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27419814 No.27419814 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it.

Paper "silver" is trading for like $28/oz. Real, physical silver is trading for like $40/oz.

Supposedly, you can redeem this paper silver for real silver.

If that's true, then why the fuck isn't every paper silver holder redeeming en masse so they can sell their $28 silver for $40? And then use profits to buy more paper silver, rinse, and repeat?

Really makes you fucking think.

>> No.27419966

>Supposedly, you can redeem this paper silver for real silver.
where have i seen this movie before

>> No.27420004

who the fuck allows for redemption of paper silver for physical silver? the only way that's happening is if you're trading futures contracts. and no one is recommending that.

>> No.27420514
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Pretty much every issuer of paper silver allows for redemption, but they put really obscene restrictions such as "You can only redeem 10,000 oz at a time or more" in order to prevent little guys from redeeming.

See pic related, PSLV redemption requirements.

>> No.27420943

well i guess that answers your question then. not many people own $300k+ of silver.

but thanks for the info. i wasn't aware of that.

>> No.27420975

>need 10,000 ounces to redeem
I mean if you have that much money to spend on silver, it might be a good scam to pull if you bought and then immediately turned around and sold for current physical prices.

>> No.27421130

SLV only allows verified organizations to call delivery. There is something like a dozen banks who can call delivery, everyone else is literally buying toilet paper (and those banks can't call delivery anyways without sinking the ship)

>> No.27421545

Holy fuck, then only Bullion. I suspect that PSLV was bullshit. So the people saying it's good are either retards or shills.

>> No.27421787
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So why shouldn't I take out a loan right now for $280,000, buy 10,000 oz of paper silver at $28/oz, and redeem it and then sell the physical silver for $40 an oz? Netting me $120,000, then I pay the interest on the loan which would probably be very low since I am only holding it for a few weeks max...

Or what's stopping a rich anon from doing this with his own money, no loan required?

>> No.27422017

Its not BS, Definatly no bullion but holding PSLV shares ties up their stores of silver.
I'm selling my starbucks shares and buying PSLV and will sell and convert to hard silver when my guy in town has more.

>> No.27422085

You have to trust they will deliver. Remember that 10k oz is the minimum and they could take their time to fill the order or tell you to pound salt.

>> No.27422132

get in here, and lets expose this freemason piece of shit


>> No.27422375

Thats for a quick flip. But honestly dude if this keeps going the whole economy is gonna tank. I'm more than down to accelorate but in the end if you sell and paper money basicly becomes useless.

If anything goes down and its not a "civil war" but a depression type deal or however it plays out. I like to stay stocked up on shit and if someone wants to buy things off me a wad of useless cash but will trade for some shinny metal ( Lead, copper, silver, gold)

>> No.27422458
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What is stopping me from selling the silver to people up front right now, before I've taken delivery? I.e, I place a listing on eBay for a bar of silver and say "It may take me a long time to ship due to massive volume!" and then somebody pays me the money up front at $40/oz...

Then I use their money to buy the paper silver, convert it to physical silver, and even if it takes PSLV 3 weeks to deliver it, I already got the money up front and I can just tell my buyer to wait...

>> No.27422513

Its on a 60 day cycle or something I was looking in to it last night.

>> No.27422793

Nothing, I have been doing this since 2017. Except in your example I take the $400k and buy more paper silver, then sell it for $570k.

>> No.27422893

You can only cash out 10,000 oz at a time so right now thats just about 30,000 shares.

Each PSLV stock is worth 1/3rd a oz of silver. (10.1Grams)

Also why would i pay you 40 a oz for a paper share when my guy down the street sells me 1oz bullion at cost?

>> No.27423196

you better have some big player contacts if you're selling 1000 oz bars.

>> No.27423503
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I live 25km from a private mint. What is stopping me from bringing my 1000oz bars in to them and asking them to melt them into smaller bars for me? For example, make me 1000oz bars?

Even if I paid them $5/oz to do it for me, which would be very high, I would STILL be profiting $7/oz. $7 x 10,000 = $70,000!

>> No.27423561

Fuck, typo. I meant to write "For example, have them make me 1000 one oz bars."

>> No.27423764

>what is stopping me from making money by working
laziness probably

>> No.27423832

it's called arbitrage and the gap will close very soon. This happens with forex trading but with much smaller gaps in asset prices

>> No.27423834
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its extremely short-sighted to take out a loan at the heat of the moment and must caution to think reasonably about this

>> No.27423929
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No bro I am literally ready to fucking do this, but I have two big concerns. First of all, if I sell on eBay, people are going to try to refund scam me and it would be a huge risk/liability. How do I avoid this?

And second, is it even legal to list them for sale if I don't have them yet???

Pls help me for real bro

>> No.27424803

Taxes, finding buyers etc. You can't immediately find someone to sell 10koz to meaning price can go down and you're fucked.

>> No.27424894

disconnect from price is pretty fucking jewish

>> No.27424924

Retail silver is drying up which means that dealers have to purchase bullion to keep up with retail demand that's when the spot price of silver goes up.

