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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2733785 No.2733785 [Reply] [Original]

Let's do this. Random anons say what they would do if they became millionaires, adding their address, and richfags throw tips if they find their ideas interesting.

>> No.2733790

I'll start. My life wouldn't be really different nor eccentric. I just want to forget about work forever, and develop my current hobbies as well as educating myself. I want to spend more time with my current friends, pay my parents bills, and enjoy small things of life.
BTC: 18FxdnX4kri4VqQDaae5F8Wj5N86xWUuMm

>> No.2733805

I would fund different machine learning projects aimed at creating the ultimate trader bot. Imagine having a /biz/ poster in the palm of your hand.

BTC: 1L2WE8ShBovY4v5baoJiYygXKQ8xYQWqbQ

>> No.2733825
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Create a shill army for /biz/ and pump/dump shitcoins.

>> No.2733831

Work on Ethereum/decentralized apps full time, specifically encryption and privacy related stuff. I'm finishing a math phd thesis in elliptic curve cryptography but it's hard because all I want to do is learn Solidity and write smart contracts.


>> No.2733880
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I'd spend some initial period optimizing my portfolio, crypto and others, to ensure a steady stream of income.

I would work on projects I find to have fun and/or worthwhile goals, I would be able to volunteer more without worrying about time constraints or personal finances. I'd pick up where I left my old musical projects and get back into learning music and play cocktail lounges and chill events with a bossa nova/jazz fusion group. As often as reasonably possible, I would travel non-stop. See the world, taste and breathe it before I die. I'm going to live this life on my terms, no matter what. I can't give up and resign to wagecuckoldry in East Europe... This life is abysmal.

But at least it's not as bad as it could be... I've got it pretty alright compared to nost of humanity I guess.

>> No.2733887

Forgot BTC address:

>> No.2733910
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I would buy my mom and sister anything they would want.
I wouldn't stop traveling the world.
I would drive best Tesla there is.
I would jump from the parachute.
I would be a philanthropist and help people get on with their lives.
I would hire a dietician/cook.

I could go on and on. Will leave my address just in case...

>> No.2733923

Have you heard of Mimblewimble?

>> No.2733997

Buy a nice house in Key West, and dump whatever is left over in divvy-yielding blue chips. I'd rent out the property in the winter, and use the income to travel the world. Probably spend a lot of time in Japan on 90 day visas. In the summer I'd hang out in off-season Key West doing my best Hemingway impression: writing about my travels and getting day drunk with all the bartenders.
I'd learn to sail, and eventually sell the house to buy a sloop. Then I'd sail around the world with a loyal crew, ideally under a flag that condones smoking weed and blaring anime music.

>> No.2734052

I would start an incubator specializing in controversial science as its base. ideas stay in house, labspace and cots provided by the incubator, startups get increasing amounts of dividend paying shares as their ideas become profitable.


>> No.2734059

>and develop my current hobbies as well as educating myself
What are your current hobbies and what will you educate your self on?

>> No.2734062
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I'd go on a personal vendetta against people who are destroying Europe.
BTC: 1JcUYWEtLfxEAJYmNr3NcLvWa5Cz1wbt1E

>> No.2734063

forgot to mention, that's a BTC address.

>> No.2734075

How did you find out about /biz/ and what are you doing on here?

>> No.2734085
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I have lots of hobbies and interests, but my top four are aeronautics/aerospace, politics, music and writing. More money would mean more free time and resources to develop the most important ones.

>inb4 boring
I agree with you, but that is my thing.

>> No.2734106
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>> No.2734125

JUST kek my shit up, Sandeep. Thanks for the ab workout.

>> No.2734152

Buy some cheap land, hire a couple of helpers and take in as many shelter dogs as I can possible give a decent life to.

send bitcoins pls


>> No.2734427
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I'd start my own brand of alcoholic malt liquors. They'd be handheld in the same mannerd as a coconut or magic I ball. They'd be made from some sort of elastic or latex and the sipping mechanism would be like the tops that used to be on the old Powerade bottles where the thing flips out and sucks back in. As you suck the beverage out it will shrivel, but when full looks like a big titty. I'm thinking white and black Russians with corresponding colors of course. They'll sell at all 7-11s world wide.
Name for the product:

>> No.2734435

Magic 8 ball

>> No.2734448

>no equity

>> No.2734819


>> No.2734898


>> No.2735115

hello /b/

>> No.2735126

All in a savings account boi. Let the interest pile up so it should be 100,000 or 10,000 a year if it's one million

>> No.2735650

Well early investors would obviously be welcome in my controversial-science incubator. It would be even more moonshots than a regular incubator though, so in the short term we'd probably do land transformation on distressed properties.

>> No.2735662

I'm making money trading to launch a company to allow scientists to publish articles on a dApp. They avoid getting graped by the journal paywalls.
