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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27335089 No.27335089 [Reply] [Original]


Colleagues last week were discussing how they should invest their money from their Girokonto(bank account) because they are getting negative interest now, I suggest them ETF's and they went like:


What the fuck is wrong with these people??

>> No.27335168


>pro-making this same thread every single day

>> No.27335207

It could always be worse. You could always live in a country with 33% CGT and 41% exit tax on ETFs and crypto. Rope time

>> No.27335330

se schörmens nein nein nein

>> No.27335386


Germans are the most overrated people on this planet.

>> No.27335392

Why are krauts like this?

>> No.27335481

Why do you keep making this thread FOR FUCKS SAKE?? this board has completely gone to shit, saged

>> No.27335492

haha get fucked alman

>> No.27335553

People here never really had to invest in stonks because pensions and company retirement funds were very good. That's changed since Schröder and his Agenda 2010 reforms but people don't know about stonks and are wary because they think it's voodoo magic or something.

>> No.27335563

Hör mal auf diesen scheiss Thread jeden Tag aufs Board zu kacken. Kannste auf Almanchan machen, das juckt eh keine Sau, aber wir wollen hier Geld machen.

>> No.27335576


>> No.27335640

Ihr seid shit und ihr wisst es.

>> No.27335732

>Colleagues last week were discussing how they should invest their money from their Girokonto(bank account) because they are getting negative interest now, I suggest them ETF's and they went like:

Do they say the exact same thing every single week?

>What the fuck is wrong with these people??
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.27335800

Wer ist ihr?

>> No.27335819

> 1 post of this ID
stop posting this shit every day muhammed, it's not our fault that you're poor.

>> No.27335874

you should think about moving to the netherlands, pretty comfy laws for stocks & crypto

>> No.27335991

This. Talk with germans about investing, stocks, gold, ETF's, bitcoin etc and they will look at you like you are some kind of mega kike. They genuienly believe they can "make" it by saving money from their pathetic 1.6k euro they get every month while inflation is at 2% and their savings lose 2% each year. This shithole is doomed.

>> No.27336027

Just think how far ahead of the curve you are and invest more

>> No.27336166


>> No.27336174

>anti crypto
Fuck off you can cash out of crypto and pay no tax if you hold for a year. Here in shithole UK we have to pay taxes on every single trade and now the government is looking at increasing CGT tax to 40%.

>> No.27336394

That is just how germans think. It is baked into their DNA.

>> No.27336517

>CGT tax to 40%
is that flat or for the highest brackets? and if so, what is the highest bracket?

>> No.27336601

I have some bad news about your 2% inflation...
The +10% price increase in the housing bubble is the real inflation.
Everyone is getting a 10% tax on all their savings each year taken by the central bank.

>> No.27336658

You make this thread every day
Alles gut bei dir?

>> No.27336763

>posts on business and finance boards
>still doesn't know about marginal rates

>> No.27336768

Its true. People here don't really invest that much. Even ETF is considered risky unless its like world etf or something.

>> No.27336788

Motherfuckers, they might as well take 100% at that point

>> No.27337238

most people are ignorant retards, i dont even bother talking with my family about financial system anymore

>> No.27337513
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Germans mostly seem to focus on establishing firmas and/or doing specialized freelance work

Firmas of less then six people are highly common here, which is kinda neat i guess

>> No.27338182

buy BTC
never switch back
easy peasy

>> No.27338328

this is NEULAND for us, sorry

>> No.27338597

Just wageslave and pay 50% taxes like a decent citizen

>> No.27338681

As a german I can confirm that
It's really kinda shit here

>> No.27338729


>> No.27338781
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You guys are completely fine, you could be way worse off

>> No.27338796

not everyone wants to "make it", most people are content with having somewhere to live and food on the table for their kids

>> No.27338851

They are retarded normie cattle. Don't worry about it.

T. anderer Deutscher.

>> No.27338903

time for a tagesgeldkonto
germans are retarded af

>> No.27338918

Can confirm. Lots of impressionable weaklings here.

