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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 250x250, SHIBA INU - SHIB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27392724 No.27392724 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>27364306

>Asia is waking up and he's not buying the dip...
Anon... you're not gonna miss the second moon mission, are you? This has been shilled for three days on /biz/ already and is trending for our friends over at Reddit and Twitter AND is listed on Hotbit (major Chinese exchange). I just don't get it, do you unironically want to slave away for the rest of your life as a wagecuck? It's still not too late, buy the dip and buckle up.

Telegram: t.me/shibainuthedogecoinkiller

Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0x3301ee63fb29f863f2333bd4466acb46cd8323e6

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce

Hotbit: https://www.hotbit.io/exchange?symbol=SHIB_USDT

SHIB chart: https://chartex.pro/?symbol=UNISWAP%3ASHIB.64C4CE&interval=60&theme=Dark

>> No.27392806
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Tutorial for new friends!

>> No.27393173

let me know how that goes if you get back above 300

>> No.27393287
File: 211 KB, 730x783, CASH MONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27393301

buy on coin base wallet and transfer to hotbit, fucking gas fees are retarded on uni

>> No.27393623

Yeah, gas fees are pretty high right now. Don't get screwed by them.

>> No.27393624


>> No.27393635

Does hotbit have gas fees?

>> No.27393721

Finally back to nat growth

>> No.27393885

$50 gas fee, tx took 10min for confirmation. fuck

>> No.27393923

cant believe i bought a dip on something that already pumped and dumped this shit is gonna bleed out now

>> No.27393955

no, maybe some fees, but not 40$ damn fees holy shit

>> No.27393976

I'm confused about why this is cheaper. Does a transfer from coinbase to hotbit not need gas? Why does a transfer from uni need so much gas?

>> No.27393987

Help a newfag out. Why do these candle charts look different?



>> No.27393997

Keep boosting!

>> No.27394023

Which paper handed idiot is gonna dump it next? Looking good, someone will ruin it

>> No.27394048
File: 46 KB, 320x127, 320px-CWCki_News.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is the update on this pajeetcoin? I thought it bottomed out last night.

>> No.27394076

try and buy ltc on coinbase then transfer and exchange on hotbit, no retarded gas fee

>> No.27394119

China just woke up

>> No.27394130

Not worth it for anybody to dump, this is the buying and growth period.

>> No.27394171

is it comming back shibfriends?

>> No.27394201

china man want your money, it just got very recently added to hotbit

>> No.27394202

i just staked 2.5B, is this enough for gains?? i have another 2.5B still in my wallet, ironically i lost like 3 B in fees transmitting from portis to metamask so i could stake my shit lmao

>> No.27394211


>> No.27394247

You pay per byte, and smart contracts have a lot of bytes (code). Uni is decentralized. There is no transfer, only swaps with smart contract. Sending eth without a smart contract barely costs a dollar, a contract can get very expensive.

>> No.27394272

drop $100 on some and im gonna just observe

>> No.27394310

PnD already happened with this coin, unless people are just weak paper hands, should grow steadily now that China is awake

>> No.27394327

the listing on MXC didnt even happen the requirements werent met

>> No.27394345

Has someone made a
Sonichu coin yet?

>> No.27394398

i'd rather pay the gas facture than having my token locked on some shitty ass chink exchange thanks

>> No.27394405


Is anyone not going to acknowledge that OP fucked up and posted the akita etherscan?

lol.. this guy, or group, is playing all sides of the coin.

>> No.27394544

This shit is like watching paint dry.... fucking boooring. Weak pump /biz/, you guys suck.

>> No.27394578
File: 84 KB, 1404x684, Capture+_2021-02-01-13-39-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What time do Chinese people wake up?

>> No.27394640

Never, the bug is always awake.

>> No.27394703

was this a scam?

>> No.27394704

Lmao pump and dump confirmed he linked Akita etherscan

>> No.27394760

If we got Chris' endorsement, it's bound to hit at least $0.01.

>> No.27394784

not a scam but just a pump and dump

>> No.27394791
File: 58 KB, 800x866, shib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27394793


>> No.27394797

Yes, but it's running off of meme magic. Buy in or get left behind.

>> No.27394857

As much of a scam as DOGE is...

>> No.27394895

Look at the etheer scan link for the contract that was posted, its literally Akita address. Pajeet confirmed

>> No.27394906

Back to pumping like yesterday. This is one tough dog.

