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27306820 No.27306820 [Reply] [Original]

Working is gay. How much money do I need to be able to invest in index funds and live off of passive income without having to work?
How often should you expect to collect gains from the index/sell ETF's? What percent of your savings should be reinvested into the index/ETF's if you're not working?

>> No.27306946

get your fat ass up

>> No.27306996

Nah, working is gay.

>> No.27307035

Get a job you enjoy with a reasonable enough income to keep IRS off your back

>> No.27307221

Why would the IRS be on my back if I'm making money? I don't want to work.

>> No.27308912


>> No.27308987

probably 30-50k
less if you're retarded

>> No.27309001

all in GRT then retire in 3 years

>> No.27309040

>How much money do I need to be able to invest in index funds and live off of passive income without having to work?
$10M minimum
Only people accustomed to poverty can be comfortable on less than $1M of spending money a year.

>> No.27309143

A decent sized portfolio will make life easier if you are frugal, but it takes a lot to live off just your portfolio

>> No.27309258

Take what you are comfortable living on for a year, and multiply by about 35 and that's how much you should have invested

>> No.27309303

there is an annuity formula that lets you compute the amount of money X you need to withdraw Y dollars for N with interest rate assumptions. you need to do this formula and realize in a bad year you can get double fucked so do sensitivity analysis on the interest rate as well.
the not working shit is retarded because at some point no one will pay you, make a business that you enjoy that covers minimal expenses

>> No.27309311

>Only people accustomed to poverty can be comfortable

I spent my entire 20s as a WoW playing neet with $0 using mommy’s credit card to pay for the subscription.

I finally got on neetbux and I feel like a richfag on just $12k/year.

>> No.27309359

It's not how you think. You'd need at least a couple millions dollars since the returns are really small. Like 10% on a full year. If you learn to day trade you could make like 30% on a single day but is much more risky and while you learn you'll lose money.

>> No.27309443

you sound fat and gay, the perfect addition to the SURF whirlpool. I recommend staking at least 0.1%, right now that’s about $3500 I think

>> No.27309510

what are you doing with 1m a year? do you consider reinvesting as using "spending money?"

>> No.27309673


>> No.27309753

I bascially live like I'm poor right now, but I figured $10M is around the ballpark in which I'd retire.
Those numbers aren't too bad.
I'm not fat but I had this friend in high school who thought I was gay.

>> No.27309805

>not going on unemployment and then use all your neetbux on shitcoins
ngmi plebs

>> No.27309917

wouldnt it be easier to live off dividends or are those better olled back into investments

>> No.27309927

well SURF will accept you anyway. it’s designed to give passive income for no effort which sounds like what you want. big announcements tomorrow as well

>> No.27309959

If you work you die

>> No.27310133

Tongue my anus harder, daddy.

>> No.27310618

Shit's pretty simple. Stay with your parents and save as much as you can.

With around 300k in liquid cash you could be getting returns that even surpass a minimum wage. Just put it in a diversified portfolio of dividend focused ETFs like DIV/SDIV etc. and you'll be making a low risk monthly return with an annual projected growth of around 6.5% (based on past data of mroe than 10 years).

Now, how do you get 300k you ask? Inheritance is a good way to start off. Save as much as you can. Living with your parent's isn't a bad choice. If you inherit any property see how much you could get from renting it. If the cash value from selling could earn you more then you should maybe consider that.

>> No.27310649
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This is unironically true and no one talks about this enough.
>24 hours in a day
>spend at least 9 hours sleeping
>spend another 9 making someone else money
6/24 is left to live your life, or about 25%.
If your adult life begins around 20 and you live a full life of about 80, then it spans 60 years in which you only spend 15 doing anything you actually enjoy.
Wagies work for a life in which only 15 years are truly yours. Also don't say some shit about weekends, wagies use weekends to supplement sleep and do everything else they don't get to do during the week.

>> No.27311061
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thank you for your service

>> No.27311111

Not to speak about time spent on work related activities that are uncompensated. Most people buy and drive a car mostly because they want to go to work and for no other reason. Then you have to fix it, service it, insure it...

Then you also have to insure yourself.

You also have to maintain a residence near your work place.

You have to also fill your taxes and pay them just because you work.

Spend time learning stuff about your job so you have to perform better at it...

>> No.27311255
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what server?

>> No.27312921

$10 Million

You could make 3-8% in index funds. But if you want to stay ahead of inflation, you can't use up all your returns for living expenses. You don't want to end up wagecucking again when you're old.

Also don't forget you want to buy a house. That leaves you with only 8-9 Million to put in the market.

Ideally you want to be able to live off dividends only. $SPY dividends = 1.52% right now. That's barely over $100k a year which should be enough to live on without having to sell shares.