>> No.27339045
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Das Auto.

>> No.27339078

Germans have been brainwashed into thinking anything other than "saving" your money in your bank account and buying discount groceries is a scam. Let them, I don't care at this point.
People will say "wow risky!" when you put your money into some ETF lol

>> No.27339210

bru you have no idea how retarded they are
crabs in a bucket everywhere
and dont get me started on fitness, its depressing

>> No.27339382

because we got castrated, censored, brainwashed, bred out and absolutely assblasted after ww2. there is no coming back

>> No.27339415

Can confirm, have extremely risk averse german gf

>> No.27339440

Us west and northern European anons here need to decide we are gonna pay our taxes at some point this bull.

There's no escaping it buying BTC/crypto. The only legal and easily accepted ways of not paying capital gains tax in the UK. Would be leaving the country to live and cash out somewhere else for five years minimum, so as not to be tax resident for those gains. Or to buy something like GBTC inside your LISA or ISA £20000 tax sheltered allowance.

One option requires complete uprooting of your life for at least 5 years permanent residence elsewhere to completely escape it, and the other isn't even possible yet crypto is the only asset that has no way of ISA tax sheltering on the market just yet in the UK.

>> No.27339591

I thought Germans love buying gold, the financial aware ones anyway. They have gold bullion shops everywhere there.

Technically investing there though in a $2000 stable coin.

>> No.27339736

They won't do this, it's suicide for the Tories doing that.

I think they will try not to touch it if they can and put fuel duty up whilst the price has gone way down. They will earn more from increasing other taxes since barely anyone pays capital gains.

>> No.27339845

>lose two WWs
>be afraid of losing again
simple as that

>> No.27339942

Abolish the gubernment you statist eurocucks. You won't since 90% of euros love getting fucked i n the ass by the state.

>> No.27340386

You tried it like a couple of weeks amerimutt, how is that going for you

At least Europeans have an actual history of coups unlike you burger sucking faggots

>> No.27340416

op is a nigger sage

>> No.27340464
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Tell em that they should 'cage for 50yrs lmao

Deutsche sind halt nunmal so
Kein Investmenttyp halt, eher so Arbeitskäfig Menschen
Allein schon wenn man das Thema Börse anspricht ist man bei den meisten unten durch

>> No.27340617

said the jew right before taking a shower

>> No.27341019

*spends 40k on a shitty car*
yep, I'm german

>> No.27341272

comment on his threads and he will continue making them

>> No.27341473

You need to tax every trade under a year too here in germanistan.

>> No.27341969

Rr was soll ich studieren wenn ich kein mathe kann

>> No.27342150


>> No.27342868

and then they get to 65 and have nothing and get abused by philipino/arab/indian/turkish women in nursing homes "why is this happening to me i dont deserve this" when they could have had some fucking money instead

>> No.27343058

>history of coups
they were all fake eurocuck, continent has not seen a genuine revolution in the past 500 years and probably will never see since most of you are conformist and statist cucks

>> No.27343322

you can still buy silver semi anonymously

>> No.27343353
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>> No.27343383

>Allein schon wenn man das Thema Börse anspricht ist man bei den meisten unten durch

Dein typischer halbes Hemd Buhmer Sparkassen Berater hätte dir z.B. nicht empfohlen NorthernData (Ticker NB2.DE) vor 12 Monaten zu kaufen. Seit dem ein 10x gemacht
Ich kann die Leuts schon verstehen die meisten Buhmer Aktien sind es nicht wert

>> No.27343385

>by philipino/arab/indian/turkish women in nursing homes
Instead marry a young one and make them work for you.

>> No.27343433
File: 127 KB, 1296x1200, netherlands-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn how did you guys get owned so hard?

>> No.27343446


>> No.27343493

germans are busy trying to prevent total bankruptcy and collapse. lockdown shenanigans will go on for another 3 months

>> No.27343627

Ouch wow they are fucked, You would think Weimar hyperinflation would leave a long lasting impact on their history you know since WW2 was scrubbed.

