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File: 297 KB, 1068x1068, DOOMschiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27328495 No.27328495 [Reply] [Original]

You had 4.543 billion years.

>> No.27328693

the patient kike


the virgin ponzi pumpers

>> No.27328900

Peter is a based kike though.

>> No.27328914

what are you implying here? Gold is dumping for half a year by now, much like LINK

>> No.27328934

Whats your point. Schiff is riding that one prediction to the grave

>> No.27328959

Schiff loves Gold and Silver

>> No.27329024

and he was right

>> No.27329467

Jew loves shinies

>> No.27329786


>> No.27330890

GDX about to shit the bed this week
silver will decouple from gold

>> No.27331118
File: 60 KB, 780x390, how-to-hedge-against-inflation-780x390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver will dump down to 15$ in 6 months and he'll get even older and redder. Never trust a Gold salesman peddling collapse every year since 2005.

>> No.27331247
File: 135 KB, 1200x674, peter-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay boomer

>> No.27331354

btw exact same shit happened last time silver pumped:
>hurray silver at $30
>quickly check metal dealers for buy price
>their sell price is updated but they still buy at $24
>you can't fucking sell physical in a rally

>> No.27331420
File: 176 KB, 1410x1036, Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 7.10.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice gainz bro

>> No.27331452

spread between buy and sell price increased to 55% as of today.

>> No.27331562

Yep, he was right. Literally no returns for 40 years lmao imagine defending this scamming jew

>> No.27331634

you mean negative returns right? because real inflation is way higher than cpi.

>> No.27331883

Yeah all those funds who had nice returns for the past 40 years will be slaughtered in the next happening as their positions reflect a massive recency bias. Listen this podcast with Chris Cole https://ttmygh.podbean.com/e/teg_0010/

>> No.27332177

I hold an extremely diversified bag of bags for years on end and they moon eventually. Bought 1000+oz of silver at $16-18 in 2017 or so. Bitcoin since forever but unfortunately I sold all but 0.3 in the various moon phases. Doge since 2013. Etc. Can't think of any investments that outright failed (inflation adjusted loss of more than a few %).

Anyone else do this?

>> No.27332230

extreme returns for 40 years you brainlet, he's like 20x already on gold over 40 years

>> No.27332344
File: 149 KB, 901x614, cumulative_inflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically utterly rekt?

>> No.27332389

so he beat inflation and made a massive profit?

>> No.27332442

imagine holding 4.543 billion years for 1% gainz and insta bragging about it on twatter.

>> No.27332509

no he didn't remember that real inflation is multiple times of cpi? he is fucking rekt. and he didn't even really beat official inflation.

>> No.27332582

real estate was a much better store of value than metals the last 40 years. let that sink in!

>> No.27332613

Can you post it in log scale?

>> No.27332620

I really wish I had bought gold like he said 10 years ago and would have made a solid 5% profit.
The 1000x I've made from BTC and etherium while he was bashing them every day is just too stressful for me to handle.

>> No.27332661

He really ruined Austin powers 3

>> No.27332669

He's a multi millionaire.

>> No.27332723
File: 38 KB, 768x432, real-inflation-vs-cpi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27332760

Peter Schiff is literally a Jew
He lives in Puerto Rico so none of his boomer Midwest customers can come get him when his destroys their 401ks on Mexican mining stocks.

>> No.27332771

from scamming people with shitty investment. not from holding metals lol. he is a jew he ruins lives for a living.

>> No.27332841

do you have the pasta about the guy that was totally rekt by schiffs bogus funds?

>> No.27332962

Sounds interesting as fuck, hope someone provides

>> No.27333170

Lmao na bro I'm just a Pol tard that knows of him through his Alex Jones shilling
There is some major salt in his customer reviews tho. Some are funny but most are pretty sad old people that he scammed.

>> No.27333178

>from scamming people

>> No.27333239

>He lives in Puerto Rico so none of his boomer Midwest customers can come get him when his destroys their 401ks on Mexican mining stocks.
Unbelievably fucking based

He's lying to you, you fucking retard holy shit.

>> No.27333356
File: 238 KB, 428x358, peter schiffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it make people seethe so hard?

>> No.27333602

Look at them beady eyes tho. Dudes an antisemetic caricature.

>> No.27333734

He's the only based jew.

>> No.27333760

because it makes them lose money. i listened to this retard and mike balooney a decade ago when i started investing. my greatest regret i just hope i can get out on this retarded pump at breakeven all things considered.

i had 30% premium and handling fees in my coins, and 70% inflation, then taxes have to be considered. which if you don't have the buy receipts it assumes you had 25% gains and pay about 40% after that... so above 110% i'm good.
all things considered if silver gets to $40 again i can get out okay.

>> No.27333797

i have seen conflicting data
just how many years did i have

>> No.27333803
File: 1.56 MB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27334193

>listened to this retard and mike balooney a decade ago
If you would have listened now you would have made profits off mining stocks
it's not too late to get in, pussy

>> No.27334287

I just orderd a new meteorit of gold from the stars, its moon sized and will come in no time via express delivery.

>> No.27334896
File: 2.61 MB, 320x568, 1611528560760.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27335259

>Worth anything
LOL, buttcoins were made to sucker in a new generation into a worthless McCurrency.

>> No.27335270

i'm done with this retarded shit m8 only buying bitcoin for years now. it's great, no regrets there.

>> No.27335441

His smile and optimism gone

>> No.27335507

Silver is going to take the fuck off hahha imagine acoomulating it for years, get demoralised at btc gains and swapping your stacks then getting WIPED OUT by the real financial plays happening right now. stay fucking poor

>> No.27335580

stay pooor

>> No.27335793

34407 united states dollars

>> No.27335859

it has done wonders to my net worth. i greatly recommend it has a historic return of 360% per year that's almost 1% daily.