>> No.27394925

There's this one whale selling 10-20 ether worth of shib every hour. It seems like all the rest are holding at the moment frens.
He/they will have no more to dump at a certain point.
We will rise and we will make this happen if we stay packed.
We will make this spread and pump it again.

>> No.27395005

Weak pump? You mean steady growth lol

>> No.27395013

We need to create it

>> No.27395029
File: 891 KB, 1401x1634, shibaclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiba Club forever

>> No.27395035


The dude copied and pasted the wrong etherscan. That means that he's probably looking from a link dump in a discord or telegram group that is artificially pumping these coins to get us interested so that we put our money in and then they take it.

aka a scam or pump and dump

>> No.27395043
File: 93 KB, 1829x1096, EtKjXfwXAAsM0a_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like were mooning from here

>> No.27395059

when will this $0.00000002 stablecoin fucking do something

>> No.27395090

You're right, my bad. I had a tab open checking it out because it was being spammed in the Telegram, didn't realize it was the wrong one.

Here is the correct one: https://etherscan.io/token/0x95ad61b0a150d79219dcf64e1e6cc01f0b64c4ce?a=0xd8048483c6560cd5d018408a7689a995b65e7bda

I'll fix it in the next thread.

>> No.27395105


>> No.27395178

lmfao, fuck me

>> No.27395225

Stop trying to predict the future please. I'm just holding for the week, see you in my lambo.

>> No.27395233

There's enough buys but someone is cockblocking

>> No.27395249
File: 138 KB, 648x557, 1611914680968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds pretty good friend, what do you think of my predictions?

>> No.27395357

Scam or not they will lack supply.
Then it will be ours.

>> No.27395398

every time it starts going up some nigger has to sell 10k+

>> No.27395411

Every fucking hour instead of letting it ride to a new ath and then dumping

>> No.27395450


>lack supply

on how many tokens exactly? I forget.. hmm

you guys aren't even trying any more, are you?

>> No.27395464

I actually noticed the same guy was dumping both at around the same time a bit ago


>> No.27395818

Do I need ETH on hotbit to sell there?

>> No.27395847

That's not me.

>> No.27396072

nope, also its traded with USDT

>> No.27396284

Wales are literal retards who'd rather make 100 bucks rather than have everyone make 10000s

>> No.27396380

They're probably just breaking even with gas fees being what they are now.

>> No.27396741

OMG they are rugpulling now. Sell everything you've got before it goes to zero. Hurry /biz/ you are going to lose all your savings than your life is going to hit 0.

>> No.27396872

I am buying your panic sells with pocket money

Go Go

>> No.27396941

Reddit-tier FUD

>> No.27396970

>small dip at a nearly worthless price
are you retarded or something

>> No.27396994

Noob question. Can I buy shib and rubic on hotbit and uniswap with ethereum only or other coins too? I’m mainly concerned with the withdrawal fees for eth.

>> No.27397217

You buy SHIB on Hotbit with USDT.

>> No.27397267

Uniswap only uses ETH. If you have another currency that you try to swap, it will swap to ETH then to the currency you buy. So you pay double gas.
Hotbit uses USDT as its currency. No gas but they have transaction fees.

>> No.27397321

Ban this pajeet already

>> No.27397391

Its gonna cost me 15 bucks to send my shib to hotbit, we sure there are no gas fees selling shib on hotbit have anons actually tried?

>> No.27397479

man fuck the ETH network and its gay as fees and shit. I sold during the peak yesterday but my transaction fucking dropped. Lost my gas fees and was stuck holding my bag. Fuck ETH so much, how did this shitty network ever get so popular?

Is SHIB ever going to peak like that again...? On the other note leash has been going quite strong, wish i put as much as i did i into leash and id be well above my investment point. Right now im above but its not worth the gas to take it out (lmao fucking $75 gas fees fml)

>> No.27397522

yes. Its normal to trade without fees, only uniswap fags eat up fees all day

>> No.27397544

Post your hand

>> No.27397680

if you can confirm theres no fees on hotbit ill gladly transfer my shib over there. im fucking done with uni/meta

>> No.27397724

>$50 gas fees
is this a fucking joke
what the fuck Vitalik

>> No.27397756

If I buy eth on Coinbase pro and withdraw for free what percentage will I pay for gas on uni? Say I buy and swap eth worth of 100 euros.
I just checked the reviews for hotbit and some people claim to have been robbed while an article claims they lie about their location. I don’t trust the Chinese

>> No.27397867

This was Vitalik's plan all along...