>> No.27343782

german angst

>> No.27343833


>> No.27343877

Can u get started on the fitness please? What’s wrong? I want to start exercising, so what to watch for?

>> No.27343955

Okay Mr Burger what is a genuine revolution in your eyes?

I think the Indochina Wars are good examples of genuine revolutions, what about you :)

>> No.27343961
File: 18 KB, 600x360, sl_000993_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one real germany, comerade

>> No.27343993

more like 20€ to 30€ tariff for each trade/order. if you buy AMC for dollars you pay 30% tax ontop when cashing out. and then Kapitalertragssteuer ONTOP of the tariff and the 30% tax

>> No.27344769

No, the golden bullion shops is another money laundry cover for turkish mafia, you cannot have just kebabshops everywhere, sometimes you also must open gold shop, handy repairs etc. Does not mean Germans are using it to great extent.

>> No.27345058

3 months?
What does it take to wake them up to this corrupt government?

>> No.27345184

You deserve to be taxed if you hold pure shit for less than a year

>> No.27345207

>negative interest now
Do germans really?

>> No.27345271

these threads were amusing until i saw it multiple times and realized it was just the same 3-4 miserable kraut autists whining about how much their country sucks.

>> No.27345581

des, des awl no ned ohne soli klarkummd?

>> No.27346059

faggot, making this shit thread every single day
hans we will also put you in the shower for treason

>> No.27346199
File: 89 KB, 2048x664, Esqy1IZXYAIRlaT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying Stocks when market fundamentals are shit as fuck is pleb move
Edelmetalle und Cryptos mein dude

>> No.27346338

German here
all my friends are heavyi nto crypto, stocks, options
some have real estate portfolios in their 30s and are pretty much set for life
maybe you just hang out with losers OP

>> No.27346897

Very prescient point. People think they are the height of inefficiency. They're not. They just lie a lot to cover the image because they believe it to be true, and because they are autistic enough to want to cover it up.

>> No.27347615
File: 161 KB, 480x640, 1597105758216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meine Mitarbeiter würden mir für 1€ mehr per Stunde lieber einen Blasen statt ihr Geld anzulegen.

>> No.27347900

fucking kek

>> No.27347928

every crypto to crypto trade means realized capital gains you fucking nigger

>> No.27348390
File: 39 KB, 750x493, Image654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hallo Kilian

>> No.27350415

Amerikeks dont have it in their blood to revolt, all they want to do is fuck their cousin and pray five times a day to all- eh GOD and then slave away in the fields or the factory like the protty bitches they are. You know why americ*ns glorify amish? Because secretly they all want to be like them: children fucking, long bearded, submissive, ideological nutjobs with a "tightly knit" community of """"white"""" people.
When I see this Marjorie Green whore, or AOC, all I can think is how fucking disgusting americans look, there are no white people, you all look like mutilated monsters.

>> No.27350540

They wont
The hope lies in the turks, they are not cucked and for them the bond between individuals is more important than the bond between individuals and the state
They still have a view on masculinity thats based in the biological needs of men instead of the castrated mindset so oftenly found in bioGERMs
On the other hand many dreckskanacken are honorless shits

>> No.27350839

desu everything can be potentially risky, especially for people that dont know anything about the financial markets.
Imagine someone buys a 3x leveraged World ETF and never realises that their money is essentially being eaten up.

>> No.27350959

They have a massive superiority complex and are incredibly stubborn

>> No.27351059

In the end, as much as I hate this country, I still appreciate it for what it is, it gives people from everywhere an opportunity to lead a good life. Yes most of us wont be rich but I prefer that 100% over being an american and living in a completely dysfunctional shithole where I have to block others out with gates communities, security cameras and guns.

>> No.27351284


>> No.27351820

Nice try, Jews/Abduls. Germans are fucking awesome.

t. Kicked German ass in both world wars. Still love the people/culture/country.

