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File: 61 KB, 888x768, photo_2021-01-13_22-10-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27410128 No.27410128 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27410196

shill me on realistic EOY predictions

>> No.27410202

I fucking love this coin

>> No.27410256

silently moons today

>> No.27410282
File: 783 KB, 1280x760, 864F7FF5-4ACD-4FCB-91C8-9701CB5780A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s my 8k stack worth eoy fellas??

>> No.27410296
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1493937023426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like curry in here.
>next link
Pajeet tier shilling

>> No.27410354

shut the fuck up pajeet, no one is falling for your curry-stained scams

it's going straight to hell

>> No.27410546

>muh price fetching database token

actually it's more promising than link faggot

>> No.27410565
File: 865 KB, 270x270, 1611984624253.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey thats not rubic!

>> No.27410632

lmao what even is this?

just stick to rubic....

>> No.27410655


Its a dutch company how can you compare that to curry? I reckon you look into the project and then come back and we can argue if this is indeed some ''scam'' project.

>> No.27410712

Unironically the next pajeet street-shitting Pakistani scam...give it up, this scam ahs been exposed, the curry stink has exposed you...you reek of Paki curry ahahaha.. The LTO scam is dumping and crashing..It is over for your Paki dutch scam

>> No.27410732

>worst tokenomics in crypto
sure thing shill, it's going to dump next month and crab all year you'll see 2x gains maybe in 3 years lol

>> No.27410796
File: 78 KB, 1082x694, qEFfGjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are leasing to the biz node, right anon-dono?

the rubic exchange is disappointing, not even fudding

>> No.27410852

>Its a dutch company
>you compare that to curry?
They paid all of you pajeet shills

>> No.27410859

OP you learnt your lesson calling anything the next link will attract low iq two digit fudders and rbc pajeets. Next time make an LTO General pos for some high iq math discussions like we usually do.

>> No.27410946

once you're years into crypto you have knack for these things, you can smell the shit through your skin half a world away... they're even shilling fucking afghans now LOOOOL shitskin coin

>> No.27411032

yeah this OP was a stinker and ruined the comfiness of the thread

>> No.27411153

30-160k :D

>> No.27411277

Chill, there’s still tourists on the board. Accumulate as much as you can before Q3.

>> No.27411313

WEAK fud nigger. Its been a solid coin. From 0.05 to 0.10 to 0.20. We are going to .50 next kike get on the train

>> No.27411432

you were warned
dump your bags now, preferably on binance
no reason to care about this piece of shit.
there's a reason no one talks about it

>> No.27411487

you wouldn't be able to do the math to figure out it's tokenomics even if there was a gun pointed at you. Don't fud what you don't understand.

>> No.27411756
File: 1001 KB, 1200x1166, 143678A3-1BDA-4403-9D65-3CEE2C75AC70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and truth pilled. the last thing we need are weakass hands in our pot. doubt they would figure out how to buy it but still

>> No.27411822

i am a newfag, what does leasing do?

>> No.27412094

you receive free LTO every week (when I lease my 40k stack I get back 40 LTO every week)
leasing is safe and doesn't cost you anything
check the archives on how to lease
there is a comfy biz node where you can join

>> No.27412342

U pay money to rent it every month. After the term u give them back to whomever u bought it from, they inspect the tokens to see if I tainted them and then they send u on your way

>> No.27412359

You fucking idiot stop talking about it. Wait until Q3 while I accumulate more

>> No.27412546

oh fuck its dutch hold up buying 20k

>> No.27412628


Mate, that is not what i asked.


A knack for what things? hating on a otherwise good project and calling it curry just to hate for the sake of hating? You havent come with a good argument why LTO will not succeed.that is all ask from you, if you dont then dont bother responding.

>> No.27412760

what? lmao


>> No.27413392

looks like we'll close the day at around 104k txs. strong start to week! https://lto.tools/txs/

>> No.27413816

Lol this thread does smell like curry
From the infest rubic paki shills
Fuck off shitty broken dex
No one cares but paid indians

>> No.27413848

how come coinstats has their transactions at 400k when this past week they've had record txs over 100k several times

>> No.27414058

next time just create a proper LTO General fren it repels all the low iq niggers and pajeets when they see links and math equation

>> No.27414339
File: 416 KB, 986x1024, 1611239657407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTO Network
>unparalleled adoption and use-cases in enterprise
>Partnered with IBM, United Nations, AIRBUS, Dutch and Euro gov bodies. Already paying and using the service.
>Q3 Oracle collab with stinky linkies for digital ids (kyc for businesses when doing defi)
>Top 10 in transactions, revenue generated and best price per sale (p/s) ratio at a low mcap 60mil. https://coinstats.network
>50% of circulating supply staked, rewards come entirely from client companies using the service , 0.25LTO each transaction
>Deflationary supply, 0.1 LTO burn each transaction too.
>Coinbase soon for the burgers
It's insane, top coin adoption wise but such a small market cap.
Token you hold is same as clients use.