>> No.27398168

im about to register for hotbit and it has a section for a referral code. idk if theres rewards or shit involved, but if there are and someone wants me to use them as the referral post your code or w/e in the next few min and ill use it when i register after lunch.

>> No.27398179
File: 73 KB, 601x508, Screenshot from 2021-02-01 15-04-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShibaSwap coming soon confirmed

>> No.27398187

Just swung my stack in. Fortune favors the bold

>> No.27398223

This whale is dumping hard. fuck him

>> No.27398300

Not saying no fellow shibe 685245

>> No.27398324

who said it was?

>> No.27398425

what is that supposed to fix, ETH still has ugly fees?

>> No.27398466

Sorry, I took that as you trying to call me out or something by replying to that guy lmao

>> No.27398496

What does that mean exactly?

>> No.27398569
File: 47 KB, 640x640, ip.bitcointalk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying SHIT
>when you could buy AKITA


>> No.27398594

I suspect 50% or more of all the holders are whales, fuck this coin. Hope I'm wrong though

>> No.27398696

I have no idea but they are working on stuff currently and this news might cause it to pump later on

>> No.27398737

Got rugpulled, Anon? Should've stayed with the safe SHIB

>> No.27398779


>> No.27398911

One hail mary poojeet coin is enough for me thanks

>> No.27398967

Retards bought this coin??? It was an obvious pajeet scam.

Shiba and Doge are the only true memes.

>> No.27398992

used. hope it gave you some form of gains anon!

>> No.27399117

yes I'm a ''whale'' you're corect.
I want it to have an organic growth and sell it slowly as normies get in.

>> No.27399174

is it dead bros

>> No.27399186


>> No.27399279

Prolly just margin trading from HotBit?

>> No.27399410

Not really but either it's mooning this week or it's gonna be a long hold.

>> No.27399431

Are you retarded? We hit top 10 volume on Uniswap last night. We have a ways to go

>> No.27399567

fuck the cockblocking whale

>> No.27399585

im thinkin this shitcoin is over. had its pump and dump already.

>> No.27399584

We hit number 1 today didn't we?

>> No.27399635

Shiba will rise to the top.

It mooned yesterday, fastest anyone has ever seen anything moon, and then dropped to the ORIGINAL PRE-MOON VALUE. Thats the most solid fucking shitcoin I've every seen.

>> No.27399766

We're hitting $0,000X end of March, easy

>> No.27399813

what happened to that anon who bought 37k worth yeterday right before the crash, he still here? Also fuck those whales who all dumped.had they stayed in and made it look more promising this coin would have grown a lot faster.

just curious from one bag holder to another, do you see this coin actually taking off with normies now that its on hotbit?

eh it def had a pump and dump, the last few min were pretty surreal, but even at its lowest it was still like 2-3x what it originally was before most people started buying and has remained slowly steadily upwards. If you graph it out it it pretty much follows a steady upward slope. I feel like it has potential to grow still because yesterday the mooing was a bunch of get rich quick whales who bought in and dipped out almost immediately

>> No.27399837

just needs to make enough of an impact to be remembered as a top teir shit coin, so in 3 years it gets memed back to life and everyone becomes rich. moon now would be nice though

>> No.27399844
File: 60 KB, 822x629, 4145246e2ed39420847fe2483e98b16db892192f435bcaa717e8afb234bf31cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's illega amounts of returd
go to jaile

>> No.27399904

Is hotbit the new liqu.io? Looks identical.

>> No.27400081

all good

>> No.27400118

I like the slightly higher lows each dip. Looks nice

>> No.27400147

Not returd, just hopeful. One ten-thousandth of a cent is not unlikely. Its where DOGE sat for a long time, especially after the alt pump of 2017

>> No.27400162

Yeah I don't think it's mooning today to be h, I'll hold my billions and see you all in a few months.

>> No.27400192

its going to 1$

>> No.27400210

2200% profit.
could have been 100000%...