>> No.27352441

I live here. Germans are content people who enjoy good work and life balance and are not obsessed with making profit like Anglos because they don't want to take a risk. And that's perfectly OK, because they have good support system. Whoever in Germany has a bit of entrepreneurial spirit, its less common but it pays off because almost any business here will do well. I think compared to France and the UK, Germany doesn't yet offer so many services, products, variety.. And its a bigger and more populated country.

No tax on crypto is a myth, you will get taxed almost 50% on made capital if its above 18k. Source of it doesn't matter.

>> No.27352520

I can assure you Australia is 100x more anti tech than Germany

>> No.27352577

Not if you hold for more than 1 year.
The 50% would only happen if you hold less than 1 year or get more than 1 million in revenue from staking.

>> No.27352641


>> No.27352684

Could have put the french flag there or pretty much most western European countries outside of Switzerland or Luxembourg.

>> No.27353082

im the same
all i want is to go back to the time where you could just buy a Bundesschatzbrief and get easy 5% YOY
2008 really is the year everything went to shit

>> No.27353091


>> No.27353171

CGT here in the UK is not that bad at all.

>> No.27353469


Germans literally don’t have culture. All they do is drink 24/7 like alcoholics and talk about people behind their backs like gossiping high school girls. Even the normiest of the normies German are cringe af when they try to be funny and have fun and act and speak extremely autstic and neutral-like.

>> No.27353663

how is Germany anti-crypto?

>> No.27354251

>OP is a faggot
Germany is literally the most crypto-friendly out of all the heavily industrialised countries.

>> No.27354350

German logic is like: better use machines not the free weights. Make 3x15. I‘m german and did this shit for years. No gainz. Discovered /fit/ and made good gainz with 5x5 and sticky. I also made good money with crypto. Before /biz/ i put my money on bausparer and tagesgeld. Not even joking

>> No.27354605

Extremely jewish post, although it is true Mericans are not revolutionnaries by blood.

>> No.27354608

this pretty much sums up all my experiences
although the younger ones aren't that autistic but that's because young people from developed countries (USA, Germany, England etc.) are all pretty much the same because they all consume the same international media etc.

>> No.27355003

So you actually haven't ever been to Germany? Germans consume less alcohol per capita than literally every neighbouring nation except Denmark. But sure, Germans sit around all day drinking beer in Lederhosen and aren't funny but very punctual

>> No.27355007

>pensions and company retirement funds were very good

>> No.27355150

to add to the last part: I also find it sad how there will probably never be something you could call "culture" of a specific people because of the ongoing globalization anymore, at least in the western countries

>> No.27356071

I studied at a German university and went worked in Frankfurt at a big bank and moved to Berlin to work at a fintech and it’s all the same. People at uni drinking 24/7, colleagues at work drinking non-stop 24/7, guys I met at gyms also drinking 24/7 and not doing anything else. It’s like Germans life evolve around drinking and work only. Many expats I met at fintech summits in Berlin were shocked on how much and how constantly Germans are drinking. I am talking about an entire street with empty bottles of beer and liquior filled next to a glass bottle container and that was in the middle of the week. Don’t know what your problem is, you germans really have to get psychological help for your alcoholism problem it’s truly sad.

>> No.27356218

Don't you have 0 crypto tax?

>> No.27356345

Culture simply becomes less obvious, I dont know why to nationalist retards culture only refers to a certain dress or submissive housewives.
Culture is everywhere, you simply have to delve beyond the surface. Germans and English and French are completely different people(just for example)

>> No.27356568

I am german myself and I agree. But germans somehow manage (by and large) to not be alcoholics.
But I personally abhor this culture just as you do, alcohol is literal rat poison, calms down the feeble minds.

