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File: 450 KB, 683x683, EtDc7XHXYAER8db.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27357703 No.27357703 [Reply] [Original]

$SHIB is going again. Get in now and don't miss this moon mission.

>> No.27357847

Just bought in at the dip, MOON SOON once the burgers wake up xD

>> No.27358054
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FUCK OFF samefag pajeet

>> No.27358107

sold just before last peak, diamond hands this time. just so i get an idea, how much everyone else holding? feeling self conscious abt my 2bn

>> No.27358189


>> No.27358197
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>> No.27358235

This is a test flight, Chinks wake up in 7 hours and then we ATH, same as yesterday. We are following the exact same trajectory

>> No.27358451

Are we really Anon? Im a bit scared to be honest and felt like the rug was pulled on me

>> No.27358473

lol ur loss, check graph

>> No.27358596

26BN for .05ETH, I was pretty early - moon or bust

>> No.27358598

For once it's good to be in the Ausgod timezone

>> No.27358622
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>> No.27358664

yeah lol, only day 3

>> No.27358735

Chinks also now have 2 extra exchanges to grab it on when they do.

>> No.27358743
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I'm strapped in for the moon mission.

>> No.27358769
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The only way you aren't making bank is if you paper hand. I'm all in, my buddy is in 6 figures on this piece of shit, WAGMI.

>> No.27358933

good point

>> No.27358950
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You're goddamn right I did.

>> No.27359619

I dream of turning 8000000000 into some real money. spent .3 eth on it.
I just want out of student debts and enough to reinvest

>> No.27359874

>expect it to be another rugpull
>it's actually trending upward
>when the chinks are out in full force we're poised to see gains like yesterday
Fuck AKITA, I'm in.

>> No.27359977
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i have no doubt this thing'll moon I'd just like it to moon enough where I can pull it and not lose mad profit on gas

>> No.27359994

Welcome to gainsville brother

>> No.27360036

20 eth buy a minute ago, another shibro trying to join my trillionaire club.

>> No.27360115

When are you going to dump bro?

>> No.27360200


>> No.27360314

Don't buy for anything over 0200, you've been warned.

>> No.27360352

Just because I like you guys, at the absolute minimum, after I see this GME thing play out. If people walk away with a ton of money, I'm holding on to it to let them blow their cash on things like this.

If they get assfucked, I'm holding for the long haul.

>> No.27360514

So next Sunday is the first day I'd consider selling anything I had, and even then it would be only a reasonably low percentage.

>> No.27360539


>> No.27360709

Holding until based trilliobro is a real millionaire.
Don't forget to help your family.

>> No.27360831

414 Billion bag holder here. I have the power to absolutely destroy this coin. But I won’t. Not yet atleast. Get ready for a big pump then a big DUMP.

>> No.27360845

I swung back in after going 6x on this, this is actually a promising gamble. Might hold through midweek

>> No.27360983

chinks are awake now you faggot, noone wants your scam.

>> No.27361070

This coin is great, 10x my money already and it goes higher every day. This seems like a winner!

>> No.27361104

Just give a warning please anon I need this win

>> No.27361108

Of course bros, I want us all to make it. I really have no plans to exit in any meaningful way. If anything I prefer to be the one holding this much rather than the other scumbags that will milk every common man dry at every chance they get.

>> No.27361253

Im onboard and invested already but you sound like a fucking shill dude

>> No.27361278

For the love of kek, please give us notice before you dump

>> No.27361415

Let it fly first, yeh. I want Chinamen to pump the liquidity so people can cash out a bit at ATH

>> No.27361452

Also lol bro. I made several 15 eth buys that turned around hard dumps. You only hold power for another day or so tops.

>> No.27361524

peeps still sleeping on LEASH. It's going to double digits today.

>> No.27361543

I'm just giving my honest opinion sorry if it sounds like a shill, just excited

>> No.27361553

do you understand time zones

>> No.27361668


>> No.27361719

>Want to sell at the peak
>Don't have enough Ether in my account to sell quickly
>Gonna cost me a small fortune just to put more ether in Metamask

I keep saying it, but fuck Ether

>> No.27361774

We're finally on the exchanges boys. We just need to keep the momentum up and those folks sorting by % increase will hop right in

>> No.27361780

Are the bugs actually buying this? I've been holding a small bag since the first pump and I need it to hit .00000005 to get out in the black.

>> No.27361856

I meant your actual family, fuck strangers on 4chan.
Maybe you should exit gradually and first convert into LEASH as to not destroy faith in the coin when you pull out.

>> No.27361863

To add some more bullshit to the pot, if you guys have any intention of shilling this in meaningful ways, don't sound like a fucking salesman.

It's funny money with a cute dog on it. You're not selling snake oil. This is for normies to have fun with and learn how eth20 coins work.

>> No.27361877

That means you’ve got a bag in the hundreds of trillions at least then. Are you the guy who keeps buying and selling? Either way I’m on a timed mission here. I could make 100k today if I ride. I’m absolutely killing every Shiba kids hopes and dreams tonight mark my words hahahah.

>> No.27361980

Its on a few exchanges now. Just move it there and pay like a $4 transfer fee instead of $40 gas.