>> No.27400328

Refer to >>27400118
zoom out fellow tards

>> No.27400356

$SHIB going to moon

>> No.27400359

I bought $100 eth on CB which came out to 95$ eth after fees. Then after transfer to metamask i lost another couple bucks on fee. Then i swapped for about $60 worth of shiba and paid about $20 in gas. Note it will also cost you a fee to swap shiba back to eth; right now i have $10 left but it's been recommended that you have at least $100

>> No.27400418

Top 30 holder, shib trillionaire here. I am never selling.

>> No.27400449

Doesn't mean we're going to have a repeat of yesterday.

>> No.27400494
File: 8 KB, 833x357, selected-210201-2121-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're still on the growth line from yesterday guys. don't stress, it's that simple.

>> No.27400556

Based disinfo

>> No.27400573


>> No.27400582


>> No.27400585

you did it all wrong. Either buy more so fees don't matter or dont deal with ETH fees.

Most people trade on proper exchanges to avoid fees, uniswap & co are mostly just good for swapping big amounts.

>> No.27400596

Yeah okay, but this is a ponzi scheme right? All bag holders, just hope this coin at some point resurfaces, same way DOGE did.

>> No.27400598

hecking $shib elite

>> No.27400676


>> No.27400702
File: 323 KB, 1536x2048, 275c71244770c424de97d8c1eddf855da0727cb0051e5b2846a3d02890673984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might put 100 dollars in if it goes sub 100
what do you guys think

>> No.27400711

Exactly... all these new fags don’t know what they’re doing and it’s hurting real investors. It’s still on the growth line, the moving average hasn’t shit itself and combined isn’t contradicting it

>> No.27400725

I fell for $AKITA, but should I get back in on this now?

>> No.27400785

shiba wasn't on any exchange then, and I didn't want to spend any more money. Also I don't trust these chinese sites.

>> No.27400824

Same here. Wouldn’t let me out at 8

>> No.27400864

You're acting as if we went back to invisible price when we're still up compared to pre moon levels.
It honestly won't.
Retard, AKITA was an obvious rugpull, this is either for a long run or for this week's moon.

>> No.27400882

no, you obviously suck at meme coins. go invest in stable coin and get 12%apr

>> No.27400897

na, has actual meme potential. shibe vs doge wars could be fun.

>> No.27400899

use HotBit

I hate HotBit, they suck, they support sucks, however i hate paying $30 for every single transaction even more

>> No.27400912

Most people are probably in this for the pump, but I must admit I really like the idea of a community owned coin. We can do whatever we want with it, and it's open for development still. It's a cool concept nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.27400919

dang i only have 17 bucks in

>> No.27400962


>> No.27400990

No excuse not to sell now and double your stack in an hour, its on an exchange so no more gas fees

>> No.27401042

Better than 0

>> No.27401124

You really think it’s going to keep falling? Either way I’m holding for the long term @ 5b

>> No.27401143

curious, do the transactions fees increase based on the eth amount to which you're trying to swap? Also how would i transfer to hotbit at this point.

>> No.27401159

i suppose, but right now that's not worth jack diddly unless it moons pass 1000
do we have any social media traction yet?

>> No.27401167

Bottom is already in, retard

>> No.27401311

Not a trilly, but 230 billi here

>> No.27401316

A bit, WSB chairman even tweeted it yesterday during the pump but nothing since.

>> No.27401353

Register & send there. Pay transaction fees only for deposit and withdraw, not only 0.05 or so for trading.

Transaction fees do not heavily increase with the amount, its about $30 right now for everyone (and every swap) except you swap with a different currency then its x2

>> No.27401360

i think that was a fake account

>> No.27401368

prove it faggit

>> No.27401420

This is the bottom, my friend, it's been stable at this price for probably a few hours now.

>> No.27401464

>t. fellow SHIB trillionaire

>> No.27401469

You clearly bought in yesterday, the real pump hasn't even stopped falling, let alone 'bottom'

>> No.27401496

Still had something like 40k followers but yeah now that you mention it.

>> No.27401502


>> No.27401545

It probably was but the account still had a lot of followers, 30k I think.

>> No.27401696

go shill shib to big names

>> No.27401871

We have people in the Telegram posting to every social media platform out there, I'm just doing my part and making /biz/ threads

>> No.27401887

why doesn't registering work? it wont send my confirmation code to my email, a red box just comes upwith an x symbol. do I have to vpn

>> No.27401897

If any of the shiba fags coordinating the dump are in the thread, how far down are you planning on pushing?