>> No.27356857

In theory, after one year of holding an asset, otherwise it counts towards your income tax if you make more than 600€ in profit.
If you stake your crypto you have to hold for 10 years.
In practise it's not clear at all, especially staking. The entire tax situation is paraphrasing and analogies to real world assets like real estate

>> No.27357016

Nah man. German education system is top notch, very practical. Not very ambitious. Good for engineering, music and math, bad for investing and long term risk taking

>> No.27357049

People leave the bottles outside the glass container box in order to "give" them to homeless people that exchange said empty bottles at supermarkets for store credit

>> No.27357066

only if one holds for at least one year
before that, everything is taxable, crypto to crypto etc.

>> No.27357232

oh boy, lucky you didn’t study in Ireland or the UK
you would have been stunned beyond belief

>> No.27357482
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He is talking about pic related. I also see this constantly in my city but with way, way, way more bottles. Its fucking disgusting to be honest, even if you are young and want to party doing this in the middle of the week almost every day is fucking degenerate af.

>> No.27357759

Fell into that trap for a while myself, doesn't help that it's glorified/encouraged/ignored in every aspect of life. Today I'm glad that I don't enjoy drinking at all anymore.

>> No.27357846

Dieser. Jeden Tag pfostet jemand derselben. Frag mich nur was er vorhat.

>> No.27358001

Boah du Kanacke. Leck mich

>> No.27358203

sounds pretty nice desu. just hold BTC or USDC for a year after you sell off

>> No.27358350

Germans are fckng pussies.

Es ist zu schlimm

>> No.27358385

I am actually not familiar with this tax shit. Do i need to file it myself or does the broker automatically subtract the tax? I don't want to accidentally do tax evasion

>> No.27358541
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Germany will soon ban single-family houses
>"The building type is inefficient in terms of energy use and needs too much space"
>You WILL live in ze pod


>> No.27359402

>high standard of living
>high salaries
>beautiful young women
>low prices
>govt plans to take care of you

Why bother stashing money when you already are living like a high 6 figure man?

>> No.27359419

Germans drink roughly the same as people from other western European countries. While the Spanish, French, and Italians pop open a bottle of wine on the weekend and the British get drunk on beer on the weekend, the Germans drink constantly beer in more moderate portions. Total amount per person is roughly the same from what I remember.

>> No.27359725

>beautiful young women
>govt plans to take care of you

Not these two.

>> No.27359785

Holy fuck you're falling for literal fake news. It's called Wohnraumverdichtung, don't know how it's called in English, but it's a universal method to solve spacing problems IN BIG CITIES: build multiple apartment housing units instead of single family homes. This prevents an infinite sprawl like LA and also abstract vertical housing in skyscrapers.

>> No.27360029

>living in a big city
There is your problem. Kleinstadt best Stadt

>> No.27360303

Good way to out yourself as an amerilard you digsusting mutt golem.

>> No.27360702

>There is your problem. Kleinstadt best Stadt

Its 10x worse in these Kafs with a 70k population. All they think about is 'SAAAAUUUUFEEEEENNNNNN' like fucking retarded degenerates and then they brag that they can drink more than city kids like its some fucking accomplishment

>> No.27360703
File: 45 KB, 1920x1152, Flag_of_Germany_(unoff).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what angers me most about these threads is how low res OP's flag is.

At least use this one next time, prick.

>> No.27362046
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>high standard of living
Per capita income tells you otherwise. Also crimerate skyrocketed in the last two decades.
>high salaries
Depends on the field of work. If you're in healthcare (excluding doctors and specialists), I feel sorry for you.
>beautiful young women
Meh. Some are nice, but a majority consists of braindead roasties.
>low prices
>govt plans to take care of you
If you're in gastronomy, you are beyond fucked. Thank fuck I didn't go into this branch.

If you think current times are bad, just you wait until the elections this year. It's going to be much worse.

>> No.27362505

>If you think current times are bad, just you wait until the elections this year. It's going to be much worse.

>> No.27362681

The left will win

>> No.27362907

hau ab, Ich bin god-tier Finne

>> No.27363059

>Here in shithole UK we have to pay taxes on every single trade
How would the government know you made a bitcoin trade?