>> No.27362014

I'm sure you'll post a screenshot of your position, right anon?

>> No.27362242

Agreed, but my family is already taken care of. If I can blow this kind of eth on a fun thing like SHIB, I've already made it. Disagree with the fuck randos on 4chan part. How you treat your fellow man matters, and I'd rather not fuck over a group of people I actually like.
Not the mega whale below Vit, 14 eth at my buys was about 1.3 trillion. Sitting in the top 10.

>> No.27362276

>missed out yesterday on 4x
>bought more today at the dip
>currently sitting at 24 bil

I'm gonna make it, right b-bros?

>> No.27362369

Help a newfag out please. I bought it on Uniswap with metamask. How do I avoid fee when I eventually pull it out?

>> No.27362628

It's true but strangers on 4chan often would kill you for half a SHIB.
As long as you gave us a head's up we should all make it.
Godspeed either way, I think SHIB is a good baby's first ETH hold too and I'm honestly tired of seeing shills all over the board trying to sound like they're totally not already owning billions and just want to learn more.
What are your hands made of?

>> No.27362856
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Here you go anon! :^). I will kill this coin tonight. This is the final day.

>> No.27362896
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>> No.27362902

No problem, im also new. The coin lives in your metamask wallet. So go to hotbit or whatever (the Chinese exchange that listed SHIB) set up an account, and then go to metamask and tell it you want to send your shib to an address. You can find that address in the wallet section of your exchange account.

>> No.27362958

how, when 130 bln is circulating supply?

>> No.27362980

thanks for bein a bro bro lol

I'm new to this and think i've learned most of it the other day, was it a lot different before the hype trains?

>> No.27363161
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If you kill this coin tonight I will buy the DIP...you fucking nigger. Hold ate least before we can profit at least.

>> No.27363206

That's exactly the reason I like biz, and 4chan as a whole by extension. It's more honest to what people are actually like. I'll find a way to tip you guys off without fucking myself. Triggering a mass sell off right before trying to get a bit out would suck.

>> No.27363317

That's how you crash a market. The volume is so extremely low compared to what it'll be tonight though.

>> No.27363374

I'm not sure. We'll find out the next run.

>> No.27363666

Lmao everyone acting like this is an insane amount, I had 400B myself this was super affordable on Thursday, I sold half at a good peak before and it didnt do shit dude thats not as much as you think

>> No.27363698

Not at all. New altcoins have always been the speculative wild west. Your success is almost entirely bred off of how much work you put into it. Doge did as well as it did because of how many memes and shit people put out. Plus the general positivity.

If you want it to succeed long term, focus less on the price and more on the fun.

>> No.27363742

Whatever you do I think it's based to sink this much in SHIB.
Do you also have LEASH? I have a modest bag myself.

>> No.27364215

Yep, much less though due to the fact that staking isn't happening right now and the price fix to doge isn't active. LEASH amounts to another low market cap speculative coin at the moment which will only succeed because of its association to SHIB.

>> No.27364232

Thank you. So, send SHIB from meta to hotbit and then withdraw/ convert to ETH ?

Hotbit looks shady asf tho

>> No.27364289

Exact same trajectory as yesterday. Don't tell me you're not getting in the train, Anon.

>> No.27364467

I tried to setup hotbit earlier and it wouldn't work. Wouldn't allow me to put in .com in my email and then just ignored my phone input. I'm just gonna eat the gas fees.

>> No.27364602

It’ll certainly be enough to cause a huge downward spiral causing kids to also try and sell affectively killing this coin. Some dude sold 20K and we crashed last night. What happens when I sell 30K or even 50K? When I dump, the market will be depressed for a while. Long enough to destroy morale.

>> No.27364710

Lmao how much eth did you spend to get your 400B shib?
I spent 1.5
Im starting to get some sell signals from the way everyones acting itt

>> No.27364790

lol 34k dumped right now. gg bagholders

>> No.27364976

I had a bit of a stutter at the beginning with phone number but it works fine now

>> No.27365004

Still hilarious. It'll get eaten immediately. I can see you contributing to a trend of someone big that already sold, but you don't hold enough to make that kind of pressure.

Either way, if you sell, I'm buying it from you. I'll be watching for that 440bn.

>> No.27365053

O my bad you spent 15 eth wrong person

Dude idk what youre talking about
400B isnt as much as you think there are people here holding trillions, stop acting like youre some whale here

>> No.27365254

9:1 buy/sell ratio. Definite moon mission.

>> No.27365304

you seem like a nice guy, anon. I'm glad you already made it.

>> No.27365341

none of you retards have enough to challenge the chinks

>> No.27365387

>dip instantly eaten
I now have no doubt this is going to the moon.

>> No.27365428

Assuming not shill, where do I buy shib?

>> No.27365529

hotbit.io or uniswap

>> No.27365562

Uniswap or Hotbit

>> No.27365569

we meme'd this coin so fucking hard we're going live on 5 different exchanges this week

>> No.27365620

hotbit if you don't want to get raped by gas

>> No.27365766

I dont think so, cause its a pajeet pump and dump, you know?

