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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27315793 No.27315793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Got any good business ideas /biz/?

>> No.27315862

Doors that you open with foot levers instead of door handles or knobs, allowing you to easily enter your house while carrying heavy things.

>> No.27315866

Built for big white Nordic cock.

>> No.27315912

(((They))) have done that

>> No.27315948

Buy call options on a stock from a company discovered through rigorous value investing and then shill the fuck out of it on this board and on WSB. Then we watch the pump and dump and as the whalechads, we dump after a 3-500% ROI and watch everyone else lose. Then once the dump happens, we buy back in at the dip and hold because the stock will eventually give out good dividends and returns long term.

>> No.27315971

based, checked, Scandinavian as fuck.

>> No.27315986

Do you think she fucks refugees?

>> No.27316012

>implying I would share my business ideas with people who would get rich off of them

>> No.27316140

A giant foam pad that fits over your toilet that is kind of like a bed that you lay down on face-down at a <45 degree angle with a hole cut out for your dick so you can sort of relax/laydown while taking a piss. Good for middle of the night when you don't want to turn on the lights or stand all the way up, you can piss and still maintain sleepiness. I had this idea in my dreams anon, you're welcome

>> No.27316142

idk id rather do that in crypto but i have no frens to shill with :(

>> No.27316228

A penis straightener for when you wake up with a boner and find it hard to pee.

>> No.27316299
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>he doesn't have a bedside piss jug

>> No.27316480

She actually lives in Miami like 20 minutes away from where i live. Found her IG once. She's probably fucking some colombian or cuban fuckboy. I know the types, tall, muscular, tribal arm tatoo, stupid loud car. Annoying as fuck to hang around but they get all the girls.

Theres is a possibility she's fucked cuban refs, yes.

>> No.27316650

>they get all the girls.
They act like it, but they get maybe 1 or two more girls than you do.

>> No.27316671


>> No.27316935

A foam door in bed to piss through into a bag or container attached. Way better. Also good for people sick with diarrhea or fat people. Also a hole in pillow so you can lay face down in pillow and still breath with big slots in foam good for back massage and stuff

>> No.27317151
File: 199 KB, 796x673, SHEKELSTEIN NOSEBERG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you give (((me))) your money and (((I))) will keept it safe for you. You have to pay me for that though
You want to send it to someone? Cool! you'll have to pay (((me))) for that thou
You want to invest it? No problem. Just pay (((me))) first
You want to cash out of your investment? Sure. Pay (((me))) a fee first pls
You want to withdraw some cash? Okay, a fee goes to (((me))) first
You want to exchange it to another currency? Okay, pay (((me))) first. The person on the other end will also pay (((me))) when they cash it
You want a (((loan))) ?? Sure no worries.. you know how it goes

>> No.27317440

This. How in the fuck do they not use the money they have from people's accounts to invest with? All the money they get is of course assigned to people. But irs still all pooled together they can invest with it. And use it. I told a teller that I want all my money because they obviously invest with it and she said no they dont. Why tue fuck im I getting paid interest then niggers.

>> No.27317532

short white girls go for hispanics it's a fact. tall ones don't because latinos are too short lmao
t. 5'10" prince of manlets 1/4 mexican

>> No.27317669

that's a man

>> No.27317754

If I had good ones. It would be silly to tell you them.

How much capital do you have?
What skills do you have?

Service based business's require less capital to start and run.

Physical business's are all location and capital dependent.

>> No.27317812

Unfortunately America will be looking like brazil in our lifetimes. Half the white "men" I know are dating outside their race as well.
It's over.

>> No.27317855
File: 63 KB, 600x515, 5845ca511046ab543d25238a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to collect my thoughts to piece this together cause I'm a schizo but here it is:

>we create a new crypto called QCoin (or Qoin or something)
>tell our boomer family members/friends/neighbors that Trump and the deep state patriots knew about a major economy crash coming and have developed a crypto (QCoin) that will save the american people from poverty because fiat will be worthless
>spam a Q screenshot which details the plan all over the web (basically everything since the election was coordinated because Trump is now playing 5D chess and lured Biden into the worst position imaginable for when everyone switches to QCoin)
>"Guys it wasn't a capitol siege, it was a CAPITAL siege!!"
>boomers dump their retirement and savings into QCoin because they trust the plan
>QCoin pumps
>we sell and become rich

>> No.27317859

my retarded friend was talking to me in the car about a microwave that cools down instead of heating up.

