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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27368024 No.27368024 [Reply] [Original]

If this price dump doesn't show you the price is controlled and minpulated and you are getting a sweet discount on a physical asset you are not paying attention at all.

They are scared. They are printing money. Your cash has no value. Get your money out of the banks.

>> No.27368251

>buy silver CFD
>make a little profit when I forget to set Take Profit higher
>buy back in
>get margin called, lose the exact same amount I gained earlier


>> No.27368361

Dem poor american nigger always cash out this year. Boost usually happen about six hours from now
Don’t go with this fucking dumpers who tell that xrp will rise again, shit
Just follow me and my pool on poolz finance. Use your brains and get profit with nft

>> No.27368407
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All the shills are out in force today trying to fud silver. I hope the people calling this bullshit have to suck endless cock for merc dimes

>> No.27368521
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I bought 3 shares of $SLV

>> No.27368545


>> No.27368565

People are dumb. Buy silver. They are printing contracts and shorting to drive the price down. You'll get it at a discount.

>> No.27368707

>I bought 3 shares of $SLV

Shoulda bought PSLV bro. You're ngmi.

>> No.27368712

Don't care if they call bs or not. If the price drops massive I'm putting another 5k in I pull out of my stocks. I'll move my whole pension over. I'm all in on silver.

>> No.27368889

i fucking dare you to try find silver in a coin shop tomorrow i spent 4 hours in the city of canberra like a chicken with my head cut off and found 3 one ozt

>> No.27369040

Good for you /biz/ bro. I can't buy any more even if I wanted too. I'm hoping that it moons so I can buy a farm and never have to look at an assembly line again.

>> No.27369048

Jesus Christ- SLV is not actually fucking silver. It’s a fake paper stock created by kikes to rule the dumb American middle class. How fucking stupid can you be. Physical silver sold out in one fucking day of demand.

>> No.27369134

Yeah bro try and squeeze silver when JPM owns half of the physical.
Glow harder you fucking faggots.

>> No.27369253

There's fuckloads in Melbourne. Might go and buy some more this afternoon.

>> No.27369308

Buy it till there is no fucking silver left on earth that isn't owned by a private citizen. It's go fucking time.

>> No.27369390

>pump Citadel's bags of silver so they can cover their GME short positions!
Nah, Im cool.

>> No.27369394

I sold at a loss i don't care go jerk yourself off with your diamond hands

>> No.27369496

Keep own your numbers on a screen that is half owned by China. (((you))) really are exposing yourself.

>> No.27369550

SLV is paper silver. Paper. Not silver.

>> No.27369603

Based. I only have 40oz and want to get up to a hundred. Hope it drops to $20.

>> No.27369639

Shm you have no depth of vision. You can't see what is really at stake.

>> No.27369649

Cringe & bluepilled

>> No.27369683

I have maybe 80-90 oz of silver that I got a few years ago when it was at $13-$14. Some pure bars/rounds/coins and then some 40% Kennedy half dollar shitcoins because it worked out to be a little cheaper than the 90% ones. I have a little gold too. I can't really afford to buy more of anything right now.

>> No.27369739


>> No.27369758

My mate went to a store today and literally all they had was a 1kg bar and a 5kg bar.

>> No.27369778
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Trust me fren, I already have. I'm unemployed thanks to the meme flu living with my parents, so I'm hoping my stack will take me and my family out of poverty finally.

>> No.27369802

Buying slv helps the hedgies, buy pslv or ag or physical

>> No.27369964

Contracts, right? Is this the bullshit where if too many people demand delivery at the same time, they won't get their silver because there's more silver "on paper" than physical silver available for delivery?

>> No.27370116

I hope it falls to like $2 oz. I'll buy so fucking much. They are manipulating its stolen generation wealth from the masses. Fuck them. Way to much FUD around silver. Oh no don't do it. Your just helping them out. Buy gme that's the real plan that how we hurt ((them)). Shm as if you want to load your lives saving into a companies stock that will just go bankrupt and the executives walk away with huge stacks? Why not have a huge stack of silver instead that will actually still be worth something. Unless you are buying type a shares (which you aren't) you are going to get bent over.

>> No.27370371

This, I wish I still had a source of income to buy in again at 2 dollars, holy shit I would cum.

>> No.27370380

I hope so too for your sake. People need to realize if we buy all the silver and keep buying the common man will have real power again. We will be rich out side of their system. We will be free to issue our own currencies again backed by silver. We will own something real they have to take by focue. They can't freeze the market. Every other move is playing a game they can stop.

