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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 278 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210201-044125_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27336395 No.27336395 [Reply] [Original]

Shib listing on hotbit now and MCX hopefully later today. Betting by tonight we see another ath.

>> No.27336502

That is some amazing news.

>> No.27336548

Youve already missed the SHIB moon, at this point your just holding bags. Sell those bags and win back your loss with 4ch5 or something else thats mooning while you still can.

>> No.27336551
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Based and Shibapilled

>> No.27336602

I think we see another ath tonight boyzz. Gonna be fun. US about to wake up

>> No.27336715
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All aboard the shiba train

>> No.27338323
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Heating up

>> No.27338536


>> No.27338889


>> No.27339004

come back when we 100x

>> No.27339080

Don't get the FOMO idiots all hyped for a pump. Keep pushing volume, keep getting exchanges to pick it up, and it will grow naturally.

>> No.27339324

Just hodl.
Today 3 new exchanges list SHIBA

>> No.27339578

Everything healthy right now. Itll 10x from here easily. When? Soon enough

>> No.27339615

> hotbit
>Hopefully MCX
yeah your shitcoin is dead, moving to the next meme

>> No.27340327

poorfag noshibs posting out of jealousy

>> No.27340548


>> No.27340682
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>> No.27340693
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>> No.27340842

nice try akita rugpull merchant

>> No.27340846

Which is?
These stats aren't SHIB you mong.

>> No.27340855

That's not even the price though, kys

>> No.27340937

Have faith.

>> No.27341050

There you go. The two Pajeets came out to defend their scam.

>> No.27341186

Convincing you I'm not a pajeet isn't really worth my time. If you're going to try to use an image of a rugpull or something concerning, you might as well use something correct.

>> No.27341202

Lmao all those gas fees XD

>> No.27341211

mxc and hotbit list literally any coins. they approached my team asking if they could list us and we ignored them and they did it anyway LOL. sad. many such cases

>> No.27341260

>being this retarded
This is the real price, 3x higher than your retarded chart

>> No.27341308

LEASH, people buy leash

>> No.27341493

Uniswap pocketed my gas fees 2 times and gave me an error after I tried to buy it. Fuck this shit.

>> No.27341585

Lesson learned. Dont mess with your gas limit

>> No.27341641
File: 42 KB, 1111x367, shibaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im feeling bullish

>> No.27341671

buy on hotbit, sir.

>> No.27341715


>> No.27341794
File: 25 KB, 334x500, 177650f148ffe98beb5561194b92be24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all these green IDs.

>> No.27341833

can i use hb in us?

>> No.27341957
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>> No.27341960

what about binance ? when will it list it ?

>> No.27342194

Rolling for green.

>> No.27342525

all i can say is accumulate

>> No.27342791
File: 175 KB, 400x388, 1581068641893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it gonna pump tonight? I gotta sleep at some point.

>> No.27343090

Probs not, GME shit is tomorrow and most focus will be on that, be patient bro.

>> No.27343110

Im scared to sleep and miss the high. Might set a really early alarm desu

>> No.27343261

Ahh comfy. Up 8x at these prices.

>> No.27343699

It's over shibros, we're getting owned by AKITArds!

>> No.27343926

the rugpull akita?

>> No.27343988

Chart looks good. Accumulation phase.

>> No.27344065

1/6th the daily volume and a pitiful amount of liquidity. Don't be silly anon.

>> No.27344081

Yeah that one, the thing is that it's going to destroy faith in SHIB aswell.
Still holding, not selling until x100 from here, this is a nice dip.
Ok Hitler but can you explain your reasoning?

>> No.27344087

the pajeet dash

>> No.27344165

>shit colored ID

>> No.27344339

fuck x100 we're mooning for x100000

>> No.27344343

Fuck you it's still green.

>> No.27344563

Yeah ok

>> No.27344830

Boys Im scared... I put in .25 eth in and now its only worth .15.. do I cut my losses and buy a different shit coin?

>> No.27344864

Tbh I wouldnt be surprised if it 3x today into tonight

>> No.27344923

That's called being a paperhand faggot, hold for the week and you'll see, it's already getting listed on exchanges and is not a brand new coin created just to scam newtards. It's gonna moon this week.

