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27376422 No.27376422 [Reply] [Original]

What's going to happen when the demand for silver exceeds the supply financial institutions keep in their vaults?

>> No.27376612


yeah i bought a lot of silver the last days. Will the market collapse?

>> No.27376673

there is no fucking silver pump you hook nosed kike, buy gme

>> No.27376708
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Buy Steel Stocks dawg

>> No.27376765

I already spent the last of my shekels on AMC and bought at the top :(

>> No.27376773

the COMEX is going to be exposed and the price of silver will skyrocket

>> No.27376825

Nothing because silver is easily mined and easily replaceable.

>> No.27376852

It's fake
Citadel owns most of the silver
They are the losers in GameStop
Stop buying into it, and if you have silver sell now and rebuy after citadel dumps

>> No.27376867

The price goes up, people are tempted to sell their silver to the bank, the bank sells it to you.


>> No.27376869


>> No.27377011
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nothing. its just boomers trying to dump dusty 30 year old bags of rocks

>> No.27377031

>demand for silver exceeds the supply financial institutions keep in their vaults
Prices go up

>> No.27377109
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9 oz today

>> No.27377122

Then what? Who wants to buy your silver?

>> No.27377162

how is silver easily mined? There is only a special amount of silver in the world. Also because of corona it mostly stopped

>> No.27377163

>Nothing because silver is easily mined and easily replaceable.
Exactly the opposite is true
Why are you retards lying?

>> No.27377222

I doubt the bullion dealers will ever truly 'run out'. Theres fuck loads of silver about. You retards will buy at 35-40 an Oz and sell it back to them in six months at 20 once you realize it's a pointless metal and you need cash to pay rent and buy food.
Same process happened in 2011 and it was funny af.

>> No.27377252

nice thumbnail image you saved there. I can almost read it.

>> No.27377407

They have to because paper traders and shorts need to be backed by something physical + covered

>> No.27377468
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>> No.27377543
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My question is, since silver is so vital to electric car batteries, smartphones and other doo-dads, why didn't Elon and Google and all them buy up all the silver already? I mean it's cheap and they have the money.

>> No.27377560

I can't stand Brittany, that Sid-eyed looking bitch

>> No.27377594
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>> No.27377644


el goblina la creatura

>> No.27377702
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Even the fucking united kingdom has a shortage of physical silver now, our royal mint has run out of 1kg bars and 1oz coins.

I already bought 25coins and a kg bar. The jews have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

>> No.27377813


No it absolutely didn't stop, also silver is mostly extracted as a by-product of other commodities such as copper and lead, since usually miners don't focus at silver. If it bull runs many junior miners will spring to life in 2-3 years
>t. mining engineer

>> No.27377878

No they don’t. They own SLV under the custody of JP Morgan. The majority of large players are also short on silver and have been for decades. Citadel owning a major position in SLV does not mean what you think it does newfag. Lurk archives of /pmg/

>> No.27377880

>he doesn’t know
Industrial demand for silver is 963 million ounces for 2020. Production was just 978 million ounces. There was also another 120 million ounces traded in ETFs. In other words there was a shortfall of -105 million ounces. Even im 2012 there were only 54 million ounces traded. Which means, in 2020 institutions really sold off on silver, suppressing prices, which confirms that the silver market is the most manipulated on the planet.
But it shows how much the anti-silver shills know

>> No.27377931

This is partially true. There will be a day when the price of silver fucking moons but it's not now. There's been too much talk and people are actively trying to "stick it to the man". The price will go up now and this is a good time to take your pre-allocated sell stack (you do have one, right anon?) and go make some quick cash when it hits it's ceiling ($50-$75) and recoup your ounces when the price drops.

I was excited last week that my stack of metal would finally be able to buy me a farm, 30 goats and a 3 wenches. Woke up this morning, saw the news articles and knew that it wasn't now. There's no venom in the articles, they're not trying to calm people down and it's all sensationalized.
Remember anons,

>> No.27378104

>My question is, since silver is so vital to electric car batteries, smartphones and other doo-dads, why didn't Elon and Google and all them buy up all the silver already? I mean it's cheap and they have the money.
By buying up all the silver they would push prices up, making future purchases too expensive. It’s a managed scam. Banks suppress the price and producers never buy too much.

>> No.27378276

Yes, which means right now there is no risk of magically more silver being mined because price is higher. Silver is damn hard to find as a single mine, because as you said, it’s a by product with very few specialists that focus on it.

>> No.27378856

Maybe if demand increases like 2x there would be a glut, but if its only something like 10-20% of a demand increase in physical silver (Which I think is kinda unlikely) miners can usually meet the demand since they usually don't run at full capacity at all times (Lower OPEX). Also since it's a byproduct, and geologists know which areas of the mine have a higher content of silver, they can quickly mine ores with a higher concentration of silver and process it (which wouldn't take more than a month to ship this new mined ores)

>> No.27378854

Hmm. So why don't they buy the mines themselves and cut out the middle man?
Also would a silver shortage hurt Elon Musk more than things like Google? I thought Elon Musk wasn't one of the evil ones and I don't think I want to undermine him

>> No.27379023

They are retarded Reddit fags who don’t understand finances beyond what their fed by Reddit mods. Don’t waste your time on them

>> No.27379044

Your only problem is the metric assload of silver held by Jews, in physical form and paper. Half of India also owns silver. Soon as it gets up they will exchange for USD gladly.

>> No.27379141 [DELETED] 

Eat shit and die retard. We’re buying silver

>> No.27379224

I would pump her, if you know what i mean.

>> No.27379263

Best of luck

>> No.27379373

the comex will force deliveries to be cash, that's all that will happen

>> No.27380259

amc, bb,bbb, nok, silver those were pumped by the jews to distract you from the gme pump. DO NOT GET GREEDY, SUPPORT GME AND FUCK THE KIKES

>> No.27380494

gme served its purpose, time to hit them with physical silver, something the jew brokers cant illegally screw you over

>> No.27380565
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>I doubt the bullion dealers will ever truly 'run out'. Theres fuck loads of silver about.

>> No.27381173

Fine, go buy a mind then. No one stopping you.
To me Elon musk is evil and he masquerades as a good guy. Essentially musk lives of government hand outs, subsidies. How is it different from a Jew of a nigger? Tesla isn’t even a profitable company and the cars are shit.

>> No.27381418

Except you are wrong. Jews are the one shorting silver. They only hold it to back up 1-2% of their shorts. In 2012 JP Morgan list 33% of their silver supply and comex had to literally bail them out by changing margin rules. In other words, the Jew was almost killed. This time go for silver physical, ignore the paper bullshit and Holocaust the Jews with silver

>> No.27381896

LOL yes and then everyone will trust the use of the comex going forward. MORON

>> No.27381952

Happens all the time like with negative oil futures

>> No.27382528

Brittany Venti, my wife.

>> No.27382551

They will, we will force them to buy our bags.

>> No.27382553

This is why we are saying, buy physical. Make them pay in cash. After they pay in cash everyone will leave comex and no one will comex for price valuations