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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27429776 No.27429776 [Reply] [Original]

((they)) recruited hundreds, thousands of fudniggers to naysay and shill fucking silver of all things... And it isn't working. HOLD AND WE WIN

>> No.27429898
File: 199 KB, 585x876, 2_1_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan agreeing with MSNBC is a litttttttle too obvious.

>> No.27430168

>look how much money I’m losing from taking advice from Reddit, am I cool yet guys? Tendies!
Cuckholding and loss porn is for redditors. You need to go back.

>> No.27430419


Hedgie yer unpaid overtime wont save yer job. Don't worry I tip well, so when you are bringing me my 5th glass of 30yr old scotch ill be sure to throw some tendies your way.

>> No.27430689

Do you really not think it to be possible that you're just wrong?