>> No.27317974

Sounds based, let me know when it goes live. I'll shill on /pol/ for you since all the Facebook grandmas unironically go there.

>> No.27318078

Also, qoin works well. Sounds like coin anyway and it's simple. To the point.

>> No.27318161

not an entirely bad thing bro, I know a lot of Brazilians and if they stay huwhite they retain civilizational aptitude while gaining a certain Latin spice (with an Amazonian zing). we won't nearly be as cool though, best to stay white.

>> No.27318218

Invest in NFT20 and collect dividends off their DEX forever

>> No.27318245

post more of this wench, I know a full set exists

>> No.27318272

A massive warehouse where people can try on clothes before they order online. The warehouse always have one of each size in storage (unlike regular stores who are often sold out of popular sizes and don't have room to display everything) and if people want to buy they order online or the warehouse places the order for them. The clothes brands pay you to store and display.

>> No.27318337

One or two more than 0 is pretty low bro.

>> No.27318451

Someone should make a crypto currency that’s actually good as a fucking medium of exchange and not some USD tracking glow coin or boomer investment vehicle.

>> No.27318481
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>> No.27318486

And covid fucked you

>> No.27318524

White people won't survive Global Warming. Should have taken Climate Change seriously, dude.

>> No.27318560

alien body shape

>> No.27318631


>> No.27318651

Share gram

>> No.27318789

I have this one for a legal prostitution house. Every room has a disposable camera in it so technically you could say you're shooting pornos and not doing prostitution.

>> No.27318842

I will shill with you!

>> No.27319063
File: 16 KB, 294x349, 1611428062276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women

>> No.27319135

change the name of the board to coin shilling.

>> No.27319184

Me too bro.
Unironically wish I could be gay I fucking hate them that much.
Unfortunately I am doomed to liking vagina.

>> No.27319218

Movies that aren't libshit

>> No.27319341


Im cuban

>They act like it, but they get maybe 1 or two more girls than you do.

This is true.

you still get 0 tho

>> No.27319510

They are terrible because the angle your leg can turn to is restricted compared to your arm. Try spreading your leg imagining you're opening a door with it. Shit hurts

>> No.27319538

do you know what fractional reserve banking is, anon?
and yeah, what he said

>> No.27319719

Lmao this is why Americans will always be looked down upon by Europeans. If I saw your butt here in Belgium I’d beat the tar out of you before you can finish your degenerate pig speech.

>> No.27319785

you missed a (((me))) in the first line

>> No.27319806

not necessarily a business idea but a good way to make money at a bar or a circus or something:
bet somebody $100 that you can make your lap disappear (you must be seated for this to work). they will accept the bet because fuck me, how is this guy gonna make his goddamn lap disappear? easy money, right? that's when you stand up, and now your lap is gone and has been replaced with a simple set of thighs. if they don't want to pay you ask them if they've ever heard of someone sitting on someone's lap while standing and they will recognize your logical superiority and be forced to concede. repeat as many times as necessary.

>> No.27319899


>> No.27319971

I know Brazilians because I wrestle with them. bet I'd kick your ass, Yuropoor

>> No.27320168

>buy knee pads
>suck dick at $1 a pop

>> No.27320281

I have an ancestry that traces back multiple millennia. There was even a point in time where my family would look down or even ostracize members for mingling with slavs or brits.

Unlike the Americans who fuck anything with an ass and then leave their wives after they bloat from kids, to go fuck ladyboys in Thailand. Americans are no different than Australians in my eyes. Also I’m quite the avid boxer.

>> No.27320413

Source: Trust me bro

>> No.27320472


>> No.27320621

That’s the opposite thing. It keeps the door closed.

>> No.27320633

Yeah think about all the lazy whore golddiggers who don't want to work a day in their life and all the desperate incels and simps who would literally empty their wallets just to touch a titty. Basically I will gather both and let the whores fuck the incels for money and I will just skim a bit off the top. Ezpz. Can't believe nobody tried this before.

>> No.27320830

If you do try to start a business remember to keep in mind that you live in a post COVID world with $15 min wage. Already have a friend shitting himself because he will not be able to afford to pay his 4 serfs anything more than $8.05