>> No.27363086

But how? Isnt the CSU extremely popular atm? Like 35% or smth. And I also heard that the grüne partei is nowadays economically pretty much a centrist-right party, not sure if that's BS or not

>> No.27363246

In Finland our Green party is basically a socialist/marxist party. They are far more left wing than the social democrat party

>> No.27363304

Die linke (the party) ? or are you simply referring to left wing parties in general?

>> No.27363743

Why do people believe that more government is what they need, when the current crisis came from the government taking even more power?
I don't think I can tolerate this much longer...
Imagine they start to tax cryptos and increase other taxes.

>> No.27364618

greens will destroy the country. They are 2 faced snakes. They campaign with dope, we are so hip, save the environment and gay sex for all but are also extremely authoritarian and want to reeducate the population with bans and high taxes. Personal freedom and free thinking is not allowed.

>> No.27364928
File: 6 KB, 299x169, 1531430724664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>German education system is top notch
m8 what millenium are you living in?
They trashed our education system decades ago. They now have quotas for minorities that need to pass the highest tests, so they kept making them easier so retarded niggers that can barely speak the language can still pass with flying colours.
Go tto a german university and you will find people that would fail basic algebra in other countries

>> No.27365200

That comment section is filled with total cancer. All those faggots advocating for single family homes in a urban center. Suburbia is outside the city, retards.

>> No.27365485
File: 49 KB, 604x604, 1536968063955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greens will destroy the country
Greens are a watermelon party.
Green only on the surface and the rest is completely red.
They are made up of straight up marxists, leninists, pedos and other commie scum

>> No.27365501

they are even using their cryptowallets like a fucking sparbuch... hold hans hold longer then year ,we are cryptofriendly you just have to hold... no swap hans, no trade hans, just like you learned it with your sparbuch

>> No.27365585
File: 54 KB, 485x512, bildungsranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on Bundesland. Its funny how its always the "stupid afd nazi ossis" who lead in all rankings since many years.

>> No.27365864

Wenn ich zwei Prozent Inflation in meiner Wirtschaft hätte dann wäre ich und jeder andere Arbeiter unendlich glücklich weil die scheiß Scheere zwischen Arm und Reich endlich wieder zuklappt.

>> No.27365904
File: 45 KB, 1460x821, A14A22E8-8273-433F-BE9F-AD90C9F66346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will migrate to Poland

>> No.27365997
File: 128 KB, 960x960, 1531079819389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bayern here. It can barely get worse than it is here right now. If this is the second best this country has to offer then the rest of the universities and schools are literally africa-tier of education.

>> No.27366263
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And thats why you will always remain poor.
Inflation does not apply to assets that the rich have. The 1% wouldn't give a shit if there was 50% inflation. Most of their networth is in assets.
The rest of the people, like you, get fucked though

>> No.27367496

>Inflation does not apply to assets that the rich have. The 1% wouldn't give a shit if there was 50% inflation. Most of their networth is in assets.
>The rest of the people, like you, get fucked though

Absolutely this. Only literal retards hold their wealth in fiat currencies. How many fucking times do we have to say it???

>> No.27367880
File: 14 KB, 206x196, 1570740231714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only literal retards hold their wealth in fiat currencies
>"Ich hab öffentlich bekundet, dass ich überhaupt gar keine besonderen Geldanlageformen betreibe, sondern alles auf dem Sparbuch lasse oder auf dem Girokonto", sagt Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) auf die Frage nach seinen Spargewohnheiten.

>> No.27368419

>politicians totally never lie

>> No.27368771


>> No.27368823

Holy fuck, do you really believe this bullshit? The idea behind this comes from the green/left cancer party and it’s all about saving the planet - like in some big city’s you can barely drive a car anymore because of „autofreie Stadt“ Bullshit. I can’t even go to university by car without paying shitloads of money for parking tickets. Next to this they just raised taxes for Gas.

either you are completely brainless or you are also one of these Green-Left activists who think they can rescue the planet.

I will leave this shit hole ASAP and hope Germany gets nuked one day.