>> No.27424933
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>> No.27425054

to be honest. I think a lot of people will find out they don't have enough silver to fulfill their paper contracts. That's the whole point of this silver demand

>> No.27425122

Who the fuck is going to give you max retail value for silver? Real question.

>> No.27425136
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If only the poor zoomers would listen...

>> No.27425312

There isnt enough silver to keep up with both retail and industrial demand.

>> No.27425569

This is why a silver squeeze will NEVER HAPPEN.

A stock squeeze of this magnitude with GME was able to happen because hundreds/thousands of little guys could all buy GME anywhere from 1 to 9,000 stock and contribute.

If the only way to contribute to the silver squeeze is to buy at least 10,000 oz silver and request physical... Then they will always be safe from a squeeze. They can always keep selling more paper ('imaginary') silver as people buy anything less than 10,000 oz.

>> No.27425751

Forgot to add: Most issuers of paper silver allow for redemption but only if you have a minimum of some fucking huge amount. Like, 10,000 oz as I said.

>> No.27425980
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>> No.27425978
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>> No.27425997


Silver is going up because of industrial demand, silver is an essential component for tech, and Electric vehicles

>> No.27426186

Gee if only somebody knew exactly how many ounces of real silver exist on the open market, and could calculate the average amount of ounces a US citizen needs to hold by buying silver locally at close to spot price rendering the 150 to 1 COMEX leverage unfillable.

Its 9, 9 ounces. $300 per US citizen.

>> No.27426277

I think the trick would've been to accumulate at about $14 or $15 and then redeem now. At worst you could take it to your LCS and get spot price. At best, you could sell it on eBay with a nice premium.

>> No.27426361

It's even less when you consider that anyone in the world can buy silver. And the demand for is silver in China and india is real

>> No.27426453

you're a fucking idiot silver is already being squeezed

>> No.27426549

Can someone post a paper silver holder?
I have an old $2 paper silver fiat supposedly backed by silver via the U.S, but I never understood what to do with it.
I thought it was just an obsolete old silver back.

>> No.27426668

I’m saving that shit. Better than the movie

>> No.27426813

the banks are daring us to buy $40 silver bullion from dealers which people would do if that was what SLV said the price was. but since SLV says it's at 29 or whatever, people don't want to get scammed. the irony being that it's the dollars and stocks and crypto that your holding instead which is the scam.

>> No.27426830

Is this the /pmg/ thread?

>> No.27427079

no, there's not enough Schiff memes.

>> No.27427198
File: 548 KB, 1540x1600, 1607845988363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The squeeze is already happening bro.

>> No.27427298

Those are collector items, anon...

>> No.27427369

physical is of course best, but PSLV is way better than SLV, that's for sure.

>> No.27427632

your pic says 1000oz and you say 10,000oz in your post. faggot

>> No.27427661


When the price crashes again I'm buyin some of those rounds just because they look bad ass.

>> No.27427676

I have hundreds of tiny 1 gram bars just for that type of trading purpose.

>> No.27427784
File: 39 KB, 588x823, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based retard, the pic says "ten 1000oz bars".

Remember, 10 x 1000 = 10,000. Khanacademy is free if you need to relearn multiplication.

>> No.27427795

What's paper silver if it can't be redeemed for silver? Paper.

>> No.27427861

You realize it would take like a week to have a huge pallet of silver delivered to you, and then even longer to have that pallet of huge industrial silver bars processed down down into something someone would pay $44 for?

And you expect these people to jump on this opportunity on the first business day following an anomaly that may very well subside in a couple days?

>> No.27427875

If Melvin really did close their shorts they have an obligation to make an official statement that they have done so. If they have really closed the shorts, then not making an official statement regarding this chaos is irresponsible and they should be held liable for that. The fact that they have issued no such statement however, is proof that they have not closed the shorts.

Why has Melvin not made an official statement they closed the shorts? We should demand that Melvin make an official statement that they have closed their shorts

>> No.27428694

GME never had a chance of causing anything but a tiny ripple in the financial markets. They would do what ever they needed to cover their shorts and you would pay for it. Silver on the other hand could crash the entire thing. All it would take isTaking some pocket change and removing physical silver from the market. No one is telling anyone to dump GME (i could care less) Just to buy a few ounces of physical silver.

>> No.27428925

Why do materialistic gold diggers turn me on so much

>> No.27429007

Silver is not just for kikes

>> No.27429207

because they know they have to fuck like a tiger to keep using your money

>> No.27429300

sell on craigslist/fb marketplace

>> No.27429369

In some countries there are taxed on silver
Then there is the transport and storage costs
It’s possible that the difference has to be a lot larger before you can have it transported to your home

>> No.27429549

Yes. What could go wrong?

>> No.27431077

I figured.
I was given a bill out of charity from someone nice. See you in the pmg thread frens and you too >>27427079

>> No.27431272

>And second, is it even legal to list them for sale if I don't have them yet???
why not just get the silver stocks and redeem? Then worry about selling
might take over a month for you to get your silver