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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2731734 No.2731734 [Reply] [Original]

>Got trolled into not going to University by /pol/ trolls saying it's a "Jewish scam" and "you'll never get a job with a degree so just work minimum wage for the rest of your life"
>Then got trolled by /r9k/ trolls into not even working because they kept posting that fucking smug Pepe with the "How can a man wake up and make a living for himself instead of being a parasite off of hardworking people...... etc Noam "Communist Kike" Chomsky quote

>No I have no degree, no job, no money, nothing because I listened to righty neets from pol and communists from r9k

>> No.2731740

Life is a scam, you need to kys asap OP

>> No.2731756

Welfare is available for the mentally retarded. Have you applied yet?

>> No.2731781

Anon, don't you know all those posts are satire

>> No.2731796

You fell for memes instead of DYOR, you're no better than the uneducated masses. Try harder next life.

>> No.2731798

College is a Jewish scam you idiot, that doesn't mean you can make money by doing NOTHING. YOU STILL HAVE TO DO SHIT FOR MONEY DUUUUUUUHH.

>> No.2731799
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>> No.2731875

Do community c

>> No.2731888

moral to your story, dont believe the fags from the internet. Get your ass out there and make something for yourself, you wont get a ribbon for sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself

>> No.2731893

Since you're this dumb, join the Armed Forces.

>> No.2731897

>We told you to buy Litecoin in 2013 when it was pennies on the dollar
>We told you to buy Ethereum in 2016 when it was just a few dollars
>We told you to start a business selling shit like the jews
>Instead you listen to shills who probably regularly posts "MUH BLACK DICK" for the last 4 years on a chinese cartoon message board.

>> No.2731984

This place has fucked me over many times, but it also has genuine people giving good advice. Just gotta be able to sift through the bullshit, just like IRL, except it's more difficult on an anonymous message board.

>> No.2731995
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Who are "we" and where can I find you

>> No.2731997

You should put up a backpages add and have old men fuck your asshole. Sure you'll get aids, but you'll be well off in life, and you shouldn't spread your seed anyways.

>> No.2732019

t. fag from the internet

>> No.2732021

>Just gotta be able to sift through the bullshit,
How do you sift? What criteria do you sort by?

>> No.2732058

We are /biz/ you retard

>> No.2732063

Since online communication lacks a lot of the rich detail of face to face contact, particularly in an anonymous message board, you pretty much have to use whatever said here as a hypothesis to be proven and then do extensive research on your own to see if it can be disproven. If we're talking about cryptocurrencies, for example, when someone posts up a graph with a rising wedge saying something is going to moon, GO LOOK AT THE FUNDAMENTALS OF A COIN and then see if it's worth buying or not. Another extremely important piece of advice I can give to people (especially newcomers) is that if someone online in a message board is telling you that something will reach astronomical highs soon, you're most likely way too late to be buying and if you do, you'd be buying right into the peak of a pump and end up becoming a bagholder as has been the fate of many people here (including myself).

Technical analysis is complete horeshit. Ignore it completely and do actual qualitative research on a coin before buying.

>> No.2732065

check behind you

>> No.2732070


>> No.2732075

I can't do that on every single shitpost on /biz/ dude. How do you sort the shitposts from the goodposts without going into a huge amount of detail on each one?

>> No.2732082

*tips fedora

nothing personal kid

>> No.2732118
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>Making life choices based on shitposts likely authored by someone who looks like pic related

>> No.2732133

College is a scam, but you shouldn't have had to listen to /pol/ to realize that.

Living to better your fellow humans is truly a virtuous endeavor, but you shouldn't have needed to listen to /r9k/ in order to realize that.

In conclusion, you're mentally impaired.

>> No.2732181

Best post in this thread

>> No.2732216



Life is only fun if you're born a rich 10/10 chad

It's a miserable grind for everyone else

>> No.2732218

Taking the cryptocurrency example, you'd achieve that by doing your own research in your spare time. Then you'll be able to have some basic criteria for what you would consider to be a promising coin and be able to quickly sift through posts.

For example, you see these threads about LomoCoin being about to moon. I did some research and found that while it is a very innovative idea, there won't be a pump any time soon because it's still very early in it's development and if anything it's a very long term hold if you wanna make any significant gains from it.

There's money to be made in crypto, but it's no longer like in 2013 when you could've just bought a million Bitcoin and sat on it for four years and cash out and be a millionaire. A lot of people who got rich off Bitcoin were extremely lucky and/or extremely well informed on financial markets. The market is maturing now with increased awareness and so the only way you'll make any money is by actually working hard at it (doing extensive research on your own), and if you want to make astronomical gains you have to work even harder. It's not easy gains any longer unless you just happen to be extremely lucky.

Basically if you come into this thinking it's gonna make you a millionaire overnight with no work on your part, you'll most likely lose most if not all of your investment.

tl;dr Don't rely on 4chan as your primary source for investment advice. Use it only as a source for tips on potential investment opportunities which you then do your own extensive research on.

>> No.2732250

B-But muh ANS...

>> No.2732286

I avoided all that shit simply because I don't trust the Chinese. Miserable bunch of people.

>> No.2732332

"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."
You're right it's their fault.

>> No.2732359

take responsibility for your mistakes. become an assassin or something.