>> No.27344932

Dont be the sell for loss guy. Itll go up. Everything still healthy. Take a walk check back in a couple hours

>> No.27344962

you must be a pajeet if your shit is that color

>> No.27345002

No dumbass. Losses are only realized when you get out of the market. Leave it alone and at worst wait for the next rise and get out with your money.

If you don't have a backbone, don't trade volatile coins.

>> No.27345170
File: 209 KB, 10000x10000, 1595971820128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To any newfags considering to buy Shiba:
>it has already pumped 23000 % in the past weeks. It will hardly continue pumping
>hundreds of tokens with cute names and logos and/or memes are released each week. Most of them are rugpulls: they dupe people into sending them money and take it all away
>HotBit is not a respected exchange. They list pretty much anything, even rugpulls
>Shibe craze started just around the Doge Pump and Dump. It's predatory as fuck
>their website has broken links
You're gonna get scammed by buying Shiba.

>> No.27345330

See you at the ath tonight boyzz

>> No.27345414

Thanks you convinced me, I'm selling my trillion.

>> No.27345432

Ignore the FUD guys
We're still ABOVE each day. Yesterday's pump and dump was artificial to shake out WEAK HANDS.

Vitalik owns the liquidity. There will be no rug pull. Why would money skelly be bothered about rugging SHIBA? We're getting fucked DAILY in gas fees. This is rug proof. Check war on drugs Twitter.

HODL, exchanges are listing. Forget yesterday's artificial pump and dump! There was NO WAY to cash out in that.

>> No.27345494

War on RUGS Twitter

>> No.27345591

it already made almost x25k by poorbiz money alone , you really think it won't x100k with richnormie money ?? Shiba just isn't known well enough in the mainstream social media that's all , the money they'll hear about it , it'll be doge 2.0 but this time it won't take billions to only raise it with a cent

>> No.27345598

Let's go boyzz

>> No.27345709

>the money* they'll hear about it
obviously meant moment*

>> No.27345750
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Just look at this fucking chart. It's the absolute classic pump and dump graph. Exponential rise leading to massive speak, immediate drop off and slowly teetering to previous levels.

>> No.27345812

Shiba is at risk of getting drowned by AKIBA which is an actual rugpull, I think normies won't invest in something like SHIB if it doesn't start showing actual progress with their project.

>> No.27345976

it literally just started being listed on markets

>> No.27346035
File: 2.13 MB, 1200x1200, 1611951311205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the newfags waste money on gay reddit tokens, reefs with no working product, MUSE gay shadow legends tokens and whatever else people who look into nothing waste money chasing.
More green cubes for me.

>> No.27346043
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>> No.27346118

Let's go

>> No.27346182

How will rugpull niggers recover?

>> No.27346262

Its literally getting pnd-ed by bizfags with no fucking perspective, yall would rather pnd for a x10 earning instead of holding for a month and raking up thousands times more , thats why reddit fucked yall is the ass cuz they’re smarter than you poorfags

>> No.27346403

Didn't read; not selling

>> No.27346407

Irrelevant for a project that has no devs and the entire thing is being held by the "community."

The oldest "community" members can rugpull by taking out their tokens.
HotBit is not a good market. They listed fucking PizzaSwap for fuck's sake.

>> No.27346867

Biz will come when its 100x

>> No.27347026

Pump it...

>> No.27347174
File: 153 KB, 1080x1279, 131267332_1884011195070537_4300182390962360389_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so why didn't you buy when it was 30,000% cheaper? I hate you know it all commies, you act so smug even when you are losing and I am winning.

Up 300x since a few days, fuck you.

>> No.27347629

You newfags are extremely tiring, thinking you'll get easy money in a couple hours. Just hold and wait.

>> No.27347646

Yes I should've bought when the shilling started 3 days ago. But it's now clearly over.
You are in denial because you are holding your bags.

>> No.27347839

Yeah, so you made a mistake, so stop lecturing people like you are some expert.