Oh what does rubic do you dirty shills?
>Layer 2 cross chain dex...
Yawn.... ZZZzzzz zzzzzzzzzz

>> No.27414663
File: 91 KB, 612x348, IMG_20210124_124947_289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explorer down, it will show more tomorrow

There was an anon posting this exact OP with my pepe when LTO was 12 cents.
Wanted to pay tribute to him.
The paki rubic shills don't bother me, they have no arguements.

>> No.27415180

pre-2017 oldfag here. Thanks. I honestly miss these short concise research posts. Just give me the damn info like this.
If i see you post "did you miss X coin? and X? well this is your chance" with no absolute information im not reading your shit. And if you just paste your damn green cube over link memes its even worse.

>> No.27415327
File: 447 KB, 726x794, 1611167261934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> worst tokenomics in crypto
You must be taking about link.
You'd have to literally be retarded to not see that the tokenomics are already succeeding. No other coin with find you 7% apy and growing from transaction fees alone.

>> No.27415557

This. LTO is a subtle scam. Wake up ! There is a cult about their adoption and Tx, that's all ! Partnerships are fakes or shit. WTF UN with Afghanistan ? Next will be will Zimbabwe ? Deflationary and staking are just here for make you holding.

You were traped. LTO is a Lition drama 5.0.

>> No.27415641
File: 47 KB, 251x201, 1611272303312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not too late for a comfy bag

>> No.27415855

This is the weakest attempt at fud yet. At least the curry guy doesnt pretend like he's a retard

>> No.27416027

I had 256k+ LTO. I sold because the progresse is shady. On TG its all about muh " TRUE ADOPTION and Tx soon X100. Red flag for me.

>> No.27416073

I would buy 100k right now but uniswap wants $10 to approve the swap, $60 for the contract execution, 50$ liquidity provider fee, and the price is marked up by nearly 2%. Fuck that. I can't use binance. What the fuck is this fucking bullshit man

>> No.27416379

Make a Binance account a vpn

You must literally be retarded if you can't see that its actually being adopted right now

>> No.27416392

kek. sorry but we aint selling ranjeeta

>> No.27416550

I love this coin, i only have 300 though :( i'm poor

>> No.27416602
File: 87 KB, 1280x840, IMG_20210101_102433_691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unquestionably best tokenomica and business model.

>clients will buy LTO for the service
>They anchor and exchange data + decentralized ids on chain
>Transaction fee goes to staking rewards and token burn

All of that pumps my bags,

>what if the price affects the fee
>what if the increase in transactions burn too fast

Will be voted to lower fee and burn,
Keeping it affordable for clients.
While the holders benefit from higher price and the increase in transactions benefits staking apy.

>> No.27416743

Sounds to me like you just bought more than you could afford and starting getting anxious. You can always buy back in with a reasonable amount. :)

>> No.27416772
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, Epc5L7jU8AUdql3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced this dutchie is salty about
VIDT getting outright bought out by LTO and his coin dumping
Funny how I can recognise his Dutch writing style every thread

>> No.27416986
File: 56 KB, 700x607, 1528746809508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you Rakeesh. Just warning you. Red Vojack incoming for you.

>> No.27417032
File: 156 KB, 411x600, 1611792074925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27417034

Today has had the highest number of leases started. 30% higher than the runner up. Now 129.1mil in total being staked/leased

>> No.27417259
File: 77 KB, 1318x466, LTOLIVECOIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me get this straight you fucking faggot, you've been seeing nothing but positive ROI on your LTO holdings and you sell your 256k stack? You reek of shit.

>> No.27417282

And so what ?

>> No.27417406


Dismissed cause you're just a lying piece of shit.

>> No.27417416

Yes, because the dump incoming.

>> No.27417522


>> No.27417536

just ignore, he wants it back down for a .18 entry kek

>> No.27417622

You LTO nazi brain washed.

>> No.27417656

Should I swap my link for more LTO?

>> No.27417832

> getting called an LTO nazi
This bottom is in boys moon mission is next.