>> No.27401971

No idea, just worked for me.

>> No.27402033
File: 34 KB, 487x666, photo_2021-02-01_14-01-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot, AKITA is the new play

>> No.27402099

tards dumping for quick profits could have made more profits if they trickled profits out rather than dumping. Such Short termism is retarded

>> No.27402138

this shit is hard dumping. Scamcoin

>> No.27402214

The telegram's admins are retards and ban you for no reason though.

>> No.27402226

Its over fren

>> No.27402232

hopefully yer right

>> No.27402264

the fact that LEASH is steadily growing makes me a little bit more hopeful about SHIB. holding on to my 10 bil stack for the near future.

>> No.27402400

-50% is incoming, don't say you weren't warned, see my posts from earlier

>> No.27402592

There are two channels, the main one I listed in OP is hectic, but the second one is made by a community member and is moderated much better, here it is: t.me/ShibaCommunityLounge

I'll include the link to that group in the next thread.

>> No.27402791

Says the fucking nigger who does not understand nothing in finance. Fucking lame dude. Get the fuck out of this thread nigga.

>> No.27402826

suck my nuts nigger

>> No.27402976

I’m currently down $200 but I still have my 10b. Am I going to make it friends?

>> No.27403116

Thanks, I'll join later.
Just hold and you will at least profit from it.

>> No.27403118

maybe, im a shiblet with only 16bil but was in it from the start. I could still cash out now (and make it worth it because no more gas fees if i do it on hotbit) but honestly at this point we might as well hold and see where it goes

>> No.27403142

I am still up 10x, and I am never selling, retard. This has a 30x left in it minimum in the next leg up

>> No.27403145

Sitting on 8.5b and hoping for this to hit ~500 before cashing out. I'll break even if we can get back to 300 after gas.

>> No.27403178

Only if you hold fren

>> No.27403353

THIS but unironically

>> No.27403640

>had his shilling removed from r/CryptoMoonShots
Kek, even the normies are catching on.

>> No.27403641

No reason not to hold, the price is pretty stable at the moment. It doesn't make sense for anyone to sell, a lot of the whales already sold.

>> No.27403899

Just bought 1,950,000,000 shiba don’t fuck this up anon

>> No.27404032

The number of holders keeps increasing, for each whale that dumps there's a few people buying in.

>> No.27404186

There's literally a whale the dumps every hour, it isn't going to go up with the whale dumping every time it gains.

>> No.27404190

no reason to sell any of this shit at a loss ever. Even if it drops off a cliff, it'll go viral again in a month, a year for no reason

>> No.27404246

Based. Don't forget us in your Lambo.

>> No.27404397

more holders=more people for the whale to dump on you fucking retards that are like OH OH BUT THE HOLDERS KEEP GOING UP!!!!!

>> No.27404541

>buying a token with no usecase, whose popularity is entirely because of its similar name to DOGE, which has already pumped and is now bleeding out
>accusing others of not knowing about finance

btw i sold the top last night and made $130,000 by dumping on you retards

>> No.27404564

Fuck we droppin son.

>> No.27404574

Yeah but there's not much we can do since the whale would rather make minimum gain than having everyone poor.
He's probably reading this post and furiously masturbating (based).

>> No.27404640

We are coming in waaaaaaaaves.

bide your sweet SHIB ing time my sweets the dog hasn't had its full day pant pant pant.

>> No.27404679



i'm sitting on 120b still. we might have seen some dips in our value, but we're just shaking off last night's madness. right now i'm seeing no indication that we are actually gonna plummet.

>> No.27404780

>check telegram
This is as retarded as having Trump tweet about GamerGate

>> No.27404795

I made $20k... would have made for if you waited longer >:(

>> No.27404891

I got scammed didn't I

>> No.27404983

Its literally some nigger in this thread who is 2Xing every time he sells and we just get fucked for buying in. It's q pajeet scam the fucking etherscan listed by the original OP is posted an etherscan contract for fucking akita. I don't care because it's only a couple hundred bucks but this is an obvious scam

>> No.27405094

you and me both brother

>> No.27405177

No, I think it's a retard using the coin to scam but the coin itself isn't a scam.
Doesn't matter, I'm holding my billions.

