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27405962 No.27405962 [Reply] [Original]

the gamestop collapse will cause suicides on reddit, it's like a cult on there right now

>> No.27406350

Whats amazing to me is this went from reddit vs Wallstreet to reddit vs reddit

>> No.27406674
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It turnned into an echo chamber reaaaaaal fast. When I say Friday stagnated and this morning dip real hard I thought something was up. If we had the momentum then the price would have went up when the hedgies had to pay back... but it didn't

>> No.27407177
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I made this pepe

>> No.27407525

It's hilariously reminiscent of Qtards. All of this talk about "a plan", i.e. the short squeeze that nobody can actually explain. They post vague evidence of this happening like tables and graphs none of these retards can understand and reaffirm each others enthusiasm.
If I read one more time that the "shorts are going to expire" I will blow my brains out.

>> No.27407697

I demand a mistrial

>> No.27407928

Unfortunately what happened is the real money making already happened, and unlucky laymen (who can't afford to lose money like they are) caught onto the hype far too late. So they bought a ton of GME stock at 300+ and are learning to regret it, and are now scrambling to cope and find hope in a dying light.
It's actually somewhat sad to think that there's people even here that spent their savings on a meme and are losing their livelihoods.

>> No.27408832

Yep. I've heard all the typical phases and coping from friends who invested for the first time in their lives. A bunch of people are going to learn a hard lesson about markets these next days

>> No.27409077
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>> No.27409180


>> No.27410497

meds, now

>> No.27411286
File: 329 KB, 1224x875, 1605689754169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try Shlomo

>> No.27411636

I made this Pepe, you need to pay me 10 Kleros to use It, I left my address at email field.

Thank you.

>> No.27411689


edit: Thanks for the gold everyone. It has been a journey.

>> No.27411848

For accounting purposes i need to make the payment out to an address associated with a .eth domain name that is also registered as the owner of the NFT representing the ownership of the pepe patent.

>> No.27411869


>> No.27412398

I made this document

>> No.27412632

It's very true.

So as a caveot, I still like Trump over Joe 'Dementia' Biden, but it used to be a lot fun to be a supporter before the Q retard boomers showed up. Now it is more like a cult in some regards.

Same with WSB. Used to be a legitimately fun place. Shitposting, calling each other retards, good memes, but now that they have gone literally retarded on what really should be a penny-stock, it IS resembling a cult.

They deserve a little pain.

>> No.27412689

And that's a good thing