>> No.27370480

so the fuck what, a few people will benefit just like the GME pump...some hedges benefited right? Blackrock made a killing. Silver lake made like 150m.

This isnt a battle against hedgies specifically. Its a battle against the financial system. A silver pump would break BANKS...Hedgies couldnt even exist. Were not going for arms and legs here, were going for the spinal cord.

>> No.27370524

Also contracts can be settled in cash and no physical silver needs to be handed over. Though also demanding your silver will drive the price down.

>> No.27370720

Dude I'd go to the bank and would borrow all the fucking money they would give me. All of it and would buy truck loads of silver. They would literally fund their own down fall.

>> No.27370954
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We are taking this down now or we will be slaves and every future generation will be slaves and there will be no way out.

>> No.27371025

I wouldn't touch SLV with a ten foot pole. Just physical or the miners. Today is going to be a hell of a ride. Silver is the Bankers go-to to get themselves out of shit. JPM got it to get pumped to 40 in 2010 and then fucking unloaded a shit ton to raise capitol.

>> No.27371246

I might, but I don't want to put myself further into the hole, I have something like 10,000 in debt and I don't need to make that situation worse if this zombie economy lasts another 8 months. If worse comes to worse I'll sell my car and buy a fucking stack the size of the one I already have.

>> No.27371260

SLV is not the futures contract. It's a JPM fund purporting to have silver

>> No.27371355

I bought some SIVR on the dip

>> No.27371365

Quit shilling the silver psy op

>> No.27371569

Jpm is of course a pos but it's a small fish compared to the whole entire financial system. People can't seem to see the trees for the forest. Worse case is the system crashes and jpm issues a new currency backed by their silver stack.

>> No.27371805

If silver was a phy op it's been being shilled my common people for 50 year's. Kind of a bs and failed phy op if you ask me. Stop shilling for fiat money and a clearly manipulated stock market.

>> No.27372138

Zoom out and realize that silver is overpriced atm. Wall Street just wants people to a) create a little run so they (bankers) can make a short-term profit through the sheer masses they own and b) to make the pesky people bind their money in assets like silver. You buy physical silver, now what? It's a long term investment, there's not much to gain for a trader and his relatively small amounts. Nobody starts running around the local pawn shops trying to sell his silver for a profit. You buy silver, you have silver, and you put it under your mattress or wherever, and there it stays. It's money out of the stock market (which currently means, it's less money used to try and fuck over hedge funds and professional traders).

>> No.27372224

Good that they own the physical. The will have to sell that physical silver to fill contracts. When they cant fill the contracts and default we win. What dont you understand?

>> No.27372322

this guy likes to sucks jews unforeskined dick

>> No.27372425

>overpriced at $30
wew lad

>> No.27372497

silver WAY underpriced
inflation adjusted would be 4793 $
see usdebtclock

>> No.27372509

Dude, if you are trying to get people to buy something besides GME because you are bleeding money, at least promote Gold so I can profit too.

>> No.27372516
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THIS. Once we remove the REAL PHYSICAL silver from the hands of the banks we win..

>> No.27372708

You forgot to mention that the company with Silver shares to sell are the same companies that are losing money because of people are buying and holding gamestop shares.

>> No.27373221


>> No.27373254

Should I put my coins in the capsules? I sorta just want to leave them laying around. Any suggestions?

>> No.27373779

Silver is finite. Every physical ounce removed from the supply chain. SLV had to provide physical silver to financial institutions but to you all they have to pay out is fiat. Drain JP of their physical silver. Once their silver is gone then what? essentially long SLV is shorting physical.

>> No.27373819
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my body is ready



>> No.27374084

Its fucking paper. What dont you understand? Go to apemx and buy 5 ounces of motherfucking PHYSICAL silver. Not SLV. We will decouple paper from physical its already happening.

>> No.27374486

>Your cash has no value.
Then why can i buy shit with it?

>> No.27374790

Because we are all pretending. The government is actually giving fiat away for free right now. Does that seem like something that has value?

>> No.27374939

>Then why can i buy shit with it?
ask again in a few months when the lockdown has killed the last buisnesses and they come with their great reset

>> No.27375064

>can't see what's really at stake here
yes i can and it's your paycheck shlomo

>> No.27375173
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>> No.27375311
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