>> No.27405186

whoever is doing this , i hope you die of testicular torsion you sad fuck ,

>> No.27405488

This thing is sliding down. I am glad I didn't buy into it. I was going to buy lastnight.

I hope you lads pull out and move onto something else and stop wasting time on this one.

Best of luck.

>> No.27405506

Shiba is dead
Go Akiba now

>> No.27405545

Like I said, I didn't realize I posted the wrong Etherscan when I posted

>> No.27405684


>> No.27405862

Buy the dip and hold!

>> No.27405865

sub 200 again, dang

>> No.27405912

Ya cause you are the same Rajesh shilling akita im sure. Can't wait till you street shitting faggots can no longer buy crypto. Adios idiots

>> No.27405964

I put $150 into it and I'm down so low I'd be lucky to get $20 back after gas fees. I may as well hold onto it for now desu

>> No.27405979

Same, already made some profits but I believe. The telegram niggers are trying to spread the word so who knows? We may be in for a ride yet.
That's nothing, ignore the big pump we had and see that it's still trending up.

>> No.27405982

Imagine having 2 options in life: living your pajeet hut with your 10 siblings and a cow, or shilling this hard.

>> No.27406000

No lol I called AKITA a rugpull in the other threads, don't be a moron.

>> No.27406030


Should've listened to the insider bro... Oh well made my gains so I'm happy. See you in 2 years shibby

>> No.27406180

well yeah from like .01 but i fear we're stuck in the 100-200 crab forever now

>> No.27406182

Well I hope it works out for you anon. I mean if the 150 didn't mean much and was profit from something else that's one thing. But if it's hard worked money I fell for ya man!

>> No.27406317

Ryoshi hates CEXs, sounds like SATOSHI.

>> No.27406362

piece of shit

>> No.27406428

I moved all my shibe from uni to hotbit because anons were saying the fees were cheaper
How exactly does the hotbit procedure work, trade from shibe to USDT then USDT to dollarydoos?

>> No.27406439

Wait for the moon in a few hours

>> No.27406511


>> No.27406552

https://youtu.be/XaKgRe6GuUQ relevant

>> No.27406604

I appreciate the thought. Somehow I managed to get a few hundo off of dogecoin (which I had actually put some wageslave money into) so my losses aren't eating into any sort of principal. Just keep kicking myself for missing this shit every single time. I can still remember seeing shib Thursday night but not paying attention cuz I was watching the .07-.08 dogemoon. Coulda gotten away with $1800 if I sold at .08 or at least $1200 or so at .05-.06 but I was an optimistic dumbo hoping for the .10. Live and learn I guess.

>> No.27406609

Bunch of clown ass suckers here. Keep pissing your money away to me, this is great

>> No.27406689


>> No.27406817


>> No.27406827
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1_6ZgqVneZ2W-JPNSCyPKbng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clowns should've sold when the bitconnect bro did, couldn't have asked for a better sell signal.
Dump your bags on hotbit by the way its a lot cheaper than uniswap, better hurry though

>> No.27406941

I'm thinking based.

>> No.27406982

na, no guarentee anon. I tried selling at the peak yesterday and my transaction dropped even though i used max gas and a pretty significant slippage. I swear with anything that uses gas on the ETH chain its a fucking coin toss if you actually get it or not.

>> No.27406984

withdrawal fees will burn you more than gas though

>> No.27407078


>> No.27407183
File: 63 KB, 638x1136, photo_2021-02-01_15-59-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya dun goofed, /biz/

SHIBASWAP is real and it will be here before you know it. you know how them faggot unicoins skyrocketed? that's us right now.

>> No.27407232

damn the daily and weekly chart is looking very nice

>> No.27407332

Shh, let me accumulate more

>> No.27407411

Okay, when?

>> No.27407484

This shit is dead, you all pulled out right?

>> No.27407546

Needs a major pump very very soon or it will plummet -100000%

>> No.27407548

No its going to PAMP HARDER.

>> No.27407564

of course its a fucking nigger that fucks everything up. the coin was doing just fine before his dumb ass had to get his viewers all pumping at the same time and crash it. we had a really nice climb until he got his ass invovled. now anyone that looks at this shit will see the artificial pump and dump and just instantly dismiss the coin.

>> No.27407646

Don't tell them yet.
You know how niggers are.