>> No.27348215

Listing on a top 5 exchange now. Gate.io

>> No.27348337

How profitable could this be? I know you can make your own erc20 token easily, can you live off of rugpulling shitcoins you made in less than an hour?

>> No.27348405
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>> No.27348440


>> No.27348516
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kek, some /biz/ anon probably 100x'd by creating a meme coin and pumping it here and

>> No.27348802

I don't think the dev is pumping here it but he's definitely lurking.

>> No.27348834


>> No.27349078

they haven't developed anything, all they have is a website

>> No.27349088

I can still tell newfags the obvious signs of a dump. Sell now dude your bags will only get heavier

>> No.27349110

Honestly seeing those soulless shills trying to pump that coin makes me doubt it's ever gonna bounce back.
When are they listing it?

>> No.27349217

You were catastrophicly wrong 3 days ago, so I will trust my judgement over yours.

>> No.27349413

Think of me when this coin goes back to 0 by the end of the week.

>> No.27349423

Don't forget to get LEASH aswell, that's the real long term money maker.
What's the rest of your bag, frens? Don't tell me you're all-in on SHIB.
I have ADA GRT VETa bit of ZRX and ALGO

>> No.27349535

Telegram admins should hang themselves. Dude called a dump a rugpull, I corrected him and got banned.

>> No.27349576

awful quiet in here

>> No.27349713

The telegram is scummy as fuck, I also got banned for calling them out on a similar thing.

>> No.27349729

Just bought another 15 eth on the dip. Trillions just keep growing boys.


>> No.27349837

No, I won't commie

>> No.27349875

Oh so you're that big green bar. There's still some decent volume.

>> No.27349950

Yeah the fact that I can do that with 15 eth is hilarious. Low market cap coins man.

>> No.27350056

Thanks for the reassurance. Im holding and my hands are stiffer then ever, I am ready to make some money

>> No.27350611

did I really fall for a rugpull? why are there so many scammers on /biz/? what a shitty criminal scum cesspool

>> No.27351088

See you in a week posting that you sold too early.

>> No.27351151

never trust anything posted here

>> No.27351260

i didn't sell
how is this board even allowed? it's literally just a fraud ring?

>> No.27351314


>> No.27351402

Sounds like you don't belong.

>> No.27351512

why is it dumping guys???? I don't feel so good

>> No.27351718

comfy, just bought 8B more. sitting at 23B. am I making it bros?

>> No.27351719

It will come back, stronger than before!

>> No.27351752

>in the middle of an upward correction
>why is it pumping guys???

>> No.27351791

whatever. filing a complaint with multiple agencies. screenshotting everything and saving archive links. fuck you literal criminals.

>> No.27352386

Hahahahaha. Sure Karen

>> No.27353200

Shib will sell better to reddit normies than the other memecoins circulating /biz/ this past weekend.

>> No.27353382

Reddit will never find about it until it's too late, as always with them.

>> No.27353533

Should I throw my last $35 in it right now?

>> No.27353736

You're gonna get fucked by gas fees unless you go through an exchange.

>> No.27353925

gas will fuck you anon

>> No.27353967

Well, I've got like $80 in total, but so I should be fine for atleast one transaction.

>> No.27354108

Just buy on hotbit retards

>> No.27354127

as you wish anon

>> No.27354130

It's an anonymous board, no registration needed. Of course it'll be susceptible to brigades and pump schemes

>> No.27354390

Grow big cute doggo <3

>> No.27354649

I'm sitting on 3bil but I'm feeling bearish thb

>> No.27354651

americans are waking up. time to buy

>> No.27355090

this, u guys gotta chill.

>> No.27355848

It will pump once the east coast lads wake up

>> No.27355966

3bil is nothing. You might as well hold.

>> No.27356357
File: 590 KB, 4096x2733, Es_6wjQVgAAx3MF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATH was reached 5-7am China time yesterday. Do with that information what you will.

>> No.27356366

They're already up, NASDAQ just opened.

>> No.27356453

I am, swapped it over to hotbit so I wouldn't get fucked by gas. I need it to 2x to get above breakeven (including gas buy in) at this point.