>> No.27365793
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>A $50 buy on Thursday will kill the coin

>> No.27365860
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This was my highest screencap from yesterday. My .5eth investment was $20k at the peak and I didn't have enough eth in my wallet for the gas fees

>> No.27365992

can't believe you didn't think that far ahead. tough

>> No.27366053

We'll see, the western world is on the brink of collapse. Making it is sort of a permanent work in progress these days.

>> No.27366115
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Feels good to be a winner for once, doesn't it anon?

>> No.27366211

you won't make that mistake again. happened to a lot of people. you'll learn from this anon.

>> No.27366312

You have another chance today

>> No.27366337

Source ? I only know of 2

>> No.27366576

Broo my high was 30K from my 1.5ETH... im chasing that high still i think well get there again

>> No.27366601

Gate.io was added to the bunch. Twitter post where they were doing a poll on what people wanted next.

>> No.27366643
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Dogecoin is going to the moon

>> No.27366956

Reminder that we're not even at the big dump before it moons, I'm just gonna go do something else and come back later. This is going to be insane in about 5 hours.

>> No.27367083
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More shiba for the tittybank

>> No.27367252

Is it worth it for my $50 right now?

>> No.27367321

Oh great, she's back.

>> No.27367357

gib milk

>> No.27367616

and already pumping. moar boobies pls.

>> No.27367815

Could we ever hit 0.001? 0.0001? what's the target EOM/EOY

>> No.27367827

Yeah but buy on hotbit, gas fees are insane right now.

>> No.27368018

We're in the middle of a dip so yeah

>> No.27368035

Is it possible to connect my metamask there?

>> No.27368297

Been in a dip since like 6pm yesterday

>> No.27368404


>> No.27368496

whats the market cap on this shit?

>> No.27368991

How i buy this on MetaMask?

Is there a tutorial?

I want to hold bags

>> No.27369229
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here, dear future shiba owner.

>> No.27369260

Head to uniswap, connect metamask, pick SHIB token, trade for eth. EZPZ

Do yourself a favor and set slippage to 3% and fast gas fees though. People getting fucked with bum transactions all day because of the volume yesterday.

>> No.27369623

Just put another hundred bucks in
Thanks anon

>> No.27369648

Alright bros, how do I into this
Who should I go to if I want to into crypto

>> No.27369752

This will sort you out. Make sure you leave enough extra eth in your wallet for gas fees.

>> No.27369941

So it doesnt look like a a good deal

>> No.27370295

Gas prices for anything under $300 feels somewhat unreasonable right now. Even so, if you're waiting for them to go down, it won't happen. Hotbit is an alternative if you want to get a lower fee, but their trading price is higher to reflect it.

>> No.27370632
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Bought this much for about 40$ incl. Gas
>Imagine spending more than that on a literal memecoin

Not cashing out untill I can afford to retire

>> No.27370748
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>> No.27370983

Chart doesn’t look good. Is this the end?

>> No.27371123

Is there someone shilling this coin in some subreddit?

>> No.27371189

You wat? It is breaking out into an uptrend frendo

>> No.27371220
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>I'm going in guys
It's going to be my first ever crypto investment wish me luck.
Any tips? Is 50$ an ok investment? I don't want to get fucked too bad if it doesn't work

>> No.27371251

Maybe. It sucks ass that's it just now reaching the markets, it needs to have way more momentum to look appealing.

>> No.27371345
File: 73 KB, 1829x975, 29a29a93-30b9-4906-94ca-16397066ba4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its just the beginning

>> No.27371477

Can't you get it without gas fees now?

>> No.27371555

Depends if you're using an exchange or uniswap. Uniswap is tough cause gas (essentially a variable transaction fee paid to miners) is spiking like fuck so its hard to cover off the gains from $50. Like you'd need a x3 to make a profit.

>> No.27371640

when did you get in?

>> No.27372030

Really early, jan 30. 10.xx gmt+2

>> No.27372429

What the fucking fuck are you doing anon? People made fortunes omis coin. It has stabilized after the pump to a higher level than before. People are holing it! Just fuckin pump it

>> No.27372788

Is it worth buying on hotbit? Is there another exchange allowing you to buy without gas?

>> No.27373139
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>> No.27373759

not worth buying on hotbit, just buy the gas fees since hotbit is prone to freezing accounts and holding withdrawals

>> No.27374552

i transferred my 3,4bn to hotbit...reading the comments from dissapointed hotbit users i reckon this was not the best idea, but ok, this is my first time, live and learn. if i want to cash out when/if this thing goes up, how do i go about it?

>> No.27374799

I did the same as you, trade to USDT and wait 24 hours I guess

>> No.27375283

still make your shib trades on there, but yeah trade to usdt and just wait out the 24hrs to withdrawal

>> No.27375628

and where do i withdraw/transfer it to? another crypto-wallet somewhere else?

>> No.27376046

Yes. I like to use coinbase for final cashout

>> No.27376242

try to get a coinbase pro account set up if you're in the us and don't already have one. send your eth there

>> No.27376360


>> No.27376512

Hotbits worked fine for me in the past buying ERG