>> No.27407746

This coin was going down before he even mentioned it

>> No.27407750

>join community they dont belong it
>act against the community
>profit off the community
>destroy the community
yep, follows the nig trend pretty solidly.

>> No.27407767

hotbit is a chinese owned exchange that has ludicrous withdrawal fees and they may withhold your tokens

>> No.27407810


>> No.27407938

seeing all the pink wojaks from last night from people with super solid gains, being unable to cash out and repeatedly losing gas fees, was certainly spooky. I feel like that must feel worse than losing money because you fell asleep and missed the peak or something. trying your damndest but the system's just being a Fuck that won't let you

>> No.27407952

We should create a nigcoin that starts low and keeps getting lower.

>> No.27408061

Let's go

>> No.27408134
File: 6 KB, 310x43, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27408222

i wasnt posting pink wojacks but i was part of that train. I got spooked and tried to cash out. didnt put a massive amount it, but would have been able to pay rent/bills for a month so a nice little quick turn around. Fucking ETH network fucked me over, failed first transaction, second one looked like it went through, was pending for hours, and then dropped according to etherscan. yea, hurts knowing that you could have made a decent bit but got fucked by the system.

well shit, i guess ill wait for shibswap then. hopefully it doesnt charge gas. fucking $75 fees are cancer.

>> No.27408314

>Believing some stranger online

Lol kys faggot

>> No.27408321

yep, waiting for shibswap too so I can cash in extra

>> No.27408461

I keep seeing people talking about shibswap. When is that supposed to drop? Are they just starting development?

>> No.27408532

dude, i failed to cash out on saturdays peak, so ended up holding. Then failed to cash out yesterdays peak, so am again holding. I got a feeling that I will be holding this coin forever up until it x10's from last night's ATH. Or zero. One or the other.

>> No.27408563
File: 112 KB, 754x1158, 1582112370926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join this group for the next shiba

>> No.27408585

>not uniswap

>> No.27408588

His name is meme coins man, he knows what he's talking about.

>> No.27408632

This makes me feel better about holding bags of this coin. If shibswap does materialise, jesus, x100 is conservative.

>> No.27408667

Shiba moon imminent

>> No.27408700

Honestly I feel like WWIII will be caused by memes.

Fuckin zoomers and millenials. They're worse than boomers.

>> No.27408705

I'll eat my fucking hat and post it if this shit "moons" ever again

>> No.27408745

No brainer..mcap low. .0001 and we are rich

>> No.27408766

it means that they're investing into meme shit. imagine a market that trades solely meme coins & uses shib as the currency. we're gonna make millions.

>> No.27408811


>> No.27408875


>> No.27408892

out of curiosity what kind of hat and how do you intend to ead it?

>> No.27408895
File: 23 KB, 609x304, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just getting started

>> No.27408944

If this shit moons ill buy a Shiba instead of killing one.

>> No.27408990

Uniswap V2: SHIB 4. Top3 looks like whale playing with us

>> No.27409236
File: 66 KB, 617x1280, photo_2021-02-01_16-51-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27409249

>could be
Yeah and it COULD moon

>> No.27409517

yeah this is going to space

>> No.27409571

i mean i bought in at nothing, no point in selling now, especially when its so new. The dev still seems involved so thats a good sign at least. My guess is this will be a slow climb and one of those ones you kinda forget about until random meme pumps happen. if it ever even stabalizes at or gets to 0.000001 id be elated. 0.0000001 and it be pretty happy because thats essentially where it was yesterday. any higher than those and it would be life changing meme magic.

>> No.27409624

isn't that just liquidity in UNISWAP and not a bag holder

>> No.27409697

Agreed, brother

>> No.27409714

>being French
Back to jvc

>> No.27409728

I hope this x100 from here eventually. Don't care when. That would be life changing.

>> No.27409814

Buy and tell your PnD homies to do the same


>> No.27409894
File: 68 KB, 840x681, photo_2021-02-01_22-45-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean look at the fucking memes are dedicated marketing retards are making

>> No.27409915

the creator allegedly said its at the end coming soon

>> No.27410339

Curious if that means like this week while its hot or 6 months.

>> No.27410491

yeah seriously what kind of timeframe does he mean. with these kind of meme tokens shit has to happen while it still has traction. if it doesnt come out within 1-2 days this shit is done for

>> No.27410562

these fucking moontools and dextool etc are misleading af
they drop trailing zeros
i hate bots

>> No.27410628

Shiba is dead. Anyone saying otherwise is a while trying to pass the bag to someone else.

