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27434840 No.27434840 [Reply] [Original]

First off, let’s start off with a quick and free lesson for all the newfags and Reddit lurking here. GME didn’t happen in a week. It is something that has been quietly building since about summer 2020. Last week was the finale, not the start. If you are asking why you lost money on stupid shit like NOK and AMC, that’s because those were ideas people had that same day. If you were savvy, you got in on the hype and made a little money, knowing full well the lofty goal of copying GME in the course of a few days was impossible.

Now, with that out of the way, do you think GME can be replicated some time in the future? Or was it a perfect storm never to be seen again? There are new factors to consider
>WSB is burned
Between the massive influx of normies, shills and feds, nothing WSB does going forward will ever gain traction. At most, WSB can be used towards the end of a project to lure in bagholders. This means a new hub will have to be established, and gaining that credibility, without gaining all the people you are trying to get away from, takes a lot of time
>new investors
There are likely millions of people out there that wanted to get in on GME at a smart time that were not able to because their accounts on RH or whatever service took too long to be approved. If there is a new GME in the future, there are going to be a lot more people with trading accounts at the ready, even if they are not frequent traders
>new regulations
As we saw, RH, Webull and a few others did not hesitate to interfere in the market the moment they got the call from the hedgies. Right now there is no telling what direction this goes, as it’s changing daily. But we should consider all trading platforms as early antagonists in the event of another GME

>> No.27434865

A lot of virtue signaling redditors are getting a forced redpill that having diamond hands isn’t worth having empty pockets. Smart people got out of GME in the $300 area. Morons that wanted to bring down the hedgies are holding bags. Some will learn, but will enough learn to make a difference next time?

>> No.27435481
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>> No.27436259
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Seek help or ngmi
https://youtu.be/QedqWdZPncc [Embed]
https://youtu.be/jSvb9i5aqKE [Embed]
https://youtu.be/NUTXkDFvOOE [Embed]
https://youtu.be/PVrjozFHCr4 [Embed]

>> No.27436400

>no visible booba besides small amount of cleavage
Bro if this is what does it for you then YOU need the help

>> No.27437670

there will never be another gme

every social media will be monitored 24/7

not only that regulation will go into place so that coordinated buying by "retail" will be nigh impossible.

>> No.27437771


>> No.27437883

There will NEVER be another GME and the guys who set the first in motion will be trialed and possibly sent to jail once the dust settles.

>> No.27437887


>> No.27438348

you forgot your anime avatar

>> No.27438433

>Some will learn, but will enough learn to make a difference next time?
next question please

>> No.27438472

Try it with SPCE and find out

>> No.27438716

Question with GME.

I missed the buy when it was 300, and I'm tempted to put 100 on it now. Should I place the market order on Fidelity now or should I wait till the morning and put 100 on it? I don't mind if it goes down more, but I just wanna have a little in if it does go up to 800 or more eventually. My understanding is that a) it isn't over yet and b) there are a few movie productions in the works now, and I expect that if they come out, renewed interest in gamestop will happen. There's also the fact that the company might reinvent itself somehow for the post-pandemic digital market and become profitable in the long run.

>> No.27438916

People were priced out of GME at $150. If you bought over that number, you deserve to lose your money.

>> No.27439084

Yeah. NOK is the next GME. GME was a value play well before it ever became a short squeeze. Over time people recognized that value and hedgies started shorting. NOK is positioned to be that next play over the next 1-1.5 years.

>M-muh NOK is a meme.
Yeah they said the same thing about GME a year ago.

>> No.27439121

There's a fucking GME every day in the crypto shitcoin world. For example, Dogecoin had incredible returns for anyone that caught that.
It's funny how every time people miss one opportunity they think "OMG I can't believe I missed the opportunity of a lifetime! I will never get another chance again!".

>> No.27439711

>missed the buy at $300
Then be thankful you didn’t throw your money away. GME is over. It will be back to $30 by the end of the week.