz if you're at all interested in the offer.

You must know something to have gotten at least that far

>> No.27449701

>Reading comprehension
For the second time, I don't have cancer.

>Im nit angemry
You absolutely sound like it. You can do what you then - I don't care. Just because you don't know my life story doesn't mean you should make assumptions because if I were to make assumptions, I'd say that you were either larping about your illness or you are lying about not hating the fact that "healthy people" are throwing away something that you would do so much with.

I don't own a Ferrari. I own a 2018 Shelby Mustang and a house that needs a lot of work. I also eat frozen meals daily. I will not be any use to you.

>> No.27449756

I am also not OP. I should have said that first.

>> No.27449932

Even the basics would be of incredible use. I think not enough emphasis is placed on what fellow students of a craft have to offer each other, particularly when there's a massive gulf in capability and the more green one stands to gain a lot.

Fair enough, though... Shame you won't let what wisdom you have accrued go somewhere that'd appreciate it. Friendly attachment might be a distraction if you're just in it to off yourself, too, I suppose.

>> No.27450175

You know what, I did everything I could to make my parents lives better, especially for my mother, especially in her finals days. It made me feel much better. I could never imagine being a shitty son and then losing her.

What I'm saying is, I will contact you and I will pass on my knowledge. I will only tell you what worked for me and I hope that will be enough for you.