>> No.27410706

Exactly. If he put it out tomorrow during this meme coin surge when all the normies are fuckimg talking doge then it could print money. All us bag holders would be millionairs over night. If not this goes away and we just all have small bags.

>> No.27410746

shiba is dead when shibaswap is right on the horizon? sure thing fudding faggot

>> No.27410823

the text on that image and this post, holy shit is this really a pajeet coin?

>> No.27410851

Lmao same. At one point is was up 2000% from the day before but I didn't sell because I was making dinner for my kids. So that was a missed opportunity to make a few hundred.

>> No.27410957

Did you guys buyed the dip

>> No.27411047

Everytime I see a bit of green I start getting paperhands. I should just go to bed and hold until millionaire.
Just some boomers trying to "how do you do fellow kids" their way out of cryptoruin.

>> No.27411050

smells like curry in this thread

>> No.27411118

its been proven a lot that swing trading is not as efficient as just holding.

>> No.27411131


>> No.27411163

WTH kinda shill marketing buzzword is that lmao

>> No.27411186
File: 2 KB, 320x113, Hopium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4.2tn SHIBro here, not fucking selling. Keep up the exposure, keep making memes and goofy shit to show twitter/reddit. Remember all the activity is on GME and the markets today.

Don't get your head caught up in the short game. Things will be fine friends. I'm here for the long haul.

>> No.27411205

I think that's you

>> No.27411227

i bought this dip. thats why everyone just stopped buying and selling. sorry guys

>> No.27411301

No dudex, a coin that came out of nowhere and is promised to moon for no reason is totally legit!

>> No.27411311

Should be due a whale dump any minute now its about that time.

>> No.27411466

It feels like we're trying too hard. Meme magic only works because you don't give a fuck. I'm gonna go back to schizo posting, at least I was having fun

>> No.27411605

>he doesn't know

>> No.27411692

I'm already up 3x but I thought it was a white pnd, not a brown one

>> No.27411696
File: 110 KB, 1024x682, EtAxGxOW8AYTyhw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~2T shibro here and shiba inu dog owner. never selling. gonna give these to my grankids.

>> No.27411708

only an idiot whale would do that. Biggest whale is $2m in value. Second whale is only $500k. The rest of the top 5 to top 20 are on average $80k. There aren't many big whales left. Why dump now when the mcap is so low without volume to buy back when we can keep the meme alive, get volume and take profits slowly. That whale who dumped last night really destroyed the momentum and the paperhand whale probably doesn't realise how much more he/she can have made had he took profits at smaller quantities to let it grow more organically.

>> No.27411871

What does Shibaswap mean?

>> No.27411877


>> No.27412002

Pump it

>> No.27412055

Post the dog right now.

>> No.27412063


>> No.27412108
File: 225 KB, 723x1024, 3BE451CF-4812-43D7-B3AD-5CA1248D27E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27412120

Good point

>> No.27412268


>> No.27412276

These pajeet threads are so goddamn cancerous. At this point, its just them in this thread, right? No other people are actually buying this coin... right?

>> No.27412310
File: 19 KB, 310x299, CCB1284E-DFB8-4B51-ADA2-9090FE317ECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27412344

Its pumping up again

>> No.27412410

stay poor faggot

>> No.27412441

Yeah we just keep getting poo'd on

>> No.27412465

Here we go boys.

>> No.27412496

how to leash?

>> No.27412853
File: 916 KB, 2688x1428, Little.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but 4.2tn shibro with my own too. Should be a requirement for all the top 20 to own a shiba now.

>> No.27412884

Dips just aren't getting bought like they used to, likely a lot further down to go

>> No.27413005

I'm fuckin retarded someone please help me out. How do I calculate the price paid per coin?

>> No.27413067

Cute, would pet.

>> No.27413069

people know the make it stack is 1tril+ now. the guy that made 130k only had 4tril

>> No.27413241
File: 1.17 MB, 1240x945, buy-shib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my shibe. I only own 8.5b.

>> No.27413284

People trying to make it the "memecoin" without realizing that you can't force a meme.
Holding for the rest of the year, see you when you post pink wojack about selling too early.

>> No.27413316

Is this the end?