>> No.2732375

I don't picture anyone who's attracted to /r9k/ to really stand a chance anyway. Don't beat yourself up too bad.

>> No.2732397

more sick gains later this year for me.

>> No.2732424

You know what is the truth?
You only heard what you wanted, ie what you already agreed.
That is why you didn't got to university while you were visiting /pol/. You are lazy. I highly doubt you went to the gym, even though /pol/ says that going to the gym is the right thing to do.
It's all your fault, nigger.
You didn't fall to any baits. You were this way all along. You only saw what you wanted to. You are so lazy you won't even accept it's your own fault.

>> No.2732427

Enjoy your gains man. I really hope you do make it, but it's just not my cup of tea.

>> No.2732436

Then get a job and take night classes. wtf?

>> No.2732464
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Don't let the debtlets fool you, uni is indeed a scam. But not wageslaving for a bit is wrong, here's how you do it.
>work mcwagecuck job for several years
>live frugally(with family if possible(
>save and invest what you can
>once you have 70k buy some bitcoins and try to buy a cheap condo
>rent condo out
>NEET master race before youre 30
>use condo money to start business
It requires a bit of wagecucking but it'll be all worth it

>> No.2732481

Anon, I think you should invest your lifesavings in Digibyte.

We're gonna make it bro.

>> No.2732510
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Ahoy landlubber, I was just taking my new kayak out for a paddle, hope you dont mind, its one of my many hobbies. Glad to see youre finally taking a well deserved weekend off, perhaps when you retire you can join me, although we both know you'll be workin till death! tut tut tut wagie, see you around
*paddles off*

>> No.2732512


you can go back to school now and actually have an appreciation for why you're there rather than just going there straight out of high school because that's what's expected of you and being an ungrateful little faggot

>> No.2732513

How is it his fault that he's lazy?

>> No.2732970

>miserable grind
>not giving meaning to your suffering and becoming your own personal Übermensch
Stay poor in money and soul.

>> No.2733184
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/pol/ and /r9k/ are the ultimate jewish scams.

Maybe you're just really dumb. Too bad you're not a nigger cause you could collect lots of money for being low IQ

>> No.2733216
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>dont believe the fags from the internet
>immediately unironically gives advise as a fag from the internet

>> No.2733249

The redpill I've realized is that /pol/ was created by Jews as controlled opposition.

>> No.2733380
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>tfw first semester at uni and earning 40% over minimum wage
>be successful, complete work ahead of schedule and add useful insights
>probably headed for an increase on my renewed contract for next sem
it's probably white privilege.

If i knew how to get in touch with technologically challenged people, i'd start a business to work weekends / general free time, too.

>> No.2733400

is there one thing in your life that didn't bore you to death ?

go 24/7/365 tibetian monk on that

>> No.2733929
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lol anon you got troled hard

>> No.2734004
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>listening to 4chan

>> No.2734022

those tartan blankets are gonna get ruined by seawater

>> No.2734046

ohh ohhh do me next!!!

>> No.2734078

>do your own research! do extensive research! if it doesnt work out you didnt do enough research or you didnt research the right things! invest in good coins, not shitcoins! so what if shitcoins saw greater gains as often or more often than quality coins?? so what if everything is down massively across the board right now, completely disproving all of this as a good strategy?? you should've invested in those particular coins we told you to buy way back when! why didnt you listen?? you deserve to be poor!

^ biz, the summary

>> No.2734082
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>> No.2734107


This is wrong. Solely take advice from 4chan.

/fit/ got me a swole
/g/ got me a job
/biz/ made me thousands

And btw. Lomocoin was shilled here at 800 sats then moon to 2400sats.

XVG was shilled at 4sats and mooned to over 140 fucking sats. 35x your investment or higher.

RDD was shilled at 6 sats, look at it now.

Buy anything that is shilled.

>> No.2734195


>And btw. Lomocoin was shilled here at 800 sats then moon to 2400sats.

But it was also shilled here at 2400sats...and by then it was obviously too late.

Can't even conclude "only buy when it's low", because low isn't a number, so buying Lomocoin at 800 could've been a catastrophe too, because it could've reversed at 810, 950, 2400, 3600, or $400.

It might be that the only good time to buy /biz/ shilled coins is when they first appear on here. But then again, look at Milocoin, Niggercoin, Mooncoin, etc.

>> No.2734406

>you'll never get a job with a degree so just work minimum wage for the rest of your life

There is a huge amount of middle ground between those two things. College is a scam. Everything you learn there you can learn on your own, with the exceptions of things that require certification, of course, like being a doctor or a pharmacist.

Want to be a software engineer? That education is free. Want to work in the trades? That costs 10% what college does.

Stop blaming others for your laziness and do something productive with your time.

>> No.2734457

Ma man

>> No.2734575

>taking advice from anonymous imageboard

>> No.2734598

>how to get in touch with technologically challenged people
Throw a fucking rock, wherever it lands you will find that person. The default person, regardless of race, knows fuck all about technology, and over half of them are proud of their technological ignorance.

>> No.2734617

Think positive - with that amount of stupidity and inability to do your own research you most likely would have failed uni anyways!

>> No.2734674

This, and they'll praise you like you're a fucking wizard too.