>> No.27369157

that guy is so absolutely incompetent as a polititian that i acutally believe him.
Literally everything he touches turns to shit

>> No.27369714

Germany already has some of the lowest percentage of home ownership in europe.

>> No.27369837

Not defending germany, but how about you get /fit?

>> No.27369997

Dumb take.
Germanic peoples have risen back from crushing defeats time and time again throughout human history.

>> No.27370073

>block others out with gates communities, security cameras and guns.
U basically have to do that too here, your just not allowed to do it
At least when living in certain areas, or while having certain ethnicitys

>> No.27370638


>> No.27370838

The Rentensystem was based on the assumption that the next generation will be larger than the previous one. So they all need pay a certain amount and get a larger one back. If you want I can supply you with a Rechenbeispiel?

>> No.27370884

Actually /fit and /biz are the only places on 4chan where people try to do something for a better life so what’s your problem with /fit?

>> No.27371287

So is there any truth to the claim I heard that the german Greens are moving economically right and are no longer a leftist party?

>> No.27371635

Average age in Germany is 45. Half of newborns are mixed or foreign. Your average krautcuck is not having more than 1-2 kids.
Nobody is rising anywhere since this valid for all of Europe.
The chinks are buying a lot of land and properties, which will only give the (((state))) even more power.

>> No.27371649 [DELETED] 

where do fellow anons will migrato to, once you make it?

>> No.27372038

You have to do it yourself. It's not hard at all but whatever you do don't try and evade, wilfully or ignorantly it can completely fuck your life up. Research it ASAP if you're making any decent amount in profit (>10k). I wish I didn't pursue a career that forces me to live in a "developed" nation with ass blast worthy tax rates, fucking wanker cunts want you to be a wagie forever

>> No.27372055

>German education system is top notch

>> No.27372096

Portugal here, no one knows what a stock even is and we're hostile to business but at least crypto is tax-free

>> No.27372266

I'm suggesting you are fat

>> No.27373119

Ok but how the FUCK. I am just a student i have never had to pay any form of taxes. Also i am only making profit in the tens of euros at most because i don't invest that much.

>> No.27373305

>Have no culture.
They have lots of great composers, cathedrals and inventors. They have a great automotive industry. If by culture you mean some ethnic passtime then I guess they have no culture.

>> No.27373336

What? Really? I bought GME shares at NYSE via Degiro. Am I fucked?

>> No.27373763


>> No.27373944

literally google it for your country you tard. Most countries have a tax free investment credit around 1k per year (as in you can make around 1k profit trading without paying tax, some countries you dont even need to file a return) so I guess you don't need to worry about it if you're a pleb

>> No.27374224

thats what over 35 years of conservative rule do to you

>> No.27374727

Funny because german left would have banned or even more heavily taxed everything.

>> No.27374737

These are the liberals deciding over your future.

>> No.27374940

same situation here.

also if i do some crypto to crypto but dont cash out for a year after the last trade do i need to pay tax on these trades?

>> No.27375627
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>> No.27375788


>> No.27375834

The first 801€ are tax free.

If you hold crypto 1 year its tax free.

>> No.27376025

>pro Nafri takeover
No thanks.

>> No.27376319

its my employer aaaaaaaarrrgggghhhh

>> No.27376346

this is why you only use KYC to buy your eth and get it into to defi, then plan your exit strategy later

>> No.27377092

>I'm suggesting you are fat
LOL. Because I drive to university by car? All I do is study and workout like 4 times a week thanks to bafög. I eat healthy, fuck bitches, never drank alcohol ,nor any drugs in my life. I sleep 8 hours a night.

What’s wrong with you, anon?

>> No.27377121

seethe, you inbred kraut nigger

>> No.27377638

Poland has a 19$ tax but I'm no expert since I haven't converted a single crypto fraction back to fiat yet

>> No.27377754

Meant 19% of course

>> No.27377993
File: 273 KB, 896x628, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Germany has very little debt to gdp
90% of women in central and eastern europe look like goblins and dress like extra cheap whores.