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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27439838 No.27439838 [Reply] [Original]

The shills literally begging people on /biz/ to sell gme makes me want to buy more. Like why should they care if I sell?

>> No.27440118
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I've been losing my shit over these shills, thinking that it's some sort of reverse psychology with how obvious it is.

But I think ((they))'re just desperate

>> No.27440189

Selling is for faggots

>> No.27440340
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>> No.27440356

How the fuck would they be desperate? They are guaranteed bailouts for whatever they lose.
Maybe they are using reverse psychology to get people to hold onto their GME stocks so they lose everything they invested.

>> No.27440415
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its a massive buy signal, only sharks who stand to lose fight this hard

>> No.27440489

>collude with media and online brokers
>nonstop spin from MSM
>numerous rich kikes kvetching on twitter

They are nervous.

>> No.27440570


Buy more. Take another loan. Max your credit cards. We're gonna make it!! Diamond hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.27440587

KEEP BUYING i made money idk what happens

>> No.27440632
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So buy it lol just more reasons to laughs for me

>> No.27440715

>people making fun of you
>begging you to sell

>> No.27440760

Yeah, and then you have articles like "Investment exec predicts GameStop will top $1,000 per share" from Fox News just an hour ago...
You sure they're not playing you to hold onto your decaying stock?

>> No.27440817

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy more and POST YOUR TRADES. I’ve been collecting screencaps for the upcoming /GME bloodbath/ general

>> No.27440949

cool you found one article. show me a coordinated media push to get GME to $1000

>> No.27441031

>HODL Bros! We are the Reddit-Avengers and we are not selling! See you in Wakanda brothers!

>> No.27441050

I've been doom posting all day trying to get my fucking call option back into profit

I figured if I was convincing enough you might think I was a shill and you'd buy, but then the price kept dumping, so I switched tactics halfway through the day

>> No.27441084

I don't own any GME or anything stock related but this silver news that's being picked up by every mainstream media just seems like an obvious distraction to me.

>> No.27441085

This is like QAnon levels of cope now...

>> No.27441175

You have all lost your minds.
You have made it political.
It's just a money game.
This is why you will lose your money.
You are playing the wrong game.

>> No.27441181


>> No.27441187

anons just like making threads to see you double down and call everyone a kike shill. it's funny

>> No.27441189

I hate you reddit niggers but the fud is too obvious. I would unironically buy 20 shares rn if I could buy them with crypto.

>> No.27441260
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Go buy a real company


>> No.27441288


Agreed. Holy fucking shit it's actually irritating me how obvious it is that these retards have actually never been here before until the last few days.

>> No.27441379

yeah sure anon. throw your money off a CLF

>> No.27441434

if you didn't vote for Trump you buy GME simple as
don't @ me tranny nigger kikes seethe and dilate

>> No.27441443

it took me 3+ months of reading shill posts before i realized it wasnt a football team
brand is important.. UNITED STATES STEEL now that I like

>> No.27441472

>nooo don't ask me to defend my argument you're just coping

Fuck you nigger. 1 article from 1 economist predicting GME peaking is insignificant compared to the market manipulation and media spin this past week. They clearly are trying to get people to sell GME.

>> No.27441504
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This. So much this.

The squeeze has NOT been squoze, folks. I repeat, the SQUEEZE HAS NOT BEEN SQUOZE.

WSB and /biz/ are leading the charge against the hedgies in a war so heckin' epic it could have come straight from the Avengers. They'll be talking about us in financial textbooks fifty years from now.

We're the epic gamers who brought the evil white men in Wall Street to their knees. Melvin and his buddies are running scared and throwing out every trick in the book but it's not going to work





>> No.27441587

please go all in on GME lol

>> No.27441614

I usually don't like seeing people lose money but I hope it dumps its brains out only because you reddit pieces of shit have been using this board like a gloryhole for the last two weeks

>> No.27441645
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get a bag of SENT and repent

>> No.27441650

this but unironically

>> No.27441667


Buy Shasta while you're at it.

>> No.27441709

This has been the most stressful week in my life.
Please just let me take my ball and go home. I dont even care about gains anymore.
Is there any realistic chance that things will go up a bit at open again tomorrow? I miss being happy at a 20% gain

>> No.27441789

Same anon. I'm so tired. I never realized how comfy I was with crypto until all this shit happened

>> No.27441810
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Hi kike

>> No.27441826

No hold faggot lol all the way to $3

>> No.27441876

and the silver bugs too. fucking worst combo. real anons would stay in /smg/ and /pmg/. if they dont leave, we will probably need a /cry/ board kek.

>> No.27441901
File: 26 KB, 499x500, BF9729D3-B7C0-4CB2-A1A5-356CFD3FD08E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”everybody criticizing me on the retarded financial decisions I’m currently making and influencing others to make must just be shadow operatives who want me to sell!!”

>> No.27442000

>upcoming /GME bloodbath/ general
I’m getting in line now

>> No.27442909

fucking embarrassing


>> No.27442961

tell me how much you're at loss right now, be honest

>> No.27443134

reverse reverse psychology

this is very bullish buying more immediately at market open tomorrow

>> No.27443280
File: 48 KB, 1675x183, ehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine gambling away money without knowing what you're getting yourself into

keep holding anons im not selling until it gets close to 1k and you shouldn't either

pic related

>> No.27443521

how come the price of GME is down but there is no volume?

>> No.27443688

It's called a short ladder, AKA wash trading. They're trading 1 share back and forth at lower and lower amounts to drive the price down. Then they come here and shit up the board in hopes of drumming up a selloff.

>> No.27443762

OK, so here's whats going on to any #diamondhands who are starting to get concerned. The price action you see today is a lie. You can see that through very low volume, hedge funds are actually selling to each other and short interest has actually DOUBLED in the last week. These greedy bastards are getting cocky because they think you're stupid. Heh, well I guess they're the ones that are gonna feel stupid February 12th. Why February 12th, you ask? Well Reddit, feb 12 falls on a friday and that's when Chamath (The Sri Lankan billionaire on our side) is going to exercise his call options at $115. All of them. The amount of covering that hedgies will have to do alone on that date is going to make what's happened so far look like nothing. Our job? All we have to do is make sure that WE and everyone else we know holds. We got this far with our diamond hands, in two more weeks, we're gonna be dancing together on the moon. :rocket: :roc

>> No.27443816
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Can't wait to see the pink wojak later.