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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27431859 No.27431859 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for people who believe everything is in a hyperbubble. How do we protect ourselves when March is proof that literally absolutely everything gets taken down now when people get scared? pic unrelated

>already put 10%ish of my wealth into physical silver and gold like some kazahkstani goat herding magnate

>> No.27432334
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I also believed in an "everything bubble" for a while - but honestly it looks more like a hyperinflation where the average worker gets totally fucked, pretty sure pic related also applies to real estate.

>> No.27432403

Heres what happened.

Reddit was like haha we gonna jew the jews for the movement

Then the jews were like oh yeah,? Lets jew the jews together

They sucked in all the losers who invested for the first time and who trusted the meme plan

The jews won. They never LOSE

>> No.27432473
File: 757 KB, 4725x3771, leaderofthepack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't buy CLF

>> No.27432546
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this is the most accurate and badly drawn explaination i found

>> No.27432949

I don't think anybody knows what will happen. Too many players in the game with competing interests.

>> No.27433138

Guess who owns Hollywood and AMC anon

Guess what kind of media Redditors love, besides videogames

>> No.27433647

This makes a lot of sense - still a bubble, by the Literally Everyone Is Invested Now aka the Shoeshine Boy measure.

What kind of theses are you people going on to deal with what's happening?

And, what kind of events can potentially wipe out a lot of money supply?