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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2743607 No.2743607 [Reply] [Original]

Was it the Bancor Jews? Or that one guy that sold like five million in ETH and crashed the exchange?

>> No.2743619


>> No.2743628

You're initial assumption is flawed
Very low effort there pal

>> No.2743648

ETH hasn't died yet, but it will go down for a few years

>> No.2743677

Bold statement, care to back it up with fundamentals?

>> No.2743687

Not very bold. Those statements are largely accepted as fact

>> No.2743698

You can't kill what never really caught on to begin with.

>> No.2743700

development takes time. the network turned out to be complete shit at it's current stage, and the price of ETH went up entirely due to hype over random scams and comparison to BTC. Most ETH was acquired for free and will be sold off periodically as income/divestment, but buyers will be a lot more cautious without anything interesting happening.

>> No.2743702

that was a big chunk of bancors ICO that was sold. They got out while ETH was at an ath (ballpark ath). Dont blame them, they got fiat fast since ETH can drop any day (just like any coin can, not saying eth will)

>> No.2743778

normal correction from the previous 40x

>> No.2743787


2nd highest marketcap in crypto

>never really caught on

>> No.2743806

it didn't die you dumbass. look at the whole market. its red.

>> No.2743917

It was hacked and money was stolen.

>> No.2743925
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>> No.2743955

its not used for anything right now except creating even more shitcoins

>> No.2744058


Yep, completely dead. Sell all your ETH now and buy ETC because Charlie Lee said so. He surely has no ulterior motive

>> No.2744094
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Not even reddit normie money flowing into it to keep it pumping.

>> No.2744104

I bought 0.4 BTC worth of it and the crypto gods decided to cuck me

>> No.2744153
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It's only used for fleecing goyim right now, no one runs dapps, no one uses it as a currency, it has less real use than doge